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Professional Competency Assessment

Amanda R. Herrick

Western Michigan University


Professional Competency Assessment

Competency Reflection & Ranking

Advising & Supporting

Rank Desired Justification
Interpersonal Skills 3 4 I sometimes fall short in limiting my world
Professional 2 4 view. I often do not seek opportunities to
Development increase my knowledge. I am good at
Group Dynamics 3 4 establishing rapport with people, but not great at
Partnering with Others 3 4 it. I am an introvert and sometimes speaking
Conflict & Crisis 3 4 with new people makes me uncomfortable. I am
Situations a great problem solver but not the best in a crisis

Assessment, Evaluation, & Research

Rank Desired Justification
Terms & Concepts 1 4 I have a lot of growing to do in this area.
Values/Ethics/Politics 1 4 Terminology is really new to me and I also
AER Design 1 4 don’t know much about AER procedures.
Methodology, Data 1 4
Collection, & Data
Interpreting, Reporting, 1 4
& Using Results

Law, Policy, & Governance

Rank Desired Justification
Laws & Legal Systems 3 4 I know many of the US laws, but as a new
Governance 2 4 Michigan resident, I don’t know the state and
Ethical & Inclusive 3 4 local ones. I also need to look at the policies
Application of Policy here at Western.
Civic Engagement 3 4

Rank Desired Justification
Foundational & 2 4 I can identify my strengths and weaknesses, but
Theoretical Principles leadership is new for me. I am good at building
Self-Awareness & 3 4 relationships across differences. While I know
Continual Reflection how campus culture affects the work we do, I
Teamwork & 1 4 am still learning about Western’s culture.
Interpersonal Skills
Change Management & 3 4

Organizational & Human Resources

Rank Desired Justification
Assessment, Advocacy, 3 4 I am good at speaking with various groups. I am
& Networking also a good motivator. I try to provide feedback
Skill Development 3 4 I a timely manner. However, I don’t know much
Hiring & Staffing 1 4 about the hiring process. I have supervised but
Supervision, 2 4 never done any of the hiring. I don’t know much
Communication, & about risk and liability. I am responsible when it
Conflict Resolution comes to university resources and know how to
Crisis & Risk 1 4 use facilities management procedures. I am
Management great with anything technological.
Resource Management, 3 4
Stewardship, &
Technology 4 4

Personal & Ethical Foundations

Rank Desired Justification
Wellness & Healthy 1 4 I am not the best at wellness and healthy living.
Living I have the knowledge, just usually not the
Ethical Codes & 3 4 motivation to make change. I have a strong
Professional Standards ethical code and try to uphold high professional
Self-Assessment & 3 4 standards.

Social Justice & Inclusion

Rank Desired Justification
Understanding of Self & 4 4 I am incredibly passionate about social justice
Navigating Systems of and inclusion. I readily identify systems of
Power power that put vulnerable students at risk. I am
Critical Assessment & 2 4 working on participating in activities to help me
Self-Directed Learning better understand oppression and privilege.
Engaging in Socially- 3 4 While I do advocate for change, I am not always
Just Practice as loud as I want to be.
Organizational Systemic 3 4

Student Learning & Development

Rank Desired Justification
Understanding Theory 1 4 I am new to theory. I also don’t know how to
Design & Application 1 4 design and utilize learning goals.
Assessment & 1 4

Rank Desired Justification
Technical Tools & 4 4 I a great with technology. I try to keep up with
Software the rapid changes in technology and can
Data Use & Compliance 3 troubleshoot most issues. I also comply with
Digital Identity & 3 4 technology laws and keep all information
Citizenship confidential. I don’t know a lot about online
Online Learning 2 learning from a professional standpoint; only
Environments from a student one.

Values, Philosophy, & History

Rank Desired Justification
Historical Foundations 2 4 I am once again a bit ignorant of theory but I do
Theoretical Foundations 1 4 have a basic understanding of the historical
Societal/Cultural 2 4 foundations of higher education. I also
Context understand the social and cultural issues
Professional Service 2 4 affecting higher education. I am engaged both
Campus & Civic 3 4 on campus and in the community and strive to
Engagement provide professional service.


The big thing that stood out to me during this assessment process is that I have some

glaring deficiencies in my skills in regards to assessment, evaluation, and research. I haven’t had

to do any assessment or evaluation before and am a bit in the dark about it. I am also deficient in

anything to do with theory. I haven’t studied any theory before now. This is a blatant issue that I

am currently addressing through the program here at Western. I also am working on being more

collaborative. Teamwork has always been a struggle for me and I do have a tendency to have that

perfectionist belief that if you want something done right, you need to do it yourself. I am

working on this and am learning to work well with others. I also am an introvert and get

uncomfortable speaking and working with new people. I sometimes really have to push myself to

engage with people.

I am great at anything that has to do with technology. Technology changes at an

incredibly rapid pace and I try to keep up with the latest information. I know that technology is

the thing that can make our jobs much easier. Various technological advancements allow us to be

more effective and save us time. I incorporate technological tools into my work often. I also

make sure to follow all technological protocols to keep digital information secure and

confidential. I also am very aware of my digital identity.

This assessment was very helpful. I want to be the best higher education professional I

can be and the key to that is to shore up any weaknesses and understand any strengths. I have

several glaring deficiencies that I now know are major issues. I have taken note of them and I

will be working on them both in this program and in my personal time.

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