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The legend of Our Lady of the Nativity

Henrique Henriques de Noronha reports in his «Secular and ecclesiastical memories»,

the Legend of Our Lady of the Nativity of Faial:

«One of the most celebrated ancient romes of this Diocese, was that of N. S. of Faial,
or of the Nativity, whose name gave it the site, where its church, now parochial, is founded
between two streams covered with great beeches.

It says the ancient tradition, that appeared the image of the lady, the same as today
(then) worships in that place, and both by this prayer, and by the wonders, which was once so
frequented by the votes of the entire island, which by its day, on 8 September , and by its
Oitavário I was competing innumerable people, of ten or twelve leagues more neighbouring,
with great parties, and dances, and a great feast of all the edible food to which they joined
the passing of 8000 souls».

It was like Faial, place of competition annual pilgrimage, where the people of Madeira
gathered to honor the Virgin that there one day manifested, as did the good Jesus of Ponta
Delgada, which attracted to the north of the island, not only innumerable settlers who settled
there, as well as an avalanche of pilgrims that, annually, will protect their holy protectors.
The Well of the Green cauldron in Santana, at 1221 meters of quota, has also its legend
identical to that of the others in old and ingrained traditions. Or not neighboring, half-walls,
with the cauldron of hell, in the same zone and altitude, separated fifteen minutes from each
other, with the suggestion of superstitions and harms against everyone. This is read in «Islands
of Zargo», page. 198, 1st volume.

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