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. ..,- .
[kcnva'seiJan] n' , ', "
[kast] v. xourrarx (P" /.
pa3roBopr xoaaepsauNja * In conYer- p.p. , :.,) - How much did You
sation we use everYdaY words" pay for this loveiY Pen? * Oh, it
didn't cost rnucll.
, r . [kuk] Y. KYEar!{ The new
- cooks verY , . .' , ['koslju:m] n. xoernu, sloul-
. ; ::
cook in this restaurant
ma She lc,oked very nice in
well. -
nationa! costume. When they claneed
, ,, ,: [kuk] n' xYeaP, KYEaPxrqa - MY national dances" rh.ey had their :ra-
mother is a beiter eook than mY tional costumes on.
si ster. ,,. .,, ['kauzi] cdi. mpnja:rau' ronao lI

. : .t.! ,.,:, .," ,'.. :, ['kapewe:ks] ru' ra- yAo6au After the irard walk I
CoPPerworks is a
found a cosY armchair and rested'
JbaoH[ua 6axPa
-coPPer is made' Se-
faetory where i' : t": -: :;:,. ;; ['kctid5] rr. Eeyhrula, rconru6a,
vojno is a copPerworks in the re- JIeTIIHKoBaII A cottage is a srnall
public of Serbia' -
house in the countrY.
.:.: [ka:n] n. 3PlIo; xllror nru€HrlE* , 'r , ['kctn] n. Ealltrui( * This
like the freld of Yellow corn in
-thatI picture. dress is made of cottoli.

['kctn u'u:l] n. aara

.: ,.':;,,,': ['ka:na] n. yrao, xyr - The- Take some cclton'*'oo! vhen You
-travel. lt's a1*aY's rerY usefui'
re are four corncrs in our rcom'
. .,":-:.. i.-,
[kcrrs'pcnd] ],. Kcpe-
, . ,'. '"' , ikaut-fi r. ;rexaj, r:ayr - I iike
efloH"EHparII (nlcueuo), nxcars nxcMa
to sleeP in a bed, bur I iikc to rest
I'm corresPonding *iih a fiiend on a couch in the afternoon.
-in England; We wrile to each cther diji,i,il.i [kaf] u" I{aEurbar!{ -- hfary
once a month. had a cold and sile was coughing
2. ogroraParx, 6urx c,:.Hqan - Which a lot"
English rnark corresPonds to our
best mark? .) [kaf] n. KaIuarL - I have a
bad cough, Doetor! - said MarY"
i,tr' - ',',,, ,,
['.karida]i. xoglrmx*His
room was at the end of the long r:--l:..,a',-i [kaunt] r. 6pojarx - Did
corridor. you count the PuPils in Your class?
-boysYes, I did. I counted both the
,.-li-i3 lCO lx A.i,,'i [kczmo' nc:t] n' xocuo- and the girls.
uayr Do
you remem- couNTER f'kaunte] n. re3rar llynr -
ber the name
The shop assistant stood behind the
of the first counter; he was showing some gloves
to a ladY.

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