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Scavenger Hunt Summer 2015

Team name: _____________________________

Team leader: _____________________________

Team members:

 _________________
 _________________
 _________________
 _________________
 _________________
 _________________

Before you start:

The following list includes certain challenges that may be uncomfortable for some team members. If there is one person
who doesn’t feel secure about the challenge, YOU MUST NOT force that person to participate; and as good friends (since
this game is primarily to create stronger friendship bonds), the team may choose another challenge that makes ALL
team members happy (or at least gives them a good laugh!).


 Challenges involving kids must be consulted previously with his/her parents.

 Strangers can be dangerous, as it has been always. Be really careful with whom you choose to participate in
the challenge… Always ask for permission if you’re going to take a photo.
 If you have to cross an avenue/street, always look on both sides before crossing!
 Be respectful to strangers.
 Don’t do anything that would make your mom mad, please.
 Probity should be applied to your whole life, not only to TdM. This is, NO CHEATING!

Now, respecting to the list itself:

You’ll have to write a checkmark on each of the challenges completed. In the lines provided below, you may write the
number of challenges you have completed (this to make a recount of points at the end).

All evidence must be brought back to the meeting point at the exact hour that was accorded, if not, the whole team will
be disqualified.

Meeting point: ___________________________________________________________________________

Accorded hour: _____________ (15 minutes of tolerance)

Sara and your leader’s cellphone should be given before starting the hunt; in case of any trouble call them. Each
participant should have a way to communicate to at least 3 persons from the group. Have fun! ☺
You’ll have to choose at least 3 of these (__/9).

1 point (__/2)

 A restaurant napkin

 A bag full of as much trash you can pick up (can't take from trash cans!)

2 points (__/3)

 A copy of the front page of the local newspaper (can't buy the newspaper! You’ll have to search
for it on the ground or something)

 A "buy one, get one free" (2x1) coupon

 At least 5 pesos worth of money found on the floor

3 points (__/3)

 A disposable toilet seat cover

 A family recipe from a stranger written in any paper

 A stranger's autograph (extra points if his/her name is "Jordan")

4 points (__/1)

 Catch a bus from and bring back the ticket (of course, you’ll have to ask the bus driver to stop a
few meters from where you took it)

You’ll have to choose at least 6 of these (__/20).

1 point (__/6)

 Entire team in the dark with flashlights (or a camera’s flash) at their faces

 Entire team's reflection in something other than a mirror

 One of the members of the team standing in front of (or sitting on) a statue or monument

 Entire team on a slide (one in front of the other)

 Graffiti in a washroom

 Entire team in a phone booth

2 points (__/5)

 Entire team jumping (everyone must be in mid-air for the picture to count)

 Someone who is at least 85 years old (he/she has to LOOK like 85 years old!)

 One teammate jumping off of a swing (he/she must be in mid-air in the photograph)

 The entire team on a tree

 Entire team "I can't believe we all fit in here!" (This means, to take a picture somewhere
reeaaaally small. 1 extra point for the most creative...)

3 points (__/4)

 Entire team sitting with an unknown family at a restaurant (1 extra point for each two persons in
the picture who are smiling—not including the team, of course)

 Entire team on a spiral staircase

 A team member hugging a stranger

 Entire team standing right next to a Harley Davidson (1 extra point if biker smiles to the photo)

 Entire team with a quinceañera (with a big dress) or a couple dressed to marry.

4 points (__/6)

 Entire team with someone famous (1 extra point if it's someone famous that none of the
teammates personally know)

 Entire team standing by a red convertible car (1 extra point if everyone is sitting in the
convertible car with the car's owner)

 A teammate pumping gas in a stranger's car

 A member of your group handcuffed to a police officer

 A team-member delivering a meal to a stranger in a restaurant

 One or more members of a team standing under a public clock at 6:30 p.m.

You’ll have to choose at least 10 of these (__/28).

1 point (__/3)

 A little kid singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"

 The whole team sings a famous song from a famous movie while standing in front of the

 Ask a stranger for change of a $200 pesos bill (at least) in coins of 10 pesos (3 extra points if
that person actually gives you the change)

2 points (__/5)

 A man with a beard shaking hands with someone on your team

 Entire team needs to stage a Kung-Fu battle on the sidewalk outside a hotel

 A teammate walking the dog of someone you all don't know

 The whole team doing the Macarena dance together in a public place (with people, obviously —
they don’t necessarily need to look)

 Have three strangers tell a funny joke

3 points (__/6)

 Get a policeman/women to sing your country's national anthem (at least the chorus)

 At least two teammates hanging upside down on the monkey bars singing the "Pledge of
Allegiance" to the tune of a Beatles song (Bandera, bandera de México…)

 A team member spontaneously interviewing 3 strangers: ask "what is your conception of God?”

 An unknown couple telling the story of how they met

 Someone on your team getting a drink from a water fountain while someone else is riding
piggyback on their back

 Buy a pack of cookies with cents only (“Nada más traigo de a 50 centavos”)

4 points (__/14)

 A team-member break dancing in the middle of a place with many people (at least 3 people
looking at him/her)

 A team member should sit à côté de one stranger and start talking French to him/her for at least
10 seconds.

 A teammate asking a stranger if they can marry them (1 extra point if the stranger says "Yes")

 Do a dramatic earthquake scene in a public place (1 extra point if on the video the scene really
looks like an earthquake)

 Any of the teammates doing a performance skit (could be anything - juggling, dancing, singing,
etc.) in the middle of a very crowded street (extra points if someone gives money at the end of
the skit) OR Several members of the team joining a street entertainer in his/her act
 Convince a stranger to let you taste their food

 A team member reciting a love poem to a stranger (extra points if it's in a Shakespearian way)

 Conduct an aerobics class at the park publicly for at least 2 minutes straight

 Going through a fast food drive-thru with one person carrying another piggyback making car
sounds (don't forget to order something even if it's just a drink)

 One teammate does a dance in front of a stranger, then ask the stranger to score him/her on a
scale from 1 to 10 (extra points if he/she gets a score of 1 or 10 - without telling the stranger
what score to give)

 In public, a teammate puts a tiara or crown on their head and says "Hello, I'm the Queen of
England" in an English accent

 A member of the team singing a 70s song on a stage

 Your whole team humming the Mission Impossible song while everyone acts like a spy going
front to back in a store

 The whole team singing a song while in a restaurant (1 extra point for each stranger singing
with you)

The following questions are for extra points. Each one is worth 1 point. (__/5)

 How many white walls does the “Centro de las Artes” (the one that has a theatre) have?

 How much does a Tostitos bag cost…

o With cheese? ________

o Plain? ________

 Around how many meters does the crystal bridge measure? ___________

 How many years does the casher at Cintermex’s OXXO have? _______

 Take a picture of the place where this object is (the photo must include this object and its

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