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Subject Code : Artificial Intelligence L, T, P, J, C

3, 0, 0, 4, 4

Preamble The course deals with the specification and design of intelligent
(autonomous) systems and prepares the student to identify the
appropriate representation and reasoning mechanism to implement it.

Objectives The objective of this course is to

 Familiarize students with Artificial Intelligence principles and

 Introduce the facts and concepts of cognitive science by
computational model and their applications
 Explore problem-solving paradigms, search methodologies and
learning algorithms

Expected Outcome After successfully completing the course the student should be able to

1. apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to

the discipline
2. analyze a problem, identify and define the computing
requirements appropriate to its solution
3. to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system,
process, component, or program to meet desired needs
4. design efficient algorithm to achieve optimized solution in
complex situation
5. apply heuristic methodologies in state-space problems
6. characterize various ways to represent the environmental
knowledge and to infer from it
7. design the adaptive mechanism in case of uncertainty
8. implement learning algorithms to apply and resolve in real
world problems

SLOs 1,2,5,7,17
Module Topics L hours SLO
1 Artificial Intelligence and its Issues 9 2
Definitions - Importance of AI, Evolution of AI -
Applications of AI, Classification of AI systems with
respect to environment, Knowledge Inferring systems
and Planning, Uncertainty and towards Learning Systems

2 Overview to Problem Solving 5 1,17

Problem solving by Search, Problem space - State space,
Blind Search - Types, Performance measurement

3 Heuristic Search 4 1, 17
Types, Game playing – mini-max algorithm, Alpha-Beta
4 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 7 7

Logical systems – Knowledge Based systems,

Propositional Logic – Constraints, Predicate Logic – First
Order Logic, Inference in First Order Logic, Ontological
Representations and applications

5 Uncertainty and knowledge Reasoning 7 1,5,7

Overview – Definition of uncertainty, Bayes Rule –

Inference, Belief Network, Utility Based System, Decision

6 Learning Systems 4 7

Forms of Learning – Types - Supervised, unsupervised,

reinforcement learning, Learning Decision Trees
7 Expert Systems 7 1, 5, 17

Expert Systems‐ Stages in the development of an Expert

Systems‐ Probability based Expert Systems‐Expert
System Tools‐Difficulties in Developing Expert Systems‐
Applications of Expert Systems

8 Recent Trends 2

Project (clear explanation in an elaborated manner) 60 (Non 5,6,14,17,18

Generally a team project [3 to 4 members]. The project should Contact
cover some of the following (tentative domains). i.e., hours)

 A machine learning approach in financial markets

 Background Analysis and Design of an Agent-Based
Operating System
 Intelligent Tourist Information System
 Classification of objects in images based on various object
 Visual Semantic Web Ontology based E-learning
management system
 Controlling a Robot Hand in Simulation and Reality
 Face Detection by Image Discriminating
 An intelligent mobile robot navigation technique using RFID
 Library Robot – Path Guiding Robotic System with AI using
 Wireless AI Based Fire Fighting Robot for Relief Operations

Assessment is based on 3 reviews.

Text Books (overall syllabus covered)

1. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach, Prentice
Hall, 3rd edition, 2011.
2. D. Poole and A. Mackworth. Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents,
Cambridge University Press, 2010


3. Elaine Ric, Kevin Knight and Shiv Shankar B. Nair, Artificial Intelligence, 3rd edition,
Tata McGraw Hill, 2009.
4. George F. Luger, “Artificial Intelligence-Structures and Strategies for Complex
Problem Solving”, 6th edition, Pearson, 2008.
5. R. Brachman, H. Levesque. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Morgan Kaufmann,
6. E. Alpaydin. Introduction to Machine Learning. MIT Press, 2nd edition, 2010
7. R. S. Sutton and A. G. Barto. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. MIT Press, 1998
8. N.P.Padhy: Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems, Oxford University Press, 2009.

Mode of Evaluation:

Project review/evaluation, Tests, Assignments, Seminars

Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge Areas that contain topics and learning outcomes covered in the course

Knowledge Area Total Hours of Coverage

CS: IS (Intelligent Systems) 45 (split up)

CE: HCI4 (if Computer Engineering

Body of Knowledge coverage

[List the Knowledge Units covered in whole or in part in the course. If in part, please
indicate which topics and/or learning outcomes are covered. For those not covered, you
might want to indicate whether they are covered in another course or not covered in your
curriculum at all. This section will likely be the most time-consuming to complete, but is the
most valuable for educators planning to adopt the CS2013 guidelines.]
KA Knowledge Unit Topics Covered Hours

IS IS/Fundamental Overview of AI and its challenges 9

Issues Examples of recent AI applications,
Intelligent behaviour - The Turing test
Rational versus non-rational reasoning
Nature of environments
 Fully versus partially observable
 Single versus multi-agent
 Deterministic versus stochastic
 Static versus dynamic
 Discrete versus continuous
Nature of agents
 Autonomous versus semi-autonomous
 Reflexive,
 goal-based,
 utility-based
The importance of perception and environmental
Major issues
 Knowledge Inferring systems
 Planning,
 Uncertainty
 Towards Learning Systems
IS IS/Basic Search Problem spaces (states, goals and operators), 5
Strategies problem solving by search
Uninformed search (breadth-first, depth-first,
depth-first with iterative deepening)
Heuristics and informed search (hill-climbing,
generic best-first, A*)
Space and time efficiency of search
Two-player games (Introduction to minimax
IS IS/Basic Knowledge Review of propositional and predicate logic 4
Representation and propositional logic
Reasoning First Order Logic resolution
Review of probabilistic reasoning,
Bayes theorem,
inference by enumeration
Review of basic probability (cross-reference
DS/Discrete Probability)
Random variables and probability distributions
Axioms of probability
Probabilistic inference
Bayes’ Rule
IS IS/Advanced Ontological Engineering, 3
Representation and Representations,
Reasoning Semantic networks
IS IS/Advanced search Constructing search trees 4
Stochastic search
Simulated annealing
Minimax Search, Alpha-beta pruning

IS IS/Reasoning Under Conditional Independence 7

Uncertainty Bayesian networks
Exact inference (Variable elimination)
Approximate Inference (basic Monte Carlo)
IS IS/Basic Machine Forms of Learning, Decision Trees, 4
Learning Statistical-Based Learning such as Naïve Bayesian
IS IS/Expert Systems Stages in development of Expert Systems, 7
Probability Based, Tools, Difficulties and
Challenges in building expert systems,
Applications of Expert Systems: Artificial Neural
network, clustering analysis

Where does the course fit in the curriculum?

This course is an elective course and suitable from sixth semester onwards. Data Structures
and Algorithms, Predicate Calculus and Probability theory are the pre-requisites for this

What is covered in the course?

 INTRODUCTION TO AI. Fundamental concepts. Main research areas and application


 PROBLEM SOLVING AND SEARCH. State spaces and search methods. Non-informed
and informed search strategies. Constraint satisfaction problems. Games and
adversarial search. uninformed, informed search, search for optimization (hill
climbing, simulated annealing, genetic algorithms), adversarial search (minimax,
game trees)

 LOGICAL REPRESENTATION AND REASONING. The use of propositional and first

order logic for the representation of knowledge. inference complexity, unification
and resolution, Knowledge-based reasoning as logical deduction. Inference
procedures (forward chaining, backward chaining, resolution).

 PROBABILISTIC REASONING. Axioms of probability, basic statistics (expectation and

variance), inference by enumeration, Baye’s rule.


Representations ,Semantic networks

 ADVANCED SEARCH METHODOLGIES. Constructing search trees, Stochastic search

Simulated annealing, Minimax Search, Alpha-beta pruning
 DECISION UNDER UNCERTAINITY. Conditional Independence, Bayesian networks
Exact inference (Variable elimination), Approximate Inference (basic Monte Carlo)

 EXPERT SYSTEMS. Stages in development of Expert Systems, Probability Based,

Tools, Difficulties and Challenges in building expert systems, Applications of Expert
Systems: Artificial Neural network, clustering analysis

What is the format of the course?

[Is it face to face, online or blended? How many contact hours? Does it have lectures, lab
sessions, discussion classes?]
This course is designed for face to face interaction with 150 minutes of in-classroom sessions
per week as well as 200 minutes of non-contact time spent on implementing course related
project. Generally this course should have the combination of lectures, in-class discussion,
case studies, guest-lectures, mandatory off-class reading material, quizzes.

How are students assessed?

[What type, and number, of assignments are students are expected to do? (papers, problem
sets, programming projects, etc.). How long do you expect students to spend on completing
assessed work?]

 Students are assessed on a combination group activities, classroom discussion,

projects, and continuous, final assessment tests.
 Additional weightage will be given based on their rank in crowd sourced projects/
Kaggle like competitions.
 Students can earn additional weightage based on certificate of completion of a related
MOOC course.

Session wise plan

Sl. Topic Covered Class levels of Reference Remarks

No Hour mastery Book
1 Formal quadratic definitions 3 Familiarity 1 (Chap 1)
of AI - Importance of AI,
Evolution of AI - Applications
of AI
2 Classification of AI systems 2 Familiarity 1 (Chap 2),
with respect to environment 2 (Chap 2)
3 Brief overview of Knowledge 2 Familiarity 1(Chap10),
Inferring systems and 2(Chap 8),
Planning 3(Chap13)
4 Brief overview of dealing with 2 Familiarity 1(Chap13),
Uncertainty and towards 2(Chap 6),
Learning Systems 3(Chap 7),
4(Chap 9)
5 Problem solving by Search, 1 Familiarity 1(Chap 3)
Problem space - State space,
6 Types of Blind Search – DFS, 4 Usage 1(Chap 3),
BFS, IDS, Performance 2(Chap 3),
measurement 3(Chap 2),
4(Chap 3)
7 Heuristics Search and it’s 2 Assessment 1 (Chap 3)
8 Game playing – mini-max 2 Usage 1 (Chap 5)
algorithm, Alpha-Beta Pruning
9 To design a heuristic Assessment Project
algorithm for real time Component
problems (15 hours)
10 Logical systems – Knowledge 2 Familiarity 1(Chap 5),
Based systems, Propositional 5(Chap 1)
11 Constraints of Propositional 3 Usage 1(Chap 8),
Logic, Predicate Logic – First 5 (Chap 2)
Order Logic

12 Inference in First Order Logic 3 Usage 1(Chap 9)

by Modus Ponens and
Resolution Refutation
13 Ontological Representations 1 Assessment 1(Chap 12),
and applications 2(Chap13),
3(Chap 11)
14 To implement a data model Assessment Project
using ontology Component
(15 hours)
15 Overview, definition of 2 Familiarity 1(Chap13),
Uncertainty and Bayes’ Rule 2(Chap 9),
3(Chap 8)
16 Inference using Bayes Rule 2 Usage 1(Chap 14),
17 Reasoning under Uncertainty - 2 Usage 1(Chap 14)
Belief Network

18 Utility Based System, Decision 3 Assessment 1(Chap 16)

19 To develop an Expert System Assessment Project
using Bayes model Component
(15 hours)
20 Overview of types of learning- 2 Familiarity 1(Chap 18)
Supervised, Reinforcement,
21 Learning using Decision 2 Usage 6(Chap 9)
Support Trees
22 Expert Systems, stages and 4 Familiarity 8(Chap 6)
development, Probability
Based Expert Systems, Tools,
Difficulties and Challenges in
building expert systems

23 Applications of Expert 3 Familiarity 8(Chap 6, 8)

Systems: Artificial Neural
network, clustering analysis
24 To design a NLP/Fuzzy logic Assessment Project
system for contemporary Component
problems (15 hours)
Total hours covered 45 60 (Project)

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