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How to install & setup a working Apache Php Sql Server Page 1 of 9

Below are basic instructions which should get you an Apache Web Server up and
running, which supports PHP and MySQL.

The versions of software that I used for the following instructions are:-

z Apache:- 2.2.3 Win 32 Binary with SSL [4.6Mb]

z My SQL:- Windows (x86) ZIP/Setup.EXE 5.0.27 [40.3M]

z PHP:- PHP5.2.0 zip package [8,919Kb] - 4 May 2006

z Microsoft C++ 2005 Redistributable SP1

First of all, download MySql from Open the ZIP file and
extract SETUP.EXE, then double-click it to install.

z Select CUSTOM install the path to d:\mysql5027

z Select all options
z Skip Signup
z ; Configure now
z Standard config ; Install as Windows Service -->name "MySql5"
z ; Include Bin directory in path
z ; Launch MySql Automatically

z Enter a password
z ; Enable root access from remote machines

If an error message appears click "Retry"

Open Notepad and type the following and save it in the root of C:\ as my.cnf


You only need to enter the following if you didn't select to Launch MySql

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How to install & setup a working Apache Php Sql Server Page 2 of 9


z Open the COMMAND PROMPT and enter the following commands:-

mysqld-nt --install
net start mysql5

Download the file from
Once downloaded, double-click to open the file in WinZIP.

Extract the contents of the ZIP file to the folder d:\apache2

Open the httpd.conf (d:\apache2\conf) file into Notepad. You will need to change some
entries as below:-

ServerRoot "d:/Apache2"

Listen 80

DocumentRoot "d:/Apache2/htdocs"

<Directory "d:/Apache2/htdocs">

DirectoryIndex index.htm index.php

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "d:/Apache2/cgi-bin/"

<Directory "d:/Apache2/cgi-bin">

Then add the following lines to the END of the conf file.


LoadModule php5_module "d:/php520/php5apache2_2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .inc
PHPIniDir "d:/php520"


You may want to create some shortcuts



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With this version of Apache, you will need to download and install the Microsoft C++
Redistributable SP1 from Apache Lounge:

Download the file from Once downloaded, extract the contents to d:\php520

z Rename php.ini-dist file in the d:\php520 directory to php.ini and open it in


z Change the line ;extension_dir="./" to extension_dir="d:\php520\ext"

z Uncomment the line ;extension=php_mysql.dll

z Uncomment the line ;session.save_path="N;/path" and change it to


z Go to the System Properties Page (through Control Panel)

z Click the Advanced Tab

z Click on the button Environment Variables

z Under the System Variable section click on NEW

z Enter under Variable Name: PHPRC

Enter under Variable Value: d:\php520

z in the Variable Name section, find the entry for PATH and add the following to the end
of the line:-

; d:\php520

z Restart Windows

Now open a command prompt window and type:-

d: (enter)

cd apache2\bin (enter)

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httpd -k install (enter)

httpd -k start (enter)

Create a text file in notepad with the following, and then save it in your htdocs folder as


Then open your web-browser and type in the address bar http://localhost (if using
a port other than port 80 you will need to type http://localhost:port replacing the
word port with the appropriate number.

If all has gone well, you should then get a page similar to this.....

In order to setup the apache server to accept connections via a secure SSL connection
there are 4 things that need to be carried out:-

1: Change the HTTPD.CONF file to load the mod_ssl module

2: Add a second listening port to the HTTPD.CONF file

3: Setup Virtual Hosts within the HTTPD.CONF file

4: Create an Self Signed Certificate to use for testing. This can be left in place
permanently if you wish, or you can purchase one from a trusted source.

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Before we start, we need to create some new folders as below:-


Now let's address the 3 points relating to the HTTPD.CONF file. Open the file into
NOTEPAD and then:-

1: Uncomment the line (by remove the #)

#LoadModule ssl_module modules/

2: Below the existing line Listen 80 add Listen 443

3: Assuming your website's address is and the document root

is d:/Apache2/htdocs then add the following to the end of your HTTPD.CONF file

NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName www.domain.tld
ServerAlias domain.tld *.domain.tld
DocumentRoot "d:/Apache2/htdocs/80"

<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName www.domain.tld
DocumentRoot "d:/Apache2/htdocs/443"
SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile conf/ssl/domain.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/ssl/domain.key

Now save the file.

4: To create the certificate and key, copy the file openssl.cnf from d:/Apache2/conf/
to a new directory c:\openssl\ssl. Now open a DOS window and change the directory
to d:/apache2/bin folder.

type the following:-

openssl req -new -out domain.csr (enter)

You will then be asked to enter the following information (I have added examples in
black capitals):-

Enter PEM pass phrase: ABRACADABRA

Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase: ABRACADABRA
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code eg. AU) UK
State or Province Name: CHESHIRE

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Locality Name (eg, city): STALYBRIDGE

Organization Name (eg, company): PIPS UK
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section): RESEARCH
Common Name (eg, your name): PHIL STEELS
Email Address: PHIL@DOMAIN.TLD

Please enter the following 'extra' attributes to be sent with your

certificate request
A challenge password: HUMPTYDUMPTY
An optional company name: PIPSNET

openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -out domain.key (enter)

Now enter the passphrase (ABRACADABRA) you gave in the previous command.

openssl x509 -in domain.csr -out domain.crt -req -signkey domain.key -days
365 (enter)

Now copy the files to the domain.key and domain.crt from the d:/Apache2/bin folder
to the d:/Apache2/conf/ssl folder

Restart your apache server. Any files that you had in the root of d:/Apache2/htdocs
which were used to test the basic installation of apache, must now be moved into the 80
folder, as this is now the root of the unsecured web-pages. Any pages that are to be
treated as secure must be now stored in the 443 folder.

If you wish to use the domain's mentioned in this article for testing purposes, it will be
necessary to add an entry into the HOSTS file (which can be found in the
c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\ folder) just add the following text to the end of
the file:- www.domain.tld

remember to substitute with the actual IP address of the PC you are using
for hosting.

Modifications made to conf since basic installation

Since the initial install, I have added support for icons, designed my own custom error
pages, setup several virtual hosts. I will detail these below:-

add the following line into your httpd.conf file:-

Include conf/icons.conf

Click icons.conf to download my conf file. You can modify this to suit your own
applications. I also created all new icons based on the actual icons that the files are
associated with.

Virtual Hosts
I am now hosting several websites on our server using the Virtual Hosts facility within
Apache. Add the following line to your httpd.conf file:-

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Include conf/vhosts.conf

Click vhosts.conf to download my conf file.

A problem arose (which is common to all SSL modules) in that the secured domain
( works fine - but if i were to type this would automatically serve the files for domain1 - even
though I had specifically set the domains in the VirtualHost configurations!!

After much googling (unsuccessfully) Tom Donovan (from the ApacheLounge Forums)
came up with a solution for me using the RewriteEngine command. Below is the full
entry for the SSL Virtual Host:-

<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerAlias *
DocumentRoot "d:/Apache2/htdocs/443"
SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile conf/ssl/domain10.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/ssl/domain10.key

# redirect any SSL requests to hosts other than back to

non-SSL http://hostname
<IfModule rewrite_module>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !
RewriteRule .* http://%{HTTP_HOST}$0 [R=permanent]

Basically, what this command does is looks at 2 conditions which must both be fullfilled
for the rule to be executed. So, if HTTPS is used, and the domain entered does NOT
equaly then command line is re-written with http:// instead. This
doesn't stop the warning that the certificate doesn't match the website from popping up,
but in my case, I can live with that!

Custom Error Pages

I wanted to create some new customer error pages, and also to email me about any 404
pages or documents that aren't found, so I can then investigate.

Add the following line to your httpd.conf file:-

Include conf/error.conf

The contents of the errordoc.conf file is below:-

Alias /error/ "d:/Apache2/error/"

<Directory "d:/Apache2/error">
AllowOverride None
Options IncludesNoExec
AddOutputFilter Includes html
AddHandler type-map var
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
LanguagePriority en

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ForceLanguagePriority Prefer Fallback


ErrorDocument 400 /error/BAD_REQUEST.html.var

ErrorDocument 401 /error/UNAUTHORIZED.html.var
ErrorDocument 403 /error/FORBIDDEN.html.var
ErrorDocument 404 /error/404.php
ErrorDocument 405 /error/METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED.html.var
ErrorDocument 408 /error/REQUEST_TIME_OUT.html.var
ErrorDocument 410 /error/GONE.html.var
ErrorDocument 411 /error/LENGTH_REQUIRED.html.var
ErrorDocument 412 /error/PRECONDITION_FAILED.html.var
ErrorDocument 413 /error/REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE.html.var
ErrorDocument 414 /error/REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE.html.var
ErrorDocument 415 /error/UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE.html.var
ErrorDocument 500 /error/INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.html.var
ErrorDocument 501 /error/NOT_IMPLEMENTED.html.var
ErrorDocument 502 /error/BAD_GATEWAY.html.var
ErrorDocument 503 /error/SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE.html.var
ErrorDocument 506 /error/VARIANT_ALSO_VARIES.html.var

So far I have only created the 404 error page, but intend to do the others soon. The
contents of the 404 page are as follows:-

<title>Error 404 - Document Not Found</title>

<font face="verdana, helvetica, arial" size=2>

<font size=4>Error 404 - Page Not Found</font>

Sorry, the page you are looking for cannot be found at the moment.
An email has been generated and sent to the webmaster of this site to let
him know.
<hr width=500>

<font size=1>
// get environment variables from user
$ip = gethostbyname(@$REMOTE_ADDR);
$netbios = gethostbyaddr($ip);
$ip_addr = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
$agent = getenv("http_user_agent");
$name = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$domain = getenv("HTTP_HOST");
$url = getenv("SCRIPT_NAME");

$hostinfo = getenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE");
$user = getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
$from = getenv("HTTP_REFERER");
$time = getenv($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']);

// Display Server Information

//echo 'IP: <b>' . $ip_addr .' / ' . $name . '</b><br>';
echo 'Refferer Page: <b>' .$from . '</b><br>';
echo 'Domain: <b>' .$domain . '</b><br><br>';
echo '<b>' .$user . '</b><br>';

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How to install & setup a working Apache Php Sql Server Page 9 of 9

echo '<br>';

//send email with error information

$txt = "IP: " . $ip_addr ." / " . $name . "\n\n" .
"Refferer Page: " .$from . "\n\n" .
"Domain: " .$domain . "\n\n" .
"Page: " .$url . "\n\n" .
"Time: " .$time . "\n\n" .
$hostinfo . "\n\n" .
$user . "\n\n" .

$strFrom = "";

$headers = "From: $strFrom\r\n";

ini_set("SMTP", "");
ini_set("smtp_port", "25");

mail("","404 - $domain ",$txt,$headers);



Below is an example email that was sent recently to me.

IP: 81.x.x.194 /

Refferer Page: index.htm


Page: /error/404.php

Apache/2.2.3 (Win32) mod_ssl/2.2.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8d PHP/5.2.0

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; GoogleToolbar 4.0.1020.2544-big; Windows XP 5.1; MSIE 7.0.5730.11)

These instructions are ©January 2007, Phil Steels

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