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Simple future

Refers to a time after the current and expresses facts or certainties.

To predict a future event. With "I" or "we", to express a spontaneous decision. To
express willingness or willingness to do something. Negatively, to express rejection or
unwillingness to do something. With "you", to give orders.
In an interrogative form with "you", to formulate an invitation.

I will = I'll
We will = we'll
You will = you'll
He will = he'll
She will = she'll
They will = they'll
Will not = will not
The "it will" form usually does not contract.

Future continuous
The future continuous is composed of two elements: the "simple future" of the verb “to
be” + the “present participle” (verb + ing) of the main verb Subject "simple future" de
'to be' "present participle" of the main verb.

The "future continuous" refers to an unfinished action or event that will continue to
occur after the present moment. The "future continuous" is used with a considerable
variety of purposes.

The "future continuous" can be used to project us into the future.

The present continuous of any verb is composed of two parts: the present verb to be +
the present participle of the main verb.

(To form the present participle: talking, playing, moving, smiling).

As with all verbal tenses in English, the speaker's attitude is as important as the moment
in which the action or event occurs. By using the present continuous, we are referring to
something that has not ended or is incomplete.
To describe an action that is taking place at this time.
To describe a trend or an action that is happening today.
To describe a future action or event that is already scheduled.

I am going.
I am not going .
Am I going?
Futuro simple
Se refiere a un tiempo después de la corriente y expresa hechos o certezas.
Para predecir un evento futuro. Con "I" o "nosotros", para expresar una decisión
espontánea. Para expresar voluntad o voluntad de hacer algo. Negativamente, para
expresar rechazo o falta de voluntad para hacer algo. Con "usted", para dar
En forma interrogativa con "usted", para formular una invitación.

Lo haré = lo haré
Lo haremos = lo haremos
Usted = tendrá
Él lo hará = él va
Ella lo hará = ella va
Ellos lo harán = ellos lo harán
Will not = will not
La forma "será" generalmente no se contrae.

Futuro continuo
El futuro continuo se compone de dos elementos: el "futuro simple" del verbo "ser"
+ el "participio presente" (verbo + ing) del verbo principal Sujeto "futuro simple" de
'ser' "participio presente" del verbo principal

El "futuro continuo" se refiere a una acción o evento inacabado que continuará

ocurriendo después del momento presente. El "futuro continuo" se usa con una
variedad considerable de propósitos.

El "futuro continuo" puede usarse para proyectarnos hacia el futuro.

El presente continuo de cualquier verbo se compone de dos partes: el verbo

presente para ser + el participio presente del verbo principal.

( hablar, jugar, moverse, sonreír).

Como con todos los tiempos verbales en inglés, la actitud del hablante es tan
importante como el momento en que ocurre la acción o el evento. Al usar el
presente continuo, nos referimos a algo que no ha terminado o está incompleto.
Para describir una acción que está teniendo lugar en este momento.
Para describir una tendencia o una acción que está sucediendo hoy.
Para describir una acción o evento futuro que ya está programado.

Yo voy.
No voy .
¿Me voy?

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