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For completing one of english lesson task
Lecturer : Mrs. Prima Purbasari .M. Hum

Composited by :

Group A :
1. IFA KHURROTUL AINI (16660020)
2. M. IBNU ATHO’ILLAH (16660049)
3. USAMAH (16660059)
4. ISHAK MAULANA SOFI (16660114)


All Praises to Allah SWT The lord of the world, The master and the
creator for everything so we can get health as His gifts.Our peace and sallutation
always be given to our prophet Muhammmad SAW who has guided us for
darkness to the brightness, from stupidity to the cleverness, from jahiliyah era to
the islamiyah era and who had taken us from the path of ignorance to the
illuminated street it all is namely islamic religion that we loved.

In this portfolio we are the only compilers of science that we can serve,
filling the task of guiding the topic "Sentence". We realize that the limitations of
our knowledge and understanding of text description makesour limitations also
give a more detailed term about text description, therefore the criticisms and
suggestions of all the builders We always hope for the perfection of this portfolio.

Finally, we would like to thank all those who have helped in the process of
making this portfolio because it has provided material and non-material assistance
and has guided in the preparation of this paper.

1.1. Background

English is the most widely spoken language by people around the world.
Therefore English becomes an International language standard. In any country
whether it is a developing country or a developed country requires every
resident to be able to speak English fluently in order to face global
competition. To speak English fluently and correctly one must be willing to
learn it. One step to be able to speak English properly is to learn to write
sentences in English well and correctly.
Sentences and sentences fragments is part of english language. As we
know sentence is set of word that have a meaning. And there is many kind of
sentence such as simple sentence, complex sentence, and compund sentence.
By knowing sentences and sentence fragments we can write paragraph, text, or
book correctly and we can understand well what we reading about.

1.2. Formulation of Problem

1.2.1. What is sentence ?
1.2.2. What is sentence fragments ?
1.3. Written Purpose
1.3.1. To inform about sentence
1.3.2. To inform about sentence fragments

2.1. Sentence
2.1.1. Definition
Sentence is a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a
subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or
command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more
subordinate clauses. In other definition sentence a group of words which
starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop (.), question mark (?) or
exclamation mark (!). a sentence contains or implies a predicate and a
2.1.2. Type of Sentence
There is three type of sentence : simple sentence, compound sentence, and
complex sentence. Simple Sentence
A simple sentence normally contains one statement (known as a main
clause). For example:
The train should be here soon.
His father worked as a journalist. Compound Sentence
A compound sentence contains two or more clauses of equal status (or main
clauses), which are normally joined by a conjunction such as and or but. For

Joe became bored with teaching and he looked for a new career.
[main clause] [conjunction] [main clause] Complex Sentence

A complex sentence is also madeup of clauses, but in this case the
clauses are not equally balanced. They contain a main clause and one or
more subordinate clauses. For example:
The story would make headlines if it ever became public.
[main clause] [subordinate clause]
He took up the project again as soon as he felt well enough.
[main clause] [subordinate clause]

2.2. Sentence Fragments

2.2.1. Definition
Sentence fragments occur when phrases are punctuated as sentences even
though they are not actually sentences. Often we write them when we feel
we have finished expressing a thought, and then decide to add to it - but
add to it wrongly.
2.2.2. Type of Sentence Fragments
There are three types of errors which produce sentence fragments: No Subject
Example : I am tired of having to remind her to do things. Tired of
having to ask her to help. The statement in bold does not have subject we
do not know who tired having to ask her to help No Verb
Example : On that warm summer evening there were parents out walking
with their children. People playing baseball at the park. Here, the
statement in bold does not contain a verb. Looked at by itself, we do not
know what is being said about the people playing baseball at the park. A dependent clause without an independent clause
Example I was late for class and missed the exam. Because the bus was
slow. The bold phrase is a dependent clause; it provides additional
information about the independent clause. If we look at this statement by
itself, there is no independent clause so we do not know the significance of
the slow bus.
2.3. Text Analysis

Slanted House / Budi Pradono Architects

SUMMARY : Slanted House is often considered as a form of reaction againts the

mainstream mediterranian style architecture often favoured in luxurious home in

This small house is located on 8mx20m lot in Pondok Indah district.

Although part of a gated community, this building islocated on the edge of small
river, with indigeneous (urban) village settlementsright across the river. Pondok
Indah in South Jakarta is a residential area/gated community which is indeed
successfully built in the 80’s. Since then until this moment, Pondok Indah ibeing a
symbolic status. Some of the most successful parliament member in Jakarta as
well as some celebrities who come from other regions feel like it is a must to have
a house in this area. These symbols of success, aside from where it is located,
generally showed by its architecture language. For instance, some structural
columns which similar as it is in Italy or France – with its artificial face. These
pillars show a success. To answer this challenge, I start to question the
homeowner whether she still needs those symbols or vice versa? It turns out that
she agrees to demolish this situation by deconstructing this common discourse,
tilting the whole house to be something that almost fall down.

It is an extreme antithesis. Architects is given a discretion to observe the

environment and react with this proposal. This house is also next door with one of
the Indonesian musician, Ahmad Dhani. Dhani’s house is painted all black
whereas this house is all white. This unintentionally coincidence reinforce Rumah
Miring (Slanted House) as an architecture which criticize its environment.
Architecture as a critique device in its environment.

The room function of the house uses a new sequence where the public area
is placed on the first Level, it is consist of a pantry, study area and a swimming
pool. Second level is functioned for more private rooms such as a master
bedroom, wardrobe and master bathroom. The 16m2 bathroom area acts as a
response to the current trend of urban lifestyle who normally spend more time in a
bathroom where users are able to have more quiet time, a contemplative room as
well as a resting place while using smartphones, reading newspaper or social
media as a communication device.

The top level is used for a lounge and a guest room but the dimension is
only 6x6 meters. In the building section, we can see and define that the private
area is put in the middle, like a sandwich between the more public areas.

The whole building relies on the steel structure as a representative of a

modern housing which depends on fabrication. The square framework is now
agreed to be slanted as a symbol of instability, a deconstruction of an established
situation around.
Text Analysis

Simple Sentence

 This small house is located on 8mx20m lot in Pondok Indah district

 It is an extreme antithesis.
 These pillars show a success.

Compound Sentence

 The top level is used for a lounge and a guest room but the dimension is
S V O Conj S V
only 6x6 meters.

Complex Sentence

 Dhani’s house is painted all black whereas this house is all white.

Sentence Fragments

 Although part of a gated community, this building is located on the edge

of small
AdvCla (SF) S V

river, with indigeneous (urban) village settlements right across the river.
 Since then until this moment, Pondok Indah being a symbolic status.
AdvCla S V (SF)


3.1 Conclusion
Sentence is a language unit of a word or series of words that can stand
alone and express the complete meaning. Sentence is the smallest unit of
language that expresses the whole mind, both in oral and written. In oral form,
the sentence is pronounced in a voice up and down, and soft, paused, and ends
with final intonation. In the latin form, the sentence begins with a capital letter
and ends with a dot (.) To declare a news or informative sentence, a question
mark (?) To state a question and an exclamation point (!) To declare a
command sentence.
At least the sentences in official variety, both oral and written, must
have a subject (S) and a predicate (P). If it does not have both elements, the
statement is not a sentence, but only a phrase. Here, the sentence is divided
into two, ie single sentence and compound sentence.

3.2 Suggestion
This paper is expected to be useful to the reader in writing, and this
paper also can be useful for ourself to increase our knowledge in writing the
In making this paper, the author realizes that there are still many
shortcomings. Therefore, criticism and constructive suggestion is very author
expect from the readers.

H. Rudy,W.Smith, Harry. Marshindo Utama, Jakarta. 2014. (accessed
2018-02-10) (accessed
2018-02-10) (accessed 2018-02-11) (accessed

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