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By D.William Martin

When Mini awoke she did not immediately open her eyes.She felt instinc-
tively that she was in a strange place,but rather than being frightened,she
felt quite warm and comfortable.She was surprised by the fact that for the
first time in a long time she felt absolutely no pain in her legs,or her back,and
the heavy weight that had troubled her chest as of late was no longer
there.She drew a deep effortless breath taking in some unfamiliar yet not
unpleasant smells and exhaled while nuzzling into what seemed like an
overly lumpy but comfortable bed.It was then that she realized she still had
not opened her eyes so she slowly lifted her head and with a few groggy
blinks attempted to bring her surroundings into focus.

At first she could only see hazy shapes,and then,a light started to seep into
her mind which continued to increase until she was forced to squint and blink
her watering eyes in an attempt to keep its brilliance at bay.
"Why is it so bright around here?"she asked herself out loud.Much to her
shock she was given an answer which came to her in the form of a slightly
gruff but assuring voice directly next to her left ear.
"It's always bright like that for new arrivals.Don't worry you'll get used to it.”
Mini was so surprised to hear this unexpected voice emanating from a space
so close to her that she immediately jumped up and started to bark and run
around in circles as was her custom with unannounced visitors to her home.
"Now now,thats quite enough of that!"said the voice."We have quite a lot of
ground to cover after all.”
Mini instantly felt comfortable again but had difficulty stopping her motions
for the simple fact that her whole body felt so strong and nimble she just
wanted to continue to run and run.But finally she managed to settle herself
back onto the lumpy bed and began to concentrate hard on the spot the voice
was coming from.Slowly but steadily a sturdy shape came into focus and she
found she was sitting right in front of a fairly large and certainly handsome
Shepherd dog.
"Oh excuse me” said Mini "But I thought I was alone and you surprised
me.You see my memory is a bit foggy and I am embarrassed to say that I
don't no where I am or how I got here.The last thing I remember is feeling
very sleepy and looking up to see my Mother crying and looking very sad.”

The Shepherd dog interjected briskly but with a noticeable tenderness,

"Yes Yes,all in good time Mini,all in good time.Now lets have a look at you
shall we?”
The Shepherd dog then proceeded to inspect Mini's tiny frame while sniffing
at her ears and giving her coat a curious lick.
"Well then" he said "Everything seems to be in order,all parts in the right
place,nice shiny coat,tell me how are you feeling?”
Mini hesitated at this question out of sheer habit.Usually she would be in-
clined to complain a bit about sore muscles,aching joints,and even a short-
ness of breath.But now all those concerns seemed to be nothing but a distant
memory and she eventually replied,"I feel…I feel….WONDERFUL!"

The Shepherd dog considered her for another moment and then he said,
"Yes well thats to be expected isn't it?Now then what do you say to getting
on with the business at hand eh?” "Lots to see you know and it won't do to
keep Him waiting too long.Walk beside me for a while and we will talk.”
Mini was not afraid but realized for the first time since she woke up that she
was very hungry and almost as if on cue her stomach gave a distinct and
rumbling growl.
"Oh please” she said” But I am so very hungry,couldn't we have something
to eat first?”
At this request the Shepherd dog looked slightly put out and impatient but
his reply was more of a good natured ribbing.
"Well for goodness sake Mini what have you been doing all this time?Don't
tell me you haven't eaten yet! Look downward you silly girl!”
At this Mini shifted her gaze to the lumpy bed she was now sitting upright on
and was both shocked and elated to see that it was not a lumpy bed at all
but rather a large pile of biscuits!
"Oh My!"gasped Mini as she happily gobbled down a crunchy that tasted
exactly like an entire turkey dinner complete with all the fixings,gravy and
cranberry sauce.She continued to eat until a quarter of the pile she had been
sitting on had been depleted and her hungry little stomach was satisfied.She
was amazed to discover that as she was eating,the flavor of the biscuits
would change each time she thought of another favorite
food,so that each each changed it’s flavor to match perfectly the flavor of her
current food of thought.The Shepherd dog waited patiently for Mini to finish
filling her tummy and seeing that she had had her fill proceeded to say
"Well then,now that we have settled that shall we continue?”
At this Mini replied"Yes of course,but I must admit I am still quite confused
and you seem to have me at a disadvantage."
"Oh?and how is that Mini?"asked the Shepherd dog.
“Well” Mini said "You seem to know quite a bit about me and have called me
by name three times now,but I have yet to be introduced to you.”
This statement seemed to cause the Shepherd dog some slight incredulity
but he simply replied
"Why my dear Mini,don't you know who I am?I'm quite famous you know,or
at least,I was.In fact I almost won an Academy Award once for Best Actor! I
am very pleased to meet you.My Name is Rin Tin Tin."


Mini shifted uncomfortably and desperately searched her mind for a reply
that would prevent her from seeming even more naive and unknowing but
finding nothing simply said,
"Oh I Tin Tin you say?Thats a..ah..very nice name indeed.I am
happy to meet you Rin Tin Tin.”
Mini finished her reply with a rather doubtful glance toward the ground.
"Hmm yes well,I don't suppose you would have heard of me."answered Rin
Tin Tin,"It was quite some time ago for all those flashes and flickering cam-
At this the two new companions began to walk together with the Shepherd
leading the way.He was suddenly quiet and seemed to be reflecting on
something very important and Mini thought she could see a look of great
pride in his face.
"Oh well"continued Rin Tin Tin,"Fame is fickle food upon a shifting plate my
old master used to tell me."He told me he learned those words from a very
smart old poem and that I should always remember them.I'm still not sure
just what they mean but there you have it!Anyways in the interest of ease
and familiarity you may call me Rinty.Thats what they used to call me back
in the Great War you see.”
Mini being unfamiliar with these last words proceeded with a questioning
tone,"Great War?"
Rinty in seeing Mini's confusion replied,"Yes my dear War.It is a terrible thing
that Men do to each other.Lots of noise and people shouting,fire and brim-
stone that sort of thing.A horrible,nasty business where they run around kill-
ing each other and destroying the ground!Can you believe that?!Frankly I
don't see what so GREAT about war at all,but thats what they called it.Any-
ways I was glad to get out of it!Not like old Sergeant Stubby over there.He
lived for that sort of thing.Actually saved his regiment from gas attacks a few
times and even captured an enemy soldier!Yes sir not even an entire fleet of
dog catchers could have scared Ol' Stubby from the Front.”
At this Mini looked to where her companion was indicating and saw a bullish
type dog with a sleek tan and white coat wearing a kind of fatigue like dress-
ing of Army Green with an array of shiny medals hanging all over it.This ra-
ther intimidating looking dog was pacing back and forth in front of what
looked like a platoon sized group of miserable looking cats wearing tuxedos
with large dinner trays strapped to their backs.He was barking orders at them
and looking very serious.
Upon this sturdy call to arms the cats all fell into a line leading up to a window
where a slim Siamese cat with disheveled whiskers and a less than amused
countenance was serving all manner of doggie dinner favorites onto a con-
tinuous train of trays marching by in subjugated step.
"Oh my goodness!” exclaimed Mini, "Are there many cats here Rinty?"she
"Just as many as are necessary."Rinty responded "Indentured servants you
know.Very useful,although I dare say they are none to happy about it.They
all have to serve for a time before they move on.Something about getting
everything they wanted the first time around or something I'm not really
sure.But as I said they do come in handy so you won't find me complaining
eh Mini?”
But Mini was only half listening for it was at this moment that she realized
she was not seeing much detail to her surroundings.Everything seemed to
be just on the edge of clarity,still bright but slightly clouded.She was just
about to ask her friend why this was when Rinty suddenly said in a cautionary
tone,"Watch your step Mini,we're coming up to the quarantine area and
we've had a real troublesome character in there for some time now.”
As they stepped around a barely defined corner they came upon an enor-
mous blackish grey Mastiff with a sturdy chain fastened to a stout leash
around its neck.He was sitting upright and grumbling to himself behind a
sectioned off area with a sort of printed police tape running between a large
half circle of pylons that read KEEP BACK/COMPLETE SOURPUSS! In front
and just to the right of this area was what seemed to be a small guard
shack,and sitting just inside the little door frame was an even smaller black
terrier sitting staunchly at attention.He was wearing a blue Bobby's police
helmet which due to being somewhat too large,was hanging in a comical
fashion halfway over the eyes of the little dog.Upon seeing Mini and her
guide approaching he perked up excitedly and shouted out,"Well hello there
Rinty!And how are we today?Showing another newbie the ropes I see.Well
allow me to introduce myself Miss,Constable Toto at
your service!”
With this the little Terrier gave a deep bow causing the oversized Bobby hel-
met to fall off of his head and hit the ground with a clang.
"Whoops! I keep meaning to get this re-sized."said Constable Toto,and he
attempted to reattach the hat with as much dignity as he could muster.
"Still having trouble with this one I see."said Rinty to the spirited little Terrier.
”Ah well,there just no pleasing some dogs!"replied Constable Toto,"Never
you mind Miss and don't you be afraid.I got my eye on this one I do.Why not
even tornados or witches on broomsticks can lick me.Besides this ones
bound to come around sooner or later.Just be sure you keep your ears
blocked when you pass by.He has all the charm of a dock worker during
happy hour!”
The three of them turned to look at the huge Mastiff glaring at them with a
baneful stare."OY! WOT’R YE LOOK’N AT THEN?!”
Mini recognized the funny way in which the hound was speaking and
said,"He sounds just like the Old Man at home!"
Then the hound continued "BUGGER OFF YA BLEEDIN BLIGHTERS!!"
In response to this last refrain Mini said,"Well not JUST like the Old Man.”
Constable Toto now looking slightly embarrassed simply said again”There's
just no pleasing SOME dogs.Oh well I mustn't keep you!I'm sure we will see
each other again Miss,it was lovely to meet you!See you around Rinty!"With
the proper pleasantries having been observed Constable Toto
turned,and taking a moment to straighten the cap which had fallen to lopsid-
edness again,marched back to the little guard shack to resume his duties.

As Mini and the Shepherd continued on she couldn't help asking her com-
panion about the Hound.
"Whats wrong with that dog Rinty?He seems to be awfully upset.”
The Shepherd shrugged his shoulders and answered,
"Nobody really knows to be honest.He just showed up here one day in a
terribly foul mood and started grumbling about someplace called Baskerville
Hall,insisting he had to get back to the moor,while swearing revenge on
someone named Sherlock.Nobody can make much sense out of what he's
talking about,but whoever this Sherlock fellow is he should thank his lucky
stars he managed to avoid the likes of that Hound I tell you!But everyone
gets a chance around here,and we all have hopes that he will eventually
settle down and start enjoying himself.No use carrying grudges around here
Mini!They serve only to weigh you down.”
Mini considered this for a moment and decided that although she didn't quite
understand what her companion meant,she would not press the subject fur-
As they continued on Mini worked through her timidness enough to ask
her friend about what had troubled her earlier."Rinty why is everything still
so still so blurry?”
The Shepherd considered the little dog with a reassuring smile and re-
plied,”Ah yes,bright but blurry no doubt.Well I wouldn't worry too much,thats
all pretty normal in the beginning.You see Mini this is a very special place for
each of us,and each of us needs our own time in which to discover it."In
seeing Mini's confused look Rinty continued,"Think of a painter for in-
stance.You know what a painter does don't you?”
Mini nodded her head indicating that she did.
"Well when a painter starts a new painting the canvas he uses is always
blank.It is up to the painter to decide what goes where,in what order,and
even in what colors the whats should be painted in.He uses the picture in his
mind and copies it onto the canvas you see?It is very much the same for us
here and like a blank canvas you can paint it any way that you want.Do you
Mini still looked uncertain so the Shepherd in seeing her uncertainty contin-
ued on,
"Try this Mini,close your eyes and think about a favorite place that you really
liked to be.It can be anywhere you want but you must concentrate hard.Do
you have it?Can you see this place in your mind?”
Mini did not have to think to hard before she answered with a nod of her
"Good"said Rinty"Now all you have to do is keep that picture painted in your
mind and open your eyes.Go ahead open your eyes now.”
Mini did as she was told and slowly opened her eyes.She looked around and
could see all manner of colors beginning to take shape around her.First she
saw a faint image of a long expanse of running green grass.As she continued
to concentrate she began to see that she was looking at a lawn with a lovely
cottage plopped down on the left,a big sunken rock in the middle,and tall
scented cedar trees on the right which ran the length of the lawn and down
to a beautifully calm crystal blue lake.As she looked upon the lake she could
just make out a tiny island sitting right in the middle which had a house built
right on top of it,while in the distance she could see the faint outline of a
mountain which looked just like a big bear head staring sideways.She had
the feeling of warm sunshine on her face and she could smell the air so clean
and fresh.
"Oh yes,yes I see! I know this place!My mother and the Old Man used to
bring me here!Oh I love it this place!”
Mini wanted to run down to the steps of the cottage and feel the grass tickle
her tummy like she always did,but just as she was about to start running the
lawn and the cottage and even the beautiful lake began to fade until she
could see them no longer.
"Wha..what happened?"Asked Mini "Where did everything go?”
The Shepherd gave a short chuckle and said "Lost it eh?Oh well it takes a
while to get the hang of it.You'll manage though it just takes some prac-
tice.We really should be getting on little one.We're running a bit behind.Fol-
low close Mini we're almost there!"
So with her heart full of excitement Mini rejoined the Shepherd at
his side and the two companions continued on their way,but not before Mini
looked back for a moment longer in the hopes of seeing that beautiful cottage
again and of hearing the lilting lap of the water beyond.


As the two companions proceeded through to what Mini perceived was an-
other room,she felt a peculiar sensation overtake her.It was somewhere be-
tween abject fear and crushing loneliness,while coming from somewhere
within the room,she could hear faint but continuous whisperings.Or was it
coming from within her own head?Mini couldn’t tell,but her best guess was
that it was likely a little of both.As she moved forward through the room with
her friend,she began to perceive they were not alone,and a moment later her
feeling was confirmed as they came upon a group of dogs of various breeds
standing in a large circle.Each of the dogs had in front of it what looked to
Mini like a large silver water bowl which upon closer inspection appeared to
be filled with a mix of clear water and tumbling vapors.Mini watched as each
dog hung it’s head close its corresponding bowl while whispering in volumes
too low for Mini to decipher clearly what they were saying.
Far in the distance she could hear the constant tick of a clock and the feeling
of loneliness was building in Mini’s heart to the point where she had tears
welling up in her eyes.She did not understand why she was being overtaken
by such inexplicable sadness and said to her friend,
“Oh Rinty,I don’t like this place.It frightens me.To whom do these dogs whis-
per so,oh dear,my heart feels so heavy!”
Rinty looked soberly at Mini,and with an air of comfort,and a glint of reassur-
ance in his eyes he said,
“These dogs are the Whisperers Mini,and what they do is perhaps more im-
portant than any other task set to any dog anywhere.Step closer and look to
one of the bowls Mini,don’t be afraid,I am with you.”
Even with Rinty’s words of encouragement Mini could not stop herself from
being afraid and as she approached one of the Whisperers bowls.She began
to understand,as she gazed down into the bowl now at her feet,that the
words being whispered were words of comfort.The vapors seemed to part of
their own volition and Mini could clearly see a small dog no bigger than her-
self lying on a tattered old towel inside a darkened cage.The only other thing
visible inside the cage was a small bowl,half filled with what appeared to be
somewhat dirty water.The small dog was shivering with eyes filled with
fear.As the Whispering dog next to her continued to speak words of comfort
gently to the small dog,suddenly Mini could see the door to the cage open
and a pair of Human hands wearing funny gloves reach in and remove the
little dog,all the while Mini could sense the whispering next to her becoming
more purposeful and deliberate.Mini felt a sense of relief when the dog next
to her ceased it’s whispering and hung it’s head betraying a single tear rolling
down the fur of it’s cheek.She did not know why,but she had the distinct im-
pression that the little dog would not be returning to the cage,and as soon as
this thought went through her mind the image in the bowl turned dark and
the watery vapors returned.Mini turned away but not before the dog at the
bowl lifted it’s head and again began whispering into the vapors.For reasons
she could not understand,Mini did not want to look into the bowl anymore
and found herself nuzzling close to her new friend after leaving the Whis-
perer’s side.
“Every dog who comes to be with us must see this room Mini,and perhaps
more importantly,FEEL it.” He said “ You see,you will soon learn that every
dog that comes here must choose how they wish to help.”
Mini didn’t quite understand.
“Help with what?” Mini asked.
“Just to help Mini” Rinty answered ”To be of service.”
“Take me for example,” he continued.”My job is to guide those who are new
here.”I have been told I am quite good at it too.”
“Oh yes!” agreed Mini,”I am very glad your with me Rinty.I don’t know what I
would have done had I been alone when I woke up.”
Rinty smiled with some noticeable pride and said,”Yes well,we do what we
“Now,” he continued, ”you have been shown this room because the Whis-
perers have the most important job of all.They give comfort to those who
have no hope.The dogs that have been abandoned,mistreated,and shown
no love.Those who are left to live in cages or on the street.Those poor souls
for whom the clock ticks.I know you have heard it’s faint report because we
all can.The sound is there to remind us all of what we have to be grateful
for,of those in need,and of those who's time is short.The Whisperers are
dogs who have CHOSEN to be the voice of comfort for the abandoned and
forgotten.When a dog’s time has come to an end,inevitably,another is there
to take it’s place in misery.Unfortunately Mini,there is no shortage of cruelty
in the world,and so the Whisperers take some of the fear and the loneliness
upon themselves in order to give peace to those with no one to love them on
“And the Whisperers,they CHOOSE to be here?” Mini asked,not without
some dread at the thought of constantly being subjected to such feelings of
cruelty and loneliness.
“Yes,” answered Rinty.”Usually in an effort to atone for some cruelty they
themselves inflicted at some point during there own lives,but not al-
ways.Come little one,you have seen enough of these things for now.You
need only remember that you are allowed to choose.Not every dog is cut out
to be a whisperer after all.”
With these simple words,Mini was able to lift herself from sadness and em-
brace a new courage to continue on with her friend.


So it was that Mini and her guide moved on through what seemed to be a
solid wall at the far end of the room,yet as they moved forward the wall of-
fered no resistance and upon emerging on the other side Mini was met with
the most brilliant light her tiny eyes had ever seen.It was a curious sort of
light that offered a blissful warmth yet caused no discomfort when looking
directly towards its source,which Mini,try as she might,could not quite identify
beyond the glare.She had the distinct feeling that it was a good light,but be-
yond that she could not explain why this feeling was so certain in her mind.As
she looked into this light she felt as if all of her worry and sadness had been
suddenly taken from her,to be replaced by a most assured feeling of con-
tentment and love.She wanted to see what was beyond the light.Suddenly
she felt as if there was nothing she had ever desired more.
“Well,” said Rin Tin Tin,”this is where I leave you little one,at least for now.I
think you can find your way from here.”
Mini did not understand why but she knew everything was going to be just
fine now,and with a new found hope,she continued moving towards the
beautiful light.
“Goodbye Rinty.” she said as the warm light began to envelope her eyes.
“and thank you so much.”
Rinty smiled and with a slight chuckle he said, “There’s no call for a goodbye
Mini,I will see you soon.We can even have some iced cream later if you
would like.”
Oh yes!,answered Mini,as her tiny frame slowly waddled into the light.
“I would like that very much!” she said “I just LOVE iced cream!”

With a knowing smile Rin Tin Tin turned and began his journey back to meet
the frightened dog from the cage seen in the whisperers bowl,who was no
longer frightened,and gave a big stretch as he began to wake from a com-
fortable slumber atop a slightly lumpy pile of tasty many-flavored


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