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On mode selection and power control for uplink D2D

communication in cellular networks

Item type Conference Paper

Authors Ali, Konpal S.; Elsawy, Hesham; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim

Eprint version Post-print

DOI 10.1109/ICCW.2015.7247250

Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Journal 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication

Workshop (ICCW)

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On Mode Selection and Power Control for Uplink
D2D Communication in Cellular Networks
Konpal Shaukat Ali, Hesham ElSawy, and Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering (CEMSE) Division
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, KAUST
Thuwal, Makkah Province, Saudi Arabia
{konpal.ali, hesham.elsawy, slim.alouini}

Abstract—Device-to-device (D2D) communication enables D2D communication in a cellular network. More particu-
users lying in close proximity to bypass the cellular base station larly, we develop an analytical framework to model Signal-
(BS) and transmit to one another directly. This offloads traffic to-Interference-Noise-Ratio (SINR) in D2D enabled cellular
from the cellular network, improves spatial frequency reuse and
energy efficiency in the network. We present a comprehensive and networks. Our main performance metrics are the outage prob-
tractable analytical framework for D2D-enabled uplink cellular ability, defined as the probability that the SINR falls below
networks with two different flexible mode-selection schemes. The a predefined threshold θ, and the ergodic rate, defined by
power-control cutoff thresholds of the two communication modes the seminal Shannon capacity formula; i.e. we investigate the
have been decoupled unlike past work on the subject. We find effect of D2D interference on the cellular outage probability
that for a given network, an optimal value exists not only for the
biased mode selection criterion, but also for r, the ratio of the and ergodic rate. We also examine the outage probability and
power-control cutoff thresholds of the two communication modes, the achieved ergodic rate of the D2D users. The developed
which maximizes spatial spectral efficiency. Also, r turns out to be analytical paradigm is then used to obtain design insights for
a more robust parameter for optimizing network performance. the mode selection and power control.
Further, it is shown that the second scheme, which prioritizes The developed analytical framework is based on the stochas-
spatial frequency reuse over the per-user achievable performance
compared to the first scheme, achieves almost the same overall tic geometry toolset, which is a powerful tool to model random
network performance; thereby trading per user performance to networks. The motivation to exploit stochastic geometry is
serve a larger number of users. two fold. Firstly, the locations of the users are random and
D2D communication imposes random ad-hoc links to the
I. I NTRODUCTION cellular infrastructure. Secondly, cellular networks deviate
Recently, the concept of device-to-device (D2D) communi- from the traditional hexagonal grid model and exhibit random
cation has emerged to cater the ever-increasing demand of data topologies [2]–[4]. To this end, for analytical tractability, the
rate and system capacity. D2D enables users equipment (UEs) Poisson Point Process (PPP) is used to model the network
lying in close proximity, that intend to exchange information, topology and the spatial distribution of the users. The PPP
to bypass the cellular base station (BS) and communicate in a has been shown to lead to a tight lower bound on the network
peer-to-peer fashion. It is envisioned that D2D communication performance [2]–[6].
between UEs can improve the network performance in terms This work comes in line with the several efforts invested
of spatial frequency reuse, latency, and energy consumption in the literature to model D2D communication in cellular
[1]. In other words, D2D communication replaces the con- networks [7]–[12]. The authors of [7] ensure SINR violation
ventional two-hop cellular link by a short-range, low-power, for cellular users due to D2D interferers is kept below a
and direct D2D link which may improve the latency and threshold, using a simple power control method. The analysis,
power consumption. Further, while the conventional cellular however, is limited to one user, one cell, and one D2D link.
association dictates single link per channel per cell, D2D In [8], given an interference threshold to the cellular network,
links can potentially reuse the same channel over the spatial the maximum intensity of D2D devices possible in an uplink
domain with no restriction over the cell boundaries, which cellular network is found. The optimal intensity and transmit
increases the spatial frequency reuse. However, the envisioned power, that maximize capacity for a D2D enabled two-tier
D2D gains come at the expense of more complicated network uplink network with outage probability constraints is found in
management. Choosing the mode of operation (i.e. cellular [9]. Mode selection and power control are not considered in
mode or D2D mode) and neighbor discovery are two new net- [8] and [9], and the D2D link distances are assumed to be
work functions that arise with D2D communication. Further, fixed. D2D distance-based mode selection criteria has been
interference management between cellular and D2D links also employed in [10] and [11]. A biased distance-based mode
needs to be taken into account. selection scheme for underlay is considered in [12], which
For efficient network operation, it is fundamental to un- gives the flexibility to control the amount of traffic offloaded
derstand and characterize the performance of D2D enabled from the cellular to the D2D mode.
cellular networks. In this paper, we study the effect of enabling The system model studied in this paper is similar to the
one in [12]. However, we investigate the effect of allowing distance. A Rayleigh fading environment is considered and the
decoupled power-control cutoff threshold for the D2D and channel gains are assumed to be independent of the locations
cellular users, and employ two different D2D mode selection of the transmitters, receivers, and independent of one another.
schemes. We also discuss the performance of underlay and The channel power gain, h, is modeled by a unit mean
overlay operation of the D2D users. To this end, we show exponential random variable (RV).
that not only does there exist an optimal value of the D2D Users associate to BSs based on the radio signal strength
biasing factor, but an optimal ratio between the decoupled (RSS), which reduces to the nearest BS association in single-
power-control cutoff thresholds also exists that maximizes tier networks. Due to the limited transmit power of the UEs, a
spatial spectral efficiency. Also, we show that the second mode truncated channel inversion power control is employed. That
selection scheme, which prioritizes spatial frequency reuse is, only users that can compensate for the path loss and
over the per user achievable performance, still achieves almost maintain a predefined average power level at their receivers are
the same overall network performance, in terms of outage allowed to transmit. Unlike previous work in [12], the cutoff
and network spectral efficiency, as the first scheme. Hence threshold for the power control of the two communication
employing the first scheme allows higher quality per user modes has been segregated into ρd for D2D receivers and
performance for fewer users, while the second scheme allows ρc for cellular BSs. This has been done to decouple the D2D
us to trade per user performance to serve a larger number of and cellular power control which may lead to an enhanced
users. network pefromance. For the sake of simple presentation, we
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: the network define r = ρc /ρd . A D2D connection (cellular connection)
model and the two mode selection schemes are described can be established if the power required to achieve ρd (ρc )
in Section II. The statistics of the the transmit powers, the at the receiving UE (base station) does not exceed Pu . For
assumptions made, the SINR Analysis, and the performance users in the cellular mode, if the transmit-power required to
metrics being used are covered in Section III. Section IV achieve ρc exceeds Pu , the UE does not transmit and goes
contains the results and analysis for the underlay and briefly into outage, denoted as cellular-truncation outage. Due to the
for the overlay case. Section V concludes the paper. PPP assumption, this cellular outage probability is derived
to be Op = e−πλ(Pu /ρc ) c , and UEs in cellular outage are
said to not be covered by the BS. For the D2D users, if the
A. Network Model
transmit-power required to achieve ρd exceeds Pu , we have
We consider a single-tier uplink network. The BSs and the following two truncation schemes:
UEs are distributed in R2 via independent PPPs Ψ and Φ,
• Scheme 1: the UE in truncation does not transmit and
with intensities λ and U , respectively. We assume a congested
goes into D2D-truncation outage.
network (U  λ), so that each cellular BS always has at least
• Scheme 2: the UE in truncation transmits with power
one UE transmitting to it. D2D communication is enabled,
Pu if an interference constraint at the cellular UEs is
hence users that have their receiver located within the D2D-
satisfied, otherwise it goes into D2D-truncation outage.
proximity can bypass the BS and communicate directly via the
D2D mode. The D2D-proximity is defined as the area centered It is worth noting that ρd controls the non-truncation D2D-
at the transmitting UE, with radius Rmax = (Pu /ρmin )1/ηd , proximity as R = (Pu /ρd )1/ηd ; thus the intensity of the
where Pu is the maximum transmit power of a UE, ρmin the potential D2D UEs that are not in truncation is pD and
minimum power the receiving UE is able to recover (receiver- the D2D truncation probability is given by (1 − p), where
sensitivity) and ηd is the path loss exponent for D2D links. A p = R/Rmax .
UE that has its receiver within the D2D proximity is referred to We assume universal frequency reuse across the entire
as a potential D2D UE. The intensity of potential D2D UEs is network, but that BSs assign unique channels to each of
designated by D. Note, potential D2D UEs do not necessarily their associated UEs and so there is no intracell interference
transmit in the D2D mode, instead, they select their mode between cellular users. We focus on one uplink channel which
of operation (i.e. cellular/D2D mode) according to the mode is shared by the D2D and cellular UEs in the underlay case.
selection criterion presented later in this section. In the overlay case, we consider the uplink channel to be
We assume potential D2D UEs have their receivers located partitioned into a fraction τ for the D2D UEs and 1 − τ
at a distance rd , with probability density function (PDF) for the cellular UEs. Hence, the overlay prohibits cross-mode
frd (x) = 1/Rmax , 0 ≤ x ≤ Rmax . Due to the PPP assump- interference.
tion, the distance between a BS and its transmitting UE, rc , fol-
lows a Rayleigh distribution; frc (x) = 2πλre−πλx , x ≥ 0. B. Mode Selection and UE Classification
We consider a power-law path-loss model; since the propa- We consider two flexible mode selection schemes; the flexi-
gation environments for the cellular and D2D links may be bility comes from the fact that a biased mode-selection criteria,
significantly different, different path loss exponents ηc > 2 that provides Interference Protection (IP) to the cellular UEs
and ηd > 2 are used for modeling the cellular and D2D from the D2D communication mode, is employed. The IP
links respectively. Hence, the power decays at the rate x−ηc criteria is that potential D2D UEs can select the D2D mode
(x−ηd ) for the cellular (D2D) links, where x is the propagation only if rdηd ρd ≤ Td rcηc ρc , where Td is the bias factor used to
Scheme UE class BS Potential D2D IP Mode Intensity for Intensity for
notation coverage D2D UE truncation satisfied Scheme 1 Scheme 2
Both I. (c)   - - outage (U − D)Op (U − D)Op
Both II. (b)   - - cellular (1 − Op )(U − D) (1 − Op )(U − D)
Both III. (a)     D2D Op Ud Op DPd1
Both III. (c)     outage Op (1 − Pd )pD Op (p − Pd1 )D
Both IV. (a)     D2D (1 − Op )Ud (1 − Op )DPd1
Both IV. (b)     cellular (1 − Op )(1 − Pd )pD (1 − Op )(p − Pd1 )D
2 V. (a)     D2D - Pd2 D
Both V. (b)    or  cellular (1 − Op )(1 − p)D (1 − Op )(1 − p)D
Both V. (c)     outage (1 − p)DOp (Op (1 − p) − Pd2 )D

TABLE I: Classification of the different UEs in the two schemes.

control the extent to which the D2D communication is enabled b = ρmin /ρd for Scheme 2. For Scheme 1,  Pd2 =
in the network. An interpretation for the mode selection 0; for Scheme 2, Pd2 = min (1 − p)Op , Pd3 , where
scheme is that the UEs select D2D mode if the power required d    η2 
ηc Td ρc ρmin ηc Pu ρ d
Pd3 = 2ηd −
to communicate in the D2D mode is less than the biased power ηc γ 2η , πλ ρc ρmin Td
(πλ) 2 Pu ρd d
required to communicate in the cellular mode. On one extreme,

setting Td to zero disables D2D communication; on the other    η2 

ηc Pu c
γ 2η , πλ . The intensity of the D2D links for
extreme, setting Td to ∞ enforces all potential D2D UEs to d ρc Td

communicate in the D2D mode. Scheme 1 is given by Ud = pDPd and for Scheme 2 by
The UEs are classified into groups according to the distance Ud = DPd .
between the transmit and receive UEs, the distance to the η
1 if (UE is a potential D2D UE i.e. rd d ρmin ≤ Pu )
nearest BS, Td , ρc , ρd , and the mode selection scheme. This 2
if (not in D2D truncation i.e. rd d ρd ≤ Pu )
classification is described in Table I. The two mode selection 3
if (IP satisfied i.e. rd d ρd ≤ Td rcηc ρc )
schemes are described in Table II; Scheme 1 does not include 4 transmit in D2D mode [III. (a) and IV. (a)]
5 elseif (covered by BS i.e. rcηc ρc ≤ Pu )
lines 13-14 while Scheme 2 includes all. The difference 6 transmit in cellular mode [IV(b)]
between Scheme 1 and 2 lies in that all potential D2D UEs that 7 else
are in D2D truncation, go into outage in Scheme 1. In Scheme 8 outage [III. (c)]
9 end
2, on the other hand, they go into outage only if they do not 10 else
satisfy IP; however, if IP is satisfied, they transmit with the 11 if (covered by BS i.e. rcηc ρc ≤ Pu )
maximum power, Pu (as the required power rdηd ρd is greater 12 transmit in cellular mode [V. (b)]
13 elseif (IP satisfied i.e. rd d ρd ≤ Td rcηc ρc )
than Pu due to D2D truncation). Hence, Scheme 2 reduces 14 transmit in D2D mode with power Pu [V. (a)]
Scheme 2 only
D2D-truncation outage. To summarize, UEs III. (a), IV. (a), 15 else
and V. (a) (for Scheme 2) transmit in the D2D mode; UEs 16 outage [V. (c)]
17 end
in II. (b), IV. (b), and V. (b) transmit in the cellular mode; 18 end
while UEs in I. (c), III. (c), and V. (c) are in outage. Note, 19 else
UEs that end with the letter: (a) transmit in the D2D mode, 20 if (covered by BS i.e. rcηc ρc ≤ Pu )
21 transmit in cellular mode [II. (b)]
(b) transmit in the cellular mode, and (c) are in outage. 22 else
The intensities of the UEs in Scheme 1 and 2 are given 23 outage [I. (c)]
24 end
in Table I. It ought to be noted that both mode selection 25 end
schemes ensure an IP for the cellular UEs, and the IP value
TABLE II: Mode selection criteria for the two schemes.
can be varied by varying Td . Although this IP is not necessary
Scheme 1 does not include the lines highlighted in red, while
in the overlay case, as the D2D transmitters do not operate
Scheme 2 includes all the lines.
on the same channel and therefore do not interfere with the
cellular UEs, Td is included in the mode selection to control
the traffic offloaded to the D2D mode and to control the D2D III. A NALYSIS OF T RANSMIT P OWERS AND SINR
performance. Further, similar system models for the overlay
and underlay cases guarantees a fair comparison. A. Statistics of Transmit Powers
The probability that a potential D2D UE selects the In this subsection, we characterize the transmit powers using
D2D mode of operation is given by Pd = Pd1 + Pd2 , their PDF’s and αth moments (for α > 0). These statistics
where Pd1 and Pd2 are the probability to select the D2D hold for both underlay and overlay. Due to the page limit, we
mode for, respectively, a potential D2D not in trunca- have not given the proofs, but our results can be re-derived by
tion and potential D2D in truncation. It can be shown following the footsteps of the work in [12], using our mode
  η1    η2 
ηc Td ρc b ηc selection schemes and D2D link distance distribution.
that, Pd1 = 2η d Pu c
ηc γ 2ηd , πλ ρc Td ; where
d (πλ) 2 Pu
 b a−1 −x For both Schemes 1 and 2, UEs that can be classified into
γ(a, b) = 0 x e dx, b = 1 for Scheme 1, and III. (a) or IV. (a), operating in the D2D mode, have transmit
power P3a4a = {ρd rdηd : ρd rdηd ≤ Td ρc rcηc }. The PDF is given The αth moment of the power P4b is given by,
by,    η2 
αηc Pu c
cγ 2 +1,πλ max(1,Td )ρc
−1 −πλ( ρcxT
) ηc ηc E[P4b
] =  1   2  −
2x ηd e (πλ) 2ηdd  c ≤ Xd
αηc −πλ(
Pu η c
fP3a4a (x) =  , T (πλ) 2 1−e ρc
η    η2 

ηc (ρc Td ) ηd γ 2ηcd , πλ ρPc Tud

c 1 α+ 1 c
ηd ηd ηc
Td ρc γ 2ηd + αη
2 +1,πλ
c Pu
max(1,Td )ρc

ηc αηc 1  2
Pu η c
+ η −πλ( )
(πλ) 2ηd 2
Pu d 1−e ρc
for 0 ≤ x ≤ Pu and the αth moment of P3a4a by,
  The transmit power of the UEs which are in V. (b) is
αηc ηc P5b = {ρc rcηc : ρc rcηc < Pu }, which is equivalent to the
(Td ρc ) γ +
α Pu c
2 2ηd , πλ ρc Td case of the UEs in II. (b). Hence, fP5b (x) = fP2b (x) and
] =   . E[P5bα
] = E[P2bα
]. Additionally, the αth moment of a UE
(πλ) 2
γ ηc Pu c
operating in the cellular mode is a weighted sum of the the
2ηd , πλ ρc Td
different powers
 of UEs in the cellular mode.
 For Scheme
(1−Pd )pD
1, E[Pcα ] = UU−pD
−Ud  E[P α
2b ] + E[P 4b ]; while for
UEs of Scheme 2, operating in the D2D mode, that are  U −Ud  
(p−P d1 )D
classified as UEs in V. (a) have, fP5a (x) = 1 at x = Pu , Scheme 2, E[Pcα ] = UU−P −pD
d D
E[P α
2b ] + U −Pd D E[P4b ].
1 1
and 0 otherwise; hence E[P5a α
] = Puα . Since the average
D2D power is just a weighted sum of when the D2D mode B. SINR Analysis
occurs, for Scheme 1, E[Pdα ] = E[P3a4a α
], while for Scheme We represent by Φ c and Φ d the UEs operating in the
Pd 1 Pd 2 α
2, E[Pd ] = Pd E[P3a4a ] + Pd Pu .
α α
cellular and D2D modes respectively. Neither of these is a
In the case of the cellular users, we first consider the UEs PPP and they are not independent as they depend on the same
in II. (b). For both schemes, the transmit power of these UEs set of BSs. However, for analytical tractability, we assume
is P2b = {ρc rcηc : ρc rcηc < Pu }, has PDF c and Φ
that Φ d are independent PPP. Our assumption is a
good estimate as the density of the PPPs and the interference
2 exclusion region around the test receiver has been estimated
2πλx ηc −1 e−πλ( ρc )
x ηc

fP2b (x) = 2  2  0 ≤ x ≤ P u carefully. The PPP assumption is validated in the next section.
η c ρc 1 − e
ηc −πλ( P ρ
u ) ηc
c The intensity of Φ c used is λ because we have assumed
saturation conditions (i.e. U  λ) and the intensity of
d is the intensity of the D2D links, Ud . The exclusion
and the αth moment of the transmit power is given by,
region for cellular receivers has been calculated using the
  IP boundary; the D2D receivers, on the other hand, lack IP
α αηc
ρc γ 2 + 1, πλ ρc Pu c
protection. It is important to note that the PPP assumption
only ignores the mutual correlations between the positions of
] =  2  .
simultaneously active UEs, as the IP condition captures the
Pu η
(πλ) 2 1 − e−πλ( ρc )
αηc c
correlation between the interfering UEs and the test transmitter
and receiver.
The other UEs operating in cellular mode are those in IV. (b). We have characterized the SINR by its cumulative distri-
For both Schemes 1 and 2, these UEs transmit with power bution function (CDF). A UE operates in mode χ ∈ {c, d},
P4b = {ρc rcηc : ρc rcηc < Pu ∩ ρc rcηc ≤ T1d ρd rdηd }. The PDF where c and d denote the cellular and D2D modes respectively.
of this power is given by, For Scheme 1, in the underlay case, we define the SINR of
ρ h0
the users in mode χ as follows; SIN Rχ = σ2 +Iχcχ +I ,
2    1  dχ
2πλx ηc e
−1 −πλ( ρc )
x ηc
1 − PudxT ηd
where Iκχ =  κ Pκi hi ||y − ui ||
ui ∈ Φ . The interference
fP4b (x) = 2  2    , of the cellular users (D2D users) to the UE being considered
c ≤ Xd in mode χ is denoted by Icχ (Idχ ), and σ 2 denotes the
Pu η
ηc ρcηc 1 − e−πλ( ρc ) P X
noise power. Since in the overlay case cross-mode interference
does not exist, the expression for the SINR simplifies to
for 0 ≤ x ≤ max(Td ,1) ; where,
SIN Rχ = σ2 +I
ρχ h0

   1  For Scheme 1, the CDF of the SINR for the underlay can
P X c ≤ Xd = 1 − min(1, T ηd ) +  1
2  × be written as,
Td d P u ) ηc
1−e ρc
P(SIN Rχ ≤ θ) = P(ρχ h0 ≤ θ(σ + Icχ + Idχ ))
1   η1   η2  θ   θ 
Td ρc ηc ηc − θ (σ 2 +Icχ +Idχ ) − θ σ2
min(1, Td ) − Pu c
. = 1 − e ρχ = 1 − e ρχ LIcχ LIdχ
ηd d
Pu ηc γ 2η , πλ ρc ,
2ηd (πλ) 2ηd
ρχ ρχ
where LX is the Laplace transform of the PDF of the RV X. Also, for Scheme 2, the D2D link spectrum efficiency in
the underlay case, where ξ = (e ρ−1)
Similarly, in the overlay case the CDF of the SINR is, , is:
 θ 2  θ  DPd1 ∞ −ξσ2
P(SIN Rχ ≤ θ) = 1 − exp − σ LIχχ . Rd = e LIcd ξ LIdd ξ dt
ρχ ρχ Ud 0
 ∞  Rmax − ξρdPxηd σ2  ξρ xηd   ξρ xηd 
DPd2 e u
d d
The Laplace transforms of the interference’s are, + LIcd LIdd dx dt.
Ud 0 R Rmax Pu Pu
  Again, the overlay case does not include the LIcd terms. Note:
2  2
LIdd = exp − πUd s E Pd Γ 1 + Γ 1−
ηd the cellular UEs have the same SINR, and therefore SINR CDF
ηd ηd and link spectrum efficiency for both Schemes 1 and 2.
2  2   2  Assuming a fair (i.e. equal) resource allocation in the BSs,
LIcd = exp − πλs ηd E Pc Γ 1 + Γ 1−
η d
the average share that a generic cellular user gets is given by
ηd ηd
  β = intensity ofBSUEs
in cellular mode , therefore for Scheme 1, β =
2 ∞  y 
2 λ
, while for Scheme 2, β = (1−Op )(Uλ −DPd ) .
LIcc = exp − 2πλs ηc E Pc c   η1c
dy (1−Op )(U −Ud ) 1
y ηc + 1 Two metrics other than outage probability are used for analyz-
  ing performance in this work: the average spectral efficiency
ηc =4 √   √ per potential D2D UE, Ravg = Pd Rd + β2 (1−Op )(1−Pd1 )Rc ,
= exp − πλ sE Pc arctan( sρc )
and the spatial spectral efficiency from the network’s perspec-
   tive, Tn = Ud Rd + λRc . Note that for measuring Ravg , the
2 ∞  y 
LIdc = exp − 2πUd s ηc E Pdηc   η1
ηc + 1
dy spectral efficiency of the cellular link is multiplied by 0.5 to
sρc Td
y reflect two hop nature of the cellular link (i.e. uplink then
  downlink). Also, it is natural to estimate the cellular link rate
ηc =4 √   
= exp − πUd sE Pd arctan( sρc Td ) by the uplink rate as the uplink is usually the bottleneck link.
Additionally, for Scheme 1, the link spectrum efficiency for a Unless stated otherwise, the BS intensity is λ = 10 BS/km2 ,
UE operating in mode χ is given as follows, where ξ = (e ρ−1)
: the intensity of the UEs is U = 100 UE/km2 , the potential
D2D UEs intensity is D = 50 UE/km2 , the maximum transmit
Rχ = E[ln(1 + SIN Rχ )] power is Pu = 200 mW, the receiver sensitivity is ρmin = −90
 ∞ dBm, the cutoff threshold for cellular UEs is ρc = −80 dBm,
= P(ln(1 + SIN Rχ ) > t)dt the cutoff threshold for D2D UEs is ρd = ρrc , the value of r
 ∞       is 1, the D2D bias factor Td = 1, the path-loss exponents are
= exp − ξσ 2 LIcχ ξ LIdχ ξ dt (for underlay) ηc = ηd = 4, the SINR threshold θ = 1, and the noise power
0 ∞ is σ 2 = −90 dBm. Note: in this work, altering ρc alters ρd
(due to its definition), while altering r alters ρd but not ρc .
= exp − ξσ 2 LIχχ ξ dt (for overlay).
A. Underlay
SIN Rd in Scheme 2 is different from that in Scheme 1, as Increasing ρc (and therefore ρd ) causes a higher SINR
the UEs operating in V. (a) do not achieve ρd at their receiver. requirement at the receivers and therefore causes an increase in
Hence, the D2D SINR is a weighted sum of the SINR of the truncation outage for both cellular and D2D UEs. However, the
UEs in III. (a), IV. (a) and V. (a). In the underlay case, it is users that do transmit have better SINR due to the increased
DP ρ h DP P r h signal component as well as lower interference due to the
given by SIN Rd = Ud (σ2 +I d1 d 0
cd +Idd )
+ Ud (σd22+Iucdd+Idd0) . The
fewer interferers. This results in SINR outage decreasing with
overlay case simply does not include the Icd terms.
increasing ρc , for a constant r and Td , as shown in Fig. 1 for
Due to this, for the case of Scheme 2, the complementary Scheme 2. Increasing Td enables more D2D communication,
CDF (CCDF) of the D2D SINR for underlay is, thus causing greater interference from D2D UEs, which dete-
  riorates the SINR for both communication modes, resulting in
DPd1 − ρθ σ2 θ θ
P(SIN Rd > θ) = e d LIcd LIdd higher outage; this is shown, for Scheme 2 in Fig. 2. Scheme 1
Ud ρd ρd has the same trend for increasing ρc and Td as Scheme 2; these
 have not been plotted for brevity and can be found in [12].
θxηd 2
Rmax − Pu σ
e  θxηd   θxηd 
+ LIcd LIdd dx Increasing r decreases ρd (ρc remains constant), which reduces
Ud R Rmax Pu Pu the D2D truncation probability and therefore increases the
D2D interferers in the system resulting in SINR deterioration
The CCDF for the overlay case does not include the LIcd of both cellular and D2D UEs. It should be noted that the
terms. impact on the SINR of D2D UEs is larger than that on cellular
1 1 D2D UEs is poor too further worsening D2D SINR. This can
ρc= −85, −80, −75 be seen in Figs. 7 - 10. It ought to be mentioned that the
0.8 0.8
SINR Outage Probability

SINR Outage Probability

range of r being considered in Figs. 7 - 10 is low; this has
0.6 0.6 been done to observe the optimal values of r. Note, the optimal
D2D analysis
0.4 D2D simulation 0.4
D2D analysis is not visible in Figs. 7 and 9, for Scheme 2, because they
Cellular analysis D2D simulation
Cellular simulation Cellular analysis are being masked by the higher values of Scheme 1; and for
0.2 0.2 Cellular simulation
T =0.1, 1, 10
Scheme 1, because the optimal occurs at very low values of

0 0 r that are not in the range plotted. Figs. 7 and 8 show

−10 −5 0 5 10 −10 −5 0 5 10
SINR Threshold θ (dBm) SINR Threshold θ (dBm) spectral efficiencies decrease with decreasing ρc (and ρd ) as
Fig. 1: Scheme 2: SINR out- Fig. 2: Scheme 2: SINR out- the SINR deteriorates. In general, increasing Td causes SINR,
age vs. θ for r = 1, Td = 1 age vs. θ for ρc = −80 dBm, and therefore spectral efficiency, deterioration. However, Figs.
and different ρc . r = 1 and different Td . 9 and 10 show spectral efficiencies increase with increasing
1 1
Td ; this is because of the range of low r being considered
which has very few D2D interferers; increasing Td here leads
0.8 0.8
to higher SINR and spectral efficiency. At higher r, however,
SINR Outage Probability

SINR Outage Probability

0.6 0.6 there are many D2D interferers and increasing Td results in
D2D analysis D2D analysis
D2D simulation D2D simulation SINR and spectral efficiencies deteriorating.
0.4 Cellular analysis 0.4 Cellular analysis
Cellular simulation Cellular simulation An important observation from the results is that the overall
0.2 r=0.5, 1, 5 0.2 r=0.5, 1, 5 network performance, in terms of outage probability and Tn ,
0 0
is not significantly different for the two schemes; however, in
terms of Ravg Scheme 1 significantly outperforms Scheme
−10 −5 0 5 10 −10 −5 0 5 10
SINR Threshold θ (dBm) SINR Threshold θ (dBm)

Fig. 3: Scheme 1: SINR out- Fig. 4: Scheme 2: SINR out- 2. This occurs because Scheme 2, by allowing more D2D
age vs. θ for ρc = −80 dBm, age vs. θ for ρc = −80 dBm, UEs to communicate, reduces the average quality of a link.
Td = 1 and different r. Td = 1 and different r. The SINR outage probability and Tn , however, measure the
overall network performance which is averaged over the total
number of users. Since, the number of users in Scheme 2
is larger, the contribution to the SINR is larger, resulting in
UEs which only have to deal with higher interference; the D2D overall network performance similar to that of Scheme 1’s.
users, additionally, have lower signal components due to the In other words, Scheme 2 caters to a larger number of users
reduced threshold ρd . Hence increasing r deteriorates SINR focusing less on the link quality, while Scheme 1 caters to
outage of both cellular and D2D UEs, impacting the D2D fewer users providing better quality.
UEs more as shown in Figs. 3 and 4 for the two schemes. Optimal values exist that maximize spatial spectrum effi-
The results in Figs. 1 - 4 validate our analysis by showing that ciencies for both Td and r as they both impact the number
the models being used accurately capture the SINR outage. of D2D UEs that can transmit. An observation from the
Increasing r causes the SINR of both D2D and cellular results is that r is a more robust criteria for flexible mode
UEs to deteriorate leading to lower rates, as reflected by selection, in terms of both outage and spectral efficiency, as
the decrease in Ravg and Tn in Figs. 5 and 6. Moreover, it impacts cellular outage significantly less than Td does and
the optimal Td for the spectral efficiencies decreases with as the roll off of spectral efficiency after the optimal is much
increasing r. As higher r leads to worse D2D-SINR than smoother in the case of r. This can be explained by noting
cellular-SINR, the D2D mode performs more poorly than the that increasing Td makes the IP condition easier to satisfy and
cellular; since Td enhances the use of the D2D mode, the thereby increases Pd , whereas increasing r not only makes
optimal Td decreases with increasing r due to the lower-quality the IP condition easier to satisfy, but also decreases D2D
D2D mode. This is in contrast to the case of increasing ρc truncation outage which remains unaffected in the case of
(and ρd ), where the optimal Td remains constant because the varying Td .
cellular and D2D modes are both impacted in the same way
and hence perform similarly [12]. B. Overlay
In general, Ravg and Tn have similar trends; with increasing Since the bandwidth is split between the two communication
r, the value of the spectral efficiencies first increases and modes in the overlay case, we redefine the performance
then decreases. This is because below a certain optimal β(1−Op )(1−Pd1 )
metrics as Ravg = τ Pd Rd + (1 − τ ) 2 Rc and
value, increasing r, which increases spatial frequency reuse, Tn = τ Ud Rd + (1 − τ )λRc . Maximizing these metrics w.r.t.
improves the SINR and therefore the spectral efficiencies, by τ is in the form of the following optimization problem:
increasing the number of contributing UEs. After the optimal,
however, the effect of the increased D2D interferers in the τ ∗ = arg max τ a Rd + (1 − τ ) b Rc ,
τ ∈[0,1]
system dominates the benefit of the larger number of active
users, resulting in deteriorating SINR and spectral efficiency. where a and b are constants that vary with the metric being
Additionally, at higher r, the signal part of the contributing maximized. From this we can see that the solution to the
find that, like Td , an optimal r exists that maximizes spectral

Network’s spatial spectrum efficiency (nats/sec/Hz)

0.2 12
Per potential D2D spectrum efficiency (nats/sec/Hz)

Scheme 1 Scheme 1
r= 0.5, 1, 5
Scheme 2
r= 0.5, 1, 5
Scheme 2 efficiency for D2D enabled networks, and r in fact happens to
0.15 be a more robust parameter to use when maximizing spectral
8 efficiency. Additionally, our results show that Scheme 2, which
prioritizes spatial frequency reuse over the per-user achievable
performance compared to Scheme 1, attains almost the same
overall network performance in terms of the SINR outage and
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
network spectral efficiency. Hence, Scheme 2 trades the link
T Td
d quality to serve a larger quantity of users, maintaining almost
Fig. 5: Ravg vs. Td for ρc = Fig. 6: Tn vs. Td for ρc = the same overall network performance as Scheme 1.
−80 dBm and different r. −80 dBm and different r.
Network’s spatial spectrum efficiency (nats/sec/Hz)
Per potential D2D spectrum efficiency (nats/sec/Hz)

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Network’s spatial spectrum efficiency (nats/sec/Hz)
Per potential D2D spectrum efficiency (nats/sec/Hz)

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We have presented and analyzed a comprehensive tractable
framework for D2D-enabled cellular networks using two
flexible mode selection schemes. The flexibility comes from
the biasing factor Td , which controls the amount of traffic
offloaded to the D2D mode and the IP to cellular UEs from
D2D UEs. The power-control cutoff thresholds required at the
D2D receivers and BSs have been segregated in this work.
The ratio r of the cellular and D2D power-control cutoff
thresholds also controls the amount of traffic offloaded to
the D2D mode as well as the IP of the cellular UEs. We

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