Lamaran Ferdinand Malau

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Ferdinand Malau

Jl. Pintu Air IV No.151 Kwala Belaka Medan Johor

Phone. +62 852-0739-9750
e-mail :

Manager HRD of

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Refer to your requirement advertised on job fair infomation, I wish to apply for a
job vacancy for position that opened at
I am interested to join and to contribute with your respected company.

I am twenty-three years of age, single and good health condition. I was

graduated from strata (S1) Physics of Faculty Math and Science University North
Sumatra in November 2017 with GPA of 3,01 (scale 4). I can adapt well, used to
working under pressure, and honest.

I am willing to learn and work very well with others and anxious to put my
knowledge into practical. As for my motivation to be able to join this company is
to provide the best contribution to the company in accordance with the vision,
mission and objectives to be achieved.

To give you more information about me, I enclosed a CV that will provide you
with more details of my background.

I hope to be able to join in the this company. Similarly, the cover letter is to
convey. For the attention of Manager HRD of this company, I say thank you.

Medan, February 2018

Sincerely yours,


Ferdinand Malau


Full Name : Ferdinand Malau

Place, Date of Birth : Sumbul, 28 Februari 1994
Sex/ Gender : Male
Blood Type : B
Region/Nationality : Christian/ Indonesian
Marital Status : Single
Home Address : Jl. Pintu Air IV No. 151 Kwala Bekala
Medan Johor – Sumatera Utara
Mobile Phone : 0852 – 0739 – 9750
Email :
ID Card Number : 12.1102.280294.0001
Motto : “Commitment and Consistent”
Driving License C : 940207220029


2000 – 2006 : SD Negeri 0303332 Sumbul

2006 – 2009 : SMP Negeri 1 Sumbul
2009 – 2012 : SMA Negeri 4 Medan (Major : IPA)
2012 – 2015 : D-III University of North Sumatra
(Major : Physics Electronics and Instrumentation)
GPA 2.97 scale 4
2015 – 2017 : S-1 University of North Sumatra
(Major : Physics/ Accredited: B)
GPA 3.01 scale 4


2009 – 2012 : NHKBP Sumbu

2012 – Now : Ikatan Pemuda Pemudi Sumbul Sekitarnya (IPPSS
2012 – 2015 : Ikatan Mahasiswa Instrument (IMI USU)
2015 – Now : Ikatan Alumni Fisika Instrument (IKAFIN USU)


2012 : Aplikasi Sensor dan Magnetik di Dunia Industri

2016 : Peluang dan Tantangan Ahli Madya Fisika Instrmentasi dan
Elektronika di Dunia Industri
2016 : Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi (PBK) Kejuruan Teknik Listrik Sub
Kejuruan PLC Jabatan Operator PLC.

Languages Skill
- Indonesian : Native
- English : Fair
Additional Skill
- MS Word, MS Excel, Power Point : Fair


I certify that all of the information and data in these curriculum vitae are true and
correct, and are made in good faith. I also realize that all of these information
and data is subject of verivication.

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