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Duration: 100 hours
The .NET Framework
 What is the .NET Framework?
 Common Language Runtime
 .NET Framework Class Library
 Assemblies and the Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)
 Versions of the .NET Framework and Visual Studio

Getting Started with Visual Studio
 Visual Studio Overview

C# Language Foundations
 Using the C# Compiler (csc.exe)
 Passing Arguments to Main()
 Language Syntax
 Data Types
 Value Types
 Reference Types
 Enumerations
 Implicit Typing
 Type Conversion
 Operators
 Flow Control
 Looping
 Structs
 Arrays
 Functions
OOPs Concepts
 Classes
 System.Object Class
 Inheritance
 Interfaces
 Delegates and Events
 Generics
 Exception Handling
 Threading
 Files and Streams

 ADO .NET Introduction
 Connecting to Data Sources
 Performing Connected Database Operations
 Using Transactions
 Reading and Writing XML with ADO.NET

 ASP.NET Introduction
 Developing ASP.NET Applications
 Introducing Server Controls
 ASP.NET Configuration
 Web Controls
 Web Control Classes
 List Controls
 Table Controls
 Web Control Events and AutoPostBack
 A Simple Web Page
 The Validation Controls
 The Data Controls
 The GridView
 The FormView
 Rich Controls
 The Calendar
 The AdRotator
 The Advertisement File
 The AdRotator Class
 Pages with Multiple Views
 The MultiView Control
 The Wizard Control
 The FileUpload Control
 State Management
 The Problem of State

 View State

 Transferring Information between Pages

 Cookies

 Session State

 Application State
 User Controls
 Caching and Tracing
 Styles, Themes, and Master Pages
 Website Navigation
 Creating and Using Web Services
 Security Fundamentals
 Membership
 Profiles
WPF(Windows Presentation Foundation)
Duration : 40 Hours
 What is WPF?
 Goals, Benefits & Drawback
 First WPF Application
 Types of WPF Applications (Windows Based and Browser Based)
 XAML – Extensible Application Markup Language
 Content Models
 Brief Introduction t o Expression Blend

Controls, Menus
Content Controls
 Label, Button, CheckBox, RadioButton,
 RepeatButton, ToggleButton, ToolTip,Explander, Group
Text Controls
 TextBox, TextBlock, RichTextBox,
List Controls
 ComboBox, ListBox, Menu, StatusBar, TabControl,
 Toolbar, TreeView, ListView.
 General Controls
 Progress Bar, Image, Slider, ScrollBar, Rectangle,
 Ellipse, Separator, GridSpilitter, MediaElement.
Windows Forms Host
 NotifyIcon, DateTimePicker, FolderBrowserDialog,
 DataGridView.
Menus & Toolbar.
 Layout
 Border
 Canvas
 DockPanel
 Grid
 StackPanel
 UniformGrid
 WrapPanel
 Viewbox
 ScrollViewer
 Common Layout Properties
 Mouse Events
 Keyboard Input
 Routed Events
 Inline Styles
 Named Styles
 Element Typed Styles
 Logical and Visual Trees
 Resources & Themes
 Creating and Using Resources
 Resources and Styles
 Pens
 Brush
 Fonts
 Windows Level and Application Level
Data Binding
 Simple Data Binding
 Binding to List Data
 Data Source Providers
 Master Details Binding
Control Templates
 Logical and Visual trees
 Data Driven UI
 Fixed Documents
 Flow Documents
Navigation-Based Applications
 Page
 Hyperlink Navigation
 Navigation Service
 Frame
Animation and Media
 Animation Fundamentals
 Timelines
 Keyframe Animation
 Storyboard
 Animation without storyboard
 Transformation and Effects
 Three Dimensional Drawing

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