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Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

Chapter 1
System Planning and Selection

 Introduction

 Problem Statement

 The Proposed System

 Advantages and Disadvantages

Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

1.1 Introduction:

Hadhramaut governorate is considered a commercial and tourist

destination for visitors from Yemen and all over the world, because of its
geographical location, moderate weather, ancient civilization, great
history, land outlets and commercial sea ports. Nevertheless, the hotel's
services in Hadhramaut governorate are not at the desired level that
commensurate with its commercial and tourist position. Therefore, guests
of every hotel need many services such as booking in advance, food,
laundry, and car services, etc. Unfortunately, many of these services are
not available in most of Hadhramaut hotels. For this reason, there is no
information system provide detailed services to the customers in
Hadhramaut hotels.
Today, we are living in 21st century in which technology is advanced
and the way of life is changing in accordance. The internet and its boom
have created a new economic scenario which is not only a focus on the
classical concept of the "product" but also on the modern concept of
"services". On the other hand, Information Systems (ISs) serve people in
the various daily life aspects, and ISs have become the backbone of most
organizations. Nowadays, ISs play significant roles in facilitating and
supporting the operational processes and services provided by many
organizations such as education, finance, government, health care,
manufacturing, and businesses. Information Technology (IT) serves many
economic sectors that helped in saving effort and cost. There is no doubt
that ISs play an important role in the hotel sector, because they provide this
technology with speed and accuracy in data extraction and it helps the
senior management in making decisions. In the hotel sector, IT helps in
facilitating the process of booking. Thereby, ISs help anyone who needs a
reservation and service at any hotel in the fastest time without effort, and
customers can get the best price for hotels quickly. This project "Online
Customer Service Hotel Management System" is web-based software
which is made for customers to gain services from the hotel.
Subsequently, this study will contribute to improve tourism and
hotel services in Hadhramaut Governorate, by reducing the cost, time,
effort of the hotel’s guests and management. For example, the proposed
solution by this study facilitates the process of room reservation by
providing the pre-booking service, which allows guests to reserve their
rooms in advance before the arrival date.
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

1.2 Problem statements:

As a beginning of this study, the existing systems in the hotel sector have
been reviewed and explored, to find out the problems and shortcomings in
the hotel systems that being used currently in providing hospitality services
to their guests. Among these problems, there are many difficulties faced by
the guests in the room reservation process and ordering hospitality
services. On the other hand, the hotel management faced many difficulties
in managing guest orders and the daily activities of the hotel. For example,
the guests face a difficulty to find the right hotel based on its location as
well as appropriate room based on his budget and the hospitality services
that provided. However, the guest faces a difficulty to book his rooms in
advance as well as he has no idea about the room details. Thus, the guest
is forced to use one of the tourism companies to obtain a hotel reservation,
which leads to exploit him. Or he resorts to using the phone to make
booking, but comes here the problem of unreal bookings that affects the
hotel management and harms it. Also, the guest faces difficulties of issue
services that always request from the hotel. In the existing system the guest
cannot get a lot of services that ordinarily requests such as food service
which difficult to guest to get the food from the restaurants that requested
by him/her. Laundry service is the one of the important services that the
guest needs to them be available, without it the guest impels to go to the
laundry by himself to wash his/her clothes. Car service is also one of
difficulties that the guest faces.
In the existing system, the hotel's management faces a problem to control
reserved guests. It was much difficult for the management to keep the
records updated all the time. As for example, if the guests need to change
the check in date it becomes difficult for them to find out the guests
booking details for updating as there are so many guests booking records.
Again regarding current system, guests cannot give feedback online and
also the management cannot reply to them promptly. Also the hotel's
management faces maintenance problems.
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

1.3 The proposed Solution

The Online Customer Service in Hotel Management System
(OCSHMS) is a web-based system which has been developed to overcome
the shortcomings in the existing systems and solve the problems faced by
the hotel management and guests. Instead of visiting the hotel, guests are
only required to browse the hotel website for detailed information about
rooms’ types, rates and services provided by the hotel. Therefore, the guest
can choose the desired room type which is single room, double room, or
suite and services based on their budget. Also the guest can make in
advance booking easily and online payment. Where the website focuses on
presenting information in an easy and intelligible manner to all services
that the hotel presents, rooms specification and their prices. There are a lot
of services that the visitors get in the hotel by accessing each services
activity interface in the website. The objectives of the automated Customer
Service at Hotel Management System are to simplify the day to day
processes of the hotel. The new system will be able to handle many services
to take care of all customers in quick manner such as meals, laundry, cars,
and etc.
The new system will provide the following services in the Hotel:
Booking Service: The reservation system is to keep the track and hall
reservation and to check the availability that room management system
The booking interface contains guest details that will be inputted when
guest books into hotel. For booking, the system will give room for online
booking, personal visit to the booking office (Receptionist). For online
booking the guest will access to the hotel website and fill his/her personal
information in the booking web page provided by the system. For personal
visit to the hotel, the guest provides his details verbally to the receptionist;
Henceforth, he inputs them into the computer system.
Meal Services: Included a lot of restaurants which offer all daily services
for customers in the hotel. Each restaurant has an interface from which the
customer can select his orders. The interface is a board that written all food
services that the restaurant provides.
Laundry services: Our system provides washing clothes service that the
customer can enter the website of the hotel and send request to the washer.
And the washer responses his/her request service.
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

Car Services: From the website of the hotel the customer can order the tax.
He just enters the time and place that he wants to go. And he can choose
the model of the car. When customer chooses the car and the place the taxes
service page shows the price that related to his place if he come or go.
Objectives of the Proposed Solution:
The main objectives of this study are: -
1. To enable Online Booking via the website.
2. To enable automated data entry methods.
3. Avoid data entry errors by use of input masks.
4. Enforce security measures to avoid unauthorized access to guest
Scope of the project:
The online customer service in hotel management system is concerned
three end users.
The end users are: guest, hotel management such as hotel manager and
1- Customers can access the website and have ability to search rooms,
reserve the rooms and suites of the hotel in advance at any time,
and customers order the services in the hotel (meal, laundry, car
and etc...), also the customers send feedback to admin over the web
2- Receptionist can access to the reservation management (check in
new customer, check out, search room, add new room, Update the
rooms) and get orders of the customers and sends services to the
3- Hotel manager can access the website and have general privileges
to manage the website.
4- The system will cover: booking, meals, and car details. Moreover,
special services such as laundry, room service will be automated by
the system also, not to forget the additional facility information that
will be efficiently handled by the system.
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

1.4 Advantages of the system:

 The system enables easy and fast access to the guest account.
 The system provides booking the room in advance easily to access
the guest better data management facilities.
 Easy to update guest records.
 High customer service standards attract more guests to the hotel.
 Greatly reduce paper use at hotel.
 The system help reduces the congestion of guests ensuring best
service output for customer satisfaction purpose.

1.5 Disadvantages of the system:

 The system requires internet; all users of the system must access to
 The hotel will incur an extra cost on the electricity and internet
 The system supports only English language.
 The system does not comprise all hotel management.
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

Chapter 2

Requirements Analysis
and Methodology
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

2.1 Requirements Specification

A System Requirements specification (SRS) (also known as a Software
Requirements specification): is a document or set of documentation that
describes the features and behavior of a system or software application.
The requirements specification of this system consists:
2.1.1 Functional Requirements:
Functional requirements of this System explain what has to be done by
identifying the necessary task, action or activity that must be
accomplished. Functional requirements analysis will be used as the top
level functions for functional analysis.
The functional requirements of the system are:
 Select Date of check-in and check-out.
 Online Booking.
 Payments.
 Cancel Booking.
 The guest order services whereas the admin manage services.
 The guest sends feedback wherea the admin response the guest.
 Admin manages Rooms.
2.1.2 Non-Functional Requirements:
Non-functional requirements are requirements that specify criteria that
can be used to judge the operation of a system, rather than specific
The functional requirements of the system are:
 Security: in this system the security can be file system security,
Database security, input filtering and password encryption.
 Perfromance: The extent to which a mission or function must be
executed, generally measured in terms of quantity, quality,
coverage, timeliness or readiness. During requirements analysis,
performance (how well does it have to be done) requirements will
be interactively developed across all identified functions based on
system life cycle factors.
 Flexibility: ease of change can it adapt to changes in weather road
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

 Usability: is the quality or state of being usable ease of use comfort

and handling.

2.2 Feasibility Study:

A hotel feasibility study is a report produced for hotel owners. It
researches and analyses variables that impact profitability of new hotel
developments or turn around projects. The investigation looks at supply
and demand of specific locations and competition, then forecasts
demands and project returns from revenues and expenses. That’s the
basics of the hotel feasibility study.
Feasibility Study includes three aspects of:
 Economical Feasibility
 Operational Feasibility
 Technical Feasibility
2.2.1-Economical Feasibility:
As a part of this, the costs and benefits associated with proposed system
are compared. And the project is economically feasible only if the
tangible and intangible benefits outweigh the cost and efforts involved in
maintaining the registers, books, files and generation of the various
reports. The system also reduces the administrative and technical stuff to
do various jobs that single software can do. And this system also provides
high services to the customer; therefore, it increases the turnout that
means increased profit. Our system does not require any costs. Just
design website and published it on the internet. So this system is
economically feasible.
2.2.2-Operational Feasibility:
Operational feasibility means that a proposed system will be used
effectively after it has been developed. If users have difficulty with a new
system, it will not produce the expected benefits.
This study can help in identifying operational problems to be solved:
 Performance
 Information
 Economy
 Control
 Efficiency
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

 Services

2.2.3-Technical Feasibility:
In this field one has to test whether the system can be developed using
existing technology or not. We have used Visual Studio(C#) as front-end
and Microsoft SQL server back-end. It is evident that necessary hardware
and software are available for development and implementation of
proposed system. We acquired the technical knowledge of working in C#
language and then only we have started designing our project.
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

2.3 Development Plan:

2.3.1 Prototyping Model:
We first develop a working prototype of the software rather than
developing the actual software.
The working prototype is developed as per current available requirement.
Basically it has limited functional capabilities low reliability and untested
performance. We use this prototype to refine the requirement and prepare
the final software document specification. The working prototype has been
evaluated by user. Typically, this review gives us a feedback that can help
to remove uncertainties in the requirement of the software and replying of
refinement in order to further clarify requirement as shown in the figure.
The prototype may be a usable program, but it is not suitable as final
software product. The reason may be poor performance maintainability or
overall quality. The code for the prototype is thrown away. However, the
experience gathered can help in developing the actual system. Therefore,
the development of a prototype might involve extra cost, but it helps to
build the actual system.

After the finalization of the software requirement and specification (SRS)

document, the prototype is discarded and actual system is then developed
using the waterfall approach. Thus, it is used as an input to waterfall model
and produces maintainable and good quality software. This model requires
extensive participation and involvement of the user, which is not always
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

Chapter 3

 Processing modeling
 Diagrams

 Use Case Diagram

 Class Diagram

 Sequence Diagram

 Activity Diagram

 Data Flow Diagram

Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

3.1- Process modeling:

3.1.1- What is UML?
The UML is a graphical language for visualizing specifying constructing
documenting artifacts of a software-intensive system. This guide
introduces you to the 9 standard diagrams in the UML 2.0 specification.
These diagrams can be divided into three Types of Models: Functional
Models, which describe business processes and interaction of an info
system with its environment, and Structural Models, which describe the
structure of the data that supports the business processes in organization.,
and Behavioral diagrams, which describe internal dynamic aspects of an
info system that support business processes in an organization.
UML Models:
1. Functional Model
– Use Case Diagram
– Activity Diagram
2. Structural Model
– Class diagram
– Object Diagram
– Component diagram
– Deployment diagram
3. Behavioral Model (Dynamic Model)
– Sequence Diagram
– Collaboration Diagram
– State Chart Diagram
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

3.2- Diagrams:
3.2.1- Use case diagram
A use case is a set of scenarios that shows an interaction between a user
and a system. A use case diagram shows the relationship among actors and
use cases.
The two main components of a use case diagram are use cases and actors.

An actor is representing a user or another system that will interact with the
system you are modeling. A use case is an external view of the system that
represents some action the user might perform in order to complete a task.
Association is used to link Actors with Use Cases, and indicate that an
Actor participates in the Use Case in some form. Association is depicted
by a line connecting the Actor and the Use Case. Can have arrow heads to
show where the communication is initiated.
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

Use case diagram of OCSHMS:

Online Customer Service Hotel Management System Use Case Glossary:

Use Case Name Use Case Description Participant actors
Login This use case describes the event of Admin
logging in the system to access to their Guest
View rooms This use case describes the event of Admin
controlling whether the room is empty
or not.
Manage rooms This use case describes the event of Admin
managing rooms.

Manage guest This use case will enable them to Admin

information manage their information or a
customer’s information.

Manage service This use case describes the event of Admin

managing meal, laundry, and car
Make booking This use case initiated when the guest Guest
viewed the system and take decision to
reserve a room in the hotel.

Check in This use case describes the event of Admin

checking in his information. Guest

Check out This use case describes the event of Admin

checking out to leave a hotel after Guest
paying the bill.
Select service This use case describes the event of Guest
selecting meal, laundry, and car
Cancellation This use case describes the event of Guest
book canceling.

Give feedback This use case describes the event of Guest

giving the guest feedback.

Payment This use case describes the event of Guest

paying the bill.
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

3.2.2- Class diagram

A class diagram is a static model that shows the classes and the relationships
among classes that remain constant in the system over time. The class diagram
depicts classes, which include both behaviors and states, with the relationships
between the classes. The following sections first present the elements of the
class diagram, followed by the way in which a class diagram is drawn.
A class:
 Represents a kind of person, place, or thing
about which the system will need to capture
and store information.
 Has a name typed in bold and centred in its
top compartment.
 Has a list of attributes in its middle
 Has a list of operations in its bottom
 Does not explicitly show operations that are
available to all classes.
An association:
 Represents a relationship between multiple
classes or a class and itself.
 Is labelled using a verb phrase or a role name,
whichever better represents the relationship.
 Can exist between one or more classes.
 Contains multiplicity symbols, which
represent the minimum and maximum times a
class instance can be associated with the
related class instance.
A generalization:
 Represents a-kind-of relationship between
multiple classes.
An aggregation:
 Represents a logical a-part-of relationship
between multiple classes or a class and itself.
 Is a special form of an association.
A composition:
 Represents a physical a-part-of relationship
between multiple classes or a class and itself.
 Is a special form of an association.
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

Class diagram of OCSHMS:

Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

3.2.3- Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagrams is involved how to the object are interacted which are
arranged in a time sequence. The Sequence Diagram which is use the flow
of events to determine what objects and interactions I will need to
accomplish the functionality specified by the flow of events.

Elements of Sequence Diagrams:

A person/system that participates in a
sequence by sending or receiving message.

Place across the top of the diagram using
object symbol. Participates in a sequence by
sending or receiving message.

Message is an information sent to objects to
execute one of its behavior.

using dotted line runs vertically below each
actor and object to denote the life line of the
actor/object over time.
Focus of control:
indicates times during an activation when
processing is taking place within the object.

Reflexive message:
object can send message to itself
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

Sequence Diagram of OCSHMS:

Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

3.2.4- Activity Diagram

Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise

activities and actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency.
In the Unified Modeling Language, activity diagrams can be
used to describe the business and operational step-by-step
workflows of components in a system. An activity diagram shows
the overall flow of control.
Activity diagrams are constructed from a limited number of shapes,
connected with arrows. The most important shape types:
Rounded rectangles: which represents activities

Diamonds: which represents decisions

Bars: which represents the start (split) or end

(join) of concurrent activities

A black circle: which represents the start (initial

state) of the workflow
an encircled black circle: which represents the
end (final state).
Arrows run from the start towards the end:
represent the order in which activities happen.

Hence they can be regarded as a form of flowchart. Typical

flowchart techniques lack constructs for expressing concurrency.
However, the join and split symbols in activity diagrams only
resolve this for simple cases; the meaning of the model is not clear
when they are arbitrarily combined with decisions or loops.
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

Activity Diagram of OCSHMS:

Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

Context Diagram of OCSHMS:

Contex diagram in data flow diagram shows a top level view of the system
and the external entities that interact with the system. In the contex diagram
a single process called process zero represents the entire system. The
flowing figure shows the top level view of Online Customer Service Hotel
Management System and the External entities that intract with the system
that are Guest And Admin.
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

Level 0 Diagram:
Diagram level 0 shows the internal components of the system such as
processes, Data Stores and Data Flows. The following diagram shows the
internal components of Online Customer Services Hotel Management
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

Level 1 Diagram:
Diagram 1 shows the subprocesses that includes the level 0
diagram and presents the details of that processes.
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

Chapter 4

System Design
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

Database Design
(or E-R Diagram) Entity-Relationship Diagram
Entity-relation diagram (or E-R diagram) is a detailed, logical and
geographical representation of the data for an organization or business
The E-R diagram is a model of entities in the business environment, the
relationship or association among those entities, and the attributes or
properties of both the entities and their relationships. A rectangle is used
to represent and entity and a diamond is used to represent the relationship
between two or more entities.
An entity is a person, place, object, event or concept in the user
environment about which the organization wishes to maintain data. There
is an important distinction between entity types and entity instances. An
entity type is a collection of entities that share common properties or
characteristics. Each entity type in an E-R model is given a name.
because the name represents a set of entities, it is singular. Also, because
an entity is an object, we use a simple noun to name an entity type we use
capital letters in an entity name.
The notation of E-R diagram
Rectangles: which represent entity set.

ELLIPSES: which represent attributes.

DIAMONDS: which represent relationship sets.

ELLIPSES with Line : which represent identifier attributes.

LINE: which link attributes to entity sets and entity sets to
relationship sets.
DOUBLE ELLIPSES: which represent multivalued
Online Customer Service Hotel Management System

E-R diagram of OCSHMS:

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