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Platypus Remediation Project
May 2013


Marguerite Gosse


Issue/Rev Date By Checked Approved


ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ......................................................................................................... 3

OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................... 4
1. ACTIVITY SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................ 7
2. METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS .................................................................................................. 8
3. MONITORING LOCATIONS .............................................................................................................. 9
4. METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................. 10
5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ...................................................................................................... 11
5.1 Dust Monitoring ...................................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Noise and Vibration Monitoring .............................................................................................. 15
5.3 Attended monitoring for Benzene and Total Volatile Organic Compounds ............................ 18
5.4 Attended Monitoring for Odour ............................................................................................... 24
5.5 Monthly Compliance Monitoring ............................................................................................. 28
5.6 ECS Stack Testing ................................................................................................................. 30
6. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................. 31

This disclaimer, together with any limitations specified in the report applies to the use of this report. This report was
prepared in accordance with the contracted scope of services for the specific purpose stated and subject to the
applicable cost, time and other constraints. This report has been prepared solely for use by the Sydney Harbour
Federation Trust and Thiess Services Pty Ltd accepts no responsibility for its use by other persons. This report is subject to
copyright protection and the copyright owner reserves its rights. This report does not constitute legal advice.

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ARL Action Response Level

AQRL Air Quality Response Level
AQRL1 Air Quality Response Level 1 (Goal)
AVG Average
BOM Bureau of Meteorology
BTEX Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene
D/T Dilution-to-Threshold ratio
E East
ECS Emissions Control System
FEL Front end loader
GC/MS Gas chromatograph / Mass spectrometry
hr hour
HVAS High Volume Air Sampler
km kilometres
m3 cubic metres
MaxAQRL Maximum Air Quality Response Level (Adopted maximum limit)
mg milligram
mm millimetres
N North
N/A Not applicable
NATA National Association of Testing Authorities
NEPM National Environment Protection Measure
ng nanogram
NM Not measured
OCE Odour Control Enclosure
PAH Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
PID Photo-ionisation detector
PM10 Particulate matter less than 10µm in diameter
ppm parts per million
PPR Principals projects requirements
S South
SHFT Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon
VOC Volatile Organic Compound
W West
WTP Water Treatment Plant

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Thiess Services is undertaking the Platypus Remediation Project (the Project) for the Sydney Harbour Federation
Trust, which involves the treatment of approximately 30,000 tonnes of gas works waste. The Platypus Site (the
Site) is located at 118 High Street, North Sydney and extends to the waterfront of Neutral Bay.

This report summarises the monthly environmental monitoring activities undertaken by Thiess Services Pty Ltd
during the Project, for the month of May 2013.

For the month of May 2013, there were no exceedances of any project limit criteria, with the exception of an
attended noise measurement made at the boundary to a residential property on the 16th May, 2013. The
location was the closest receptor to noise generated from a generator in the top car park. The measurement
exceeded the MaxAQRL 75dB(A). Control measures were put in place and the generator was then moved to
a more suitable location.

Environmental monitoring is conducted during the Project to confirm the effectiveness of the environmental
controls and to protect the surrounding environment and the health of workers and the community.

The environmental monitoring program includes air quality and noise monitoring at locations in the
community, at the project site boundaries and on the site itself. Measurements are collected continuously
and reported in real time for some contaminants (such as Volatile Organic Compounds), while samples for
others are collected periodically and taken to laboratories accredited by the National Association of Testing
Authorities (NATA) for analysis.

Fixed environmental monitors are set at an apartment complex on the western site boundary of the Site and
at a residence adjoining the northern boundary. The equipment at these locations continuously monitors dust
including PM10, VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), noise and vibration. Portable monitoring equipment is
also used by Environmental Officers at both locations. Additional monitoring is performed at Anderson Park,
High Street, Lower Wycombe Road and Adderstone Avenue, North Sydney.

The air quality monitoring program includes monitoring for odour as well as for VOCs. Odour monitoring is
conducted every operational day at a number of onsite, boundary and community locations. An
Environmental Officer uses a portable piece of equipment, known as a Nasal Ranger, to determine the
ambient air dilution-to-threshold ratio of any odour detected. This dilution rate indicates the intensity of the
odour, which is used in combination with the trained Officer’s characterisation of the odour, and the prevailing
meteorological conditions, to identify its precise source. Action is taken at the source to control the odour.

It is important to note that the presence or level of unpleasant odour is not necessarily an indicator of a
chemical’s harmfulness.

As VOCs are typically an odorous group of chemicals, an Odour Control Enclosure (OCE) has been built over
the excavation area. The OCE and its Emission Control System (ECS) have been designed to limit the release
of VOCs to the external atmosphere. Emissions from odorous soil stockpiles inside the OCE will also be
minimised through the use of tarpaulins and odour suppressant foam, as required.

VOC monitoring is undertaken with equipment that operates continuously and the accumulated data is
available in real time. In addition to continuously monitoring total VOC levels, an Environmental Officer
conducts monitoring at regular times throughout each working day with a handheld Photo-ionisation Detector

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(PID). The portability of the PID means that real-time VOC measurements can be obtained onsite, at site
boundaries and in the community

Community-focused Air Quality Response Levels (AQRLs) have been set as part of the air quality monitoring
program and include AQRLs for total VOC levels. The AQRLs are conservative and are based on national and
NSW standards for keeping concentrations of chemicals in air well below those that would impact people’s
health. AQRLs are used as triggers to review work practices and to look at implementing additional controls.
For example, in the event an AQRL was reached at a stationary monitor located in the community, Project
Engineers and Environmental Officers would be notified through mobile phone and steps would be taken to
reduce the level of chemicals in the air.

A copy of this report is provided on the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust’s web pages for the Platypus
Remediation Project:
Further enquiries can be made through the Community Contact Number, 1800 009 414.

The primary focus of this report is to address compliance with environmental compliance targets for the

Table A- 1 overleaf provides a summary of all environmental monitoring conducted this reporting month.

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Table A- 1: Summary of Environmental Monitoring Conducted this Reporting Month

Adopted Goal Adopted Maximum Limit Report
Parameter Frequency Discussion Actions Compliant
(AQRL1/ARL1) (MaxAQRL/MaxAQRL) Reference

Concentrations of PM10 were below the

PM10 Monitoring (HVAS) Monthly No action required Section 5.1 
0.03 mg/m3 0.05 mg/m3 (24-hr AVG) Adopted Goal
(24-hr AVG) 0.03 mg/m3 (Annual AVG)
PM10 Monitoring Concentrations of PM10 were below the
Continuous No action required Section 5.1 
(DustTrak) Adopted Goal
Total Volatile Organic Concentrations of VOCs were below the
Continuous 3ppm 5ppm No action required Section 5.3 
Compounds (VOC) Adopted Goal
Concentrations of VOCs were below the
Total VOC Daily 3ppm 5ppm No action required Section 5.3 
Adopted Goal
0.003 ppm 0.003 ppm (Annual AVG) Concentrations of Benzene were below the
Benzene Daily No action required Section 5.3 
(15min AVG) 0.05 ppm (15-min AVG) Adopted Goal
Odour was detected at the site boundary, but
Odour Daily 1 odour unit (OU) 2 Odour units (OU) No action required Section 5.3 
below project limits at all times
Noise Attended Noise was measured in excess of the
Source of noise was
LAeq(15min) 53 dB(A) LAeq(15min) 75 dB(A) maximum limit. Additional measures were Section 5.2 
Noise Continuous moved.
implemented and works altered

Vibration Continuous 0.56 mm/s 5 mm/s Vibration levels were below project limits No action required Section 5.2 

Total Deposited Dust Monthly 3 g/m2/month 4 g/m2/month Concentrations were below the adopted goal No action required Section 5.1 

Heavy metals Monthly Various Various Concentrations were below the adopted goal No action required Section 5.5 
Comparison to
Ammonia Monthly Comparison to Background Concentrations were below the adopted goal No action required Section 5.5 
Hydrogen Cyanide Monthly < 0.238 mg/m3 0.34 mg/m3 Concentrations were below the adopted goal No action required Section 5.5 
Particulate Polycyclic
Comparison to
Aromatic Hydrocarbons Monthly Comparison to Background Concentrations were below the adopted goal No action required Section 5.5 
Benzo(a)pyrene (as part 0.0000003 mg/m3 0.0000003 mg/m3 (Annual
Monthly Concentrations were below the adopted goal No action required Section 5.5 
of the above PAH suite) (24-hr AVG) AVG)
Total Petroleum Comparison to
Monthly Comparison to Background Concentrations were below the adopted goal No action required Section 5.5 
Hydrocarbons (TPH) Background
Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Comparison to
Monthly Comparison to Background Concentrations were below the adopted goal No action required Section 5.5 
Benzene and Xylene Background
Protection of the
Environment Operations
POP & 3 Adopted Project
ECS Stack Test (Clean Air) Regulation 2010, Concentrations were below the adopted goal No action required Section 5.6 
monthly Goals
Human Health Risk
Assessment & Best Practice
= Compliance achieved = Potential area of non-compliance, ongoing due diligence required = Non-compliance present

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Environmental monitoring was completed in accordance with the requirements set out in the following

1. Site Management Plan Stage 2 Works June 2011 (Sydney Harbour Federation Trust)

2. Platypus Stage 2 Major Remediation Works Principals Project Requirements (PPR) NB0802.T1402/2011
(Sydney Harbour Federation Trust)

3. Environmental Monitoring Procedure TSRM-050010-ENV-PR-001 (Thiess Services Pty Ltd)

All environmental monitoring is undertaken in accordance with Australian Standards, where applicable.

During the reporting month, the following primary activities occurred on Site:

 Excavation and stockpiling within the OCE;

 Operation of the ECS;
 Drilling and jet grouting works within Building 10;
 Propping and shoring of central and southern sea wall;
 Operation of the Water Treatment Plant (WTP);
 Mixing of tarry material with magnesium oxide;
 ECS carbon bed change out;
 Removal of tank on Southern-end of wharf;
 Screening and treatment of ‘other than rock’ materials;
 Preparatory works for coal store roof works;
 Scraping and light hammering in and around tar pit; and
 Validation of tar pit.

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Data from the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) at Sydney Observatory, Sydney Airport and Fort Denison
weather stations was recorded. Temperatures ranged between 9.2°C and 26.4°C. A total of 110.2mm of
rain was recorded during the monitoring period. A summary of meteorological data is presented below in

Table 2- 1.

Table 2- 1: Sydney Observatory Hill and Fort Denison, BOM

Temps Max wind gust 9 am 3 pm
Rain Evap Sun
Date Day Min Max Dir Spd Time Temp RH Cld Dir Spd MSLP Temp RH Cld Dir Spd MSLP
th th
°C °C mm mm hours km/h local °C % 8 km/h hPa °C % 8 km/h hPa
1 We 16.9 25.0 0 1.2 7.4 S 37 21:14 18.1 86 7 WNW 15 1018.7 24.2 61 5 SE 17 1014.3
2 Th 14.4 20.3 0 5.6 7.4 S 46 11:43 15.1 53 1 W 13 1025.3 18.7 51 4 S 20 1025.2
3 Fr 11.1 22.9 0 3.0 10.2 N 31 20:34 14.0 72 1 WNW 19 1026.7 20.9 51 7 ENE 19 1020.5
4 Sa 14.0 26.4 0 4.4 6.2 SSE 56 14:50 17.4 50 7 W 19 1017.9 20.2 56 3 SSE 37 1018.5
5 Su 12.7 20.1 0 6.4 9.1 SSE 37 00:03 14.5 56 6 W 15 1025.1 19.7 38 1 S 7 1022.1
6 Mo 10.8 20.1 0 3.4 8.2 SSW 35 11:12 14.3 68 3 W 13 1026.6 19.2 60 7 S 17 1024.5
7 Tu 11.7 21.5 0 3.0 8.8 ESE 31 19:30 15.2 76 2 W 13 1028.7 19.9 55 6 SSE 19 1027.1
8 We 12.4 21.6 0 3.4 5.3 WNW 22 00:46 15.2 80 7 W 13 1031.1 21.2 51 4 E 9 1028.1
9 Th 12.1 23.2 0 1.8 10.2 W 24 08:00 14.7 79 1 W 17 1030.7 22.0 54 1 ENE 13 1027.4
10 Fr 12.5 23.5 0 3.6 10.0 W 26 08:18 14.3 77 1 W 20 1030.8 22.9 53 1 SE 13 1028.4
11 Sa 13.0 22.1 0 2.0 4.3 ENE 31 15:09 15.2 77 5 W 22 1030.2 20.8 69 6 ENE 22 1027.5
12 Su 14.0 22.1 0 3.6 7.0 ENE 28 13:42 14.3 93 8 W 13 1027.2 21.4 59 2 ENE 13 1022.7
13 Mo 13.7 22.8 0 2.0 1.8 NNW 28 19:16 14.4 88 7 W 9 1018.9 21.9 53 8 NNE 11 1014.2
14 Tu 14.2 21.3 0 2.4 6.9 W 41 09:09 14.2 60 7 W 20 1013.8 20.0 31 6 SE 13 1011.1
15 We 9.2 20.6 0.2 2.8 9.8 W 46 14:06 13.6 59 1 W 15 1013.2 20.1 34 3 WNW 28 1009.6
16 Th 13.6 20.6 0 5.4 8.3 W 50 15:40 16.9 55 2 NNW 22 1010.3 19.4 36 3 W 31 1007.3
17 Fr 12.2 19.6 0 4.6 10.1 WSW 57 15:00 14.7 50 1 WSW 24 1011.9 18.6 33 1 WSW 28 1010.4
18 Sa 11.1 20.6 0 3.8 10.1 WSW 41 10:07 13.2 53 1 W 17 1014.7 19.1 31 1 W 22 1011.8
19 Su 9.8 20.2 0 3.6 9.1 W 39 09:36 12.1 54 2 W 20 1016.8 19.0 30 1 W 20 1014.1
20 Mo 10.1 20.7 0 4.0 8.5 W 44 13:57 11.3 61 4 W 19 1018.7 19.6 37 3 WSW 22 1014.7
21 Tu 10.1 22.5 0 4.0 9.1 W 54 14:22 15.4 55 3 W 22 1015.3 21.8 32 7 SW 20 1012.3
22 We 9.4 16.0 0 2.2 1.3 WNW 31 08:22 11.2 71 6 WNW 17 1015.0 14.5 79 8 SSW 20 1010.1
23 Th 10.6 17.4 27.2 5.2 0.7 SSE 48 20:23 13.4 93 7 WSW 11 1013.7 16.4 71 6 SE 22 1012.7
24 Fr 12.7 20.6 30.6 2.4 5.8 SE 48 13:26 13.0 89 7 W 28 1019.1 20.1 47 7 SSE 24 1017.9
25 Sa 10.6 21.3 20.0 3.8 9.4 - - - 12.2 83 1 W 22 1023.7 20.8 50 1 SSE 15 1022.1
26 Su 9.5 21.3 0 1.8 10.1 W 30 4:06 11.3 70 1 W 20 1025.7 20.2 45 1 NE 4 1023
27 Mo 10.6 20.2 3.4 3.2 7.1 SSW 41 11:23 11.6 84 5 W 22 1029.4 19.4 58 5 SSE 24 1028.2
28 Tu 11.6 19.3 28.6 1.2 3.2 ENE 30 14:23 12.9 94 8 WNW 11 1032.8 17.8 75 8 E 15 1030.2
29 We 11.3 21.1 0.2 2 4.9 W 20 9:06 12.3 94 8 W 15 1031.4 20.6 60 3 ENE 15 1027.8
30 Th 11.7 21.4 0 2.6 5.7 E 24 13:28 12.8 90 4 WNW 15 1029.3 20 67 5 ENE 7 1025.9
31 Fr 11.8 24.9 0 1.6 9.1 - - - 13.9 84 1 W 9 1028 24.1 40 5 NNE 13 1023.8

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Figure 1 below denotes the environmental monitoring points (depicted in yellow). Additional site-based
monitoring points for worker occupational health and hygiene purposes are shown for information only
(depicted in green).

Figure 1: Environmental Monitoring Locations

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Environmental monitoring was conducted using the methodology as listed below.

 PM10, Heavy metals, Sulphates and particulate PAHs were measured using a High Volume Air Sampler
(HVAS) fitted with a PM10 sampling head in accordance with AS 3580.9.6-2003, ‘Methods for sampling and
analysis of ambient air – Determination of suspended particulate matter – PM10 High Volume sampler with
selective size inlet – Gravimetric method’. A sample is collected over a 24-hour period. Equipment is sited in
accordance with AS/NZS 3580.1.1-2007, ‘Methods for sampling and analysis of ambient air – Guide to siting
air monitoring equipment’.

 A calibrated DustTrak system, fitted with a PM10 size selective inlet was used as a real-time measure to
collect PM10 dust concentrations at three site boundaries.

 Odour monitoring was performed each day. If odours were detected, then the Nasal Ranger odour
detection system was used to verify the dilution-to-threshold ratio of odours, this is then compared to the
project criteria in Odour Units (OU) at the site boundary in accordance with AS/NZS 4323.3 2001, ‘Stationary
source emissions’.

 Samples for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), Ammonia and Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, and
Xylene (BTEX) were collected using laboratory supplied SUMMA canisters. The method used complied with
the relevant sections of US EPA Method TO-15, ‘Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in air
collected in Specifically-Prepared Canisters and Analyzed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry

 Calibrated AreaRAE direct reading instruments fitted with PID sensors were used to measure concentrations
of VOCs in real time at three boundary locations.

 Total deposited dust was measured using dust deposition gauges. The method used complied with
AS3580.10.1:2003 Methods for sampling and analysis of ambient air - Determination of
Particulates - Deposited Matter - Gravimetric Method.

 Real-time measurements were collected for Benzene using a calibrated UltraRAE-3000 Photo-ionisation
Detector fitted with a 9.8eV lamp and RAE-sep tubes for specific detection of Benzene.

 Attended measurements were collected for Hydrogen Cyanide using hand-pumped colorimetric tubes for
specific detection of Hydrogen Cyanide.

 Attended noise monitoring was completed at six monitoring locations each week using either Class 1 or 2
sound level meters. Measurements are completed in accordance with AS 1055.1-1997, ‘Acoustics –
Description and measurements of environmental noise’.

 Unattended noise monitoring was performed in accordance with AS1055-1997, ‘Acoustics – Description
and measurement of environmental noise’

 Unattended vibration monitoring was performed in accordance with AS 2436-2020, ‘Guide to noise and
vibration control on construction, demolition and maintenance sites’.

 Meteorological Data was obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) from the Sydney (Observatory
Hill), Sydney Airport and Fort Denison Station weather stations.

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5.1 Dust Monitoring

Concentrations of ambient PM10 are continuously monitored at boundary monitoring points (MP), MP1 and
MP15, through the use of a DustTrak. These measurements are compared against the ambient dust monitoring
criteria shown in Table 5- 1.

Table 5- 1: Ambient PM10 Dust Monitoring Criteria

Parameter AQRL1 MaxAQRL

0.05 mg/m3 (50 µg/m3) as a 24-hour mean
concentration, with a maximum of 5 daily
0.03 mg/m3 (30 µg/m3) as a 24-hour
PM10 dust exceedances per year;
mean concentration
0.03 mg/m3 (30 µg/m3) as a mean annual

Total deposited dust 3 g/m2/month 4 g/m2/month

On the 16/04/13, an additional DustTrak was installed at MP15, to the south of the existing monitor. Continuous
measurements via a DustTrak provide the PM10 (the finer particle) dust concentration by fitting a PM10 size
selective inlet to the instrument. Results are logged every 30 seconds and a 24-hour average is produced. A
summary of the results are shown in Table 5-2. Graphical results are provided in Figure 5- 1, Figure 5- 2 and
Figure 5- 3.

Most measurements were at or below the AQRL1 for the project (0.03mg/m3) however, a number of 24-hour
average exceedances occurred during the month of May. On these days atmospheric moisture (such as fog
and haze) was observed over Sydney harbour and high readings were recorded both during and out of site
hours. Moisture is established to have an effect on the laser contained within the DustTrak, causing the unit to
read droplets of fine moisture as particulate matter (Innes 2009). On the days with the highest reading on
more than one monitor, the NSW Government Environment and Heritage website reported hazardous
Regional Air Quality Index (AQI) levels in Sydney’s North West and South West regions.

On these days no visible dust was observed leaving the site boundary. During the monitoring period, site
operations were considered normal with excavation and treatment operations being performed within the
OCE. It is therefore considered, (due to a combination of the reported high regional AQI, instrument sensitivity
due to moisture, site observations reporting no visible dust and consistent high readings outside of site hours),
unlikely that the high readings were as a result of site works.

Table 5-2: DustTrak data

Daily PM10 24-hour Daily PM10 24-hour Daily PM10 24-hour

Start Date Finish Date Location Results - Minimum Results - Maximum Results - Average
(mg/m3) (mg/m3) (mg/m3)
01/05/13 31/05/13 Point 1 <0.001 0.033 0.013

01/05/13 31/05/13 Point 15 N <0.006 0.050 0.019

01/05/13 31/05/13 Point 15 S <0.007 0.041 0.018

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Dust deposition gauges were installed for the duration of the monitoring period as listed in Table 5-3 below.
These results were all below the project goals for the monthly monitoring period.

Table 5- 3: Dust Deposition Gauges

NEPM Criteria
Start Date Finish Date Location Result
01/05/13 03/06/13 Point 1 0.9 g/m2/month Yes

01/05/13 03/06/13 Point 15 1.6 g/m2/month Yes

High Volume Air Samplers (HVAS) fitted with a selective size inlet were installed at boundary Monitoring Points 1
and 3 to measure concentrations of PM10 this reporting month. A sample is collected over a 24-hour period at
each monitoring point. Site activities during the HVAS sampling period were general OCE operations including
excavating and stockpiling.

Table 5- 4 presents the results of the monitoring and shows that the HVAS located at MP1 had a PM 10
concentration of 0.009 mg/m3 and the HVAS located at MP3 had a PM10 concentration of 0.0024 mg/m3. Both
measurements were below the project maximum criteria of 0.05mg/m3 as a 24-hour average.

Table 5- 4: HVAS

Start Finish NEPM Criteria

Start Date Finish Date Location Result
Time Time Compliant?
24/05/13 10:47 25/05/13 10:47 Point 1 0.009 mg/m3 Yes

28/05/13 15:09 29/05/13 15:10 Point 2 0.024 mg/m3 Yes

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Figure 5- 1: PM10 Ambient Dust Monitoring (mg/m3) - Point 1

Figure 5- 2: PM10 Ambient Dust Monitoring (mg/m3) - Point 15

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Figure 5- 3: PM10 Ambient Dust Monitoring (mg/m3) - Point 15

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5.2 Noise and Vibration Monitoring

Operator attended noise measurements were completed during the daytime assessment period and were 15
minutes in duration. Site noise level contributions were assessed via calculation, and based on instantaneous
noise levels, event duration and extraneous noise emissions noted during operator attended noise
measurements. These measurements are compared with the project limit ARLs shown in Table 5- 5 and Table
5- 6 below.

Table 5- 5: Boundary / Community Noise Criteria

Time of Day
Maximum Construction noise Level
LAeq(15 minutes) dB(A)
LAeq(15 minutes) dB(A)
Day 53 75

Evening 48 N/A*

Night 37 N/A*
* - comparison to relative background levels (RBLs) as defined by the NSW DECC Interim Construction Noise Guidelines

Table 5- 6: Boundary / Community Vibration Criteria

Time of Day
Preferred Peak Particle Velocity Maximum Peak Particle Velocity
(mm/s) (mm/s)
Day 0.56 5.00

Table 5- 7 provides detail on the continuous noise and vibration loggers currently installed on the project site
boundaries. From the 21st of May, the continuous noise logger located at Point 12 gave much higher LAeq
readings than previous monitoring periods both within and outside of site hours of operation. The readings
were also much higher than those taken at MP 1. On the 30 th of May, a 10-minute attended noise
measurement was conducted to use as a comparison to the unattended results. This showed that the LAeq
measurements recorded by the unattended noise logger at MP 12 were reading higher than the hand-held
noise logger. It was determined that the high readings from the unattended noise logger at MP 12 were due
to equipment malfunction. Actions have been taken to resolve the issue.

Table 5- 8 provides a summary of measurements collected this reporting month. It is noted that AS 1055.1-1997
recommends that caution be applied to noise measurements collected during wind speeds in excess of 5
metres per second (m/s), as highlighted in Table 5- 8.

All attended measurements collected this reporting month were below the maximum project criteria, six
attended measurements were above the project goal for site contribution.

Table 5- 7: Continuous Noise and Vibration Loggers

Monitoring Location Parameter Start Date Finish Date Compliance

Point 1 Noise – Unattended 01/05/13 31/05/13 Yes

Point 1 Vibration - Unattended 01/05/13 31/05/13 Yes

Point 3 Noise – Unattended 01/05/13 31/05/13 Yes

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Table 5- 8: Boundary / Community Noise Measurements

Site Wind
Site Measured Comparison Wind
Date Time Location Contribution Speed Off-site contributing sources Onsite contributing sources
Audible? LAeq to ARL Direction
(LAeq) (m/s)
1/05/13 14:09 Point 7 No 60 <43 <AQRL 1 SE 4.7 Traffic, community noise Nil
Traffic, community noise, local
1/05/13 14:32 Point 10 Yes 56 48 SE 4.7 Small tools, Fan, WTP
<AQRL 1 business
2/05/13 15:00 Point 3 Yes 53 52 <AQRL 1 E 5.6 Motorbike, Wind OCE operations
Point 6
6/05/13 12:42 No 53 36 W 4.7 Traffic, community noise Nil
Car park, sweeper truck, OCE
7/05/13 10:48 Point 3 Yes 51 48 <AQRL 1 SSE 3.6 Community noise, helicopter
works, reverse alarms
OCE works, loader, reverse
8/05/13 11:02 Point 1 Yes 66 66 W 3.6 Nil
<MaxAQRL alarms
Community noise, traffic, local
9/05/13 14:25 Point 5 Yes 56 53 ENE 3.6 Screen in OCE
<AQRL 1 business
Point 7
9/05/13 14:51 No 59 36 ENE 3.6 Community noise Nil
Point 4
10/05/13 14:10 No 53 40 SE 3.6 Community noise, helicopter Nil
14/05/13 11:26 Point 3 Yes 51 50 <AQRL 1 WSW 5.6 Ferry, Pedestrian OCE works, reverse alarms
15/05/13 15:04 Point 6 No 55 <40 <AQRL 1 W 7.8 Community noise, traffic, wind Nil
Generator, OCE works,
16/05/13 10:25 Point 2 Yes 68 67 WNW 6.1 Wind
<MaxAQRL reverse alarms
16/05/13 15:01 Point 1 Yes 69 67 <MaxAQRL W 8.6 Nil OCE works
Community noise, wind, local
17/05/13 12:43 Point 10 Yes 56 29 WSW 7.8 OCE works
<AQRL 1 business
17/05/13 13:06 Point 7 No 60 <43 <AQRL 1 WSW 7.8 Community noise, grinder Nil
22/05/13 7:52 Point 6 No 58 <43 <AQRL 1 NW 1 Community noise, ferry Nil
22/05/13 14:20 Point 3 Yes 50 37 <AQRL 1 W 0 Community noise Site car park
23/05/13 8:40 Point 2 No 56 <43 <AQRL 1 SE 0 Community noise, traffic Nil
23/05/13 13:34 Point 10 No 55 <42 <AQRL 1 SSE 0 Community noise Nil
23/05/13 13:58 Point 7 No 62 <38 <AQRL 1 S 0 Traffic, community noise Nil
OCE works (TMSR, reverse
23/05/13 15:28 Point 1 Yes 68 68 SE 0 Helicopter
<MaxAQRL alarms)
29/05/13 10:15 Point 6 No 54 <35 <AQRL1 W 0.3 Community noise, helicopter Nil
OCE operations (excavator
29/05/13 13:35 Point 1 Yes 68 69 W 0.6 Community noise, local business.
<MaxAQRL scraping), reverse alarms.
Community noise, ferry, OCE works, (light hammering
30/05/13 10:04 Point 3 Yes 55 49 <AQRL 1 WNW 3.1
helicopter, works across the bay. and scraping of tar pit walls)

Thiess Services Pty Ltd 16 of 39 May 2013


Site Wind
Site Measured Comparison Wind
Date Time Location Contribution Speed Off-site contributing sources Onsite contributing sources
Audible? LAeq to ARL Direction
(LAeq) (m/s)
OCE works, (light hammering
30/05/13 10:23 Point 2 Yes 59 60 <MaxAQRL WNW 3.1 Community noise, plane and scraping of tar pit walls)
car park.
Community noise, loud Very faint reverse alarms in
31/05/13 14:59 Point 10 Yes 56 49 <AQRL 1 NE 0.5
motorbike. the OCE.
Community noise, pedestrians
31/05/13 15:25 Point 7 No 60 <33 <AQRL 1 NE 2.2 Nil
talking, cars, bus

Thiess Services Pty Ltd 17 of 39 May 2013


5.3 Attended monitoring for Benzene and Total Volatile Organic Compounds

Attended monitoring for total Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and benzene commenced at the site
boundary on July 5th 2012. These measurements are compared against the project AQRLs as shown in Table
5- 9.

Table 5- 9: Boundary / Community VOC and Benzene Criteria

Parameter AQRL1 MaxAQRL

Total VOCs1 3 ppm 5 ppm

0.05 ppm as a 24-hour average
Benzene 0.003 ppm as a 24-hour average
0.003 ppm as a mean annual average
1Measured as a Daily Average from unattended monitoring stations; or Measured directly from hand-held attended
monitoring devices

Table 5- 10 presents a summary of the measurements collected during the reporting month. The boundary
AreaRAE system which monitors total VOCs continuously was commissioned at the end of July 2012. Graphs for
the month are provided in Appendix A.

All measurements for VOCs and Benzene were below the project adopted goals during the reporting month.

Thiess Services Pty Ltd 18 of 39 May 2013


Table 5- 10: Boundary / Community VOC and Benzene Measurements

Date Time Location Weather Wind direction VOC (ppm) Compliant? Benzene (ppm) Compliant?

1/05/13 9:35 Point 1 Overcast WNW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes

1/05/13 10:20 Point 8 Fine WNW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
1/05/13 10:26 Point 2 Fine WNW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
1/05/13 10:29 Point 4 Fine WNW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
1/05/13 10:33 Point 6 Fine WNW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
2/05/13 14:01 Point 6 Windy S 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
2/05/13 14:05 Point 4 Windy S 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
2/05/13 14:25 Point 3 Windy E 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
2/05/13 14:26 Point 2 Windy E 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
2/05/13 14:33 Point 8 Windy E 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
2/05/13 15:35 Point 1 Overcast S 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
3/05/13 14:20 Point 1 Fine Calm 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
3/05/13 15:10 Point 6 Fine E 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
3/05/13 15:15 Point 4 Fine E 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
3/05/13 15:13 Point 2 Fine E 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
3/05/13 15:19 Point 8 Fine E 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
4/05/13 9:37 Point 1 Overcast Nil 0.50 Yes 0 Yes
4/05/13 10:15 Point 6 Fine Nil 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
4/05/13 10:30 Point 4 Fine Nil 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
4/05/13 10:34 Point 2 Fine Nil 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
4/05/13 10:38 Point 8 Fine Nil 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
6/05/13 9:53 Point 1 Fine Nil 0.15 Yes 0 Yes
6/05/13 12:30 Point 1 Fine S 0.25 Yes 0 Yes
6/05/13 12:41 Point 6 Fine S 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
6/05/13 13:07 Point 4 Overcast SSE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
6/05/13 13:08 Point 2 Overcast SSE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
6/05/13 13:12 Point 8 Overcast SSE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
7/05/13 10:45 Point 6 Fine SSE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
7/05/13 10:49 Point 4 Fine SSE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
7/05/13 11:05 Point 2 Fine SSE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes

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Date Time Location Weather Wind direction VOC (ppm) Compliant? Benzene (ppm) Compliant?

7/05/13 11:11 Point 8 Fine SSE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes

7/05/13 13:54 Point 1 Fine SSE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
8/05/13 11:45 Point 1 Overcast W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
8/05/13 13:49 Point 6 Fine Nil 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
8/05/13 13:53 Point 4 Fine E 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
8/05/13 13:54 Point 3 Fine E 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
8/05/13 13:55 Point 2 Fine E 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
8/05/13 14:00 Point 8 Fine E 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
9/05/13 17:18 Point 1 Fine ENE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
9/05/13 18:01 Point 6 Fine ENE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
9/05/13 18:05 Point 4 Fine ENE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
9/05/13 18:08 Point 2 Fine ENE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
9/05/13 18:15 Point 8 Fine ENE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
10/05/13 10:33 Point 1 Fine, Haze Nil 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
10/05/13 14:00 Point 6 Fine ESE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
10/05/13 14:06 Point 4 Fine ESE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
10/05/13 14:07 Point 2 Fine ESE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
10/05/13 14:39 Point 8 Fine ESE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
11/05/13 11:51 Point 1 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
11/05/13 13:15 Point 6 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
11/05/13 13:18 Point 4 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
11/05/13 13:20 Point 2 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
11/05/13 13:24 Point 8 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
13/05/13 11:17 Point 1 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
13/05/13 15:44 Point 6 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
13/05/13 15:48 Point 4 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
13/05/13 15:49 Point 2 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
13/05/13 15:53 Point 8 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
14/05/13 11:29 Point 4 Fine WSW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
14/05/13 11:38 Point 3 Fine WSW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
14/05/13 11:45 Point 2 Fine WSW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes

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Date Time Location Weather Wind direction VOC (ppm) Compliant? Benzene (ppm) Compliant?

14/05/13 11:57 Point 8 Fine WSW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes

14/05/13 12:05 Point 6 Fine WSW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
14/05/13 14:43 Point 1 Fine WSW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
15/05/13 14:59 Point 6 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
15/05/13 15:25 Point 4 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
15/05/13 15:27 Point 2 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
15/05/13 15:33 Point 8 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
15/05/13 16:02 Point 1 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
16/05/13 9:11 Point 1 Fine NNW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
16/05/13 10:16 Point 6 Fine NNW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
16/05/13 10:20 Point 4 Fine NNW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
16/05/13 10:21 Point 2 Fine NNW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
16/05/13 11:05 Point 8 Fine NNW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
17/05/13 14:54 Point 1 Fine WSW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
17/05/13 15:05 Point 6 Fine WSW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
17/05/13 15:10 Point 4 Fine WSW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
17/05/13 15:15 Point 2 Fine WSW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
17/05/13 15:20 Point 8 Fine WSW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
18/05/13 11:14 Point 6 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
18/05/13 11:18 Point 4 Fine SW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
18/05/13 11:20 Point 2 Fine SW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
18/05/13 11:24 Point 8 Fine SW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
20/05/13 14:18 Point 6 Fine Nil 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
20/05/13 14:20 Point 4 Fine Nil 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
20/05/13 14:22 Point 2 Fine Nil 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
20/05/13 14:30 Point 8 Fine Nil 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
20/05/13 16:20 Point 1 Fine Nil 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
21/05/13 9:18 Point 6 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
21/05/13 9:26 Point 4 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
21/05/13 9:34 Point 2 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
21/05/13 9:39 Point 8 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes

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Date Time Location Weather Wind direction VOC (ppm) Compliant? Benzene (ppm) Compliant?

21/05/13 12:45 Point 1 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes

22/05/13 9:35 Point 1 Cloudy W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
22/05/13 13:12 Point 6 Cloudy W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
22/05/13 13:19 Point 4 Cloudy W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
22/05/13 13:50 Point 2 Cloudy W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
22/05/13 14:01 Point 8 Cloudy W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
23/05/13 8:50 Point 6 Light rain SW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
23/05/13 9:00 Point 4 Light rain SW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
23/05/13 9:02 Point 2 Light rain SW 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
23/05/13 14:28 Point 8 Cloudy SE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
23/05/13 15:23 Point 1 Cloudy SE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
24/05/13 8:35 Point 6 Cloudy W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
24/05/13 8:41 Point 4 Partial cloud W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
24/05/13 8:44 Point 2 Partial cloud W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
24/05/13 8:52 Point 8 Cloudy W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
24/05/13 15:25 Point 1 Cloudy SSE 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
25/05/13 9:17 Point 6 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
25/05/13 9:21 Point 4 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
25/05/13 9:24 Point 2 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
25/05/13 9:30 Point 8 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
25/05/13 11:00 Point 1 Fine W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
27/05/13 13:25 Point 6 Sunny S 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
27/05/13 13:29 Point 4 Sunny S 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
27/05/13 13:32 Point 2 Sunny S 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
27/05/13 13:37 Point 8 Sunny S 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
27/05/13 16:25 Point 1 Cloudy S 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
28/05/13 10:15 Point 1 Heavy fog W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
28/05/13 11:55 Point 8 Sunny W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes

28/05/13 12:05 Point 2 Sunny W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes

28/05/13 12:10 Point 4 Sunny W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
28/05/13 12:16 Point 6 Sunny W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes

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Date Time Location Weather Wind direction VOC (ppm) Compliant? Benzene (ppm) Compliant?

29/05/13 9:40 Point 1 Slight fog/haze W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes

29/05/13 10:37 Point 6 Sunny W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
29/05/13 11:10 Point 4 Sunny W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
29/05/13 11:14 Point 2 Sunny W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
29/05/13 11:21 Point 8 Sunny W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
30/05/13 12:33 Point 1 Sunny E 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
30/05/13 14:13 Point 6 Partial cloud E 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
30/05/13 14:19 Point 4 Partial cloud E 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
30/05/13 14:21 Point 2 Partial cloud E 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
30/05/13 14:30 Point 8 Partial cloud E 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
31/05/13 9:28 Point 1 Sunny W 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
31/05/13 13:00 Point 6 Sunny N 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
31/05/13 13:05 Point 4 Sunny N 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
31/05/13 13:13 Point 2 Sunny N 0.00 Yes 0 Yes
31/05/13 13:19 Point 8 Sunny N 0.00 Yes 0 Yes

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5.4 Attended Monitoring for Odour

Daily attended odour monitoring is performed during excavation, pre-treatment and treatment activities
within the Odour Control Enclosure (OCE) and/or in the site driveway. This monitoring is compared with the
project AQRLs as shown in Table 5- 11.

Table 5- 11: Boundary / Community Odour Criteria

Parameter AQRL1 MaxAQRL

Odour 1 dilution-to-threshold (D/T) 2 D/T, or “Offensive Odour”

A summary of odour measurements collected during the reporting month are presented in Table 5- 12. It
should be noted that odour is a parameter not directly attributable to health risk and other monitoring is
conducted to confirm air quality parameters are compliant.

There were 18 instances this monitoring period where odour levels detected on the boundary were above the
project goal and attributable to site. All detectable odours attributable to site were measured with a field
olfactometer (nasal ranger) by a suitably trained environmental officer. Field olfactometers objectively
measure odour by measuring the dilution-to-threshold (D/T) ratio of an odour. This result is then compared to
the project criteria, represented as odour units. Based on observations and measurements, it is considered that
the project criterion for odour is being met.

The odours were characterised as similar to hydrocarbons, slight dust and bitumen and anticipated to be
related to site works. Residents adjacent to the site were notified that they may experience odour during the
periods of treatments works. Although odour may be noticeable, it is not a health risk and environmental
monitoring confirms that other air quality parameters, including VOCs are well below the projects criteria.

Table 5- 12: Boundary / Community Odour Measurements

Wind Odour
Date Time Location Weather Odour Description Compliant?
direction Detected
1/05/13 9:35 Point 1 Overcast WNW No Nil Yes
1/05/13 10:20 Point 8 Fine WNW No Nil Yes
1/05/13 10:26 Point 2 Fine WNW No Nil Yes
1/05/13 10:29 Point 4 Fine WNW No Nil Yes
1/05/13 10:33 Point 6 Fine WNW No Nil Yes
2/05/13 14:01 Point 6 Windy S Yes Vegetation (non-site) Yes
2/05/13 14:05 Point 4 Windy S No Nil Yes
2/05/13 14:25 Point 3 Windy E No Nil Yes
2/05/13 14:26 Point 2 Windy E No Nil Yes
2/05/13 14:33 Point 8 Windy E Yes Hydrocarbons (<2D/T) <MaxAQRL
2/05/13 15:35 Point 1 Overcast S No Nil Yes
3/05/13 14:20 Point 1 Fine Nil Yes Hydrocarbon (<2D/T) <MaxAQRL
3/05/13 15:10 Point 6 Fine E No Nil Yes
3/05/13 15:15 Point 4 Fine E No Nil Yes
3/05/13 15:13 Point 2 Fine E No Nil Yes
3/05/13 15:19 Point 8 Fine E No Nil Yes

Thiess Services Pty Ltd 24 of 39 May 2013


Wind Odour
Date Time Location Weather Odour Description Compliant?
direction Detected
4/05/13 9:37 Point 1 Overcast Nil No Nil Yes
4/05/13 10:15 Point 6 Fine Nil No Nil Yes
4/05/13 10:30 Point 4 Fine Nil Yes Slight Dust (<2D/T) <MaxAQRL
4/05/13 10:34 Point 2 Fine Nil No Nil Yes
4/05/13 10:38 Point 8 Fine Nil No Nil Yes
6/05/13 9:53 Point 1 Fine Nil No Nil Yes
6/05/13 12:30 Point 1 Fine S No Nil Yes
6/05/13 12:41 Point 6 Fine S No Nil Yes
6/05/13 13:07 Point 4 Overcast SSE No Nil Yes
6/05/13 13:08 Point 2 Overcast SSE No Nil Yes
6/05/13 13:12 Point 8 Overcast SSE No Nil Yes
7/05/13 10:45 Point 6 Fine SSE No Nil Yes
7/05/13 10:49 Point 4 Fine SSE No Nil Yes
7/05/13 11:05 Point 2 Fine SSE No Nil Yes
7/05/13 11:11 Point 8 Fine SSE No Nil Yes
7/05/13 13:54 Point 1 Fine SSE No Nil Yes
8/05/13 11:45 Point 1 Overcast W No Nil Yes
8/05/13 13:49 Point 6 Fine Nil No Nil Yes
8/05/13 13:53 Point 4 Fine E No Nil Yes
8/05/13 13:54 Point 3 Fine E No Nil Yes
8/05/13 13:55 Point 2 Fine E Yes Hydrocarbons (<2D/T) <MaxAQRL
8/05/13 14:00 Point 8 Fine E No Nil Yes
9/05/13 17:18 Point 1 Fine ENE No Nil Yes
9/05/13 18:01 Point 6 Fine ENE No Nil Yes
9/05/13 18:05 Point 4 Fine ENE Yes Hydrocarbons (<2D/T) <MaxAQRL
9/05/13 18:08 Point 2 Fine ENE Yes Hydrocarbons (<2D/T) <MaxAQRL
9/05/13 18:15 Point 8 Fine ENE Yes Hydrocarbons (<2D/T) <MaxAQRL
10/05/13 10:33 Point 1 Fine, Haze Nil No Nil Yes
10/05/13 14:00 Point 6 Fine ESE No Nil Yes
10/05/13 14:06 Point 4 Fine ESE No Nil Yes
Slight dust,
10/05/13 14:07 Point 2 Fine ESE Yes hydrocarbon (<2D/T) <MaxAQRL
10/05/13 14:39 Point 8 Fine ESE Yes Slight dust (<2D/T) <MaxAQRL
11/05/13 11:51 Point 1 Fine W No Nil Yes
11/05/13 13:15 Point 6 Fine W No Nil Yes
11/05/13 13:18 Point 4 Fine W No Nil Yes
11/05/13 13:20 Point 2 Fine W No Nil Yes
11/05/13 13:24 Point 8 Fine W Yes Vegetation (non-site) Yes
13/05/13 11:17 Point 1 Fine W No Nil Yes
13/05/13 15:44 Point 6 Fine NNE No Nil Yes
13/05/13 15:48 Point 4 Fine NNE Yes Hydrocarbons (<2D/T) <MaxAQRL
13/05/13 15:49 Point 2 Fine NNE Yes Hydrocarbons (<2D/T) <MaxAQRL
13/05/13 15:53 Point 8 Fine NNE Yes Dust (<2D/T) <MaxAQRL
14/05/13 11:29 Point 4 Fine W Yes Hydrocarbons (<2D/T) <MaxAQRL
14/05/13 11:38 Point 3 Fine W Yes Hydrocarbons (<2D/T) <MaxAQRL
14/05/13 11:45 Point 2 Fine W Yes Hydrocarbons (<2D/T) <MaxAQRL
14/05/13 11:57 Point 8 Fine W No Nil Yes

Thiess Services Pty Ltd 25 of 39 May 2013


Wind Odour
Date Time Location Weather Odour Description Compliant?
direction Detected
14/05/13 12:05 Point 6 Fine W No Nil Yes
14/05/13 14:43 Point 1 Fine SE No Nil Yes
15/05/13 14:59 Point 6 Fine WNW No Nil Yes
15/05/13 15:25 Point 4 Fine WNW No Nil Yes
15/05/13 15:27 Point 2 Fine WNW No Nil Yes
15/05/13 15:33 Point 8 Fine WNW No Nil Yes
15/05/13 16:02 Point 1 Fine WNW No Nil Yes
16/05/13 9:11 Point 1 Fine NNW No Nil Yes
16/05/13 10:16 Point 6 Fine NNW No Nil Yes
16/05/13 10:20 Point 4 Fine NNW No Nil Yes
16/05/13 10:21 Point 2 Fine NNW No Nil Yes
16/05/13 11:05 Point 8 Fine NNW Yes Dust (<2D/T) <MaxAQRL
17/05/13 15:05 Point 6 Fine No Nil Yes
17/05/13 15:10 Point 4 Fine Yes Fertiliser (non-site) Yes
Dust, slight
17/05/13 15:15 Point 2 Fine Yes hydrocarbon (<2D/T) <MaxAQRL
17/05/13 15:20 Point 8 Fine No Nil Yes
18/05/13 11:14 Point 6 Fine W No Nil Yes
18/05/13 11:18 Point 4 Fine SW No Nil Yes
18/05/13 11:20 Point 2 Fine SW No Nil Yes
18/05/13 11:24 Point 8 Fine SW No Nil Yes
20/05/13 14:18 Point 6 Fine Nil No Nil Yes
20/05/13 14:20 Point 4 Fine Nil No Nil Yes
20/05/13 14:22 Point 2 Fine Nil No Nil Yes
20/05/13 14:30 Point 8 Fine Nil No Nil Yes
20/05/13 16:20 Point 1 Fine Nil No Nil Yes
21/05/13 9:18 Point 6 Fine W No Nil Yes
21/05/13 9:26 Point 4 Fine W No Nil Yes
21/05/13 9:34 Point 2 Fine W No Nil Yes
21/05/13 9:39 Point 8 Fine W No Nil Yes
21/05/13 12:45 Point 1 Fine W No Nil Yes
22/05/13 9:35 Point 1 Cloudy W No Nil Yes
22/05/13 13:12 Point 6 Cloudy W No Nil Yes
22/05/13 13:19 Point 4 Cloudy W No Nil Yes
22/05/13 13:50 Point 2 Cloudy W No Nil Yes
22/05/13 14:01 Point 8 Cloudy W No Nil Yes
23/05/13 8:50 Point 6 Light rain SW No Nil Yes
23/05/13 9:00 Point 4 Light rain SW No Nil Yes
23/05/13 9:02 Point 2 Light rain SW No Nil Yes
23/05/13 14:28 Point 8 Cloudy SE Yes Slight dust <2D/T <MaxAQRL
23/05/13 15:23 Point 1 Cloudy SE No Nil Yes
24/05/13 8:35 Point 6 Cloudy W No Nil Yes
24/05/13 8:41 Point 4 Overcast W No Nil Yes
24/05/13 8:44 Point 2 Overcast W No Nil Yes
24/05/13 8:52 Point 8 Overcast W No Nil Yes
24/05/13 15:25 Point 1 Overcast SSE No Nil Yes
25/05/13 9:17 Point 6 Fine W No Nil Yes

Thiess Services Pty Ltd 26 of 39 May 2013


Wind Odour
Date Time Location Weather Odour Description Compliant?
direction Detected
25/05/13 9:21 Point 4 Fine W No Nil Yes
25/05/13 9:24 Point 2 Fine W No Nil Yes
25/05/13 9:30 Point 8 Fine W No Nil Yes
25/05/13 11:00 Point 1 Fine W No Nil Yes
27/05/13 13:25 Point 6 Sunny S No Nil Yes
27/05/13 13:29 Point 4 Sunny S No Nil Yes
27/05/13 13:32 Point 2 Sunny S No Nil Yes
27/05/13 13:37 Point 8 Sunny S No Nil Yes
27/05/13 16:25 Point 1 Cloudy S No Nil Yes
28/05/13 10:15 Point 1 Heavy fog W No Nil Yes
28/05/13 11:55 Point 8 Sunny W No Nil Yes
28/05/13 12:05 Point 2 Sunny W No Nil Yes
28/05/13 12:10 Point 4 Sunny W No Nil Yes
28/05/13 12:16 Point 6 Sunny W No Nil Yes
29/05/13 9:40 Point 1 fog/haze W No Nil Yes
29/05/13 10:37 Point 6 Sunny W No Nil Yes
29/05/13 11:10 Point 4 Sunny W No Nil Yes
29/05/13 11:14 Point 2 Sunny W No Nil Yes
29/05/13 11:21 Point 8 Sunny W No Nil Yes
30/05/13 12:33 Point 1 Sunny E No Nil Yes
30/05/13 14:13 Point 6 Overcast E No Nil Yes
30/05/13 14:19 Point 4 Overcast E No Nil Yes
30/05/13 14:21 Point 2 Overcast E No Nil Yes
30/05/13 14:30 Point 8 Overcast E No Nil Yes
31/05/13 9:28 Point 1 Sunny W No Nil Yes
31/05/13 13:00 Point 6 Sunny N No Nil Yes
31/05/13 13:05 Point 4 Sunny N No Nil Yes
31/05/13 13:13 Point 2 Sunny N No Nil Yes
31/05/13 13:19 Point 8 Sunny N No Nil Yes

Thiess Services Pty Ltd 27 of 39 May 2013


5.5 Monthly Compliance Monitoring

Samples are collected from the Site boundary each month for the following parameters:
- Heavy Metals, including Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Nickel, Lead, Mercury, and Zinc

- Total sulphates

- Ammonia

- Hydrogen Cyanide

- Particulate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), including Benzo(a)pyrene

- Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH)

- Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, and Xylene (BTEX)

These samples are compared to the project AQRLs shown in Table 5- 13 below.

Table 5- 13: Monthly Boundary Sampling Criteria

Parameter AQRL1 MaxAQRL

0.000005 mg/m3 as a mean annual
Cadmium 0.000018 mg/m3 as a 1-hour average
0.001 mg/m3 as a mean annual
Mercury 0.0081 mg/m3 as a 1-hour average
0.0000003 mg/m3 as a 24-hour
Benzo(a)pyrene 0.0000003 mg/m3 as a mean annual average
0.005 ppm as 24-hour average; 0.003 as a
Benzene 0.003 ppm as 24-hour average
mean annual average
1 ppm as a 24-hour average; 0.1 ppm as a
Toluene 0.1 ppm as 24-hour average
mean annual average
0.25 ppm as a 24-hour average; 0.2 ppm as a
Xylenes 0.2 ppm as 24-hour average
mean annual average
0.75 mg/m3 as a 24-hour
Zinc 1.0 mg/m3 as a 24-hour concentration
NB: Parameters not included in Table 5-13 are assessed against background concentrations.

The above mentioned testing is performed each month to assess the Site’s contribution, if any, to the
background concentrations surrounding the site. Background concentrations were measured over a 48-hour
period at five sampling locations over a week in June 2012. The measurements were used to assess the
ambient background concentrations surrounding the site, prior to site operations commencing. Table 5- 14
summarises the results of the reporting month’s testing.

Thiess Services Pty Ltd 28 of 39 May 2013


Table 5- 14: Additional Boundary Monitoring

Start Date Start Time Finish Date Finish Time Parameter Result Compliant?
28/05/13 14:14 29/05/13 14:22 Point 1 TPH Yes
28/05/13 14:14 29/05/13 14:22 Point 1 BTEX < AQRL 1 Yes
28/05/13 14:14 29/05/13 14:22 Point 1 Ammonia Yes
28/05/13 13:59 28/05/13 14:02 Point 1 < AQRL 1 Yes
29/05/13 14:00 29/05/13 14:03 Point 1 < AQRL 1 Yes
Heavy Metals Within
24/05/13 10:47 25/05/13 10:47 Point 1 Yes
(As, Cr, Cu, Ni) Background
24/05/13 10:47 25/05/13 10:47 Point 1 Sulphates Yes
24/05/13 10:47 25/05/13 10:47 Point 1 Particulate PAHs Yes
24/05/13 10:47 25/05/13 10:47 Point 1 Benzo(a)pyrene < AQRL1 Yes

24/05/13 10:47 25/05/13 10:47 Point 1 Cadmium < AQRL1 Yes

24/05/13 10:47 25/05/13 10:47 Point 1 Mercury < AQRL1 Yes
24/05/13 10:47 25/05/13 10:47 Point 1 Zinc < AQRL1 Yes
24/05/13 10:47 25/05/13 10:47 Point 1 Lead < AQRL1 Yes

1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) were found above detection limit. The highest detection was Tolulene at <0.047 ppm.
This was still below the AQRL1 (0.1ppm) for Tolulene.

Thiess Services Pty Ltd 29 of 39 May 2013


5.6 ECS Stack Testing

ECS stack testing is conducted for the following parameters:

- Type 1 and 2 substances in aggregate (including Antimony, Arsenic, Beryllium, Cadmium, Chromium,
Cobalt, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, Nickel, Selenium, Tin and Vanadium)

- Total Solid particles

- Total VOCs as n-propane equivalent

- Cadmium

- Mercury

The parameters above are compared to the MaxAQRL shown in table 5-15 below (note there is no AQRL1 for
the ECS stack as it is a pass/fail criteria only).

Table 5- 15: ECS STack Emissions Criteria

Parameter MaxAQRL*

Cadmium 0.2 mg/m3

Mercury 0.2 mg/m3

Solid Particles 10 mg/m3

Total VOCs as n-propane 20 mg/m3

Type 1 and 2 substances in aggregate 1.0 mg/m3

*MaxAQRL limits in accordance with Principal Project Requirements Revision I (Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, 2012)

Samples are collected by a NATA accredited laboratory within the site ECS stack during Proof of Performance
(POP) and each 3 months thereafter to assess the Site’s emissions control system (ECS). An additional stack test
was conducted by the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust in April 2013 as an independent check of Thiess’
regular stack testing. This stack test was performed in accordance with NSW EPA test methods on 18th April
2013. Table 5- 16 summaries the results of the ECS stack test during the compliance testing. All criteria were
below MaxAQRL. A full summary can be found in HMAS Platypus Site – Emissions Testing Report – April 2013
(EML Air Pty Ltd, May 2013, N90868a).

Table 5- 16: ECS Stack Emissions Concentrations

Parameter Concentration (mg/m3) Compliant?

Cadmium 0.027 mg/m3 Yes

Mercury 0.31 x 10-6 mg/m3 Yes

Solid Particles <0.31 mg/m3 Yes

Total VOCs as n-propane <0.021 mg/m3 Yes

Type 1 and 2 substances in aggregate 0.028 mg/m3 Yes

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This monthly performance report draws upon a number of principal documents as reference as listed below.

 AS 1055.1-1997, ‘Acoustics – Description and measurements of environmental noise’.

 AS/NZS 3580.1.1-2007, ‘Methods for sampling and analysis of ambient air – Guide to siting air monitoring

 AS 3580.9.6-2003, ‘Methods for sampling and analysis of ambient air – Determination of suspended
particulate matter – PM10 High Volume sampler with selective size inlet – Gravimetric method’

 AS/NZS 3580.10.1: ‘Determination of Particulate Matter – Deposited Matter – Gravimetric Method’

 AS/NZS 4323.3 2001, ‘Stationary source emissions’

 DECC Approved Methods and Guidance for the Modelling and Assessment of Air Pollutants in New South
Wales (2005)

 DECC Approved Methods for the Sampling and Analysis of Air Pollutants in New South Wales (2007)

 Innes J. Base-Line Air Network of EPA Tasmania)BLANkET Technical Report – 1 (2009)

 National Environmental Protection (Air Toxics) Measure (NEPM)

 NSW Industrial Noise Policy (2000)

 Parsons Brinkerhoff 2012, Remedial Action Plan, Platypus Site, High Street, North Sydney NSW

 Protection of the Environment Operations Act (1997)

 Sydney Harbour Federation Trust (SHFT) Principals Project Requirements (2011)

 Sydney Harbour Federation Trust (SHFT) Principal Project Requirements Revision I (2012 )

 Sydney Harbour Federation Trust (SHFT) Site Management Plan (2011)

 Thiess Services Environmental Monitoring Procedure (2012)

 US EPA Method TO-15, ‘Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in air collected in
Specifically-Prepared Canisters and Analyzed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)

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Real time Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) concentrations (Boundary) in May 2013

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