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PRONECT LOCATION: SOURCE OF FUND, suslect 1.0 TRANSMISSION Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna [MUNICIPALITY OF CAVINET OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL ENGINEER PURCHASE OF PVC PIPE FOR CAVINTI WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM CCAVINT, LAGUNA PERFORMANCE CHALLENGE FUND OF DILG BASIS OF DESIGN UNE 11 Codes, Standards and References 143 A Codes ‘2. Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC), 1987 Eation 'b._ National Plumbing Code of he Philippines (NPP) The Fire Code ofthe Philippines and Regulations 112 Standards a Awa American Water Works Association b. aso, “American Society for Testing and Materials NFPA ‘American Society for Testing ond Materials d. ANS! - American National Standard Institute eu = _Underariters Laboratory bo 8 ery 13 References ‘2. Naval Facility Design Manuals (NAVFAC OMS.7), 1, Local Water Uiities Administration (MUA) Technical Standard Manual © LWUA Water Supply Feasibility Studies Mothodology Manual 4. Manufacturers Catalogue 12 Design Criteria The’ Design Criteria set bythe refevencs stated above shal form the bass of design as follows. Below was aso referred from the Rapid Feasibility tidy: \Wator demand for various classification 2.1 Domestic purposes estimated at 120 liters per capita per day 1.2 Commercial purposes is estimated at 120 cuble meter per day 3 Institutional purposes is estimated a 3.09 cum. per dy Republic of the Phi Province of Laguna [MUNICIPALITY OF CAVINET OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL ENGINEER 'b) Non-revenue water demands assumed tobe ten percent (10%) ofthe average day demand, €) Tho peak factors that wil be usd in the design are as follows: (1 Average day demand, F= 1.00 (2 Maximum day demand, F=1.30, 3 Peak Hour demand, F= 1.90 4.) Minimum velocity willbe 3.0m. There Is no mit for msnimum velocity. The sizes of the transmission main wil be deslned for @ maximum allowable heads of 18.c0m/1000m. £) The maximum pressure that I alowed s 7Om(-100ps) whe the minimum pressure [sat Jm(t0psi) £8) Hazen-Willam Coefficient, HW, value willbe at 140 for the propose PVC Pips. 41.3 Design Concepts 13. Water Demand The average day water demand wil be the sum of the domestic, commercial, Institutional and unaccounted for water water demand. The units of water consumption rated for domestic, commercial and Institational are 120lt/capta/day,120 and 00cm. per day, respectively. An additional ten percent (10%) of the average day water requirements will be considered {forthe unaccounted for water. 1.3.2 Water Transmission System ‘Te water transmission lines will be sized to handle the maximum day demand Hydraulic analysis for the transmission system will be also be carried out for the Maximum Day Demand (MDD) Air elease and vacuum valves, and blow-off valves wl be installed at peak and Aepressed point respectively. Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna [MUNICIPALITY OF CAVINT OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL ENGINEER 1.3 Materials Specifications 114.1 Transmission Polyvinyl Chloride Pipes, PCP class 150, PREPARED BY: enc. orc my 4.06 LEON ipal Engineer wy Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna (MuNIcIPALITY OF cave! OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL ENGINEER DESIGN COMPUTATION: PROBLEM: 1. Velocity 2 Total Headloss GvEN: Discharge, Q=24 Ups Pipe diameter, 0 = 150mm Length, = 6,000m Friction coefficient, f= 0.023 Difference of elevation = 125m (source reservor) Brera sits SOLUTION: 1. Velocity v fe 15m) |r oo = [FO o.024(4) 05) 16.000) (1.36)"] 018 ||2@.80)) fis liseel -n, = 0.023(40,000)/0.0943) on - oma 1h, = 86.76 m 3, Total Head = 115m —9676m H= 2824m ‘Therefore, the water wll flow freely with the head of 28.24m ETE wo 1 Non sa Wap eon Sec Sou

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