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Negligence is direct, Negligence is merely Negligence is direct,

substantive and independent incidental to the performance substantive and independent
of contract of an obligation already of contract
existing because of a contract
No pre-existing obligation There is a pre-existing No pre-existing obligation
(except of course the duty to obligation (a contract, either (except the duty never to
be careful in all human express or implied) harm others)
Proof: Preponderance of Proof: Preponderance of Proof: Guilt beyond
evidence evidence reasonable doubt
Defense of “good father of a Defense of “good father of a This is not a proper defense.
family” in the selection and family” is not a proper defense Here, the employee’s guilt is
supervision of employees is a automatically the employer’s
proper and complete defense civil guilt, if the former is
Ordinarily, the victim has to As long as it is proved that Accused is presumed
prove the negligence of the there was a contract and that innocent until the contrary is
defendant. This is because his it was not carried out, it is proved, so prosecution has
action is based on alleged presumed that the debtor is at the burden of proving the
negligence on the part of the fault, and it is his duty to negligence of the accused.
defendant. prove that there was no
negligence in carrying out the
terms of the contract.

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