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Assignment 2

Question 1
Figure 1 shows a histogram of an image. Based on the given histogram, answer the following
i. The image undergoes Otsu thresholding. Based on the given intensity in Figure
1, determine σB2 for k = 3.
ii. If the maximum between class variance is k = 3. Determine the output image
for the following pixels in Figure 2.
iii. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for Otsu thresholding. (Please
include citation for any references used to answer this question.)

3 bit image histogram

150 140


50 No of pixel
50 40
20 20 20
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 1

7 7 1
5 2 2
5 4 4

Figure 2
Question 2
Image segmentation can be categorized into 3 categories; thresholding, region based, and edge
based. Write a short note for region growing approach. (Please include citation for any
references used to answer this question.)
Question 3
Explain in details spatial resolution in image processing. (Please include citation for any
references used to answer this question.)
Submission Requirements
Following guidelines will be helpful to you in carrying out the tasks and preparing the report.
 Handwritten answer.
 Late submission will not be accepted.
 Any plagiarism/copy will be penalized.
Available From: Dec 16th, 2017
Due on: Dec 22nd, 2017

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