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1950’s Research Project

Group Member Names: ___________________________________________________________________

Period: _____

Multimedia Presentation Format: The group utilizes a multimedia presentation software. The
format of the presentation is clear and organized. There is a title page that includes a title and /5
each member’s name. There is a title for each presentation slide. There is a works cited page at
the end of the presentation in MLA format.
Evidence: The presentation includes at least three different sub-categories for the particular
category. (i.e. Fashion- men/women/children) The evidence is accurate and meaningful. The /15
evidence is presented in a clear and concise manner. The presentation utilizes at least two
credible sources.
Visuals: The presentation utilizes visuals to make the information more comprehensible and
engaging. There is at least one visual on each presentation slide. /3
Creativity and Effort: The presentation demonstrates thoughtfulness and effort in terms of the
evidence researched and the overall design. The presentation utilizes different visuals, colors, /2
and styles to make the presentation engaging and interesting.
Presentation: Each member speaks at least once during the presentation. The group
demonstrates preparation in terms of pacing and speaking roles. Each member maintains /5
proper eye contact and volume throughout the presentation. The presentation is about five
minutes long.

Total: ____/30

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