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G1_U6_BLR_p8.indd 1 4/3/06 9:09:52 AM

Goods and Services
People make or grow goods. Workers
make and sell goods.


G1_U6_BLR_p8.indd 2 4/3/06 9:10:08 AM

Many workers sell services. Services are
kinds of work people do for others.
Recall and Retell What
are goods?


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Jobs People Do
People work at jobs to get money. There
are many jobs.

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Some people have jobs selling goods.
Others have jobs at home.
Recall and Retell What are
some kinds of jobs?

G1_U6_BLR_p8.indd 5 4/3/06 9:11:11 AM

Cesar Chavez was a farmworker.
It was hard work. He had to move
a lot. The job was not fair.


1962 Starts 1992 The United Farm

a union for Workers Union wins
farmworkers better pay for workers

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Chavez started a group for
farmworkers. The group worked to get
better pay. It also worked to get fair


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Buyers and Sellers
A market is a place where people buy
and sell goods. Buyers give money to
sellers for goods.

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Buyers and sellers save some money.
People put money in a bank to use later.
Main Idea and Details Why
do people put money in a bank?

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Working in a Factory
In a factory, people make goods.
Many jobs are in a factory.

This factory makes crayons.


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Some workers put things in machines.
Others put goods in boxes.
Recall and Retell What is
a factory?


G1_U6_BLR_p8.indd 11 4/3/06 9:14:04 AM

Activity 1
Match the word to its meaning.

goods market services

job factory

1. work that a person does to get money

2. a place where people make goods
3. kinds of work people do for others
4. things people make or grow to sell
5. a place where people buy and
sell goods


G1_U6_BLR_p8.indd 12 4/3/06 9:14:24 AM

Activity 2
Look at the list of words. Put the words in
a chart like this one. Then use a dictionary.
Learn what the words mean.

goods services trade

money job business
volunteer market save

Sounds Don’t
I Know Familiar Know


G1_U6_BLR_p8.indd 13 4/3/06 9:14:39 AM

Activity 3
Finish each sentence. Use words from
the list.

goods market
money factory

1. Driving a truck is one kind of ______.

2. You need to pay ______ to buy a toy.
3. A car is made in a ______.
4. The ______ on our street sells food.
5. Things that people make are
called _____.


G1_U6_BLR_p8.indd 14 4/3/06 9:14:58 AM

Activity 4
Write each word. Then use each word in a



G1_U6_BLR_p8.indd 15 4/3/06 9:15:11 AM

Recall and Retell What did Cesar
Chavez do?

1. Vocabulary What is something that is

made in a factory?
2. What can you buy in a market?
3. What do people use to pay for goods?
4. What kind of job would you like to do?

Tell a Story Tell a story about something
you bought. What did you buy? Where did
you buy it?

Photo credits Front Cover Harcourt; 2 (l) Ed Young/Corbis; 2 (r) David Young-Wolff/PhotoEdit;
3 (l) Jonathan Nourok/PhotoEdit; 3 (r) Getty Images; 4 Photophile; 5 (l) Index Stock Imagery;
5 (r) Harcourt; 9 David Young-Wolff/PhotoEdit; 10 John Zoiner; 11 (t) Gale Zucker Photography;
11 (b) Getty Images


G1_U6_BLR_p8.indd 16 4/3/06 9:15:22 AM

w w w. h a r c o u r t s c h o o l . c o m

ISBN-13: 978-0-15-352719-7
ISBN-10: 0-15-352719-6

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