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Nemo Analyze is a highly efficient and fully

scalable analysis tool for benchmarking,
FLEXIBLE ANALYSIS TOOL automated troubleshoo ng, and sta s cal
repor ng based on drive test data. For
benchmarking, its predetermined report
templates help compare KPIs from different
operators, technologies, and me frames,
and visualize the results in a single report.
Nemo Analyze supports all the major
network technologies, including LTE, HSPA+,

The Nemo Analyze system incorporates an innova ve, low-maintenance database engine that has been designed and
op mized specifically for high-performance post-processing of drive test data. The system is easy to set up and use and
highly cost-effec ve to implement.
Nemo Analyze is the ideal post-processing solu on for data produced by Nemo tools, Ascom TEMS™ product family,
EADS REMS TETRAPOL®, and R&S® ROMES. Nemo Analyze’s support for CSV (Character-Separated Value) format also
allows impor ng of ASCII data into the database, enabling for instance Wireshark/Ethereal and network counter data
to be correlated and post-processed together with Nemo drive test data. Nemo Analyze Standalone/Client supports
the following 32-bit pla orms: Windows® XP Professional, Windows Vista™, and Windows® 7. Integra ng Nemo
Analyze with other Nemo tools provides a complete automated data processing chain from raw measurement data to
automa cally generated results in workbook format.
The Nemo Analyze system can be implemented as Nemo Analyze Standalone, Nemo Analyze Enterprise, Nemo Analyze
Snapshot, or any combina on of the three pla orms.
• Nemo Analyze Standalone – A desktop/laptop tool providing in-depth analysis, repor ng, and op miza on
capabili es.
• Nemo Analyze Enterprise – Fast and powerful enterprise-level database server solu on. With Nemo Analyze
Enterprise all measurement data in an organiza on can be centralized on a single server. This ensures that your
organiza on’s en re body of measurement data is always securely stored, backed up and accessible to mul ple
simultaneous users.
• Nemo Analyze Snapshot – A post-processing solu on providing instant data repor ng, benchmarking, sta s cs
and map plots via web interface. Corporate-wide access to na onwide network KPIs is made possible by data pre-
aggrega on and in-memory analy cs engine.

Nemo Analyze is also available as Nemo Analyze Cloud Service, enabling users to rent license and server capacity
to access Nemo Analyze over the Internet without having to install any so ware on their PC. The license and server
capacity is rented from Anite Finland. Anite Finland will also manage the cloud and take care of so ware maintenance,
allowing users to focus on post-processing.

• Scalability from desktop to enterprise level.
• Best-in-class data visualiza on with fully
customizable, me-synchronized mul -page
workbooks and a comprehensive set of data views,
including maps, grids, line graphs, bar graphs, pie
charts, surface grids, color grids, and spreadsheets.
• Support for KML-based live maps, Google Maps,
Google Earth, and OpenStreetMap.
• Diverse repor ng op ons from instant repor ng to
MS Excel compa ble repor ng.
• Up-to-date support for every major wireless
technology, incl. LTE, HSPA+, CDMA, and EVDO.
• Full automa on of the data processing chain, from
drive test data upload to full analysis results.
• Seamless integra on with Nemo products ensures
100% correct interpreta on of the measurement
data produced by your Nemo tools.

Nemo offices are located in Oulu – Dallas – Lynchburg – Singapore – Beijing – Mumbai – São Paulo – Dubai – Paris – Bristol – Stockholm – Budapest
– Moscow. Our Global sales channel consists of over 50 distributors and sales representa ves from six con nents. You can find more informa on of
Nemo tools and detailed contact informa on for our offices and local sales representa ves at:
Informa on given in this publica on is subject to change without prior no ce. Anite Finland Ltd reserves the right to change specifica ons without prior no ce. All trademarks herein are the property of their respec ve owners.
Nemo Outdoor has an established posi on
POWERFUL DRIVE TEST TOOL FOR both as a pioneer and leader in drive test
MEASURING AND MONITORING measurement solu ons. Nemo Outdoor
comes with an incomparable support
WIRELESS NETWORKS for over 270 test terminals and scanning
receivers, offering a broad range of tes ng
op ons and support for all the newest
technologies at any given me.

Nemo Outdoor forms a centralized solu on

for extensive network measurement,
troubleshoo ng and op miza on. Its cost-
effec veness is materialized in its single
pla orm and modularity which enables the
user to tailor the product according to their
par cular needs.

Nemo Outdoor is highly suitable for targeted network problems, and simultaneously poses the possibility to
be expanded to cover extensive and powerful measurements from drive tes ng to benchmarking and QoS
measurements, developing with the market to cover all the established and emerging phases of the network
life cycle. All of this is possible on a single laptop-based so ware pla orm.

Reduce the me-to-market of new services

In addi on to drive test and benchmarking measurements, the Nemo Outdoor pla orm is expandable to
support voice and video quality measurements. Nemo Outdoor also offers tools for various troubleshoo ng
tasks. With a test terminal and/or a scanner you can perform real- me missing neighbor detec on, pilot
pollu on analysis, and GSM interference analysis.

To gain compe ve advantage in today’s market, monitoring and improving customer experience is crucial.
Nemo Outdoor enables the measuring of quality-of-experience (QoE) metrics for the services and applica ons
your customers are actually using, including advanced YouTube video tes ng, Facebook applica on tes ng,
and Skype call measurements. The informa on provided by Nemo Outdoor assists in the verifica on and
troubleshoo ng of new services reducing the me-to-market.

Nemo Outdoor’s diversity is only matched with its flexible user interface and ease of use. Owing to its single
pla orm, all essen al func onali es can be found in one loca on. Through the fully customizable user
interface the user is able to tailor Nemo Outdoor for their par cular use.

• Extremely easy to set up, configure and use. The
me from receiving the product to using it ranges
from a couple of minutes to less than two hours.
• Automated measurements with extensive scripts
and large-scale measurement lists enable you
to focus on the actual task at hand during drive
tes ng.
• Quality-of-experience (QoE) metrics for the
services and applica ons your customers are
actually using.
• User-defined parameters from signaling messages
can be searched and displayed in info view
and graph side panel during measurement and
• Open ASCII file format – Nemo Outdoor uses an
open file format which can be directly u lized in
The patented mul -data func onality empowers users to connect up to various third-party analysis tools; no conversion or
six terminals to one laptop with the Nemo Walker and Nemo MulƟ Lite
op ons. parsing needed.
• Patented mul -data.

Nemo offices are located in Oulu – Dallas – Lynchburg –Singapore – Beijing – Mumbai – São Paulo – Dubai – Paris – Bristol – Stockholm – Budapest
– Moscow. Our Global sales channel consists of over 50 distributors and sales representa ves from six con nents. You can find more informa on of
Nemo tools and detailed contact informa on for our offices and local sales representa ves at:
Informa on given in this publica on is subject to change without prior no ce. Anite Finland Ltd reserves the right to change specifica ons without prior no ce. All trademarks herein are the property of their respec ve owners.

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