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Om Sri Sai Ram

आआ आआ आआआआ

'ततत ततत'

'ततत ततत' तत ततततत तत तततततत तत ततत ततत

ततततततत तततत तत तततत ततत ततत ततत तत
ततततततत तत तततत तततत तततततत ततत तत ततत
ततत तततत 1631 तत ततत तततततत ततत ततत ततत तततत
तत ततततत तततततत ततततत ततत तततत ततत ततततत
ततत तततत ततततत ततततत तत ततत ततततततत ततत
तततत ततत ततत ततत तत ततततततत तततत तततततत
ततततततत तततततत तततत ततततत तततततत ततत तत
ततततत तत ततत ततत ततततत ततत ततत ततत ततत तत
तततततत तततततततत ततततत तत तत ततततततत तत तत
ततत तततत ततत


Om Sri Sai Ram

आआ आआ आआआआआआआआ

ततततत ततततत ततततत तत,

ततततततततत तत तततत तततत तततत
ततततत तततत ततत


Om Sri Sai Ram

आआ आआ आआआआआआ

 तततत तत तततततततततत तत तततत ततततत

ततत तततत ततततत : ततततततत ततततत
 तततततत ततततत तत ततत ततततततत
ततततततत-तततत तत तततततत, ततततत तत
तततत तत तततततत तत
 INS ततततत तततततत ततत ततततत, PM तततत-
तततत ततततततत ततत तततततत तत
 14 ततत ततत ततततततत ततततततत तत तततत
UP तत ततततततततत ततततत ततत तततत

आआआ आआआआआआ

 ततत तततततततत तत 'तततततत' तत तततत

ततत ततत - ततततत तततत तततत ततततत
 तततत ततततत: तततत तत तततततततत तत
तततततततत तत ततत तततत तततत ततत


Om Sri Sai Ram
Today’s article


Better education is very necessary for all to go ahead in the life

and get success. It develops confidence and helps building personality
of a person. School education plays a great role in everyone’s life.
The whole education has been divided into three divisions - primary
education, secondary education and Higher Secondary education. All
the divisions of education have their own importance and benefits.
Primary education prepares the base which helps throughout the life,
secondary education prepares the path for further study and higher
secondary education prepares the ultimate path of the future and
whole life.

- Thank You

Om Sri Sai Ram

Today’s thought

Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.

(I Repeat)

– Thank You
Om Sri Sai Ram
Today’s News

 Home minister directs police to act tough on communal

 India launches Cartosat 2 Series satellite and 29 others
 Twitter user chips away at Aadhaar app, uncovers
glaring security holes
 Four senior judges say situation in Supreme Court ‘not in

Sports News:
 Messi powers Barcelona into quarters
 Pant fires as Delhi crush Jammu & Kashmir by 8 wickets
 Batting is the key to India's bounceback ability

– Thank You

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