Section C: (5 Marks)

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[5 marks]
Questions 11 to 15
Read the text below and answer the following questions.

A long time ago, there lived a beautiful fairy princess named

Rosemary. Rosemary was kind, smart and helpful. She lived in the
Kingdom of Renosia with the fairies and elves happily.
One day, a terrible thing happened. Huge and fierce monsters
attacked the land. They wanted to own Renosia. Rosemary could not do
anything to save her people. She went out from Renosia through a
secret tunnel.
Suddenly, Rosemary met four gnomes sitting on the toadstools.
They were resting after plucking wild berries in the forest. She told
the gnomes about the monsters. They felt sorry for her. So for
weeks, the gnomes help Rosemary to plan a surprise attack on the
When the day came, Rosemary and the gnomes sprinkled the
magic potions on the monsters. The monsters were stunned and slowly
turned into stone. Rosemary and the gnomes won the fight.

-Extract from the story

“Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes”

11. Numbers the following events from 1 to 4 according to the text above.
Everyone lived happily in Renosia.

Rosemary went to four gnomes for help.

Fierce monsters came and attacked the land.

Rosemary escaped from the monsters.

12. Why did Rosemary run from Renosia?
She ran from Renosia because
A. monsters had invaded Renosia.
B. she wanted to meet the gnomes.
C. nobody wants to defeat the monsters.

13. What was the best value that you could get from Rosemary’s action of running away
from Renosia as the monsters could not be defeated?
A. Do not give up.
B. Think positively.
C. Be independence.

14. Choose the best characteristics for:

Gnomes Monsters
A. Lazy Honest
B. Brave Greedy
C. Helpful Respectful

Question 15 is based on the statement below.

The monsters asked for Rosemary’s forgiveness.

15. If you are given a chance to be Rosemary, what action would you take?
If I were Rosemary, I would .
A. let go the monsters with a certain condition.
B. ignore the monsters because they had steal my kingdom.
C. pour more magic potions so they immediately turned into stone.

[5 marks]
Questions 16 to 20
Read the poster carefully and answer the following questions.

16. Where is the venue for the “Turtle Time!” ?

A. Beach Parking Lot
B. Beach Turtle Parking Lot
C. Sunset Properties Parking Lot

17. The “Turtle Time!” is held by .

“Turtle Time!” is available for visitors every Sunday.

18. The statement above is (true / false).

19. Aiman and his family are going to the “Turtle Time!” .
They should .
I. check for the weather.
II. arrive early on Sunday morning.
III. go to the website for more details.
IV. make sure they have enough money for entrance fees.
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and IV

20. Why did the organizer held the “Turtle Time!” ?

It .
A. alerted people to some environmental issues.
B. exposed people to different species of turtles.
C. allowed people to can see the turtles whenever they are free.

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