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Unexplained extraterrestrial pics?

Are they out there?
Started by saxcatz, October 30, 2003

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saxcatz 0
226 posts

Posted October 30, 2003 #1

I'm searching for extraterrestrial photos that are of an unexplained nature... ones that have been examind, and COULD potentially be real. I know there
are some good ones out there that science has failed to explain...

Does anyone know which ones?

I welcome your input!

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Lionel 4
2,444 posts

Posted October 31, 2003 #2

Here is one to begin with, I have seen more (cant remember where), will paste them as I find them.

Lionel 4
2,444 posts

Posted October 31, 2003 #3

Female extraterrestrial came to earth in 1955. Born 246 Earth years ago. Omnec Onec was raised on the planet Venus in a town called Teutonia. She
lived on an astral plane - without a physical body - until she was instructed by her leaders to travel to earth with a message of peace and brotherhood.

Omnec says she was trained to live as a human in an ancient monastery in Tibet. Eventually she was sent to live in Tennessee with an earthling family,
replacing a 7-year-old child who had died in a bus wreck. She grew up, married and moved to Chicago, where she raised three children. worked as a
bar maid, a clothes designer and a cashier.

She revealed her true space alien nature in 1990, when she wrote and published her best-selling book. Today she travels around the United States and
Europe, spreading a message of peace and brotherhood, a she was instructed to do by Venusian leaders.

I have no more information about her

Benjo Koolzooie 1
1,611 posts

Posted November 1, 2003 #4

Intresting. Would be good if there was more information. Never heard of this before.

TheBloom 5
1,334 posts

Posted November 1, 2003 #5

This is very very interesting indeeeeeeeeeeeeed *strokes chin*

TheBloom 5
1,334 posts

Posted November 1, 2003 #6

Could you send me that womans picture please??

pm me and ill give you my email! Thankyou so much!

blazeboy84 0
130 posts

Posted November 2, 2003 #7

If the story was true... She would be examined by scientists all over the world already. And we already have proof that there are no intelligent life in our
solar system.

TheBloom 5
1,334 posts

Posted November 2, 2003 #8

 blazeboy84 said:
And we already have proof that there are no intelligent life in our solar system.

Okay give me the proof then!.....*waits* We dont have any MORE proof than there isnt life than if there is! Although i certainly believe there

MoonFox 0
190 posts

Posted November 2, 2003 #9

 blazeboy84 said:
And we already have proof that there are no intelligent life in our solar system.

No we don't. We don't even know nearly everything that lives on our own planet. If we have millions (or more) of creatures on Earth that we have never
seen yet- and maybe never will- what makes you think we have thoroughly explored every tiny inch of the entire universe to be able to come to a solid
conclusion that there is not one other thing living out there?

mcginty 0
212 posts

Posted November 2, 2003 #10

Blaze if you want proof that aliens extist in the universe then join the Mason's Fraturnity. Get deeply involved with them, up to the 33rd level. When you
discover who really runs this place your gonna crap your pants.

Samarai_Squarepants 0
4 posts

Posted November 2, 2003 #11

if this was true this would *ALOT*more detailed because the it has been a question for ages weather life exists on other planets "hmmmm"

moe eubleck 1
7,665 posts

Posted November 2, 2003 #12

 blazeboy84 said:
. And we already have proof that there are no intelligent life in our solar system.

Ah blaze! I have proof whenever I am stuck in Traffic. Traffic jams ; now there is an unexplainable mystery.

Engulf 0
1,433 posts

Posted November 2, 2003 #13

 blazeboy84 said:
And we already have proof that there are no intelligent life in our solar system.

Well since everyone's against this and have given thier respective views on this one,I'll just sit back.

moe eubleck 1
7,665 posts

Posted November 2, 2003 #14

The truth must come out. I too am an alien. I hail from the far reaches of the andromeda galaxy. My real name is Xortar Cheemchim and I am a shape
shifting space lobster. we have been planning the demise of humanity for centuries, with members in top posistion within the Illuminati or New world

On this date december XX 200X. The war for human domination will begin. No longer will human beings subject our kind to pots of boiling water. THE

TheBloom 5
1,334 posts

Posted November 2, 2003 #15


Ah whoever sed sarcasm was the lowest form of wit is a b******!!

Kryso  40
3,906 posts

Posted November 3, 2003 #16

 Lionel said:
she wrote and published her best-selling book.

Well that’s certainly one form of self advertising I have never though of!

So, she’s from another universe, lives as a human, and is here to spread peace! So I wonder where all the money goes from her best-selling novel?
Does she wire it back to her family on Venus to the town called Teutonia? Or is she lavishly spending it to make her stay on this backward planet all the
more enjoyable?

<Scratches his head, wondering what his publisher would say if he announced something similar to them?>

saxcatz 0
226 posts

Posted November 5, 2003 #17

My beautiful topic...


TheBloom 5
1,334 posts

Posted November 5, 2003 #18

 saxcatz said:
My beautiful topic...


that gave me a laugh!

as well as yours kryso!

thedemonof69 0
74 posts

Posted November 7, 2003 #19

hmm *charges up bp* I remember a while back I was in Monterrey and watching the news...they said something about a guy...who had a cabin in the
woods correct me if I'm wrong, cause I can't remeber to well..but I think this is how it went...he and his dog were staying in this cabin
in the mountains...there was a flash of light at somepoint during the night, he let his dog out and the dog made lots of he got his camera and
followed the howling of his dog. When he got to where the dog was he found it tearing an alien to shreds...he was able to get the dog off the being.
Then he took the body and put it in his ice box (no I don't mean his fridge) he wrapped the alien in some thing that looked like tin foil, after locking up
the ice box he went back to the ship and found a bracelet that enabled him to teleport, and walk through stuff. He used it a few times...and somehow
the U.S. Government found out about it and so did the Chineese and Russians. I don't know what became of him, but last I heard he had all three
Governments after him 'cause they wanted the braclet. I saw the video of the ship and the looked real enough to me. The scary thing is that
after the three governments caught wind of his discovery...the man tried to call a friend of his for help...not long after that his friend was found dead.

mcginty 0
212 posts

Posted November 7, 2003 #20

You are talking about the Dr. Reed Incident. The images used to be on Art Bell's site, along with the hillarious song about the the Frozen E.T. Burrito.
Also it contained the screaming sound the the alien created when it awoke in the freezer. It sounded like a hideous skreeching cat in a grinder. It
sounded aweful. Here is a pic of it.

Benjo Koolzooie 1
1,611 posts

Posted November 7, 2003 #21

The Dr. Reed Incident is intresting.

So is it identified as a fake?

moe eubleck 1
7,665 posts

Posted November 8, 2003 #22

I dunno if it is a fake. But for some hillbilly who lives with a bunch of dogs, he sure takes good pictures.

thepsychoticseaotter 1
963 posts

Posted November 9, 2003 #23

Ok so we have tha attractive Blonde alien I want to make a Hybrid with and a mummfied greycicle....The sad part is and for all of you who have heard
me give my Aliens are myths rants I will only say this once.....

Somehow they both sound like they could be true.....

Magikman 6
6,323 posts

Posted November 9, 2003 #24

 Benjo Koolzooie said:

The Dr. Reed Incident is intresting.

So is it identified as a fake?

Not only identified as a fake, but totally and completely exposed as a liar and a fraud by the webmaster at You can read
about the expose and click on the link I provide in this discussion we had a while back.



Monster-Finder 0
140 posts

Posted November 20, 2003 #25

You want aliens? I got aliens.

The real deal.

If you re unable to make them out, ask any friend who is the kind who knows who is calling on phone before it rings. They usually can see these. OR --
be sure to


Monster Finder.
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Extraterrestrial Life & The UFO Phenomenon

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