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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

4 March 2018 3rd Sunday of Lent Year B

Let Us Keep God’s Temple Holy

oday’s Gospel passage reminds us that Jesus Christ is
God’s most holy temple. It also reminds us of the sacred-
ness not only of all places of worship but also of every
human being, especially those who have been baptized. We are
God’s temples because He has imprinted in us His most sacred
image in creation, and has consecrated us for His service at our
We desecrate ourselves whenever we commit sin. And we
desecrate others when we fail to respect their dignity or lead
them to commit sin. When this happens, Jesus becomes even
more indignant than when he chased the traders from the Tem-
ple of Jerusalem.
In this Eucharist let us renew our commitment to keep all
of God’s temples holy in every way and at all times.

our church or received the by your mercy.

Eucharist not properly dis- Through our Lord Jesus
posed, Lord, have mercy! Christ, your Son, who lives and
All – Lord, have mercy! reigns with you in the unity of
Entrance Antiphon P –For the times we have failed the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
(To be recited only when no En- to appreciate the sacredness and ever.
trance Hymn is sung.) of our persons, Christ, have All – Amen!
My eyes are always on the mercy!
Lord, for he rescues my feet All –Christ, have mercy!
from the snare. Turn to me and
have mercy on me, for I am P –For the times we have not
alone and poor. respected the dignity and
rights of our neighbor, 1st Reading Ex 20:1-3.7-8.
Lord, have mercy! 12-17
Greeting All – Lord, have mercy! The Ten Commandments
P –Blessed be God who made P –May almighty God have enshrine values and duties which
us His holy temples at our bap- mercy on us, forgive us our sins, are valid not only for the Jews
tism. May His grace and peace and bring us to everlasting life! but also for all human beings and
be with you all. All – Amen! for ever.
All – And with your spirit!
R – A proclamation from the
Collect (Opening Prayer) Book of Exodus
Penitential Act
P –O God, author of every In those days, God deliv-
P –My dear brothers and sis- mercy and of all goodness, who ered all these commandments:
ters, let us renew our awareness in fasting, prayer and almsgiving “I, the Lord, am your God,
that when we sin, we profane the have shown us a remedy for sin, who brought you out of the
holiness of God’s presence in look graciously on this confes- land of Egypt, that place of
ourselves and in others. (Pause) sion of our lowliness, that we, slavery.
P –For the times we have be- who are bowed down by our con- You shall not have other
haved disrespectfully in science, may always be lifted up gods besides me.
You shall not take the * They are more precious P –The Lord be with you!
name of the Lord, your God, than gold, than a heap of pur- All –And with your spirit!
in vain, for the Lord will not est gold; sweeter also than syr- P –A proclamation from the
leave unpunished the one who up or honey from the comb. R. holy Gospel according to
takes his name in vain. John
Remember to keep holy the 2nd Reading 1 Cor 1:22-25 All – Glory to you, O Lord!
sabbath day. Preaching a crucified Mes- Since the Passover of the
Honor your father and siah has always seemed a vain Jews was near, Jesus went up
your mother, that you may have enterprise. Yet, the fact remains to Jerusalem. He found in the
a long life in the land which the that it is through the Cross of temple area those who sold
Lord, your God, is giving you. Christ that the all-wise God has oxen, sheep, and doves, as well
You shall not kill. redeemed the world. Such is St.
You shall not commit adul- as the money changers seated
Paul’s forceful reminder today. there. He made a whip out of
You shall not steal. R – A proclamation from the cords and drove them all out
You shall not bear false First Letter of Paul to the of the temple area, with the
witness against your neighbor. Corinthians sheep and oxen, and spilled the
You shall not covet your Brothers and sisters: coins of the money changers
neighbor’s house. Jews demand signs and and overturned their tables. To
You shall not covet your Greeks look for wisdom. But those who sold doves he said,
neighbor’s wife, nor his male we proclaim Christ crucified, “Take these out of here, and
or female slave, nor his ox or a stumbling block to Jews and stop making my Father’s house
ass, nor anything else that be- foolishness to Gentiles, but a marketplace.” His disciples
longs to him.” to those who are called, Jews recalled the words of Scrip-
and Greeks alike, Christ is the ture, “Zeal for your house will
The Word of the Lord! consume me.”
All – Thanks be to God! power of God and the wisdom
of God. For the foolishness At this the Jews answered
of God is wiser than human and said to him, “What sign can
Responsorial Psalm Ps 19 you show us for doing this?” Je-
wisdom, and the weakness of
R –Lord, you have the words of God is stronger than human sus answered and said to them,
everlasting life! strength. “Destroy this temple and in
three days I will raise it up.”
The Word of the Lord! The Jews said, “This temple
All – Thanks be to God! has been under construction
for forty-six years, and you
Verse before the Gospel will raise it up in three days?”
But Jesus was speaking
All –(Praise to you, Lord Je- about the temple of his body.
sus Christ, King of endless Therefore, when he was raised
glory!) from the dead, his disciples
God so loved the world remembered that he had said
that he gave his only Son,
this, and they came to believe
so that everyone who be-
lieves in him might have the Scripture and the word
eternal life. Jesus had spoken.
* The law of the Lord is
perfect, refreshing the soul; (Praise to you, Lord Je- While he was in Jerusalem
the decree of the Lord is trust- sus Christ, King of endless for the feast of Passover, many
worthy, giving wisdom to the glory!) began to believe in his name
simple. R. when they saw the signs he was
Gospel Jn 2:13-25 doing. But Jesus would not
* The precepts of the Lord The glory and purity of trust himself to them because
are right, rejoicing the heart; God’s Temple was of paramount he knew them all, and did not
the command of the Lord is importance to Jesus. And he need anyone to testify about
clear, enlightening the eye. R. bravely upheld this principle human nature. He himself un-
* The fear of the Lord is even if his driving the traders out derstood it well.
pure, enduring forever; the or- of the Temple area set him on a The Gospel of the Lord!
dinances of the Lord are true, collision course with the Jewish All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
all of them just. R. authorities. Christ!

GLOSSARY: • Passover: One of the three major Jewish festivals. It lasts seven days and is celebrated to commemorate the Israelites’
miraculous liberation from the slavery of Egypt, and the sparing of their first-born male children. The highlight of the festival is the
slaughtering of the Passover lamb and the sacrificial meal during which the members of each family or group eat the Passover lamb
with bitter herbs. • Temple: The most sacred building in Israel, where the Jews gathered to worship God. The first temple was planned
by David but constructed by Solomon. It was destroyed in 587 B.C. The one existing at the time of Jesus had been rebuilt by Herod. It
was more grandiose than the original one, and was destroyed by the Romans in A.D. 70.

4 March 2018
Homily Ten Commandments and live by P –It is truly right and just, our
them, in perfect love for God and duty and our salvation, always
Profession of Faith neighbor, let us pray! R. and everywhere to give you
(Nicene Creed) C – That the legislators may be thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
guided by the wisdom of God’s mighty and eternal God, through
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- Christ our Lord.
ther almighty, maker of heaven Law in formulating the laws of
every civil society, let us pray! For by your gracious gift
and earth, of all things visible each year your faithful await the
and invisible. R.
sacred paschal feasts with the
I believe in one Lord Jesus C –That all human beings may joy of minds made pure, so that,
Christ, the Only Begotten Son be respected in their basic rights more eagerly intent on prayer
of God, born of the Father be- and never be subjected to humili- and on the works of charity, and
fore all ages. God from God, ating treatment or conditions, let participating in the mysteries by
Light from Light, true God from us pray! R. which they have been reborn,
true God, begotten, not made, C –That all of us may treasure they may be led to the fullness
consubstantial with the Father; the sacredness of our own per- of grace that you bestow on your
through him all things were sons as well as that of others, sons and daughters.
made. For us men and for our and never defile it through sinful And so, with Angels and
salvation he came down from actions, let us pray! R. Archangels, with Thrones and
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy Dominions, and with all the
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- C –Let us pray in silence for our
personal intentions. (Pause) hosts and Powers of heaven, we
gin Mary, and became man.* sing the hymn of your glory, as
For our sake he was crucified Let us pray! R.
without end we acclaim:
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- P –Lord of all holiness, You All – Holy, holy, holy Lord,
fered death and was buried, and want to dwell in our hearts as God of hosts. Heaven and
rose again on the third day in in a most precious temple. Re- earth are full of your glory.
accordance with the Scriptures. new in us the awareness of Your Hosanna in the highest!
He ascended into heaven and is sanctifying presence, cleanse Blessed is he who comes in
seated at the right hand of the us from all our impurities, and the name of the Lord. Hosan-
Father. He will come again in reconsecrate us to Your service na in the highest!
glory to judge the living and the for ever and ever.
dead and his kingdom will have All – Amen! Memorial Acclamation
no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, P –The mystery of faith!
the Lord, the giver of life, who All –When we eat this Bread
proceeds from the Father and and drink this Cup, we pro-
the Son, who with the Father claim your Death, O Lord,
and the Son is adored and glori- until you come again!
Preparation of the Gifts
fied, who has spoken through
the prophets. P –Pray, brethren . . .
I believe in one, holy, cath- All – May the Lord accept the
olic and apostolic Church. I sacrifice at your hands, for the
confess one Baptism for the praise and glory of his name,
forgiveness of sins and I look for our good and the good of all All – Our Father . . .
forward to the resurrection of his holy Church. P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
the dead and the life of the world All –For the kingdom, the
to come. Amen! Prayer over the Offerings power, and the glory are
P –Be pleased, O Lord, with yours, now and for ever!
Prayer of the Faithful these sacrificial offerings, and
P –Gathered together in the grant that we who beseech par- Sign of Peace
house of God to celebrate the don for our own sins, may take
most sacred act of worship, let care to forgive our neighbor. Breaking of the Bread
us present our petitions for the Through Christ our Lord.
All – Lamb of God, you take
needs and intentions of all man- All – Amen! away the sins of the world: have
kind as we say: mercy on us. (2×)
Preface of Lent I Lamb of God, you take
All – Lord, make us holy!
P –The Lord be with you! away the sins of the world:
C –That the people of God all All –And with your spirit! grant us peace.
over the world may always offer P –Lift up your hearts!
the Eucharistic sacrifice with All – We lift them up to the Lord! Communion
undefiled hearts, let us pray! R. P –Let us give thanks to the P –Behold the Lamb of God,
C –That all mankind may trea- Lord our God! behold him who takes away the
sure the values enshrined in the All –It is right and just! sins of the world. Blessed are
3rd Sunday of Lent (B)
those called to the Supper of the
All –Lord, I am not worthy
that you should enter under We Are God’s
my roof, but only say the word
and my soul shall be healed. Most Precious Temples
Communion Antiphon

or centuries, the Temple of Jerusalem had been
(To be recited only when no Com-
munion Hymn is sung.) the pride of all Jews, the heart of the nation, the
foundation of their firm trust in God’s protection
The sparrow finds a home,
against all enemies.
and the swallow a nest for her
young: by your altars, O Lord Like all pious Jews, Jesus loved the Temple. In it he prayed
of hosts, my King and my God. to the Father with all the sincerity of a devoted Son. There
Blessed are they who dwell in he preached the Good News of the Kingdom. And when he
your house, for ever singing saw that the “house of prayer” had been turned into a “den
your praise. of thieves,” he flared up with the indignation of the Son
who sees the Father’s House desecrated. (See Jn 2:15-16 and
Prayer after Communion parallels.)
P –As we receive the pledge But the Temple, like all other religious structures and
of things yet hidden in heaven characters in the life of Israel, was only a provisional
and are nourished while still on arrangement, a symbol of the reality that was to come. The
earth with the Bread that comes real and definitive temple of God is Jesus Christ himself. He
from on high, we humbly entreat is the “New Temple” – a Temple not made of stones or by
you, O Lord, that what is being human hands, but by God Himself. His loving heart is the
brought about in us in mystery pure altar on which the perfect sacrifice of an unreserved
may come to true completion. filial commitment is offered unceasingly to the glory of the
Through Christ our Lord.
Father, and in atonement for the sins of all mankind.
All – Amen!
Made one with Christ at our baptism, we too have become
part of this living temple. The Holy Spirit has consecrated us
to God’s service in Christ and through Christ. The sanctifying
presence of the Spirit makes us more precious temples than
the finest ones in the world.
P –The Lord be with you. This is indeed a great dignity. Like the Jews of old,
All – And with your spirit! however, we are continuously in danger of forgetting the
P –Bow your heads and pray sacredness of our person. We may forget that our dignity
for God’s blessing. (Pause) derives from our union with Christ. And from forgetfulness
Direct, O Lord, we pray, or lack of appreciation to profanation there is but one step.
the hearts of your faithful, From temples of the All-Holy God, our persons may become
and in your kindness grant shrines of false gods and idols. Our lives may be turned into
your servants this grace: a deadly liturgy to pride, lust, selfishness, aggressiveness,
that, abiding in the love greed . . .
of you and their neighbor, This saddens our Lord much more than the sight of
they may fulfill the whole
the traders and money changers he chased away from the
of your commands.
Through Christ our Lord. Temple of Jerusalem. This Lent, in our quest for a new and
All – Amen! fuller life, we are invited to re-awaken to the sacredness
of our persons and of every human person, especially the
P –May almighty God bless baptized. This is the time for a thorough purification from
you: the Father, and the
all profanations and unbecoming presence of “idols” in our
Son, and the Holy Spirit.
All – Amen! lives. This is the time for a restoration of the masterpiece
of God’s love to its original splendor. This is the time for a
P –Go in peace to love and re-dedication of ourselves to the Source of all Holiness, in
serve the Lord by observ- order that everything that is in us may become a hymn of
ing His Commandments.
glory and praise to the Triune God.
All – Thanks be to God!

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, G. Ramos, V. David, J. Domingo, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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