Dinos - Term 2 B Week 2

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Topic Plan – Term 2B Week 2-JURASSIC PARK

Year Group: 2 Term: 2 Subject: SCF: Unit/week Objective: Notes Day Whole class learning
(review, teach, practise, apply, review and
Differentiated learning

Topic - Understand what dinosaurs are.

Class: Marie w/b: UAE - Herbivore/ carnivore/ omnivore : evaluate)
RESOURCES: dino pictures Challenge: T
Curie 18/02/18 Unit: Links: - Create own dinosaur VOCAB: Purple
Dinosaurs - Recognise how to present information- SWAY. Day
Da Whole class learning Differentiated learning 2 HOTS: in red
y (review, teach, practise, apply, review and ALL CHN WILL WORK TOGETHER IN MA
evaluate) GROUPS/ PAIRS
Using a Venn diagram sort the In
RESOURCES: boxes with sand, fact myth cards Challenge: Using boxes/ trays with sand, T
dinosaurs who eat meat, d
VOCAB: Purple explain that we are going to LO- I can recognise the difference
become archaeologists and dig plants or both into the
Day between a carnivore and a herbivore.
for facts about dinosaurs. Our TA Core: correct places. Add sentences T
1 HOTS: in red at the bottom to explain how
job is to find the dinos with the Ind Read a letter from Archie in the Jurassic Green
Core: their bodies are adapted.
Lo – I can ask simple questions about the information, read the information Jungle and show some of the photographs that
Green TA
prehistoric past and changes and decide if we think it is true T he has sent showing which dinosaurs he has
Show the children some giant foot prints that have or false! Explain that some of spotted. Do you think Archie is safe to be
appeared outside our class. Who could have made
Support: the information we find will be around these dinosaurs? Why/why not? Do you

them? Look at the size, what creature could have left Red facts and some will be myths. TA think some of these dinosaurs are more In
dangerous than others? What do we know d
these footprints? How big do you think this creature
about what dinosaurs ate?
would have been? Individual: Come back together as a class
Work through FC- Support: T
Turn lights off and show images with sound. E.g and decide on which ones are true What do you notice about this group of
Ind Red
Jurassic park clip. Ask chn to consider: What can you Blue and false. We will keep a record dinosaurs? Have they got any similar
see? What can you hear? How does it make you feel? of these and by the end of the characteristics? What do you notice about
What do you think about these creatures? What are topic we should know if we sorted their teeth/ the way they move/ legs? What
T do you think they would eat? Now look at this TA
they? Do you recognise any? Look at the them into two correct piles!
group, how are these dinosaurs different? In
surroundings, Chn to discuss with TP’s what we might
Explain that we know that Can the Chn figure out what the dinosaurs ate d
cover and share what they already know about
dinosaurs existed because
by looking at their bodies? Work in pairs and Children to sort dinosaurs into
dinosaurs. Record on Sugar paper.
discuss which is a carnivore, omnivore (HA) 2 types Carnivore and
bones/fossils etc have been
TA and herbivore. Individual: herbivore in books. T
SC – found.
Ind SC: Blue Write if they eat meat or
 Discuss prior knowledge  Record facts/ sort images
Chn will have a range of items on plants
 Look at images T  Discuss findings with group
 Share ideas as part of a group their table (images of fossils/
 Observe characteristics of dinosaurs
Write down questions to be covered through topic bones/ dinosaurs etc).
in each group
They will discuss what they
Mini plenary/plenary: (review, consolidate, Mini plenary/plenary: (review,
already know and write down what
demonstrate, address mis-conceptions) consolidate, demonstrate, address mis- TA
they want to find out. Write
TA conceptions)
questions on stars ready to place
Discuss chn’s questions for learning journey and what As a class create a brainstorm of what
on our learning journey to refer
activities we could do the find the answers to these makes these 3 types of dino In
to throughout topic.
questions. Ind d
Enhanced provision-Write a reply
Enhanced provision- Using to Archie
salt dough – make dinosaurs
bones to use in role play
Day Whole class learning Differentiated learning Day Whole class learning Differentiated learning
(review, teach, practise, apply, review and ALL CHN WILL WORK TOGETHER IN MA (review, teach, practise, apply, review and
evaluate) GROUPS/ PAIRS evaluate)
RESOURCES: Dinosaur name word mats Challenge: T RESOURCES: clay Challe Design and name new dinosaur. With T
nge: support, discuss what their dinosaur
Decode the Dinos sheet Purple TA
Day VOCAB: greek vocab Day VOCAB: Purple will be like and its habitat: where will
it live, what it will eat, how will it
3 Chn to use dinosaur name word TA 4
move etc.
HOTS: in red mats to decode dinosaur names on and HOTS: in red
5 Ind
‘Decode the Dinos’ sheet. Once designed children will then make
Lo – I can design a new dinosaur and think their dinos out of clay
Children write the names and draw Ind about what it would need to survive.
what they think they look like in Think of a dinosaur, describe it to your TP! What
Lo To use Greek words to decode dinosaur names. Core: Design and name new dinosaur. Write T
their books did your dinosaur look like? Did it walk on four a detailed description of the new
*Link to English planning- create own dino legs or two? Why was this? What were there dinosaur thinking about what it looks
Core: T TA
T and TLA to support where teeth like? Why? (remind chn that carnivores had like, where it lives (its habitat) how it
charachter* Green necessary. sharp teeth and herbivores had flatter blunt will move, where it will live, what it
teeth) will eat etc.
Explain to children that dinosaur names come from TA
Explain to chn that they are going to become a Once designed children will then make
Greek. Each dinosaur name is made of different
dinosaur designer! We are going to imagine that their dinos out of clay
words with different meanings.
we have just discovered a new dinosaur by finding
Write on board
fossils that no one has ever seen or heard of
Micropachycephalosaurus Suppo T
Ind before! What will your newly discovered dinosaur
Show children how each section has a different rt:
look like? What features will it have?
meaning Red TA
Micro- small, pachy – thick, cephalo – head, saurus – Ind
Using website
lizard Support: T
So this dinosaur was a lizard with a small, thick Red s/buildadino/ discuss: What would happen if the Indivi T
characteristics of the dinosaurs got mixed up?
What if the Tyrannosaurus Rex had 4 legs? (it
Give children some more dinosaur names examples Blue
would not run as fast) What if the brachiosaurus
to decode using dinosaur name word mats. TA had a small tale? (it would lose balance) Think
Velociraptor Ind about what we found out about dinosaurs diets
Deinonychus Children will have a selection of
Individual: T and their teeth, what shape teeth would your
images of different dinosaur’s body
Mini plenary/plenary: (review, consolidate, Blue dinosaur need? Why?
parts. They can mix the different
demonstrate, address mis-conceptions) characteristics to create a new
Explain to children that they will be designing and SC: dinosaur (e.g. the head of a t-rex, the
naming their own dinosaur during the next lesson. TA  Design new dinosaur body of a stegosaurus, the tail of a
Ask them to start thinking about what that  Name brachiosaurus etc).
dinosaur will be like. Enhanced provision-ipads-  Write detailed description
“My dinosaur”*Link to English planning- build a dino and other  Make from clay. Once designed children will then make
Ind  Think about what your dinosaur needs to
create own dino charachter* games- sheppards software their dinos out of clay
survive and its habitat.

Mini plenary/plenary: (review, consolidate,

demonstrate, address mis-conceptions) TA
Discuss dinosaurs created and question children's
choices. Where will your dinosaur live? What will Ind
they need to survive? What will it eat? Record
some of chn's ideas and explain that this helps us
to think about the habitat of the dinosaur.

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