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CUADERNILLO DE VERANO INGLES 32 ESO Grammar and Vocabulary Starter unit Grammar Present simple and present continuous 1 Complete the email with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets, Hi Raquel im having (have) 2 great time at Oxtord English School and(1)1_ (stay) with a nice family. Every day (2) (get up) at 7.30 ‘am, and|(3) (nave) a shower. We all ) (have) breakfast at about 8.00 a.m. The bus (5)_(come) at about 8.30 am. Lessons (6) (start) at 9.00 a.m. Tony, four teacher, is very funny and he (7) (make) us laugh but he aiso (8) (ive) Us lots of homework .. and i's @ holiday! Huh! Past simple 2 Match questions 1-5 to answers A-E. 1. When did you last feel nervous? © 2 What did your Dad cook for dinner? 3. How did you make your awn website? _ 4 When id you last go to agreat party? _ 5 Where did you go for your last holiday? _ Cairo, in Egypt. We saw the Pyramids We had steak and roast potatoes. Lovely! Before my piano exam. | couldnt sloop! My sister helped me. In June. | went fo Amy's sixteenth bithday disco! oar mo Comparative and superlative adjectives 3. Complete the sentences with the words. best healer haltest more most interesting spicier_than_the worse Where's the hottest place on the planet? 1 tm __ than my sister at maths. 2 This is the ‘chocolate in the world! 3 Carrots are than chips! 4. Is Chinese _ most dificult language? 5 The food on holiday was than ours, 6 What's the: book that you've read? 7 Ishe taller your teacher? 8 Friends are important than money. MOSAIC 3 Ce) Vocabulary Adjectives: emotions 4 Match pictures A-D to 1-4. 1 surprised D 3 angry 2 tod _ 4 relaxed _ Verbs: experiences 5 Put the underlined words in the correct sentences. {feo a heathy meal cook ‘200k a lien havenew friends make a sleepover with friends have worried ___ Holidays, 6 Choose the correct option. Let's buy / meet a souvenir of Big Ben, Did you send / miss me a postcard from Rome? Hire | Book your hotel now and save 20%! e careful, Don't get / have sunburned. Do you want to go / lose abroad? | want to explore / moet tha istand Food 7 Complete the words. This chill sauce is very spicy. 1. Ana doesn't eat meat, so she usually has ch___ sandwiches, 2. Isthere sugar in my coffee? It's very s_t 3. This chicken is really {_y. Delicious! 4 Hove cr ccoreal with lots of nuts! 5 Some burger restaurants pul a lot of 6 ‘on their chips. [EERESEEINNG 0 oxrono unwensiry press Grammar Starter unit Cao Present simple and present continuous 1. Put tho verbs in brackets in the present simple or the present continuous. | can't talk now. Lim doing (60) my homework. 1 She (practise) the guitar for at least 20 minutes every day. 2 Bobby _ (have) a shower, | think Helllbe down in a minute, 3. They (came) to cur house for Now Year every year. I's @ family tradition 4 Isometimes. (609) Syivie at schoo! but she's in a differant class, we _ (study) dinosaurs this week. Ws really interesting Why does he always for everything? 7 How often _ (you soe) your cousins in Sevile? (arrive) late 8 My older brother (lve) at home with us until he can get a job. ® Myfriend Beth____(nol eat) meat, so can we have fish for dinner far the sleepover? 10 Why___(you stand) on that chair? Thal isn't very safe! Past simple 2 Complete the story with the correct past simple form of the verbs. be decide go hear listen nothear notice hotknew push run stay tum you break One night last month my parents were out with friends so | (1) at home with my tle brother. At about eleven o'lock, | aes a strange noise downstairs. | @)_ carefully, but (4) itagain, but |(5) to go and check. | |) ____ downstairs vary stowly and quietly because | (7) ifthere was | someone in the house. 1(8) ___that the kitchen door was open a itl (9) it ‘open and 1 (10) fon the light. Then four cat (11) _ past mo .. through the iil on the kitchen floor. "Mili! (12) _ that bottle of milk?" asked. MOSAIC 3 3 Put the words in the correct order to write questions. hhave /he / when / accident I his / did? When did he have his accident? 1. af parents Ihe / did car your 2. go/ where / on did they I holiday? 3 time land /the / plane / did / what? 4. many | did J send / how / you I postcards? miss / did J your F why 1 you / ight? Comparative and superlative adjectives 4. Look at the pictures. Compare A, B and C. Use ‘comparative and superlative forms of the words. cheap lexpenswe short/tall_ slow / fast TEEEEEERIEIGY © oxrono univensiry press Vocabulary Starter unit Adjectives: emotions 1. Complete the sentences with the adjectives. ‘angry excited funny lonely nervous relaxed surprised tired ‘That film was so funny! We laughed so much! 1 You feet when something happens which you weren't expecting 2 He's always so about anything, He doesnt worry 3. Imvery I need to sleep. 4 Doyouget ‘and woried before an 5 Dad was very _when I broke his, laptop. 6 Wo try to see Grandma al weekends because she fools without visitors. 7 Ym really about our holiday. Dad says that we're going to Florida! Verbs: experiences 2. Complete the words. 1've finished my book and | don't want to go ‘swimming again now because the sea's abit cold, so I'm going to sunbathe, 4. Dad works very hard and he has a fong journey tohis office, so on Saturday and Sunday he likes tohavea| 2 Its Loma’s birthday on Saturday. She's invited thvee friends to come to her house on Friday. They're going to have a s and then ‘on Saturday, they're going bowling, 3. Mrs Hardwick says that if we take £20 to school, weeangoonas to the National Media Museum. I's an amazing place. Is that OK? Please! 4 You've made biscuits and cakes at school, but ‘when are they going to teach you to cook @ h 2 5 Im sad because my friend Abby's moved to Scotland, but Mum says that Il make ‘and maybe one ) other people have it as a dessert. I's thicker than milk. Sometimos it has frult or \ you can add your own. white and you addi to make tea and /~This comes from mik and i's yelow or) white, You can putit in sandwiches andit's. | usually on a pizza, Holiday phrases 4 Complete the dialogues. ‘A: Why couldn't you go to Francs last waek? B: Because I've lost my passport 1 ALets _ahotol on this website B:No, lot's stay in a B&B, They're cheaper. 2. &:Why are you so red? Bil got 3. A:Did you me a posteard? No, sorry, bul | can email you some photos. 4 A: What happened to yourleg? B:I had an) when Iwas skiing 5 A: Can we explore new places this tine? B: Yos - we're going to car. 6 A:Did you any souvenirs? B: Yos! Look ~ I got this T-shirt of New York! BEY © oxrono university PRESS Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 1 C_*«_) Grammar have to and must 1. Choose the correct option, ust’ /don't have to talk in 1. Sonia's happy because she doesn't have to / mustn't do any homework today. 2. We had to /must come home early because there was a fre at our school. 3. You've spilt orange juice all over the floor. You must /don't have to be more carefull 4 Ididn’t have to /mustn't do sport at my ast school 5 You mustn't /don't have to send text ‘messages in class or our teacher will get angry. 6 Do you have to /must wear a special uniform at your school? can and could 2 David is 14 now. Complete the sentences with could/couldn’t, canican't or willivon't be able to. David can (v) swim now. 1 He __ (4) swim when he was 7. 2 He (v)leamto drive when he's 17. 3 He () ida a horse when he was 7. 4 He (ride a horse now. 5 He (x) go tothe school aisco when he's 201 © He (v)read when he was six should and ought to 3. Match problems 1-6 to advice A-F. 1 Mycat’si. © 'm overweight {cant sleep very wal ‘My tooth hurts. It's my mum's birthday next week. ve got exams in June, You should buy her @ present You ought to goto the dentist ‘You should take i o the vot ‘You ought to start revising now. ‘You shouldn't drink coffee at night ‘You ought to go on a diet. amoom> MOSAIC 3 Vocabulary Behaviour 4. Match the underlined words to the opposites. badlybehaved dishonest rare. stict lunaesoptable unfair unfamiliar His behaviour isrt acceptable. I's unacceptable He isnt well-behaved. He! This stamp isnt common. its __ This punishment isn She isn't honest. She's _ This place isn't very familar. I's Ourteacher isnt easy-going. She's Personal qualities 5 Complete the words with the endings. Mike 16 70, but he plays tennis and is very active. 1 Jule is very serious about badminton and she ‘wanis fo get into the England badminton team. She's very ambit 2. Sarah is the log____choiee to sing at the concert, She's got a beautiful voice. 3 My parents arer't very advontur Infact, they haven't been abroad. 4. Miguel is very confid_ he's passed all his, exams. He says they were very easy 5 Las very cur ‘about our surprise holiday that Mum and Dad are planning. Explaining and reacting to change 6 Put the tines of the dialogue in the correct order. A Ohno! Why? BT know. !'m disappointed about ft but at least we're having a holiday. © — Myteacher chose me forthe team for ‘a competition in the USA, D Whata shame! E So, what's your news? F They've booked a family holiday in France at the same time. _ G How exciting! _— H Yas, | couldn't believe it But when | told my parents, they sald no. © OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Grammar Unit 1 x) should and must 1. Complete the sentences with shoutd(n'd)or must(n’). | must get a new passport. My old one is out of date and Im going to Brazil in July, 1 You______eat so many sweets, They aren't good for you. 2 My mum says 1 tidy my room. if don't, she wan't take me shopping 3 You believe everything She doesnt always tal the truth, thor says. 4 You _ __ have your 1D card if you want to get into that club. 5 You ba nicer to Tiziano. He isn't foeling very happy at the moment mustn't and have to 2. Write sentences about the signs. Road tho situations, Then write a sentence for tach one, Use the correct form of should, ought to or have to Matas aking inthe lorary. I's not allowed {agatve obligation) ‘Morta ough nt fo tak inthe ban 1 My grandfather smokes and it mekes him cough {cocommendaton) My grancather Tim went to school an hou early {00 obligation) Tim _ 3 Leal red and i but | dont want to go to bed {socommendation) You : 4. Paulie helping hs sister with her school project {a obligation) Paul — ‘Anna is texting while she's driving its against the law. (negative obligation) Anna can, could and will be able to 4 Look at the table. Write sontences to say how well Petra could, can and will be able to do these things. Xx = not al all, X = not very well ¥ = quite well; 7 = very well [saan [cook [pant [iooryeas fy fay Je | ago a (4) * (5) ¥ @* wanes fen? | OYT O™ | 1 Four years ago Petra couldn't swim at all MOSAIC 3 (5) EESESEEEEIG © oxrono universiry press Vocabulary Unit 1 (4K) Bohaviour 1 Complete the definitions. ‘Sormething which is good enough or satisfactory is acceptable 1 Someone who does not le, cheat or steal is ho 2. Something which is often seen or often happens 3. Someone who has many rules and makes poople obey them is s 4 Something which is well known to you and easy to recognize is f — 5. Something which is reasonable, right and accepted by most people is {_ Personal qualities 2. Match the words to the definitions. ‘adventurous ambitious amis confident reative_curious logical _sociable {good at making things such as paintings or drawings artistic 1 friendly; enjoys being with people 2 determined to be successful or powerful ‘3. wanting to learn or know about something sure that you can do something wel having lots of new ideas enjoys doing new and exciting things reasonable and sensible Extra vocabulary 3. Complete the words. Do you feel at home, here in America? 1 Roberta feels quite home ‘She doesn't lke the weather or the food in England, 2 im thinking of geting a tat ofa rose to go ‘on my shoulder. 3. Zak wants 8 car___working with animals. 4 {think Rosa is going to sett___into her new school quickly. She's already made a fot of new friends. 5 Simon and Julie got martiod tast week. They had a lovely wodding cor_ 6 Actillos was one of the most famous war_____sin Anciont Greece Noun suffixes 1 4. Make four nouns with the groups of letters. Match them to the pictures. @ ach al al love Ton ment pro ww sur fect_viv Explaining and reacting to change 5 Choose the correct option ‘A: My exam results are a lat better than last year! : That's fantastic / dreadtul! My brother's company said that he won't have 2a job after Apr 2s B: What a shame! / How exciting! 2A: went lathe new burger bar last night B: What was It like? / That sounds terrible! ‘A Itwas nic. 3A: Grandma's going to come and live with us after the summer holidays, B: That was sad. / Really? 4 A: You'll never guoss what happened lastnight. {got back home, opened the front door and went in but all the Iights were off. B: What happened next? / How do you fee!? 5A: What did you think of the new ICT suite at school? B: That's understandable. /| really liked 6 A: Dad says we can have a swimming poo! in the garden nex! summer! 'B: How exciting! / What a shame! MOSAIC 3 (2) GEEIERSGTEIS © oxrono university press Grammar Unit 1 Geko) 1. Complete the email with have fo, don't have to of musta't and the verbs. Complete the text with can / can't, could / ‘couldn't, oF will ‘won't be able to. change _do_eal_go jog enim eo Dear Aidan, ‘Taanks very much for your email! Yes, 've made a New Year's resolution too ~ to get fit ‘You know my brother is a sports teacher? Well, he's | ‘worked out a taining programme for me and a new diet! First of all, (1) for 20 minutes ‘every weekday before school arcund the park next to our flat. Then | (2) 20 lengths of ‘my local swimming pool on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. And, finally, (3) toa yoga class on Saturday mornings. Luckily he's not too strict and (4). anything on Sundays, which is great! | © ‘my diet because I eat quite ‘well but he says | (6) any ‘chocolate or cakes. Thal's hard because you know | love sweet thingst ¥'m going to try for 3 months. You'll see anew me! Love, Katia 2. Complete the second sentence so that means, the same as the first. Use mustn't, don’t have t0 or shouldn't / ought not to. Cars are not allowed to go into the town centre. Cars mustn't go into the town contro. 1. Itisn't necessary to use the stairs. There's Ut. You There's a hit 2 Its important that Tanya doesn't eat nuts. f she does, she will have a bad allergic reaction, Tanya I'she does, she wil have @ bad allergic reaction, isn'ta good idea to swim after a big meal You oe — 4. There's no need for Mum to go to work today because it's a public holiday. Murs because it's a public holiday. 5. It's rude to talk loudly on a mobile phone in a restaurant People MOSAIC 3 | came to live in France with my parents about two years ago. | couldnt understand much French at fist and (1) ____only say a few words ‘This wes a big problem because | started going to a bilingual Erench school, I had French lessons at sschocl, bu | also started other classes like Maths in French immediately, so had to learn really fast! Things are much better now. (2) | Understand mas! of what my teachers say but | stil | @_ always explain my ideas very wall in class, That's really frustrating! {nope that one day | (4) speak French totally fuently. | know that | probably @)____sound exactly ike a French person, but going to work hard on my accent. Put the words in B in the correct order. AI don't understand this question. B:ask Mrs / should / help / you / for / York. B: You should ask Mrs York for el. [A Why is David stil working? B:this/to/ he J tonight / homework / has / finish B: 2. A: How willl get home aller the party? B: dad t/a can give/ my you B: 3A: You speak italian very well. B: at speak /last / couldn't /1/ year /all it B: 4: Why do you took so unhappy? B:go/ won't/ America J able /1/ to /be / year! to! noxt B 5 A: isi necessary to draw pictures for our project? B:(0// pictures / you / your /have / draw / project / for don't 8 6A: How do I get a scholarship to the university? BB: frm / you / ask eriust/ for / application / an 8 J© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. Vocabulary Unit 1 ex) 1. Complete the sentences with the words. career confident creative degiee direct Indirect_miss protection status voluntary 1 Her ___in the company gives her a special importance 2 You're too you think, even IFit hurts someone, prevents harm or damage. You say what 4 He's so and always has fots of new ideas. 5A 's a ob or profession thal you do for a long time, often all your working ie. 6 He doesn't say what he means in an obvious way. He's always so 7 What ___ did you do at university? ie) To nee someone is when you feel ‘sad because you don't see them any more. ____________ Work is when you choose to {do something that you want to do but you don’t ¢get any money. 40 you're will do wel _. you know that you 2. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets, 4. Sciontists are worried about the of some rainforest because the areas where they _ _ are getting smaller. (tribes / hunt / survival) 2 When we moved abroad, | felt sal first, but | 8000 _ and now Ife! realy at {home /setled / homesick) 3 Our time was 4 p.m. but our room isnt ready. This is ‘This hotel should be more _ (organized / unacceptable farval) 4 Mum and Dad think our new school was @ good School uniform and homework are ‘and the studonts are (welk-behaved / compulsory move) __into my new schoo! 3 Write the opposites. Trae 2 honest 3 familar 4 strict 5 6 compulsory _ fair __ MOSAIC 3 PXAEIE 4 Complete the text with the words. There are two words that you do not need. ‘aristic badlybehaved common cufous drect harc-working mathematical organized ‘met my friend Naomi al primary school. | aed her because she was 0 (1) she was lays asking questions. She's also very 2 She's never afraid to say what she thinks! I'm mucty more (3) than Naomi Keep my things tidy 50 know where they are, but she can never find anything! | We changed to a new schoo! this year. All the teachers are happy with us because we're both (@)____, but we're good at cifterent things. ve got quite a (5) mind and Hind solving problems quite easy. Naomi is much more (6) __than me. She does ‘amazing paintings and her maps and diagrams are better than mine too! 5 Are the sentences true or false? Itis quite difcull to remove a tattoo. T ‘The giant panda is a very rare animal ‘To win a Nobel prize is a great achievement Wearing a seatbelt in @ car is not compulsory in ‘most countries in Europe. In Japan there is a special tea ceremony. 5 You need to study sciences if you want a career in medicine. 6 sociable person likes to spend a lot of time on their own, 7. Writing letters to friends is common now. 8 Abadly-behaved child will usvaly lose their temper if they can't have what they want 6 Complete the words in the dialogue. A: had to change schoot in January? B () 2 Why? A: Myddad got a new job so we had to 2)m, house. B: Howdid you(3)f_? AL Iwas (4) a, at fist. | was. worried about having to make new friends. B: Thats (6)u So, what was vyourrnew school (6) _? A: Actually, was (7) (_ really lke it | couldn't be happier In the end, twas a@e move. }@ OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 2 & ) Grammar too, too much, too many, (not) enough 4 Choose the correct option twas fo@ / too much hot in the cinema. 4. That's far too much too many popcorn. We can't eat al that 2 The film was quite boring, There wasn't enough action / action enough 3. There's food enough / enough food in the cupboards for three woeks. 4. There are too / too many people in the queue. We're nol going ta get tickets, 5 Ae you hungry enough / enough hungry to a! three courses? 6 The ending of the book was enough / too predictable Past simple and past continuous 2. Choose the correct option. Christina listened /was listening to music when her mum knocked on te door. 1. 1 eaw /was seeing a great science fiction fim last night. 2. Alojandco was looking / looked at his social media page when his friend calle. 3. She was texting /texted hor best fiend after sha heard the news. 4. Schoo! finished and then they ran /were running home. 5 She was starting / started laughing when she heard the joke. 3. Match the sentence halves 1-5 to A-E. Then ‘complete the sentences with when or while. 1. She was helping her brother with his, homework E My mobile rang _ We were having @ party with all our friends _ Timm was lying on the grass The boys took off their wet clothes __ ___he saw a cat stuck in a tree. | was watching a flm at the cinema. their mum was making them a hot drink. ~~ our parents came home eariy. ‘ahen they both heard a loud noise downstairs. mooa> MOSAIC 3 Vocabulary Adjectives: Opi 4. Use the endings in the box to complete the underlined adjectives below. ve ous 6 09 The film was very disappointing. We didn't enjoy itat al 1. There was a very informal__ programme on TV last night about Antarctica, | learnt a ft 2 This horror film is terrify. You must wateh i. Fve never been so frightened! 3. I think Mr Bean is hilari__. He always makes me laugh. 4. The scene in space is very realist___. You feel like you are actually there Books and films 5 Complete the sentences with the words. award enties fils plot review setting Allthe erites said it was an increcibly good film + The ____ was basically about a young man and woman falling in love 2. Steven Spielberg has directed many big fim 3. She received a special _for saving 2 dog from the river 4 The___for the fm was in one of the coldest places on Earth 5 Willyou vite a____of this fim for tho school magazine? Expressing preferences 6 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. J rather [I'd / comedy / see [érathor soo a comedy. 4 at/ Vd stay prefer / home / to 2 go/to/to/ love Vd / party a 3. not rather / go / swimming I Ve 4 keen f pizza /¥m [very /on J not EIRIGESGIIIG © oxrono university PRESS Grammar Unit 2 too, too much, too many, (not) enough 1. Complete the sentences using too or enough. The music is foo toud 1) Hee jacket is 2 Theyhavent got ‘small for her money to buy 3 burger. 3. This coffee is hot to drink. He mase' tall to.climb aver the wall 5 Thebeach was ____erawded 80 we went home. 2 Write the words in the correct order. 1 couldnt / scary the film f 100 / watch / because | They / was /it 2 those / jeans / money /o/ buy / He /have doess't/ enough 3 hal/the window 11 too / because / here /ia opened Fitts 4 much [this weekend /Tve f do to / gat 100 7 homework 5 queue! are/ many! shop people /the / for /in 3. Complete the sentences. Use f00, foo much, foo ‘many of enough and the words below. Froney old predictable short special effects violence Shall we go to the cinema? I cant. haven't got enough money. 11 What did you think ofthe story? | thought it was just You always knew what ‘was going to happen next 2 did't tke the main character. He didi look to be a grandiather. 3. The fl is Itleaves out lats of 00d parts of the book 4 Uthought there was ____in the film. 1 wanted to see less fighting and know more about the characters, 5 Tobe honest, the film was a bt boring. Nothing happened and there weren't MOSAIC 3 Past simple and past continuous 4. Choose the correct option and complete the sentences with the correct past simple or past, continuous form of the verb. When | White | got (get) home | was really tired, 50 | want to bed. 4. Netalia phoned her dad when / white | __ (ty) on a new top, 2. She wasn't surprised when /while she (see) her friend, Harriet, atthe concert 3. When / White they (G0) into the Istchen, they saw some broken glass on the Noor 4 What did you do when I while your fiends (got) ready for the party? 5 Macek hurt his knee when / while he (play) football 5 Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or past continuous. | arived (artivo) while they were watching (watch) @ DVD of The Hobo 1 He (li) in the bath when he suddenly (have) a briliant idea fora fl. 2. While my mum and dad __(traval) around South America, we (go) fo stay with my grandparents. 3 We (tidy) up after the meal when my brother (star) playing his guitar. 4 When the police cfficer (knock) on the front door, Sarah_____ (have) uneh. 5 Mydad (ell) @ very long, old joke that we all knew when my grandad (start) snoxing! 6 Complete the story with the verbs in the correct form of the past simple or past continuous. bring celebrate crawl have take tak walk | My worst chilchood memory is from when I was 10 years old, My family (1) was having lunch in a very expensive rastaurant, We (2) my father's 40" birthday. While | (3) tomy sister, the waiter (4) ‘me my main course ~ a large ‘bow! of spaghetti bolognese. The waiter (6) _____ away when I noticed something moving in the bowl. A small insect (6) ‘around my spaghetti! The waiter immediately (7) the ‘spaghetti back to the kitchen. My dad thought it was very funny, but now I never order spaghett! 19 © oxFonD UNIVERSITY PRESS Vocabulary Unit 2 (4k) Adjecti ions /es: Opi 1 Complete the sentences with the words, Gull enjoyable entertaining predictable realistic_spectacular ‘The beginning of the book was fainty dul but then it became moro exciting 1 Wehada _ View of Niagara Falls (rom our hotel window. 2 Youre so____ _. | always know what you're going to do, 3. They ike seeing thair aunt and uncle, They always have a very time, 4 Be | We can't afford fo buy that car 8 We watched a very film fast right. Mum and Dad thought it was great fun Books and films. 2. Find nine more words connected with books and films in the word puzzle. [sR evieweno] ENDINGOHOT] TNDTPGVAVR PUEUTOnOUE ippel EH RAALG neAVe Lis cud sl vertrtso Gify sul tTetTR |awaARDONROV 3 Complete the sentences with five of the words in exercise 2. “The plot was quite dificult to follow. ! never understood why the man ran away to Australia 1 Mydads a music Ho goes to see lots of new bands, 2 read a torible of the new X-men film. | don't think | want to see it. 3. Dont tell me the finished it yet 4 The heroine isa really interesting She's very strong but quite lonely 5 Iwant to bea ove writing stories. 6 Sho won a special for saving her brothers and sisters from the fre. ‘of the book. I haven't Extra vocabulary 4 Match words 1-7 to definitions A-G. 1 joke E character perto tale ‘audience it - live > kind of story the people who watch or listen to a performance © qualities which make a person different from D a performance you see or hear at the same time happens something funny you say to make people laugh {natural ability to do something someone such as an actor or musician who does gum things to entertain people Adverbs of degree 5 Choose the correct adverb to make the sentence stronger (+) of weaker (), This book is quite! neredtbly long. My brother is pretty ‘incredibly good at tennis. That film was 0 bit/ very strange. Y ‘The main character was quite / very funny. The director ofthis film is fay / very young. The ending was a tit / pretty predictable, Expressing preferences 6 Complete the dialogue with the words to.see_nol_on_sounds watch A: Why don't we see a film tonight? I've heard there ‘are some good ones on B: OK. I'd prefer (1) A: Oh. I'm not very keen (2) ‘comedy, comedies. Vd rather (3) ‘an action film or a thriler. B: OK. A thriller (4) ‘much better than an action film, ‘A: How about getting some food after? B: I'd prefer (6)___to. ! haven't got enough money. MOSAIC 3 (]] EXEISEERIETE o oxroro unvensiry press Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 3 Cx _) Grammar Past participles. 1. Complete the table. {i itive |Past simple cost_—| coat spend | sp get polean te | was wee — row [buy [ike do put put teach | taught [10 Present perfect with for and since 2. Complete the sentences with for or since. | haven't been shopping for ages! 1. Have you seen Jo_ we went kayaking? 2. He's worked for that company nearly ssh months. 3. Ive saved nearly €100 fast January 4. My parents have known her paronts over ten years. 5 Mike has lived abroad__he left university. 6 Julia and | have been friends _ we started at primary school 7 You haven't spent all that money Christmas! 8 Butwe haven't had pizza a month! Prosent perfect with stil! yet / already the correct 3. Cross out the word which is not position, Have you yet finshed getting ready yet? 1. Te already told you that | already can't come ‘out tonight 2 Im quite cross with Annabel because she still hasnt still tidied up her com 3 Thaven't seen yet my English teacher yet. 4. My litle brother has already won already three chess competitions. He's very clever. | stil haven't been wakeboarding still! MOSAIC 3 Vocabulary Money and shopping 4 Choose the correct option ''m going to use @ new sale / brand of shampoo This was a real bargain / discount ~ only €10! ‘That shop fs having a sale / end with 50% off! How much did those trainers afford / cost? F'm going to save up / afford for a new phone. Could you lend / borrow me €5? ‘That old painting is worth { cost a lot of money. Free-time activities 5. Match the words 1-6 to the pictures A-F. + athletics D 4 tall biking —_ 2 kayaking _ 5 wakeboarding _ 3 archery _ 6 rock climbing _ Reaching an agreement 6 Put the lines of the dialogue in the correct order. A Ohno! It's too cold = That doesn't work for me. How about ‘watching a DVD al my house? _ © I know, why don't we go to the beach? That sounds fike a great idea. | haven’ seen a good fm for ages, E What shall we do this afternoon? F OK, lets do somothing indoors. How about going bowling? ~ © OXFORD UNWERSITY PRESS Grammar Unit 3 C4 Present perfect with for and since 1. Cross out the ending that is not possible. | haver't seen you since | was in Peru / for al least a year / since months 1. She's been at this schoo! for two weeks / since it opened / for February. 2. We haven't played tennis since the summer / for last year {for a long time. 3. He's been in the team since two weeks / ssince he scored his first goal /for too long 4 Uhaven't been to the cinema for ages / since years / since June. 5 Ihaven't spoken to him for we argued / for months {since the day of the party. 2. Join the sentences with foror since Jam at school. | arrived two hours ago. have been at school for two hours 11 We know Sam. We frst met him in January. 2. They are married. They gol married along lime ago. 3. She's in hospital. She went in on Saturday. 4 He lives in San Francisco, He moved there eighteen months ago. 5. She's a teacher. She trained three years ago. Prosent perfect with still, yet and already 3. Rewrite the sentences with not... yet and a verb. find finish _go_make take off_wake-u ‘Mum and Dad are sil asieen. They havent woken up vt. 4. The plane is stil onthe runway. tt i 7 2. Billand Sally are sill here They 3. She sill doesnt have any new fiends she 4. Trisha is ell looking for her sear. Tisha 5. Brian is al doing his project. Brian 4. Look at Julia’s list of things to do before her holiday. Write sentonces to describe what she has done already (¥) or hasn't done yet (*), Things to do ‘print plane ticket pack clothes ¥ find passport * buy sunglasses change money * take the hamster to Anna's house * ‘She has akeady printed her plane ticket, 5 Read the situations and complete the sentences, ‘with already or yet. ‘You and a friend are having a drink ina café ‘The waiter thinks you've fnished and starts to lake your glasses. You say, ‘We havont finished vet.” +. You know that your friend is looking for a singer for their new band, Perhaps she has found Scare Hav eee eee eee 2 Your mum leaves for work. A fow minutes later someone rings and asks to speak to her. You say, ''m afraid 3. You are thinking about where to go on holiday. You are not sure. A friend asks you where you are going, You say,‘ 4. Your mum bought a game online for you. Maybe ithas arrived today. You ask about your game. You ask, ‘Mum, r 5 You are going to the cinema this evening with friends, You bought cinema tickets for you and your friends this morning. A frend says, ‘Shall | get the tickets?” You say, ‘No, i's OK. 1 6 You're waiting for a bus to go to your friend's house, but i's late. You're stil waiting when your friend calls you to ask where you are. You say, ‘The bus MOSAIC 3 (2)) EXEXESSUIEIE © oxrono university PRESS Vocabulary Unit 3 (*«*) Money and shopping 1 Complete the dialogues with the words. afford bargain brand borrow discount_save_shop-ontine worth ‘A: Do you often shop online? B: Yes, I do, We lve in a smal village 1 A:Dad, can Have a new laplop? B: Yes, of course ... you Up for it 2 AWhat____are your trainers? B: SportRun — they aren't too expensive 3 A: How much is Mum's old ear B: Nol very much, 'm afraid 4 A: How much is this, please? A: There’s 2 50% soit €13. 8 A: Why can't we go abroad on holiday? B:I'm sorry, We can't _ it 6 AcLiam,cant ‘your phone? B: Yeah, sure. 7A: This phone was only €30. B: Wow That's a great Free-time activities 2. Which free-time activity aro the people describing? Itinvolves cycling off the road —up and down >) (all biking [his isthe sport of shooting arrows from a bow at a target. ———___— 1 (Yeu often use ropes and you can't be afraid of heights! This sot of spors includes running, jumping, throwing ‘and walking Sao This is a combination of skiing and snowboarding. A. motorboat pulls the rider along, This involves padding a special kind of boat down) 3 sivers or in the sea, J 5 MOSAIC 3 Phrasal verbs 3 Complote the sentences with the words. il_queve _sel_tuin wash | don’ like that restaurant, You always have to queue up to get in. 1 lke Chinese food, but it doesn't always ‘me up! {should oat more rice! 2 Sarah didn't _up for the match on Salurday, 3. Can you___up after lunch, please? 4 They up a huge screen in the park so that people could see the concert Extra vocabulary 4. Complete the underlined words. I's curry ~ but dont worry, it's very mi Mmm, this cake is de Put your g___ on! it's cold Which foods are most nu 2 This tea is incredibly sw____- How ‘much suger did you put in 2 5. Zak bought a sombrero as a s of cur holy in Mexico, 6 Hey! Only €30 for those jeans) That's h___.. They were €60 last week! 7 How og i this milk? Ittastes s_ 8 That brand's too expensive! You can buy {900d jeans at a f_ of that price! Reaching an agreement 5 Choose the correct option A: Why / How don't we get Amy a DVD? B: We don't know which fms she's already got ©: OK, s0(1) why /how about a T-shiet? D: That's not a bad (2) Idea / plan, but its abil boring B: We (3) could /shall got her @ bracelet. ‘A: But she never wears jewellery ©: Iknow, (4) let's /shall organize a surprise party for her. D: That (5) works / sounds tke a good plan. Is everyone (6) happy /agree to 90 with that idea? EXEIGEEEIENA © oxrono unversiry press Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 4 C *«_) Grammar Vocabulary Present perfect and past simple Adjectives: feelings 4. Complete the sentences with the pairs of verbs 4 Choose the correct option. in the correct place. Iewes worrying | amusing when my ded told us Doughi/has had downloaded /have listened a funny story about wien he was at schoo. has known Emel have ved / moved 1 twas motivating /irtating when my teacher ‘Saskia met Jude two years ago. told me about different careers that | could have Saskia has known Jude for 2 years 2 twas upsetting | inspiring when our sisappeared for a day. 1 They to Munioh a year ago They there fora yeer. 3. Along, ot baths relaxing / confusing 2 Dad that ing for ur 4 It's frightening / annoying when my ite she “itor a tang tine. brother takes my tings without asking BL “to their new eloum ten tines. 5 twas embarrassing fascinating when sent 1 itast weokendt Julie a bithday card onthe wrong day ‘Subject and object questions Verbs: technology 2 Tick (¥) the correct question for cach answer. 5 Look at the pictures. Complete the phrases. ‘A Who did he give ito? a B @ Who gave to hin? itwas a present rom his uncle 1 At ito ait you se in town? (@. lh AE BC. Who saw you in town? 'B. Who did you meet al the station? Dad met me - 3 AC What made that noise? 2c 8.0 What noise ci it make? 1 text someone 3 pr___abuiton Our neighbour's car! 2 ch___your phone 4 ser___ down Present perfect with ever, never and just Asking for help on the phone 3. Complete the sentences with ever, never or just 6 Put the tines ofthe dialogue in the correct order. ‘What's the most exciting thing that you've ever ‘A. Of course. What's the problem? done? B_ Good afternoon. GizmoGadgels. 1. Ohno! Don't come in with dity boots! Ive Ryan speaking, How can | help? 1 _ washed the floor © Isee. tm sorry about that. Send us the 2 Mum's studied German, but she clock and we can give you @ new one, ‘wants to star at an evening class. Can I take your name, please? -_ 3 Have you _ done a bungee jump? D Ohnnatio.m caling because Ive just 4. No, we've been abroad on holiday. ‘bought one of your SpeakToSieen ‘We only have holidays in this country. alarm clacks and | need some help. 5 Has anyone given you a present E It's Maria James. I'l send the clock, the. which you've already got? “Thank you very much for your help. _ 6 He's antived atthe airport. He's F Welt i! say ‘Alarm off, the alarm ‘waiting for his suitcase and het be home soon should stop, but it doesnt _ MOSAIC 3 (5]| EREIMEEMIEI o oxrono univensiry PRESS Grammar Unit 4 Ck Present perfect and past simple 1 Choose the correct option. ‘Murn's spoken | Mum spoke to my Music teacher several times since September. 11 When we were smal, our grandmother made / hhas made us delicious ice-cream every Sunday. 2 My brother has had / had a fight with his best friend on Saturday right. 3. Have you ever broken / Did you ever break your arm? 4 A: Do you know Barcelona? B: No. I've never been / never went there. 5. She's run / She ran ten miles for charity yesterday. 6 Mike has come / came in five minutes ago. He's in the bathroom. 2 Put the verb into the correct form, ‘Who has taken my phone? (take) a0 up late this moming. (get) 2 Petra off her bike yesterday. (fell) 3 Ive your English book in your locker. (put) 4 That's the second glass you've today! (break) 5 ____you.a text an hour ago. (send) 6 When did your school term (start) 7 We ‘an onormous chocolate cake. (make) 8 Im so sorry. 1'm afraid Ivo your ‘name, (forget) Subject and object questions 3 Write subject and object questions. Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple. Who (go) /on the school tip yesterday? Who wont on the schoo! ti 2 4. Who f you / meet / at Drama Club? 2. What /happen /in the last episode of Doctors? 3. Who /tell/ you about Gemma’s party? 4. When /Jack / get /home? 5. Who / see / something strange in the garden? MOSAIC 3 Present perfect with ever, never and just 4 Put the word in brackets in the correct place in each sentence. Ive seen so much food at a party. (never) ve never seen so much food at 3, 1. Have you made your own website? (ever) 2 He's bought a new tablet computer. (just) 3. We've been to $00 our uncle in Australia. (never) 4 The bathrooms free. ve finished with i (ust) ‘5. Has she said why she was upset? (ever) 6 We've called his new phone. (never) 17 Te come badk fram the mnost amazing holiday of my life! Gust) 8 Have your parents heard your band? (ever) 5. There is a present perfect grammar mistake in ‘each sentence. Find the mistake and correct it. Have you aver eat Japanese food? Have you ever: yneso food? 1 Ive never be so embarrassed in my whole ie. 2. Vjust bought a new computer game, 3. She haven" ever iad a problem with her phone. 4. Never Ive seen so many people at a concert. 5. He's gone out wth some friends just 6 Have they ever invite you round to their house? 7 What have you just did? 8 She is never felt so happy. |© OXFORO UNIVERSITY PRESS Vocabulary Unit 4 «Kx ) Adjectives: feelings 1. Match the adjectives to the situations. ‘amusing confusing embarraseing fascinating frightening initaling motivating relaxing upseting forgetting to buy a present for a friend's birthday ‘embarrassing 1. having a iong hot bath watching documentaries that interest you 3. waiching horror fms wien there's aloud noise 4 the phone ringing when you're asleep 5 hearing that someone has had an accident 6 your teacher telling you that you're doing well 7. two people giving you different answers 8 watching The Simpsons Verbs: technology 2 Choose the correct option. Will you switeh /press off all the lights before you leave? 1. The battery on my laptop is teribie. | have to charge / stream it nearly every day. 2 if you swipe / tap once on a photo on this phone, itwill zaom in 3. There is @ small hole atthe top of the phone, where you can plug in / switch on your earphones, 4. Don't update / unplug your computer before you have shut it down properly. 5 I'can wasté hours browsing I serolling the Internet. 6 Text / Stream me when you are ready to come home. I come end pick you up. 7. {need to update / switch on my profile photo. That one's from two years ago! 8 You need to scroll stream down, It’s at the bottom... look, there itis Extra vocabulary 3 Complate the words in the sentences. Don't shake your head! I's @ really good idea, 1+ Atthe station you should be careful wih the 9____ between the platform and the train. 2 When he saw my costume forthe fancy dress party, he bu _ out laughing 3. | think we agreed to meet at 3 p.m. There has been a mi ina 4 Htyousq___ this tubo of toothpaste, 1'm sure you'l find more in ther. 5. Look at thase marks! Your teac you that you needed to work harder! 8 Why don't you in_____ Raul to dinner? 7 Can you spr___ the news about the party? wa___.ed -ed and -ing adjectives 4 Complete the sentences with the adjectives. ‘exciled fightened fightening imitated _witating You're always late, It's very tating. 1 tmnot very ‘about the schoo! tip because I've been there before 2 twas waiting for a bus in the der. 3. Mum gots very. when we call and chat to our friends when she's watching TV. 4 Are you ‘of big dogs? Asking for help on the phone 5 Choose the correct option. 1. A: Good afternoon. Gary's Garage. How can | ‘help! support you? B: Could | (1) say / speak to Lee Jones, please? 2A: Ive just bought a watch from your online shop ‘and I've got a (2) need / problem with it B: Can you (3) talk tell me what's wrong? 3. A:I'm (4) contacting / calling because | haven't received the TV that | ordered B: Can | (5) collect / take your name, please? 4 A:Hello. | (6) request / need some he'p with making an order. B: Of course, How can |help? ‘A: Well, fist of al, could you (7) explain / Inform how to pay by creditcard, please? MOSAIC 3 |© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 5 C_*«_) Grammar Verb + -ing and to 1. Match the sentence halves 1-6 to A-F. 1. The judge decided & ‘She doesn't enjoy 1 Gon't know why you prefer The police need Traffic wardens seem _ Everyone who I know toves __ walking if is raining playing computer games to playing football. ta catch this armed robber quickly. living here. There's very itle cme. to give my dad parking tickets every week! to send the woman to prison, amooa> Relative pronouns 2 Choose the correct option. Do you know anyone whe J which can help me? 1. That's the ring whose / which the burglars took. 2. This s the restaurant who / where the waiter stole the customers’ credit card details. 3. They/te the boys whose / who sister isin prison, 4 Is that the shop which / where you bought your shoes? 6 I know a git who / which is a modal 6 {sawa film about a kidnapping where / which [think you would tke, Modals of deduction 3 Match the pictures A-D to the descriptions 1-4. itmightbe a lamp. must be a watch, It could be a toothbrush might be a shoe. MOSAIC 3 ©] EIS Vocabulary Criminals and crime fighters 4 Complete the words with -or,-eror -ar. fraudster 4 burg + tawy__ 5 armed robb. 2 muggy 6 murder 3. police offic 7 private investigat_ Crimes 5 Read the question, Underline the correct crime, Which erime involves fre? Speeding [forgery credit card frau / arson, 1 Which exe invotves a vehicle? rmugaing / vandalism / speeding / blackmail 2. Which crime is about copying? plekpacketing / forgery ! drug-dealing / blackmail 3 Which orime is about breaking things? Vandalism / shopliting / smuggling ! kidnapping 4 Which erime can happen online? arson / burglary identity theft speeding Describing photos 6 Read the deseription of the photo. Choose the | can gee / watch a woman in some kind of shop. (1) should / might be a newsagents, but 'm not really sure. She (2) must / willbe in her twenties, I'm sure about that! She's (2) has / got fong blonde | hair and she is carrying a shoulder bag. The products she (4) is fare standing next to could (5) look / be bars of chocolate, but | can't see them very clearly, She (6) might / must be a shoplifter — I'm not sure, (7) At /In the background, I can see another shopper. EIA © oxrono univensiry press —_ Grammar Unit 5 Verb + -ing and to 4. Choose the correct option, We nead fo go golng to the police. 1. The judge agreed to hold / holding a meating with both tawyers. 2. She promised to come / coming home at eleven, 3 enjoy to wateh / watching TV crime dramas, 4 Wo'va managed to speak / speaking to allthe local residents. '5 My dad misses to be / being a member of the {focal council. 6 We plan to have / having more traffic wardens, 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs. Use the Ing form of the verb or to. fbe_go help join move pay talk ‘She started talking to the private investigator. 1. The police promised the residents, 2 We avoid down that street at night. 3. This man appears, sorry for shoplifting. 4 They didn't agree the gil who wanted to blackmail them, | recommend 6 Does he want toa quieter area the team? Relative pronouns 3. Rewrite the sentences with the relative pronoun In brackets. ‘Where's that DVD? It was in my room. (which) Where's which we 2 1. Have you met the American gis? They've joined our class. (who) 2 Thats the café, Zak ofthis phone there. (where) 3. That's our neighbour, Mis Mills. Her husband is ‘our new French teacher. (whose) 4 This is the park. | play tennis here every Sunday aftemoon. (where) 5. Smoking is a habit. [t kil ots of people. (which) MOSAIC 3 (|) 4. Five of the sentoncos have the wrong relative pronoun, Find and correct them. 4. That's the driver who was speading 2. Whal was the firm which we saw lastnight? 3. Where's the nearest shop where sells mik? 4 Liam said things about me which weren't nice 5 Did they catch the woman whose did it? 66 This is the office which Mum works. 7 That’s the man who dog tied to bite me. 8 Is thatthe boy whose dad is a detective? Modals of deduction 5 Match the sentences 1-8 to A-H. 1 He must be a police officer. He could be at the gym. _ He can't be at university. He might be shopiiting. __ He carit be in bed, _ He must be good at sports. He might be a detective. He could be late. He always gets up at 7 a.m. He had a lot of things to do this afternoon. ‘Bo you think he's going to pay for those? He's trying to got it He's in the school football and tennis teams. He was driving that police car when it arved! He's only sixteen and he hasnt done A-levels, {haven't sean him in poice uniform ro7mooe> 6 Complete the sentences with must or can't. ‘She cant be shoplifting because its her shop! 4. san expensive car so they be tich. 2 She___be pleasod. I's dificult to get into that university. 3 He be at home. I rang and there was ro reply, 4 She be exhausted. | know she didn't sleep on the plane at al 5 That bbe the postman. He doesn't ‘come on Sundays! 6 He bo fealing cisappointed. He ‘expected to get higher marks than that. Fy © oxFoRD UNIVERSITY PRESS

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