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Summary, Implications and Recommendations

This chapter presented the summary, implications and recommendations

based on the data gathered by the researchers.

This study was conducted in order to know and understand the

introspections of Prostituted Women towards long-lasting romantic relationships. It was

guided by the theories of Bowlby: Attachment Theory: Approach and Avoidance,

Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love and Allport’s Perceptual Set. This study analyzed

how the Prostituted Women viewed the concept of “Love and Romance” and long-

lasting romantic relationships. The researchers sought to answer the questions about

how they viewed the concept of love and romance, their belief in love, the notion of

longevity of their romantic relationship despite the stigma and the nature of their work,

their inner thoughts, feelings and emotions. The respondents of the study came from

the Talikala Inc, a non-governmental organization. Based on the data gathered, the

respondents had elaborated their thoughts about our study. There had been positive

and negative experiences that were mentioned by the respondents.


From the data that was gathered, the respondents were able to express

themselves. The researchers confirmed the importance of Bowlby’s Attachment Theory:

approach – avoidance motivation. Bowlby (1969). The hyper activation and deactivation

also appeared while the researchers were gathering the data, it was also been
mentioned by Maxwell and et al. (2013) that in romantic relationship, the approach

attachment style the romantic partner became the safe haven of the other and in

seeking acceptance the person is endangering oneself to the threat of rejection. Next,

the researchers had identified that the stigma, definition of love and qualities of love are

the things to consider of the Prostituted Women in making connections and building

long-lasting romantic relationship. Based from the respondents, the researchers inferred

that being labeled as Prostituted Women isn’t easy in finding the love and long-lasting

relationship from their future romantic partners, also acceptance can be a factor too. If

their partners accepted them, the unsolicited advice from their family members is an

obstacle in obtaining a relationship.


This study introduced the creative ideas for future researchers. After the careful

analysis of data, themes and review of findings, the following recommends the


Re-orientation on People’s Minds. People always defined Prostituted Women as

immoral workers who use their bodies to survive in this materialistic and demanding

world. By doing this study, the respondents had opened the channels for the Prostituted

Women to express their sentiments that despite the fact that their work is considered

immoral, they are also a woman who has a fragile heart, vulnerable to any dangers from

the society and who also yearned for love from the men and the people around them.

This women do not considered the prostitution as a job or a career, it’s just they are
victims of the circumstances- abused women and poverty. That’s why they were

affiliated into the world of prostitution.

For Future Researchers. The data in this study could be broadened by adding more

number of participants, considering also their longevity in the prostitution. Future

researchers could eliminate those who are too young in their respondents in order for

them to extract and analyze new themes that will emerge. The skill of the listener is also

a factor. A good listener must also be a good observer. In order for them to extract the

verbal clues as well as the non-verbal clues, the listener must also a proactive in order

for him or her to probe the answers of the respondents. The research interview question

must be efficient and substantial and most of all sensitive to the feelings of the

respondents, since they are very fragile to the terms that they will hear.

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