Argument Learning Targets

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1 This is new to me

Units 5 --
2 I have questions about this...
Argument Texts
Learning Goals 3 I am making good progress
English 7
4 I could teach someone else about this

Reading I can...

identify debatable claim, evidence and commentary.

identify and analyze persuasive evidence: ethos, pathos, logos.

determine meaning of words and phrases in context.

find and analyze the counterargument.

Writing I can...

introduction: Interest the reader in my argument and get the reader ready to see my point.

use transitions to link the parts of my argument.

write a conclusion that reinforces and builds on the main point(s) in a way that makes the entire text a cohesive whole.

include varied kinds of evidence (facts, quotations, examples, and definitions); analyze or explain the reasons and
evidence, showing how they fit with my claim(s) and build my argument.

write and refute a counterargument.

use words purposefully to explain and affect meaning and tone, including figurative language (metaphors, images or
comparisons); use Writer’s Toolbox items effectively.

Speaking and Listening I can...

listen and contribute in a positive manner to a group.

consider what others think and reflect on how it changes my thinking.

use high quality public speaking skills, including natural, sweeping eye contact; varied and easy-to-hear volume;
natural gestures and facial expressions; natural pacing; clear enunciation; and professional poise and posture.

Language and Grammar I can...

use correct spelling and master No Excuses; evidence of proofreading.

use internal punctuation appropriately within sentences and when citing sources (including commas, dashes,
parentheses, colons and semicolons).

Revised February 2015

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