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Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology

Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Microprocessor & Peripherals Sessional


3rd Year 2nd Semester (EEE, DUET)

List of Experiments
Lab # Name of the Experiment
1. Introductory Idea of 8086 Microprocessor, EMU8086 Emulator and
exploring MDA-Win8086 Trainer Kit with MDA-WinIDE8086 software
2. Basic Data Transfer Instruction, Arithmetic Instructions, Logical
Instructions, Jump Commands and Flag Registers in 8086 Assembly
3. Shift, Rotate and Loop Commands in 8086 Assembly Language
4. Application of Stack Instructions, CALL & RET and Arrays in 8086
Assembly Language
5. Experiments based on I/O Device Interface to 8086 Microprocessor
(a) Interfacing LED, 7 Segment and DOT Matrix display with 8086 using
8255 PPI in MDA- Win8086 Trainer Kit
(b) Interfacing Stepper Motor with 8086 using 8255 PPI in MDA-
Win8086 Trainer Kit

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