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COLUMN p //Hazmats_with Judith Reisman/

Hello Bunny!
and another is next to a children’s
carousel, according to a Good
Morning America story from
March 2008.
Among the sexually explicit

Playboy Utilizes Spencer’s Gifts

items that can be found on
Spencer’s shelves are “Pimp” and
“Ho” mugs, pole-dancing kits, g-
& Kiddie Designs at Your Local string and phallic-shaped candy,
handcuffs for sadomasochistic

Shopping Mall “games,” sexualized school-girl

costumes, and pornographic post-

ers and tee-shirts. An example
of the latter depicts various sil-
s Spencer Gifts the Witch’s house meant to en-
houettes of a woman on a leash,
trap Hansel and Gretel? In that story, the Wicked along with the words “How to
Witch decorates her house with candies to entice train your bitch.” The stores also
feature items promoting illicit
curious children, whom she then enslaves and drugs (such as marijuana-flavored
eats. Spencer stores feature games, gumball ma- lollipops) and binge drinking.
While Spencer’s erototoxic
chines, gag gifts—and sex toys—to lure child “guests” (the toxic form of eros) items
into their deviant backrooms, which host a wide array are supposed to be kept in the
back of the store and sold only
of pornographic products. to persons over age 18, many of
them are on display for general
Spencer Gifts began as a “novelty olds, but in fact they cater to viewing and handling by all-age
and gag” mail-order house in younger teens, “tweens,” and browsers—some are even in the
1947. It now has over 650 stores even children. Many of their shops front window display so that
in the U.S. and many in Canada. are located next to children’s someone just passing by might
These stores, located mostly in stores or play areas. One Spencer’s see them. The store clerks do not
shopping malls, claim that their store in Durham, North Carolina, always check the age of patrons;
target audience is 18-to-25-year- is adjacent to a Build-a-Bear shop, in one store, I found one clerk
requiring age identification, while
several did not. In fact, the clerks
are often teenagers themselves,
because Spencer’s has found that
children are more likely to buy
pornographic materials from a
teenager than from an adult.

Playboy Connection
Given all this, it should come as
no surprise that, according to the
website, Spencer’s has
a partnership with Playboy En-
terprises, under which it markets
Playboy-branded products and
holds contests whose prizes are
trips to the Playboy mansion.
Playboy has a line of children’s
products, aimed at tween girls,
that were test-marketed in the
United Kingdom. Several of these
items were patterned after Mat-
tel’s line of “Hello Kitty” products,

48 SALVO Issue 11
designed for 6-to-12-year-old
girls. A glance at Playboy’s pink
bunny-head pencil case shows
that it is clearly a “Hello Kitty”
pencil case copycat.
The resemblance between
the “Hello Kitty” and Playboy
versions of other products—
including purses, necklaces, and
even a doggie coat for real or
stuffed dogs—is obvious when

the two are compared. Indeed,
Playboy can be said to have pil-
fered the style of these items from
“Hello Kitty.” What else would
motivate Playboy to produce a
doggie coat? Marketing research
shows that tween girls are easily
enticed into trading up their cute
kitty logo for the more sophisti-
cated Playboy bunny logo.
In U.K. stores such as WH-
Smith, Playboy bunny items are
shelved alongside Disney and
Winnie the Pooh. One can find
diaries, zip files, gel pens, eraser
sets, and school ring-binders all
featuring the Playboy bunny logo. Playboy has a line of children’s products,
A 2005 article in the English peri-
odical The Guardian wondered at aimed at tween girls, that were test-marketed
the subtle way that porn
in the United Kingdom. Several of these items
brands have infiltrated were patterned after Mattel’s line of “Hello
the [English] children’s
market . . . selling Play- Kitty” products, designed for 6-to-12-year-
boy-branded stationery,
targeted at teenage old girls.
girls. . . . The cute bunny,
surely one of the most groom tweens and children into When various neighborhood
ingenious ideas in the sexual conduct that is harmful to retail stores refused to carry Zub-
history of morally loath- them. A publication for the FBI’s kovs’s sex kits, Spencer’s agreed
some marketing, is em- Office of Juvenile Justice and to pander his devices. “A lot of
bedded as respectable, Delinquency Prevention defines mom-and-pop retail gift outlets
normal. It’s so subliminal “grooming” as seducing “chil- really frown on a dildo sitting on
and all the more perni- dren over a period of time by their shelves,” Zubkovs wrote. “I
cious for it. . . . Playboy gradually lowering their sexual needed stores that didn’t care. I
stationery is one of the inhibitions.” needed Spencer’s Gifts.”
most popular brands sold Based on that definition, Over the years, Spencer’s
by WHSmith—targeted at Spencer’s is Main Street Grooming has increasingly come to show
children. Central. Jani Zubkovs, a sex-book that it doesn’t care about mix-
marketer, brags in his eBook Mar- ing drug and sex paraphernalia
Main Street Sex keting: How to Successfully Sell to
Spencer Gifts that the store caters
with the “gag jokes and cards”
on its shelves. When asked for a
Marketing “to young audiences” and that response to reports such as the
it “is the only mass merchandiser Good Morning America story cited
The purpose of all this marketing, that is not afraid to put vibrators above, Spencer’s disingenuously
at Spencer’s and elsewhere, is to in their mall locations.” claimed that it was store policy to

Winter 2009 SALVO 49

“discourage the sale of items with bringing brothel merchandise and the culture of childhood and
an adult theme to guests under eventually brothels themselves groom girls for the sex industry.
the age of majority” (emphasis back to Main Street. But parents have fought back,
mine). Rhode Island suggests the mounting protests that garnered
future. A loophole in that state’s news coverage in many cities,
Reasons for Concern law makes “inside” prostitution
(as distinguished from streetwalk-
including Atlanta, Salt Lake City,
Washington, D.C., and Durham,
Given the fact that many of our ers’ solicitations) legal. As a result, North Carolina. The website
shopping malls are dotted with brothels are thriving ( notes
such stores as Victoria’s Secret noted in an August 2009 story that several states have laws that
and Abercrombie, should we be that there are about 40 currently prohibit or regulate the sale of
particularly worried about the operating in the state, many in sex devices, and it encourages
proliferation of Spencer’s stores in business and shopping districts), people to check the laws of their
these malls? and efforts to outlaw or even own states and municipalities to
Indeed we should, because regulate them effectively have so see what might be done about
the effort to curtail child sexploi- far failed. the pornographic merchandise
tation is ongoing, and laws pro- In addition the demand for Spencer’s has on open display to
tecting “community standards” sexual slavery (i.e., prostitution), browsing youths.
and children will always have to on a national and even global lev- Spencer’s (and its parent com-
struggle against greedy businesses el, has resurfaced, with Las Vegas pany, ACON Investments) clearly
and sexual deviants. Before the as its epicenter. Hugh Hefner doesn’t care about community
Sexual Revolution, the joint pow- was given the “keys to the city” standards meant to protect chil-
er of women and the church had for his Playboy casino there. And dren from harmful materials. That
forced brothels to the outskirts Spencer’s stores have given Play- is why we need to care. For to
of most towns, Now, it appears boy Enterprises the access they lose our Main Streets is to lose our
that Spencer’s is the gateway to need in their campaign to poison society.

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50 SALVO Issue 11

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