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COLUMN p //Hazmats_with Judith A.


Two Teens them on to dozens more. The ha-

rassment and humiliation that can
result from the wide dissemina-

v. Society
tion of a teen’s photos are often
brutal; in at least one case, they
drove a girl, Jesse Logan of Cincin-
nati, Ohio, to suicide.
In such cases, it is easy to see
the original sexting teen as a

A Suit on Behalf of All Teens victim, as one who has suffered

disproportionately for an admit-

Accused of “Sexting”
tedly foolish but not intentionally
wicked act. The ones who, like
Jesse Logan’s former boyfriend,
(A Modern Fable) pass photos on to others without
the original sender’s knowledge

or permission seem less sympa-
he practice known as “sexting,” in which thetic, especially when they act
young people, mainly teenagers, send nude and out of spite or malice.
Legally, however, all sexting
sexually suggestive photos of themselves and oth- teens may be seen as distributors
ers via their cell phones, has recently become a of lewd material, or even of child
pornography, if, as is often the
matter of increasing concern. case, the subject of the photos is
a minor. In recent years, teenag-
On the one hand, the teens to remain private, and so are of- ers in several states, including
who send such photos (mostly ten devastated to discover that Vermont, Pennsylvania, and Cali-
girls) usually intend for them the original recipient, whether fornia have been charged with
to be seen by only one or two carelessly or maliciously, has sent producing, possessing, and/or
friends, commonly a boyfriend. them on to other classmates and disseminating child pornography
They naively expect the pictures friends, who, in turn, have sent because of their sexting activities.
Yet, is it not hypocritical for
society to bombard its teenagers’
not-fully-mature brains with im-
ages of nudity via every medium
of popular culture—and not a
few of education—and then turn
around and charge those teens
with “sending child pornography”
when they engage in sexting?
After all, these teens are only
mimicking the images and behav-
iors that society has deemed it
appropriate to inflict upon them
for years, despite the fact that
scientific studies have proven that
erotic images imprint themselves
permanently upon children’s im-
mature brains, with damaging
effects to their sexual attitudes,
behavior, and health.
It would not be unreason-
able, then, for an American teen
who was prosecuted for sexting
to claim that, since the law failed
to protect him from exposure to

40 SALVO Issue 14
inherently harmful erotic images, to the minors’ brains be-
he should not be held responsible cause their undeveloped
for the effect of those images on frontal cortices are unable
his behavior. to handle them maturely.
Therefore, the peti-
A Hypothetical tioners charge that the
State, insofar as it has
Lawsuit negligently exposed mi-
nor children to erototoxic
Let’s imagine two teenagers— images and has failed to
we’ll call them Tom and Becky— protect them from the
who, having been convicted on damage done thereby,
child porn charges for sexting, has prejudicially and reck-
decide to file a class-action lawsuit lessly violated their right
to have their own and all similar to equal protection of the
convictions overturned. Could laws. They seek relief by
they mount a convincing case? asking the Court to find
What arguments could they make, erroneous the current
and what evidence could they classification of erotic im-
produce to back them up? ages as a cognitive form
Let’s begin with a legal brief of “speech” protected by
summarizing their case: Two Teens the First Amendment. The
v. Society. petitioners further ask the
Court to vacate all convic-
Minors Tom and Becky, tions of children on child
having been convicted pornography charges on
of making and sexting the grounds that expo-
nude photos of Becky sure to erototoxins over-
gratis to juvenile friends, rides their capacity for
petition the Court to hear informed consent with
their class-action lawsuit respect to sexting.
on behalf of all minors
convicted of producing
and/or distributing child
An Ubiquitous Toxin
pornography. Since December 1953, when our
The petitioners argue rather puritan nation was am-
that: (a) modern science bushed by Playboy’s half-nude,
proves that the frontal airbrushed ladies, the pornogra- or absorbed by a living organ-
area of the brain (the phers’ toxic worldview has seeped ism [that] destroys life or injures
area of higher-level think- into our national psyche, and mil- health.” Since erotic images cause
ing, planning, and goal lions nationwide (and worldwide) injury, they meet the definition of
formulation) remains have absorbed it. a toxin. They are never trivial or
undeveloped until circa “Sex was created to keep the innocuous.
age 21, whereas (b) the home fires burning,” says an old A survey conducted by the
sensory organs (vision, adage, “not to burn the house Pew Research Center found that
hearing, smell, taste, and down.” Pornography is one of the four percent of all cell-phone-
touch) attain maturity things more likely to do the latter owning teens (aged 12–17) admit-
during childhood. The evi- than the former. German profes- ted sending nude or near-nude
dence will show that the sor Jakob Pastötter has said that images of themselves to others,
brains of minors are (c) pornographic magazines and vid- and 15 percent said they’d re-
regularly imprinted with eos should carry a warning: “The ceived such images of “someone
erotic images distributed viewing of pornography can do they know.” Any nude or pro-
legally via the mass media considerable harm to your sexual vocative image in a public forum
and often via “appropri- health!” always endangers the safety and
ate” sex education classes, According to the Oxford Eng- lives of those displayed. Strippers,
and that (d) the images lish Dictionary, a toxic substance “centerfolds,” and nude “ac-
so imprinted do damage is anything “introduced into tresses” have all suffered brutal

Autumn 2010 SALVO 41

assaults by “admirers.” S-Words could be actionably inde- will again appeal to the Supreme
Our fictional Tom and Becky cent, even when the word is used Court was unknown at press
could argue that their sexting is only once.” time.)
a predictable, juvenile manifesta- Justice Antonin Scalia, who
Evidence from Brain
Tom and Becky could also cite
Current scientific knowledge of a 2008 report in the New York
Times showing, with illustrations,
brain processing, Tom and Becky the stages of development of a
child’s brain. By age 4, a child’s
could assert, requires reexamining vision and sensation areas are
almost fully developed, but the
the media’s “right” to erotically frontal lobes, which affect judg-
ment and self-control, don’t fully
pollute the airwaves. mature until about age 21.
By the time children become
teenagers, then, the sensory areas
in their brains have been absorb-
ing images for years, while their
capacity to control their emotions
tion of the toxicity of pornogra- wrote the majority opinion for and impulses and to make good
phy in society as a whole. the Court, explained that, in order decisions is still at least a few
to establish that broadcast pro- years away. Hence, even as teens,
Fleeting, yet fanity has a harmful effect on chil-
dren, one could hardly “demand
they are ill-equipped to deal prop-
erly with erotic images and mes-
Harmful a multi-year, controlled study, in sages, even fleeting ones.
which researchers intentionally That is why kids “mimic be-
Our two petitioners could bolster expose some children to indecent havior they observe” as “normal
this argument by citing the find- broadcasts (and insulate them and appropriate” in the mass me-
ings of the 2009 Supreme Court from all other indecency), and dia and the classroom. The areas
case FCC et al. v. Fox Television shield others from all indecency.” of their brains that would allow
Stations, Inc., et al., on the use Nevertheless, he wrote, “it suf- them to evaluate and make ma-
of “fleeting” expletives in mass fices to know that children mimic ture judgments about the things
media. In that case (hereafter re- the behavior they observe—or they see simply haven’t been
ferred to as FCC v. Fox), the Court at least the behavior that is pre- developed yet. Thus, as Justice
reversed and remanded a ruling sented to them as normal and ap- Scalia pointed out in FCC v. Fox,
of the Second Circuit Court of Ap- propriate.” “Programming replete with one-
peals that found “arbitrary and Hence, the Court ruled that word indecent expletives will tend
capricious” the reasoning behind for the FCC to find the use of to produce children who use (at
orders issued by the FCC that fleeting expletives actionable least) one-word indecent exple-
confirmed findings of indecency was perfectly in line with the tives.” He later comments, “To
against Fox Television for the use commission’s stated obligation to predict that complete immunity
of the F- and S-Words in two live “safeguard the well-being of the for [broadcasters’ use of] fleet-
broadcasts. nation’s children from the most ing expletives . . . will lead to a
The Court’s decision cited an objectionable, most offensive lan- substantial increase in fleeting
earlier (2004) FCC order in which guage.” (Alas, after the case was expletives seems to us an exercise
the commission had noted that, remanded to the Second Circuit in logic rather than clairvoyance.”
since the “F-Word” “inherently for consideration of the consti- Logic backed up by scientific stud-
has a sexual connotation,” its use tutional arguments, the circuit ies of the brain, we might add.
can be “shocking and gratuitous” court ruled, in a decision issued For those who might still be
even when not meant literally. on July 13, 2010, that the FCC’s skeptical, Tom and Becky could
The FCC therefore determined, as policy violated the First Amend- point to the findings of even
the Court noted, that “a nonlit- ment because it was “unconstitu- earlier brain researchers. The
eral (expletive) use of the F- and tionally vague.” Whether the FCC Soviet neuropsychologist A. R.

42 SALVO Issue 14
Luria found that the human brain
responds to “a law of strength,”
which means that “biologically
significant” stimuli produce a
stronger response than weak
stimuli. But—and here is the cru-
cial part—for a stimulus to be
biologically significant does not
mean that it has to be of long du-
In the pioneering award-win-
ning public television series The
Brain: Learning and Memory
(1984), brain researcher Gary
Lynch of the University of Califor-
nia noted that “an event which
lasts half a second” can produce
“a structural change that is in
some ways as profound as the
structural changes one sees in
[brain] damage.” His finding that
“an incredibly modest signal . . .
which is in your head as an electri-
cal signal for no more than a few
seconds can . . . leave a trace that
will last for years,” has been con-
firmed by cutting-edge neurosci-
entific data. Tom and Becky could
say that they are living validation
of these brain studies.

Closing Argument
Tom and Becky could thus claim even fleeting erotic images and This hypothetical case is
that they never gave (nor— messages if minors are in the au- meant to illustrate the need for
because of the immaturity of dience. Current scientific knowl- legal reversals of court decisions
their frontal cortex—could give) edge of brain processing, they that have allowed the mass media
informed consent to the media or could assert, requires reexamining and schools to damage our chil-
to their schools to expose them to the media’s “right” to erotically dren’s brains and lives under the
the sexual images now wired into pollute the airwaves. guise of protecting the dissemina-
their brains, images that have left Media outlets typically defend tors’ First Amendment rights. We
a “trace that will last for years.” themselves against charges of in- also need stronger enforcement
They were neither shielded from decency by claiming that the con- of current laws meant to protect
nor warned about the deleterious tent of their broadcasts is protect- children from all pornographic
effects of those images. There- ed by the First Amendment’s guar- erototoxins. Science, logic, and
fore, they ought not to be held antee of the right to free speech. constitutional authority all stand
responsible for the actions that But as Justice Scalia pointed out in behind these goals.
resulted from their exposure to a concurring opinion in Barnes v. To attain them, we need law-
these toxic images. Glen Theatre, Inc. (1991), “public yers, legislators, and law enforce-
They could further claim that, indecency—including public nu- ment officials with the mental
because “children mimic the be- dity—has long been an offense and moral mettle of our Founders.
havior they observe,” the only at common law.” Hence, Tom and If we are to be what John Adams
way to prevent sexting and similar Becky could contend that the First called “a moral and religious
behavior in children is to protect Amendment was not intended to people,” we must once again
them from exposure to the things protect indecent words or images, safeguard the innocence, health,
that give rise to it. This means especially ones recklessly directed humanity, and welfare of millions
that the media must eliminate at minor children. of Toms and Beckys.

44 SALVO Issue 14

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