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Date: February 1, 2018

To:Bro. Rey Allan B. Balderosa, Sc

By: Escarlan, Reuben P.

Re: Reflection Paper 5: Ethics in Daily Life: How to treat other human beings (Exodus 20:12-17)

Fifth Commandment: “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be
prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you.”

Sixth Commandment: “You shall not murder.”

Question for Reflection part I:

How then can Christians justify participating in war or supporting those who do?

As the old saying “There are no winners in wars, only survivors”. But there are wars for
whom? During the ancient times, Christians fought for Christianity; that Jesus, himself is a
victim of war, died through war, shed blood because of war. Today, war is still the resort of
conflicts. But war for whom? When Christians are fighting for Christians, so the other religions
are the one to be blamed? When Christians are lacking of love, understanding, hungry for
powers, and being selfish; then war is resorted, is being a Christian is a justified defense to claim
your innocence and correctness? What if Christians are fighting against Christians? War, in my
generation is the answer for every conflict; war, of my generation cannot be justified, whether
you are being a Christian or not. Today’s war is a war of government versus another government,
is a war of government versus its people. This is not a kind of war that as a Christian I am willing
to die for.

Questions for Reflection part II:

1. Is there positive biblical teaching in your church regarding the role of our society
and the Christian's responsibility toward it?

“Love your neighbor as yourself.”


As a Christian there can’t be any other greater responsibility to our neighbor that the
Church taught as than loving them as our self. Treat them as brothers and sisters, let there be no
barrier of religion, status, creed and color in expressing our care and love. Give them the respect
and understanding, show them the Christian values and feed them by our prayers.

2. What documents and people are available to assist Christians in better

understanding their privileges, protections and responsibilities as citizens of your

“The Bible for Christians and the law for the country.”

The Ten Commandments is the greatest law for Christians. Learn them and you will find
the love from God, respect and understanding from your neighbor and live them and one will
find peace and happiness. The law for the country is a detailed version of the Ten
Commandments. They are both our sources of privileges, protections, responsibilities, and
limitations as citizens of our country, but more than that, they are our guide to help us live in a
Christian way and in a peaceful environment.

3. How can the church as a community of God’s people support the principle of the
Society and its constitutional role while avoiding dangers of participation in the
politics of a particular party? What can individual Christians do that the church
cannot do?

“Live and share the teachings of God.”

A Church is the home of Christians, it is a place where we worship God, it is not a school
yet it is a place where we learn the teachings of Jesus, it is not a hospital yet it is a place where
heal our souls, it is not a telecommunications company but still it is where we communicate to
our God, and it is not a pool yet it is where we purify our own self, it is not an opera house but it
is where we can hear the best songs of all times. Hear the teachings of Christ, the orders of God
and live them, that meant to be a Christian but remembering the teachings of Christ, the orders of
God and plant them in your heart and soul and wait for them to bloom, live them and share them
to other people, these are the essence of being a real Christian.

4. In light of Paul's teaching, how do you feel about your own level of conformity to the
laws of your Community? Are you satisfied with your actions as a citizen? Explain.

“Seek and the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.”

A good believer is a good follower. To follow Christ may be difficult, I am not perfect
but I am living this life with my parents as my teachers and Christ as my light and guide. I seek
for the presence of Christ when I have ask what is wrong and what is right and what it takes to
live with Him, a small action but enough for now, for I know His plans are greater than mine,
that someday, as a Christian I might face difficult responsibilities to test my faith. But for those
who seeks His presence, He will be with them.

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