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Statistics is the study of the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data.
The uses of statistics concepts are starting around 1749 and have been evolved during time to time. These
statistical concepts have an important impact on a wide range of sciences and had brought lots of benefits
to human kind.

Part 1

Study about the usage of statistics in wide range of fields in human’s life. Hence, present your
findings using one or more i-Think maps.

Part 2

During the World War II, the army’s secret messages had been sent in the form of Morse code to prevent
the leakage of army’s strategies to the enemy. The formation of Morse code is based on the frequency
usage of the letters in a language.

Choose an article from Malay’s newspaper that contains around 500 words .Count the frequency of the
use of each letter that had been used to form the words in that article.

a) Tabulate your data as shown below

Letters Tally Frequency

b) Hence, draw a bar chart to present the frequency of the letters.

Part 3

a) If an article from any of the English newspapers or magazines that contains about 500 words is
chosen, will the frequency of the letters be about the same with the results above? Conduct a
research to prove your opinion.
b) Many researchers had conducted the researches on the frequency of letters used in English
language. One of the analysis based on the 40 000 English words shown the result as follow:
(The frequency of the letters is arranged in decreasing order)
E, T, A, O, I, N, S, R, H, D, L, U, C, M, F, Y, W, G, P, B, V, K, X, Q, J, Z
Compare your result with this analysis. Explain your answer.

Many people used common words as their passwords for the online accounts. This is not good since
people can hack the accounts easily. List the ways to improve the strength of the password.

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