Major Festivals in Japan: E-Mails

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Major Festivals in Japan

Margaret is a blogger by profession. She is fond of acute appendicitis. These days she is busy in
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Japan on TheAkiba.
Almost each shrine in Japan celebrates a festival of its own. As a result, there are innumerable
festivals in Japan. Called Masturi in Japanese, most of the Japanese festivals are held annually
to celebrate the deity of a shrine or commemorate any historical or seasonal event. Though
some Japanese festivals are a one day affair, most festivals are celebrated over many days.
Procession is an important element of festivals in Japan. In their festival processions, Japanese
carry the deity of a local shrine around the town in palanquins. The following are some of the
most famous festivals of Japan.
1. Sapporo Yuki Matsuri / さっぽろ雪まつり
One of the most popular winter festivals of Japan, Sapporo Yuki Matsuri is celebrated for a
week in February in Sapporo, the capital city of Hokkaido Island. This festival was started in
1950, when a few Japanese students created a few snow statues in the Odori Park. Since then,
Sapporo Yuki Matsuri has evolved into a big and commercial festival, featuring spectacular ice
and snow sculptures. Sapporo Yuki Matsuri attracts around 2 million visitors from Japan and all
over the world.
2. Omizutori / お水取り
Though celebrated as a festival, Omizutori is a religious ceremony of Buddhist. This festival is
held every year at the Todaiji Temple’s Nigatsudo Hall from March 01 to March 14. The burning
of torches on the balcony of the Nigatsudo temple in the night is the most spectacular
ceremony of Omizutori.

3. Takayama Matsuri / 高山祭

Takayama Matsuri is held every year in spring and autumn. In this festival, Japanese pull large
and decorated floats through the old Takayama town.
4. Sanja Matsuri / 三社祭
Sanja Matsuri is one of most famous festivals of Tokyo. This festival is celebrated in the Asakusa
Shrine. In this festival, people carry Mikoshi through the streets of Asakusa.
5. Kyoto Gion Matsuri / 祇園祭
Celebrated over the entire month of July, Kyoto Gion Matsuri is regarded as one of the most
famous festivals of Japan. This festival is held in Yasaka Shrine. Kyoto Gion Matsuri features
several events. However, the Yamaboko Junko and Yoiyama are the most notable events of this
festival. In the Yamaboko event, people take out a procession with 20-meter tall floats on July
17. Yoiyama is the festive evening that precedes the procession.
6. Nebuta Matsuri / 青森ねぶた祭り
Nebuta Matsuri is celebrated from August 02 to 07 every year in the Aomori prefecture. A daily
parade of large lantern floats is the most important feature of Nebuta Matsuri.
7. Kanto Matsuri / 竿燈祭り
Kanto Matsuri is celebrated from August 03 to August 06 every year in Akita city. In this festival,
the members of the festival parade balance over 200 bamboo poles with up to 46 lanterns tied
with each pole.
8. Awa Odori / 阿波踊り
Awa Odori is one of the most famous traditional dance festivals of Japan. This festival is
celebrated thoughout Japan in mid August during the obon season.
9. Nagasaki Kunchi / 長崎くんち
A festival of Suwa Shrine in Nagasaki, Nagasaki Kunchi is celebrated each year from October 7
to October 09. Ship shaped floats and Chinese style dragon are the most distinguishing
characteristics of this festival.
10. Jidai Matsuri / 時代祭り
This is one of the most notable historical festivals of Japan. This festival takes place on the
October 22, the foundation day of Kyoto. In this festival, a parade covers over 1000 years of the
Japanese history when Kyoto used to be the capital of Japan. The festival parade starts from the
Kyoto imperial palace and ends at the Heian shrine.
When people associate fun, culture, tradition, and history with festivals, they usually talk about
Japanese festivals. All festivals of Japan vividly represent the history, culture, tradition and
belief of the people living in this land.

1. Discovery Channel: Hour That Shook Japan MegaQuake

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や敷地内に私道などに設置有線を確認し、近隣の 1 1 都市ガス供給地域でない設置されているさ
合わせて前面道路確認す道路境界線●止水栓!●下水本管宅内の引込管のパルマンホール 11・
電話ブであり、下部に給下部に下水本管、雨| |ハンドホール水本管はなし水本管あり下部に電話幹
り●電柱電話柱と兼用しているものもあるー高圧配綿トランス-低圧ケーブル線 1●ガス会社杭端子函
CA 現地にあれば、●制水弁フタ(クロージャー)ケーブル線都市ガスの宅下部に給水本管ありケーブ
ルの中継と電話配線内引込み位置引出しを行うカ判断できる。電柱蕃号さまざまな種 CATV 用増
■設備のボリューム(建築物全体)1,200 以上排水管(1 階用)排水管(2 階以上用)\-ガス
管給水管配管、配線用ピット」電力幹線(弱電幹線)排気 6150(外径 φ250)(各住戸)
排水用パイプスペース浴室乾燥暖房機 300 以上換気扇 300 以上排気 φ100 必要となる天井懐
レンジフード 250 以上住戸分電盤弱電用フリーボックスへメーターボックス必要となる床懐給湯機
200 以上(ユニットの場合)300 以上(在来の場合)配管用ピットスペース給気ロ φ150×2 排
水集合管必要となる床 200 以上配管用ピット」スペース


Chapter 2 Air Conditioning and Plumbing Syste .1 空調設備(Air Conditioning

System)..................... 2.1.1 基本システム(Basic System)65 212 中央式と個別式
(Central and Individual air conditioning system)67◇2.1.3 熱源方式(Heat Source
System)70 02.1.4 変風量単一ダクト方式(Variable Air Volume Single Du 02.1.5 防火区
画処理(Fire Rated Wall Penetration)75 02.1.6 蓄熱方式(Thermal Storage System)
77◇2.1.7 暖房方式(Heating System)79 02.1.8 空調機器、熱源機器の自動制御
(Automatic Control System for Air Conditioning)02.1.9 ビル用中央監視システム(BAS:
Building Automation 2 換気設備(Ventilation System)............. 221 換気方式と換気回数
(Ventilation System and Air Cha 22.2 階段桩方式(Pressurization System for Exit
Stare .3 排煙設備(Smoke Extract Sy stem).........................衛生設備(Plumbing
System)2.4.1 給排水衛生設備(Plumbing System Outline)95

目次 2.4.2 給水方式(Domestic Water Supply Syst 2.4.3 給湯方式(Hot Water Supply

System)2.4.4 排水通気設備(Drainage、Waste and V 2.5 エネルギーシステム(Energy
System)..... 2.5.1 コージェネレーション(Cogeneration)◆2.5.2 新エネルギーシステム(New
Energy Sy 2.6 インフラ設備(Infrastructure Facilities、2.6.1 上下水道設備(Water and
Sewage Faci◆2.6.2 地域冷暖房設備(District Heating and 2.7 特殊設備(Special
Facilities)............. Chapter2 引用・参考文献…
◆1.1.6 送風機(Fan)◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆【送風機の種類
(types of fans]〔1〕遠心送風機(centrifugal fan)1)多翼送風機(multiblade fan)2)
後向き送風機(backward curved fan)3)翼型送風機(airfoil bladed fan)4)チューブラ遠
心送風機(tubular centrifugal fan)〔2〕斜流送風機(mixed flow fan)〔3〕軸流送風機
(axial fan)1)プロペラ送風機(propeller fan)2)チューブラ軸流送風機(tubular axial
fan)3)ベーン軸流送風機(vane axial fan)4]横流送風機(cross flow fan)

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