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Abridged life table

Interval Population Deaths Death rate/bs inputs/

/*int/ /*pop/ /*dead/ /*rate//bf/

Interval Probability of dying [qx] SE of qx /*pc/% CI for qx/bs pdying/

/*int/ /*q/ /*se/ /*lci/ to /*uci//bf/

Interval Living at start [lx] Dying [dx] Fraction of last interval of life [ax]/bs
/*int/ /*l/ /*d/ /*a//bf/

Interval Years in interval [Lx] Years beyond start of interval [Tx]/bs years/
/*int/ /*L/ /*T//bf/

Interval Expectation of life [ex] SE of ex /*pc/% CI for ex/bs expectation/

/*int/ /*e/ /*se/ /*lci/ to /*uci//bf//bs util/

Interval Adjusted (/*uti/) expectation of life [ex]/bs adjusted/

/*int/ /*eh//bf//bf/

Median expectation of life (age at which half of original cohort survives) = /*med/
/*pc/% CI by Monte Carlo (/*its/) simulation = /*med_lci/ to /*med_uci/

Expectation of life at birth = /*elb/

/*pc/% CI by Chiang variance estimate = /*elb_lci/ to /*elb_uci/
/*pc/% CI by Monte Carlo (/*its/) simulation = /*elb_mc_lci/ to /*elb_mc_uci/

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