Minden United Church of Christ Cornerstone

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Top 102 My devotion this morning made some tough statements and asked some tough questions. share 2 few We don’t truly possess what we have inthis ife: our obs, our homes, our toys. Similarty, our children, {families and felends are enristed ous for ate, and its up fous fo influence them toword following {God while we have the opportunity. How would you answer the question “Who comes fistin my fe?" How do you demonstrate that answer? What changes mightyou make in your life to ensure tht the people you influence se that with you, God comes fist? {hea aot of ak about how important church s, how important youth group i and how great itis we have such things in our community. | agree great thing, and then the choice comes..church thing oF sport ting, church thing or band thing, church thing or leeping in thing, church thing ar werk hing, church ting or entertainment thing, church offering or eating out again? A choice comes up and how ‘often do we choose God aver the athe thing? Do we miss a Sport practice for @youth group meeting? Do we actualy wake upon Sunday morning instead of sleeping into attend church? Do we say no to ‘one expenditure a week, 3 we can gve a ite more offering on Sunday morning? ‘Actions speaks lot louder thin words. So many times, church is pushed back, why..? Partly iis the church’ faut because we' vebeen behind the times and we've not worked hard enough to stay relevant ‘2 peopl. alo think’ easy to push church off because we aways figure illbe thee ater. When moder, when the kids arer't so busy, when | have some extra time then Il get serious about my faith, Wel, don't mean tobe an alarmist, but we aren’ exactly promised tomorrow. We love the idea of having these things around, but we're asked to truly commit to keeping these things around the conversation changes doesnt it. Missa practice to attend a church function. ight” Well your action just showed your rion. Asked to give itle more to your churc.. "ight." Idon't have any extra ‘money a5 buy my lates $5 coffeeaction/prorty? My point ths. we traly want a clase relationship wth God, then we need to make sure our Ives reflect, God cannot alway: be pushed to the background and treated as something well ether get to ‘eventually something we do when we have some extra time and it doesnt interfere with if now. How sly does that sound? What if we treated our other priorities in fe ike that? Being par of 2 Cristian community, suppoting that community with presence, prayer, and money i vtal to your spiritual life. Because, where we spend our time and resources shows us where our priorities are. And ‘ar too often, Go loses out nthe priority battle. We love the idea of having God with us, but wien asked to truly commit that iea al ofa sudden takes ona whole afferent meaning Far too often we don’t make the true commitment and our whole community loses. Board Meeting January 21, 2018 Present: Pastor Brian Wohihuter, Charlie Leaders, Caroll Olsen, Bonnie Dollen, Kaylee ‘Schneckloth, Phyisha Wolfe, Tom Nelson, Gretchen Cunningham, Tracey Roane, & youth member: Molly Nelson. “Meeting stared with introcuctions. Pastor Brian welcomed new members and briefly ‘commented about the meetings...opento suggestions and please speak up or ask questions if you tink ‘of something Pastor's report: Vacation to Disney World was good and fun. Funeral on Wednesday. Group 3:16 s going wel. Next event is Friday March Sth with a magician and also have the ‘Ash Wednesday Soup Supper on Feb. 24th, Next church event is the chicken dinner on March 4th forthe parking lot fundraiser Confirmation is goad. They went to Mass on last Saturday night and next will goto the Jewish service. "New members for church will be done again in the Spring, Last year the church had 12 baptisms and 2 funerals. ‘Treasurer's report Richard's on vacation. Bills are paid so no concern, Church wil borrow money again and then by end of year pay with the proceeds from church ‘auction. This isthe same a5 in the past, Mission Fund: No new news. ‘Bonnie suggested having her daughter Haley do a power point of her Hope Mission Trp in ‘Africa to share her experience since the church helped. Trustees report: Building sues: lights out so need replaced. Caroll suggested avnings above the ouside door 0 wate is pushed auay fom the door. Tabled for further discussion Parking Lot: $23,800.00 let to pay ‘Memorial Committee: Up to $5,000 to update kitchen in the parsonage. One bid has been received from Kerry Zimmerman butsstil would lke to get another bid. Discussed other options ‘Memorial com. agreed to pay for 2 new cameras for recording sevice. Funds willbe used from Memorial Fund, but there needs tobe a congregational meeting to approve, Deacon's Fund "Money for gas or other needs like hotel stay when receive a call but no calls recently Memorial Fund: ‘The Food Pantry donation af $100/mo is being used to pay forthe youth speaker Matt Adams and hope to have 40-50 kids attend, ‘Youth Report: Small 7th grade cacs an lege 6th gradi elacs. Cutie Fy wil come tale ‘0 youth group. Parking lot fundraiser with the chicken dinner ison March Ath, Discussed Jeff doing chicken and also getting mashed potatoes from him since didn't have {enough when we made them last year. Approved Jeff to do chicken & mashed potatoes. GGreen beans and corn: Gretchen wil gt. Cole Slaw: Vivian will do agai, Sign-up sheet will be coming around during worship service for serving & kitchen help and also rolls & desserts. Unfinished business: none New business: “Tei-Center year book entry for church is $50.00 and motion was passed to do the yearbook Church basement willbe used for elections on June Sth & Nov. 6th this year. Lighting in parking lot Light out front by Pastors office is no longer working due to cut ‘when parking lot was installed and nota light on the original map from Mid- American Energy so we need to do something else. We discussed replacing ths light and instead ofthe pole, a suggestion was made toput light on the side of building. We talked about photo cell touse solar power orto use electrical from inside the building to power the light. Charlie agreed ‘to check into. LUghts for fellowship door will also be added and will use photo cells with solar power and wil possibly be donated. ‘Meeting adjourned with prayer led by Pastor Brian Renoet prepared by: Phylsha Wolfe i ‘ene IANS u a Broasted Chicken Minden United Church of Christ 106 Lincoln Street, Minden, lowa potatoes, green beans, corn, dinner roll, salad, pie & beverage Adults - $10.00 Children 12 & under - $6.00 Under 2 - Free Carry-outs available 712-483-2903 March 4, 2018 11:00 - 1:30 4 Maundy Thursday Service March 29, 2018 at 6:30 Minden United Church of Christ Minden, lowa February 1, 2018, Present: Pastor Brian Wohhuter, Charlie Leaders, Caroll Olsen, Amanda Murley, Phyisha Wolfe, Tom Nelson, Gretchen Cunningham, Tracey Roane, Christina Richard, & youth member: Molly Nelson. “Teeasurer's report: Richard is gone. Per Pastor Bran, no money borrowed yet and bills are pad “Teustoo's Report: Fire door on furnace roomis now closed. There was a cord in the way so the door was left ‘open, but a hole was cut in the door so nowt s closed. Deacon's Fund! Gas was purchased for someone in need, ‘Memorial Fund: Correction from last month: Memerlal Fund will pay forthe cameras and kitchen remodel at the parsonage, No further estimates for the kitchen remodel atthe parsonage and agreed one by Kerry Zimmerman is ressonable. This willbe voted on in the annual meeting due to spending over $500 and remodeling parsonage Is church property. ‘Senior Scholarship: Nolan Oriver & Seth Schroeder. ‘Youth Report ‘Magician Is coming on March Sth at 7pm at the Minden Church. This was discussed in previous ‘meetings thatthe money forthe food pantry would be used to do some sort of youth program. Confirmation: discussion held on the number of 7 graders for next years class. Will contact them. Events committee Chicken Dinner on March th. Sign-up sheets sent around in church for kitchen help, rolls, and potatoes. Weneed more potatoes. Next event is Easter Sunrise Breakfast and will discuss further after chicken dinner at next meeting. ‘No unfinished business. ‘New busine Cleaning carpet in basement due to stains and has been a couple years since it was done. Pastor Brian mentioned LM Carpet from Oakland and it would be about $200.00. 1s: ‘Tom Nelson & 2nd: Amanada-passed Murley. Lawn maintenance atthe church is done by Shriver and there is a $4 price increase this year, but this is still cheaper and does great job so board agreed to continue with Shriver

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