EC 644-Assignment 2

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National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Subject: Soft computing (EC 644)

1. Solve the following classification problems with the perceptron rule, Apply each input vector in
order, for as many repetitions as it takes to ensure that the problem is solved. Draw a graph of the
problem only after you have found solution.

Use initial weights and bias

2. The figure given below shows the signal flow graph of 2-2-2-1 feed forward network. The
activation function Φ (.) denotes the logistic function. Write the input output mapping defined by
this network.

Suppose that the output neuron operates in linear region. Find the input-output mapping defined
by this network.

3. Consider an auto-association problem in which there are three prototype patterns. Design auto
associative networks to recognize these patterns, using both the Hebb rule and the pseudoinverse
rule. Check their performance on the test pattern Pt shown below.
4. The error function to be minimized is given by ( ) . Find
analytically the gradient vector (𝒘) and the optimal weights vector w* that minimizes the error

5. The NN Consisting of a single neuron with a sine as an activation function ( ).

Using the gradient procedure find the weights in the next step after the input vector x= [(𝜋/8) 1]
is provided at the input. Learning rate 𝜂=0.5. Desired value d =1, =2, =0.

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