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Talking about your Company

 Warm Up Work with a partner.

• Is your company well-known? What is the most famous company in your country?

 Reading

Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. What does Tom Carter do?

2. Where is his office?
3. What does his company make?

My name is Tom Carter. I'm a sales manager at TPR

Electronics and I work in the London office.

TPR was founded in 1963. We are now a subsidiary of

Manutech International.

TPR is a leading electronic goods manufacturer. We

specialize in car navigation systems. We have over
three hundred employees worldwide. Around half are
in the UK. The head office is located in Oxford. We
also have offices in Chicago and Milan.

 Language Work Fill in the blanks using a word from the list on the right.

Common Business Expressions

1. I'm a sales manager TPR Electronics.

• subsidiary
2. I work in the London .
• employees
3. TPR Electronics was in 1963.
• specialize
4. We are a of Manutech International. • founded
• leading
5. TPR is a electronics manufacturer.
• located
6. We in car navigation systems.
• office
7. We have over three hundred . • at

8. The head office is in Oxford.


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 About You Write sentences about your company and position.

1) I'm a sales manager at TPR Electronics.

2) I work in the London office.

3) TPR Electronics was founded in 1963.

4) We are a subsidiary of Manutech International.

5) TPR is a leading electronics manufacturer.

6) We specialize in car navigation systems.

7) We have over three hundred employees.
8) The head office is in Oxford.









Tell a partner about your company and your position.

 Question Practice Write the question for each answer.

1) 1) I'm a sales manager at TPR Electronics.

2) 2) I work in the London office.

3) 3) TPR Electronics was founded in 1963.

4) 4) We are a subsidiary of Manutech International.

5) 5) TPR is a leading electronics manufacturer.

6) 6) We specialize in car navigation systems.

7) 7) We have over three hundred employees.

8) 8) The head office is in Oxford.

 Speaking Practice

Work with a partner. Tell him/her about yourself and your company. Answer your partner's questions.


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Talking about your Company: Teaching Notes

Target Structure: Various

Vocabulary: Business
Level: Lower-Intermediate +
Time: 45 minutes
Preparation: None

Suggested Teaching Method

This worksheet gives students some basic 'survival business English' when talking about a company. It has been
designed to work in both group and one-on-one classes.

If your students all work for the same company, it's easy to adjust some exercises by having students imagine
they work for another company.

 The first exercise introduces the topic of companies. Explain the meaning of 'well-known' (famous), if necessary.
Elicit some answers.

 Follow the instructions. Explain the task, and have the students read the three questions. Students can then read
the business profile and write answers to the questions. After students have checked in pairs, go through the
answers with the group.

 Have students cover the business profile. Follow the instructions on the sheet. Choose a confident student, and
elicit the answer to the first blank.

Students can work alone and then check in pairs. Go through the answers. Answer any questions your students

 This exercise gives students the chance to personalize the language. Students can work alone and then read their
answers to a partner. Monitor, and elicit some example answers at the end.

Depending on the employer, students may want to skip number four.

 Follow the instructions on the worksheet.

If your students are likely to struggle with this, you can make the exercise easier by providing key words for each
question. (e.g. the question word and verb). Students can work alone and check in pairs. Go through the answers.

 Assign students a new partner, if possible. Students can interview each other, practicing the questions from
exercise five.

If you have a larger class, the students can mingle.

For a more natural conversation style (rather than simply question and answer) have students introduce
themselves in a style similar to the original text. The speaker can pause occasionally, allowing the other person to
ask some questions from the list. Demonstrate with a confident student.

The answer key is on the next page.


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Answer key (Other answers may be possible.)

 1) He is a sales manager.
2) His office is in London.
3) His company makes electronic goods.

 1) I'm a sales manager at TPR Electronics.

2) I work in the London office.
3) TPR Electronics was founded in 1963.
4) We are a subsidiary of Manutech International.
5) TPR is a leading electronics manufacturer.
6) We specialize in car navigation systems.
7) We have over three hundred employees.
8) The head office is in Oxford.

 These are example answers. Accept anything that is natural English.

1) What do you do?

2) Where is your office?
3) When was TPR Electronics founded?
4) Who are you a subsidiary of? / Who is your parent company?
5) What do you manufacture? / What do you make?
6) What does your company specialize in?
7) How many employees does your company have?
8) Where is your head office located?

Updated 12/5/2009


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