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Questions for the Readers

Niki, Kayla, Elon

Section 1
1. What is another term for negative acceleration and provide an example of it in
the article provided.

2. Which truck in the article provided has a greater rate of acceleration as

compared to the other truck? Provide evidence to support your answer.

3. What term and/or phrase did the writer use in the article to imply that the object is
at rest, as in it’s not moving?

4. What two pieces of information did the writer include in the article that are
irrelevant and/or misleading to the reader, as in they are not useful in the
calculating either speed or acceleration?

Article title: Water Bottle Flipping Competition

by: Samantha, Ben and Biana

1. What is another term for negative acceleration and provide an

example of it in the article provided.
A term for negative acceleration is deceleration. An example of deceleration in the
article is when Liza’s bottle slows down when it is coming down after being flipped.

2. Which object in the article provided has a greater rate of acceleration

as compared to the other object? Provide evidence to support your
For Spencers bottle, the speed is 4 meters divided by 2 seconds which is 2 m/s. The
other speed is 0 m/s. The total time is 2 seconds. Using all this information, the
acceleration is 1 m/s2.

((4m / 2 seconds) - 0m/s) / 2 seconds=

(2m/s - 0m/s) / 2 seconds=

For Liza’s, the initial speed is 6 meters high in 4 seconds = 1.5 m/s. The final speed is 1
m/s. The total time is 4 seconds. Therefore, the acceleration is 1 m/s - 1.5 m/s divided
by 2 seconds which is -0.25 m/s2

(1 m/s-1.5 m/s) / 2s=

-0.25 m/s2

Therefore, Spencer’s bottle has the greater rate of acceleration.

3. What term and/or phrase did the writer use in the article to imply that
the object is at rest, as in it’s not moving?

The writers used the term “Without any prior movement”.

4. What two pieces of information did the writer include in the article
that are irrelevant and/or misleading to the reader, as in they are not
useful in the calculating either speed or acceleration?

Two irrelevent pieces of information in the article are that Spencer and Liza are 14 and
16 and that a gram of water can fall out in the triple flip.
Article title: Tragedy at the Amazing New Ski Slope
by: Rohan, Erica and Athena

1. What is another term for negative acceleration and provide an example of it

in the article provided.
The writers used the term ‘deceleration’ to show that the sled was slowing down and
had negative acceleration. One example of this is when the sled slows down when
when it was at the bottom of the slope.

2. Which object in the article provided has a greater rate of acceleration as

compared to the other object? Provide evidence to support your answer.
The first object was Billy rolling down the hill. The speeds were 3 mi/min and 0 mi/min
when it hits the tree. The total time was 3 minutes. The acceleration was 0 mi/min - 3
mi/min divided by 3 minutes which is -1 mi/min2. The second object is the sled rolling
down the hill without Billy. The initial speed is 2 mi/min and the final speed it 1 mi/min.
The total time is 2 minutes. The acceleration is 1 mi/min - 2 mi/min divided by 2 minutes
which is -½ mi/min2. Therefore, since -½ mi/min2 is greater than -1 mi/min2, the sled
rolling down the hill without Billy has a greater acceleration.

Billy rolling down the hill: The sled rolling down the hill w/o Billy
(0 mi/min - 3 mi/min)/ 3 min= (1mi/min-2mi/min)/2 min=
-1 mi/min2 < -½ mi/min2

3. What term and/or phrase did the writer use in the article to imply that object
is at rest, as in it’s not moving?
The writers used the term “lays on the ground with no sign of life” to show that Billy is at
4. What two pieces of information did the writer include in the article that are
irrelevant and/or misleading to the reader, as in they are not useful in the
calculating either speed or acceleration?
Two irrelevent pieces of information in this article are Billy’s weight and the price of his

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