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in T iłeenth-Cenury I'lłnguedoc: Edition and Translation of Toulouse

5is6r5 and Heretics

InĄuisition Depositions,1273 1282, ed. P Bii1eł c. Bruschi and S. Snedđon (Leiden' 2011)'
pp.62}_t,wirere Paĺis, BnĘ Collection Doat, MS 25, ÍoI.ŻI7t, is transcĺibed as et hoc
ii ľrlgrra and tľanslaĺed as 'and this in Bu1gaľia'. Hamiltoĺr, 'Wísdom ŕľom the East',
p. szÁa n. 93, supports this misľeadĺng. Błleľ in a personal communication, while
äisag."eiog with my ieadin g of aulgaria, n]eveĺtheless

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