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Names: Jessica, Cassie, Shashank, Ethan

Section: 8-1

Using Trade Secrets & Motivation to Beat the Game

I. Objective of the Game:

To be able to win the game using tricks and trade secrets.

II. “Trick Factor”:

-smaller rim
-oval shaped rim
-higher net placement
-overinflated basketballs (super bouncy)
-netting or other items behind the rim designed to interfere with depth perception

III. Winning the Game:

-don’t hit the backboard
-aim at a really high arc- Law # 2
-use less force so the overinflated ball doesn’t bounce out of the hoop-Law #3
-Nothing will move until the buzzer sounds and then the net force will act on it(Paraphrase)-law

Be the coach and provide the players with the “words of wisdom” they need to win. Give them
the information and strategies to use so that they meet the objective the first time [or second.. or
third.. if they get 3 chances] to WIN the big prize!
You better not mess this up, for starters, the balls are overinflated, make sure to not hit
the basketball off the backboard because the force of the basketball will cause an equal force
and fly off in an opposite direction. In fact, don’t even use the backboard as a reference point,
they usually put netting behind the hoop to throw off your depth perception. Make sure to use
the muscles that you’ve been working on in the gym and apply more force for the ball to have
the same acceleration as usual. Also, because of the greater mass, it has a greater inertia.
When you shoot the ball, you will have to use slightly more force than before because a greater
inertia means a greater tendency to resist change. This means the ball will need a greater
unbalanced force to not be at rest. Take account of friction and gravity because they affect
objects in motion and prevent them from going the same velocity, which is speed and direction,
every time. Now as you go and shoot the basketballs, remember that when you contract your
muscles into position you store potential energy in your arms and as you throw the ball you
transfer that energy into the ball turning it to kinetic energy as it is in motion. Do all that and
Congratulations! You won a 50 cent toy that you paid 7 dollars to win

Note: ​Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion and the following terms must be strategically incorporated into
the “Pep Talk,” so as to reflect the correct meaning within context, but done in such a way that
makes sense in everyday language.

Laws to Include — Law 1 [part 1 & 2] Law 2 [ f, m, a] Law 3

Terms to Include —
at rest motion reference point
force mass acceleration
speed direction inertia
acceleration friction gravity
exert resist velocity
energy potential kinetic

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