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The 81st Holy Appearance Day of our Beloved Spiritual Master

Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja

9 September 2010
Edited by
Mahashakti Dasi

Layout and PDF edition by

Gopal Jiu Publications

Bhubaneswar Orissa
Facebook: Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami
Eternal Wealth
A lecture by Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja .................................................................................2

Gunacuda Devi Dasi .............................................................................................................6
Janeswar Das .........................................................................................................................6
Kalavati Devi Dasi .................................................................................................................8
Krishna Kishor Das ...............................................................................................................9
Krishna Kund Devi Dasi ...................................................................................................10
Krishna Rati Dasi .................................................................................................................11
Madhavananda Das ............................................................................................................11
Mahashakti Dasi ..................................................................................................................12
Bhaktine Malati ...................................................................................................................13
Manisi Rani Devi Dasi .........................................................................................................13
Nandini Dasi .......................................................................................................................14
Nruhari Das ..............................................................................................................14
Purandar Acharya Das ........................................................................................................16
Puskaraksa Das ...................................................................................................................17
Sachinandan Das .................................................................................................................20
Sanjeev Das .........................................................................................................................21
Vrndavani Dasi ....................................................................................................................22
Eternal Wealth
A lecture by Sri Srimad
Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja
Çrémad Bhägavatam 7.9.23
16 August, 1989 - Bhubaneswar
dåñöä mayä divi vibho ‘khila-dhiñëya-pänäm
äyuù çriyo vibhava icchati yäï jano ‘yam
ye ‘smat pituù kupita-häsa-vijåmbhita-bhrü-
visphürjitena lulitäù sa tu te nirastaù
“My dear Lord, people in general want to be elevated to the
higher planetary systems for a long duration of life, opulence and
enjoyment, but I have seen all of these through the activities of my
father. When my father was angry and he laughed sarcastically at
the demigods, they were immediately vanquished simply by see-
ing the movements of his eyebrows. Yet my father, who was so
powerful, has now been vanquished by you within a moment.”

Within this material world, one should under- rahlad Maharaja, offering his prayers, says
stand by practical experience the value of material this to Lord Nrisimhadeva. Prahlad Maharaja
opulence, longevity and influence. We have actual is one of the eminent mahäjanas. Those
experience that even on this planet there have been who are saintly persons, dear devotees of the Lord,
many great politicians and military commanders they are mahäjanas. What they say, their statements
like Napoleon, Hitler, Shubhash Chandra Bose and are to be accepted as conclusive statements, siddhänta.
Gandhi, but as soon as their lives were finished, Caitanya-caritämåta (madhya 25.56), states:
their popularity, influence and everything else were ‘mahäjana’ yei kahe, sei ‘satya’ mäni
finished also. Prahlad Maharaja formerly gathered täte chaya darçana haite ‘tattva’ nähi jäni
the same experience by seeing the activities of Hi-
ranyakashipu, his great father. Therefore Prahlad There are many philosophers, they have many
Maharaja did not give any importance to anything philosophies. Gautama, Kanada, Jaimini, Charvaka,
in this material world. No one can maintain his Yajnavalkya, Ashtavakra, Patanjali. So many philoso-
body or material achievements forever. A vaisnava phers are there and they have many philosophies but
can understand that nothing within this material their statements are not conclusive. They are mental
world, not even that which is powerful, opulent speculators. In other words, they only imagine things
or influential, can endure. At any time such things and speculate, mana çila muni. They are called
may be vanquished. And who can vanquish them? ‘muni’, speculators, they only speculate. And they
The Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore don’t come under a bonafide disciplic succession.
one should conclusively understand that no one is They never hear from bonafide äcäryas, vaisnavas,
greater than the Supreme Great. Since the Supreme who know the truth. In vaiñëava abhidhäna, the
Great demands, sarva-dharmän parityajya mäm vaiñëava dictionary it is said that these people are
ekaà çaraëaà vraja [Bg.18.66], every intelligent açrota-pantiù. Açrota-pantiù means they don’t come
man must agree to this proposal. One must surrender under çrotä-paramparya, the hearing process, the
unto the Lord to be saved from the wheel of repeated disciplic succession that is formed by following the
birth, death, old age and disease. (Translation and hearing process, çrotä-paramparya, so they are
purport by Srila Prabhupada) known as açrota-pantiù. They never hear, they only
speculate. All çästras, Vedic literatures, mahäjanas,
Sri Vyasa-puja 2010 5
devotees, they say, an intelligent person should Lord himself has said that in Bhagavad-gétä.” There
not hear from them. One must hear from the real is no-one superior to me.” He is supremely power-
mahäjana, the devotees who come under the ful. He is the Supreme Person. He is supreme in all
disciplic succession, çrota-panthä. So in Caitanya- respects. That’s a fact. All Vedic literatures say so.
caritämåta (madhya 25.56) it is said: Prahlad Maharaja achieved. He also says so. Our
täte chaya darçana haite ‘tattva’ nähi jäni beloved Gurudeva, Sri Sriman A.C. Bhaktivedanta
’mahäjana’ yei kahe, sei ‘satya’ mäni Swami Prabhupadji Maharaja also says so in his
purport. He says, ”We have actual experience that
So whatever a mahäjana, bonafide devotee says,
even on this planet there have been many great
that is conclusive truth. One should listen to it. So
politicians and military commanders like Napoleon,
this statement, given by Sri Prahlad Maharaja, should
Hitler, Shubhash Chandra Bose and Gandhi. But as
be taken into consideration very seriously. One must
soon as their lives were finished, their popularity,
accept it seriously.
influence and everything else finished.” Where are
Here Prahlad Maharaja says that in this material
they? Where is their popularity, their influence?
world the conditioned souls, general people, they
Everything is gone. It was not eternal at all. That’s
want to be elevated to higher planetary systems. Why
a fact. But what is really eternal, that is what we
do they want so? This question: why do they want
should understand.
so? Because in the higher planetary systems there
What is really eternal? Krishna, the Supreme Lord is
is a long duration of life and a great deal of enjoy-
eternal. Anything related to him is also eternal. We also
ment, material enjoyment, a great deal of opulence.
know from mahäjanas like Prahlad Maharaja, from
All these things are there and they want to enjoy all
our beloved spiritual master, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
these things. Prahlad Maharaja says these things,”
Prabhupadji Maharaja, from Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati
But I have seen all these through the activities of my
Goswami Maharaja, from Bhaktivinode Thakur, so many
father.” His great asuric, demoniac father Hiranyaka-
mahäjanas are there, from them we can understand how
shipu was very powerful. He had conquered three
their activities, their glories, their influence is eternal. By
planetary systems: upper planetary system, middle
material consideration or material calculation one may say
planetary system, and lower planetary system. He
they are no longer here, but their glory, their influence,
was so powerful. All the opulence, all the objects of
their statements, everything is here, because they are eter-
enjoyment in the three planetary systems were under
nal. They are very dear devotees of the Lord, mahäjanas.
his control. Again Sri Prahlad Maharaja says,“When
500 years ago when Sriman Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
my father was angry and he laughed sarcastically at
came, who is Krishna himself, he preached the glory of
the demigods, they were immediately vanquished
the mahäjanas, the devotees. Ramananda Raya was a
simply by seeing the movements of his eyebrows.
great devotee, a very, very dear devotee of Sri Chaitanya
He was so powerful.”
Mahaprabhu. Raya Ramananda is a great and eminent
Those demigods are residents of the higher plan-
mahäjana. Sriman Chaitanya Mahaprabhu discussed
etary systems, those who have a very long duration
with him these philosophies, rädhä-kåñëa-tattva, and
of life and who have much enjoyment, who are more
heard from him. Sriman Mahaprabhu asked many
elevated than ordinary persons here in this middle
questions to Raya Ramananda and Ramananda Raya
portion, material world, in this Martyapura, earthly
answered very conclusively because he is a mahäjana.
planet. Still, these demigods were immediately
They are very nice questions and important questions
vanquished simply by seeing the movements of his
also, perfect questions we may say. Once, when they
eyebrows. He was so powerful. But now what hap-
were discussing all these things, SrimanMahaprabhu
pened to him? That powerful person has now been
asked Raya Ramananda (Cc. madhya 8.246):
vanquished within a moment by the Supreme Lord
Nrisimhadeva. So who is great? Prahlad Maharaja ‘kérti-gaëa-madhye jévera kon baòa kérti?’
‘kåñëa-bhakta baliyä yäìhära haya khyäti’
says, ”Who is great? Only the Supreme Personality
of Godhead, he is great.” Mattaù parataraà nänyat This is one of the questions Lord Chaitanya
kiïcid asti dhanaïjaya (Bg. 7.7). That Supreme Mahaprabhu asked Ramananda Raya. ‘kérti-gaëa-
6 Sri Vyasa-puja 2010
madhye jévera kon baòa kérti?’ Which is the greatest Very nice question and very nice answer:
kérti, fame, glory? ‘käìhära smaraëa jéva karibe anukñaëa?’ “To
Raya Ramananda answered: ‘kåñëa-bhakta baliyä whom should we always remember?” This is the
yäìhära haya khyäti’ “One who is known as a devotee question. Ramananda Raya answered, ‘kåñëa’-
of Krishna, he is great. He is the most famous person. näma-guëa-lélä—pradhäna smaraëa’, “The name,
This great demon Hiranyakashipu is not so fa- fame, qualities and pastimes of Krishna should
mous, not at all famous. Where is his popularity? always be remembered.” Then Mahaprabhu asked
Where is his fame? Still, we speak about him or hear another question (Cc. madhya 8.249):
about him because he became famous having a great ‘mukta-madhye kon jéva mukta kari’ mäni?’
devotee son, Prahlad Maharaja. Therefore he has be- ‘kåñëa-prema yäìra, sei mukta-çiromaëi’
come famous. This is most important thing. Vaisnava
‘Mukta-madhye kon jéva mukta kari’ mäni?’
is always famous, eternally famous. If someone in
”There are many liberated souls, but who is really
any way is connected to such a vaisnava, may even
liberated?” Raya Ramananda answered: ‘kåñëa-pre-
be a demon, he becomes famous. Another question
ma yäìra, sei mukta-çiromaëi, ”Who has acquired
is there. Raya Ramananda answered when Mahap-
kåñëa-prema, love of Krishna is the crest jewel of all
rabhu asked (Cc. madhya 8.247):
liberated souls, mukta-çiromaëi.” Very nice Then
‘sampattira madhye jévera kon sampatti gaëi?’ Mahaprabhu asked (Cc. madhya 8.251):
rädhä-kåñëe prema yäìra, sei baòa dhané’
‘çreyo-madhye kona çreyaù jévera haya sära?’
It is another question, the perfect question and ‘kåñëa-bhakta-saìga vinä çreyaù nähi ära’
perfect answer. ‘sampattira madhye jévera kon sam-
Two words are there, preya and çreya. What
patti gaëi?’ Mahaprabhu asked this question: ”What
should one achieve? In English we say in that way,
is the best property, opulence or asset of the living
but it is a specific word, çreya. In this material world,
entity?” Raya Ramananda answered: ‘rädhä-kåñëe
as it has been said here in purport, many people
prema yäìra, sei baòa dhané’ ”He is the wealthi-
want to be elevated to the higher planetary systems
est person in this world, one who has acquired this
to get opulence, enjoyment, bodily beauty, material
love to Radha and Krishna. He is the most wealthy
education, janmaiçvarya-çruta-çré, so many things.
person, prema-dhané. And that dhana, that wealth
One may say these are çreyas. Mahaprabhu asked:
is eternal wealth. It is never vanquished. It is not
‘çreyo-madhye kona çreyaù jévera haya sära?’
material wealth. It is transcendental, spiritual wealth.
Among all çreyas, which is the best çreya?” Raya
So many nice questions and nice answers are
Ramananda answered: ‘kåñëa-bhakta-saìga vinä
there. Another question Lord Chaitanya asked
çreyaù nähi ära’, the association with a great devo-
and Raya Ramananda answered very nicely (Cc.
tee of Krishna is the greatest of all çreyas.” No other
madhya 8.248):
çreya is there. No other çreya can be compared to
‘duùkha-madhye kona duùkha haya gurutara?’ the association of a great kåñëa-bhakta. These are
‘kåñëa-bhakta-viraha vinä duùkha nähi dekhi para’
eternal things, they never perish. Krishna is eternal.
Mahaprabhu asked: ‘duhkha kona‘duùkha- Anything related Krishna is eternal.
madhye kona duùkha haya gurutara?’ “Of all Those who are akiïcana, deprived of all these
types of misery, sorrow, which is the greatest?” Raya things, who have nothing in this material world
Ramananda answered: ‘kåñëa-bhakta-viraha vinä are the really wealthy persons because they see
duùkha nähi dekhi para’ - If someone becomes Lord Krishna, and Krishna, who is çac-cid-änanda
separated from a great devotee of Lord Krishna, that puruña, is always with them. So these people get
separation is the greatest misery. Such nice ques- nityänanda, eternal pleasure. But in this apparent
tions Mahaprabhu asked. Another nice question (Cc. consideration or vision, worldly vision, one may
madhya 8.252): see that these people are very distressed, they have
‘käìhära smaraëa jéva karibe anukñaëa?’ nothing, but they have everything because they
‘kåñëa’-näma-guëa-lélä—pradhäna smaraëa’ have Krishna and they are very happy. They are
Sri Vyasa-puja 2010 7
never distressed. We see it in the lives of the ñaò- prema yäìra, sei dhané’. Raya Ramananda answered all
gosvämés, the Six Goswamis, Sanatan Goswami, these things. They are eternally great, eternally wealthy,
Rupa Goswami, Jiva Goswami, Raghunath Bhatta eternally famous persons. Still now we chant their glories.
Goswami, all these Goswamis. They had everything, They are never finished. They were wealthy persons
janmaiçvarya-çruta-çré. They were born in aristo- because they have kåñëa-prema dhana. Kåñëe prema
cratic families. They had material opulence. They yäìra, sei baòa dhané. They are eternally wealthy. That
were very learned, pandits, and their bodily features wealth will never be exhausted. Eternally they are
were beautiful. They were not ugly looking but getting pleasure. This is eternally there. Käla, eternal
very beautiful looking. But they kicked everything. time cannot destroy all these things. But everything
tyaktvä türëam tucchavat, bhütvä déna-gaëeçakau material is destroyed by time, käla. So Prahlad Ma-
karuëayä kaupéna-kanthäçritau — They kicked haraja says these things. Therefore Krishna demands:
all these things. ‘Get out!’ What is the value of all these sarva-dharmän parityajya mäm ekaà çaraëaà
things? And they become déna, they become very poor. vraja, Just surrender unto me, unconditionally. I’ll
They put on a kaupéna, they put kaëöhi-mälä around give you eternal enjoyment, eternal wealth, eternal
the neck, kaupéna-kanthäçritau, and they lived under a fame. You’ll be great. You will never be vanquished.”
tree in Vrindavan. But were very wealthy persons, ‘kåñëa- So, why don’t you? (Gurudeva laughs.)
8 Sri Vyasa-puja 2010

watered down and how compromises have been
made so that the teachings of our previous äcäryas
are practically unrecognizable. Gurudeva, please
Offering from Gunacuda Devi Dasi manifest again to smash these illusions, especially
the illusion that resides in my heart.
Krishna, out of His immense compassion sent
you to this world to save the suffering jévas. As an
äcärya your only activities are in offering transcen-
dental loving services to Sri Sri Radha Gopal. You are
nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale the Supreme Personality of Servitor Godhead, the
çrémate goura-govinda-svämin iti nämine äçraya-vigraha. Please do not cast me away from
My dear kind Gurudeva, please accept my your service; you are all I have. Please help me to
humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All remember this at every moment.
glories to you and all previous äcäryas. Gurudeva, there is no personality like you. You
In the purport to Çrémad Bhägavatam 4.29.51, are the crown jewel of all sädhus; so kind-hearted,
Srila Prabhupada states: patient, and perfect in your dealings.  You are with
“Success in life means accepting a spiritual mas- us when we go on Padayatra and the Hare Krishna
ter who knows Krishna as the only supreme beloved Utsav, each year. You are the real preacher; we are
personality. One should worship such a confidential simple repeating what we heard from you, for the
devotee of the lord.” pleasure of Sri Guru and Gauranga. Please help me
On this day I pray to you that I may be blessed now, in the Mayapur school, to use the opportunity
with some realization of your greatness and start to to share with others what I have heard from you.
worship you properly. Please keep me in the fire of your discipline, kick-
In Çrémad Bhägavatam 5.17.11 purport, Srila ing me until I become purified so as not to bring
Prabhupada states: you dishonour. I don’t want to remain a disciple in
“A guru must be a direct representative of Krishna name only. I have no intelligence, no words or any
who distributes the instruction of Krishna without capacity to glorify you. I can only cry at your feet and
pray that I may wholeheartedly serve you eternally
any change. Thus only the most fortunate persons
as my worshipable deity, my life and soul.
come in contact with the guru.”
Your pitiful servant,
How great is my good fortune to have come in
Gunacuda Devi Dasi
contact with you? I am so useless that I could not
understand or take seriously your divine teachings,
Offering from Janeswar Das
nor could I receive your mercy. Such is my pathetic
condition - simply making a show of being your dis-
ciple. If I could obtain the dust of your lotus feet my
life will be successful, otherwise I am simply baffled.
”When a person realizes himself to be an eternal
nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale
servitor of Krishna, he loses interest in everything but
çrémate goura-govinda-svämin iti nämine
Krishna’s service. Always thinking of Krishna, devising
he guro jïäna-da déna-bandho
means by which to spread the holy name of Krishna,
svänanda-dätaù karuëaika-sindho
he understands that his only business is to spread the våndävanäséna hitävatara
Krishna consciousness movement all over the world. praséda rädhä-praëaya-pracära 
Such a person is to be recognized as an uttama-ad-
 Dearest Srila Gurudeva
hikäré.” (Nectar of Instruction, Text 5, purport)
 At the beginning of this my offering to Your Divine
Your mission is the mission of Mahaprabhu, that Grace this year, I offer my daëòavats again and again
is, to spread Krishna consciousness all over the at Your Divine Lotus Feet. Even though I am such a
world. Why then are you not recognized? Why are great fool, somehow I understand that my best interest
your clear and powerful teachings not accepted? is served in prostrating my body, mind, my all at your
It is so painful to see how the siddhänta has been divine lotus feet. There is really nothing else I can do.
Sri Vyasa-puja 2010 9
Guru Maharaja, somehow and most fortunately, by  And still, even for those devotees who were un-
grace, I know and understand that you are ñaò-guru, able to appreciate you during your short presence in
the topmost of the Lord’s dear devotees, mercifully this world, simply by hearing from you, simply even
appearing in this realm for the good of others. by seeing you, Çré Caitanya Bhägavata explains,
 In fact you are so dear to Him that when the Lord they have accrued such great spiritual merit that
decided to make His appearance in this world at this millions of their forefathers have become delivered
time for the compassionate uplifting of the fallen from material bondage. You are such a personality.
souls (such as your useless servant Janeswar Dasa)  On the other hand, for your greatly blessed dear
and to keep up the prestige of  Srila Prabhupada, disciples and followers you have taken on a most
the äcäryas and their divine preaching mission, He loving, kind and compassionate form. Whilst clearly
appeared as Your Divine Grace. To your disciples and uncompromisingly presenting the siddhänta
therefore you are non-different from the Supreme of Çrémad Bhägavata Puräëa and Sriman Mahap-
Lord Sri Sri Radha-Krishna (Gopaljiu). rabhu, still you dealt lovingly with each disciple
 It was to serve your dearly beloved Divine Mas- according to his or her individual needs and level of
advancement or surrender. You explained that your
ter and Mistress that you came here as äcärya, to
desire for your disciples is that “in this very lifetime,
preach the message of Mahaprabhu, joining Srila
I want that you should get kåñëa-prema. And most
Prabhupada’s mission and establishing the gauòéya
certainly, as you are fully empowered by the Lord,
siddhänta clearly therein. And yet in this society,
you can freely award the wonderful gift of pure lov-
perhaps inevitably (considering the absolute focus
ing devotional service unto whomever you so wish.
of the mission’s devotees on the society’s Founder
 tomate se vaise çré-krsnera pürëa çakti
Acharya) you appeared to many as simply an ordi-
tumi se dibare para’ kåñëa-prema bhakti
nary ‘Indian’ devotee. Still the uniqueness of your
 So once again Srila Gurudeva, allow me to offer
spiritual nature  couldn’t be totally covered, even
my prostrated obeisance at your two Divine Lotus
though many didn’t understand what they were
Feet. I pray, please Srila Gurudeva, keep me always
seeing in Your Divine Grace. Who did not recog-
in this position, laying on the ground at Your Divine
nize your very distinct and completely natural way
Lotus Feet. I am a most useless and foolish rascal,
of speaking kåñëa-kathä with such great relish and but I desire that I can render some little useful service
also with complete knowing authority? Who didn’t for your pleasure. Yet, I seem totally unable to due
notice your unique and all-absorbing kértana? And to my sinful and offensive nature.
amongst those who were able to spend even just a  I often think of my dear godbrothers and sisters,
few moments in your direct personal association, and what they are doing for your pleasure. Every one
who could fail to feel your most amazing loving com- of them is absorbed in your service, in remembering
passionate personality? Your pure nature certainly your teachings and beautiful pastimes.
shone through for all to see, though they often didn’t   Some of these dedicated vaiñëavas are serv-
understand what they were experiencing. ing you in obvious and glorious ways, such as by
  Everything you said and did came from deep establishing your teaching of the pure siddhänta
inside your heart, from your true spiritual nature throughout Srila Prabhupada’s society and be-
and personality. (This natural uniqueness of yours yond - by preaching publicly, and also by printing/
made some uncomfortable, and I recall one devotee publishing and widely distributing your teachings,
saying to you how ‘devotees’ thought you had a and by nicely presenting your wonderful life and
different mood to Srila Prabhupada, at which point pastimes. Others distribute your books, magazines,
I interrupted him saying how Srila Bhaktisiddhanta CDs, DVDs to the wider audience. Still many oth-
Saraswati Prabhupada Maharaja was also different ers are always preaching your glories directly and
from Srila Gour Kishore Dasa Babaji Maharaja. Guru also through their actions. Some of my god-brothers
Maharaja, you were always totally natural. You had and sisters are dedicatedly serving your mission by
no need to copy anyone.) managing, maintaining and serving in your projects
10 Sri Vyasa-puja 2010
and temples, and others by undertaking glorious Offering from Kalavati Devi Dasi
building projects for your pleasure; for example
the temple at Berhampur, the Gundicha temple in
Bhubaneswar, and most importantly, at your divine
çrépat at Jagannathpur. Still many others, these most
wonderful devotees, are serving you in their every- oà ajïäna-timirändhasya jïänäïjana çaläkayä
day lives by following your instructions closely, en- cakñur unmélitaà yena tasmai çré gurave namaù
gaged in their bhajan, and in their household lives,
nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale
thinking day and night of how they can please you çrémate muralikåñëa-svämin iti nämine
and serve your instructions.
 All of these disciples of yours are great vaiñëa- nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale
vas and vaiñëavés and are very dear to you, and as çrémate goura-govinda-svämin iti nämine
such are most worthy of my worship; all of them
nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale
are great souls. çrémate bhaktivedänta-svämin iti nämine
 And yet, unfortunately, at the end of the descrip-
tion of the activities of your wonderful disciples namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine
comes one who has so far failed to serve you in any nirvisesa-sunyavadi-pascatya-desa-tarine
useful way. As you are well aware, this sad case is Dear Srila Gour Govinda Swami, Srila Gurudeva,
me, the foolish Janeswar Dasa. But still I can say that on this most auspicious occasion of your appearance
deep down, somewhere under the many layers of day, I am coming like a fool in front of you, Srila
ignorance that cover and infect me there is a desire, Gurudeva, and in front of the vaiñëavas, hoping to
inspired by my god-brothers and sisters, to somehow be able to somehow glorify your Divine Grace. Un-
become of some use to Your Divine Grace. When I fortunately I am not at all qualified to do so. Begging
examine the situation, embarrassingly, it becomes for your mercy and the mercy of all the vaiñëavas,
clear that amongst all of your disciples and followers let me try to speak some realizations about your
I am the one who will need the most attention from Divine Grace for my own purification and for the
you in order to become of any use at all, or to stand pleasure of all the vaiñëavas.
any hope of becoming any kind of devotee. For this You are a most rare personality, an exalted
I need to be kept always at Your Divine Lotus Feet. premi-bhakta, an intimate associate of the Lord,
This I can now understand. a paramahaàsa, ñaö-çiñya, and therefore you are
 So on this wonderful day, Srila Gurudeva, all I ñaò-guru. You are the external manifestation of
can do is appeal for your continued mercy on me. paramätmä; many devotees had this realization
saàsära-samudra haite uddhäraha more during the Çrémad Bhägavatam classes you gave.
ei ämi deha samarpiläìa tomäre They were thinking you were speaking just to them,
kåñëa-päda-padmera amåta-rasa päna
addressing their personal problems and difficulties.
ämäre karäo tumi’—ei cähi däna” Only you knew their heart.
You are the most merciful manifestation and
“Please deliver me from the ocean of material ex- compassionate incarnation of Lord Krishna, Sri-
istence. I surrender myself unto you. I beg that you guru, Lord Nityananda Prabhu. You are the savior of
make me drink the nectar of Krishna’s lotus feet.” the fallen souls, the mercy incarnation of the Lord,
(Cb. Ädi 17.55) kåñëa-kåpä-çré-mürti.
 Please don’t give up on me because you have the  One thing I heard about you, Srila Gurudeva,
power to deliver even the most useless and stupid which struck me with wonder, is that you always
of souls, and at some point soon I hope that I will prayed to Gopal to give you kåñëa-prema in order
be able to accept your mercy. to be able to distribute it to one and all. You are the
 Your lowly emblem of selflessness and of compassion. Your
Janeswar Dasa heart bleeds at the sight of the suffering conditioned
Sri Vyasa-puja 2010 11
souls. And also you kept a diary where you would Krishna? Will the day come when your Divine Grace
daily record all the services you had performed will be accepted and glorified for who you really are?
during the day, ending it by praying to Gopal. You Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura said that this
showed by example what it means to be a servant place is not a fit place for any gentleman or lady to live
and to always think of Krishna, your most beloved in. It is mäyä-jagat. No wonder everything is upside
iñöadeva, in a very personal and loving way. down - the imposter is glorified as a pure devotee and
Your disappearance pastime also showed by ex- the pure devotee is ignored and pushed aside without
ample what it means to be completely surrendered consideration. Alas! Alas!
to the Lord’s will. This is the chief symptom of a real Srila Gurudeva, I need your mercy, but I am so
sädhu-guru, 100% pure devotee of the Lord, and lazy and unfortunate, I cannot deserve it. Please help
you exhibited it in a grand way. me. Please force me. Please shake me and turn me
Despite all these exalted qualifications you con- into a fortunate soul. This is my only hope. Only
sidered yourself to be you can do it.
very low and fallen, a menial servant of your Srila Gour Govinda Swami Srila Gurudeva ki jaya!
revered spiritual master. You said you wanted to be Srila Prabhupada ki jaya!
the tail, but Srila Prabhupada ordered you to be the Goura-premänande, Hari Haribol!
head. He instructed you to go all around the world
to preach. You wanted to teach tattva-vicära, the Your insignificant aspiring servant,
absolute consideration, not to be satisfied with the Kalavati Devi Dasi
apparent consideration, apära-vicära. You wanted
to show that Srila Prabhupada’s books are unfathom- Offering from Krishna Kishor Das
able oceans, wherein we have to dive deep to get
the jewels hidden there, not to be satisfied with the
fish available at the surface.
I am very much indebted to you because you
Glorification of My Gurudev
showered a little mercy on me despite my offensive
mentality. Like Lord Nityananda who didn’t take the
Generously gracious
grievious offense of Madhai so seriously, although
O my revered Gurudev
His head was badly injured, and who wanted to
Out and out a devotee of Sri Krishna
bless the miscreant with causeless mercy, being For His mercy you crave.
the embodiment of forgiveness and compassion, Unwavering in faith
you leniently forgave my most severe offenses and Adamantine in resolve
gave me the chance to understand your position Resolute in views
as a mahä-bhägavata, nitya-siddha on the same In kirtan you dissolve.
spiritual level as Srila Prabhupada, sent by Krishna Guileless in interaction
to continue his mission to spread Krishna conscious- Genuine in thought
ness all over the world. Observant of the doctrines
Your specific mission is to guide the practicing That Vaishnavism taught.
devotees from the platform of mixed bhakti to that of Virtuous in deportment
pure bhakti. The absolute necessity of surrendering Suave, cool and supple
fully to the lotus feet of a bona fide spiritual master had Imbued with divine love
to be stressed. For this reason you have been misun- Immersed in love’s ripples.
derstood by many immature aspiring devotees (like Non-contentious in discourse
myself) and heavily criticized; this is most unfortunate. On Hari Katha – the nectar
Will our ISKCON movement be freed once and for all Dispelling the doubts of devotees
from this great sin of blaspheming and finding fault Whom you so much care.
with you, the spotless, most confidential servant of Sympathetic and cordial
12 Sri Vyasa-puja 2010
To the aspirants you meet I would like to glorify you but I find that I do not
Writing on Sri Bhagavatam know you at all. I wish to recall your classes, bha-
To the readers you treat jans, interactions with your disciples; your personal
Averse to worldly desires instructions; your anger, your smiles; your chanting.
Eager to spread Krishna Prem But how can I?
Munificent to all who sing I deeply regret my lack of adhikära, the sins and
“Hare Krishna Hare Ram.” offences that prevented me from having your associa-
Incredible your mental strength tion when you were physically present in this world.
Although physically not sound Over the years, I understand more and more that it
Impressive your appearance was really simply my lack of qualification to associate
With an aura surround. with a transcendental personality like you, Gurudev.
Just as Krishna comes in different forms to the jé-
Krishna Kishor Das, Ashok Nagar, Bhubaneswar vas; sädhus come in different forms, also. For me, as
an answer for just a hint of a sincere prayer amongst
Offering from Krishna Kund Devi Dasi my sufferings, you’ve come to me, Gurudev, through
your books; and through your son and disciple
whom you allowed me to marry. Thank you.
If not for your disciples and followers I probably
would not have heard you even though you tried to
Hare Krishna, dear Gurudev, please accept my
speak to me, Gurudev. If not for your son, my guru-
insignificant obeisances. All glories to your all-
pati, even today, I likely would not have the facility
encompassing mercy.
and ability to hear from a disciple of Srila Bhaktisid-
Any contact with a saintly person is an invalu-
dhanta Maharaja; or a strange-looking elderly Baba
able blessing. Gurudev, the celebration of your
in Puri dressed in rags. Gurudev, on my own, I
transcendental appearance day is a real gift for me,
would miss my chance to hear wonderful hari-kathä
an opportunity to spend a little time contemplat-
from such Vaishnavas just as I missed out on your
ing more deeply on your unknowable, subtle and
all-auspicious association because I simply do not
sublime person. Time that - as superficial as my
quite have the taste, vision and purity of heart yet.
attempts at the practice of bhakti are – I would not
otherwise take; illusioned by passion and ignorance I want to thank you for giving me faith and hope
into thinking that there are more important things when I had none. Thank you for coming for me even
I need to run and do day after day, year after year. though I was unqualified for your direct association.
But what can be more important than deepening And Gurudev, thank you, for giving me a precious,
my relationship with the source of my maintenance? personal instruction to just do my service.
You are the source of my nourishment and very exis- vairägya-yug-bhakti-rasaà prayatnair
tence among those fortunate few who want to learn apäyayan mäm anabhépsum andhamkåp
to love Krishna; and leave this nasty place once and ämbudhir yaù para-duùkha-duùkhé
for all. Thank you for reminding me, Gurudev, that to sanätanas taà prabhum äçrayämi
receive the treasure you are offering it is not enough to
(Viläpa-kusumäïjali 6)
just hang around in Bhubaneswar. I have to dive deep
into the ratna-garbha of your instructions, collect them As Raghunath Das Goswami expressed his
and let them bear fruit in my heart. Intense hankering utter dependence on Srila Sanatan Goswami; I
is the price. As you often said, “those who cried, they was also unwilling to drink the nectar of devo-
got.” Dhruva Maharaja cried. Like that five-year-old tional service possessed of renunciation, but out
boy, I also want to be determined. I also want to offer of your causeless mercy, you made me drink it,
you glorification, Gurudev, as Dhruva Maharaja glori- even though I was otherwise unable to do so.
fied Lord Narayan – but I need the conchshell of your You are an ocean of mercy. You are very com-
mercy. Otherwise, how can I say anything? passionate to f allen souls like me, and thus it is
Sri Vyasa-puja 2010 13
my only hope to offer my respectful obeisances Offering from Madhavananda Das
and take shelter of your lotus feet, Gurudev. It
is my only hope to perform the service you gave
me at Gopal Jiu Publications; it is my connection
with you. Thank you for your causeless mercy;
for the reciprocations to my doubts and ques- The Mission of Devotion
tions; for being active in my life.
Gurudev, I am ashamed to see that this “offer- Srila Gurudeva was not a worshipper of the
ing” to you contains so much “I, me and mine”. masses. He was never concerned to obtain the votes
Unfortunately, because I am lazy and misfortu- or approval of mundane people. He did not measure
nate, this is the only way I am able to see you right the success of his service in terms of numbers of
now; through what you gave to me. followers or money accumulated. The gathering of
Sometimes I have a strong desire to see you; but large groups of people is not the mission of devotion.
whether or not you’ll allow that, I have an even deeper What is the mission? It may appear that a building
NEED, dear Gurudev. As presumptuous as this request constructed out of bricks, sand, cement and steel,
is, I am hoping that today when so many devotees who complete with doors and windows, decorated with
are dear to you pray to you; it may be easier for my little pleasing colors and ornaments, equipped with beds,
voice, also, to reach you: Gurudev, I need to KNOW you. chairs, tables and other furniture, and possessing
I need to know you in my heart. I need to recognize your many books and journals is a mission. But actually
moods, your wishes; I need to know you, Gurudev, so it is not so. That place where pure devotees dwell
that I am able to understand how to act, speak and think and are engaged in guru-seva, näma-bhajan, and
in a way pleasing to you minute by minute. hari-kathä under the guidance of Sri Guru is the
You accepted me, Gurudev. THANK YOU. Now, mission. Our Revered Master had no connection with
please MAKE me into your servant who is able to un- what the ignorant conceive of as the mission. The
derstand and please his eternal master.
real mission is beyond construction and destruction.
The Bhägavatam describes gurv-ätma-daivataù
A backward student in your crying school, — the guru is the most worshipable deity for the
aspiring däsé-anudäsé, sincere disciple and guru-devatätmä — the guru is
the very life of the disciple. Therefore an unalloyed
Krishna Kund Devi Dasi
attitude of service to one’s guru and the predeces-
sor äcäryas is the soul of the mission. One who has
Offering from Krishna Rati Dasi
received the guru’s mercy will automatically find
good association. Such a disciple will always be
situated within the genuine mission of guru and not
the exterior facade.
Undergoing intense personal tribulations with
Dear Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja, no concern for his own happiness or distress our
Please accept my humble obeisances Divine Master spent gallons of spiritual blood for the
All glories to Srila Prabhupada! benefit of the suffering souls in this world. Following
All glories to your beautiful lotus feet! the order of his guru he tirelessly traveled around
Please forgive my wretched ignorance and have the world dissipating the darkness of ignorance
mercy on me. Please help me know the truth. Please by delivering the sun-rays of çuddha hari-kathä
let me live in the shade of your cooling and beautiful to anyone who had the great fortune to be able to
feet. Please forgive me. Please let me near. Please listen. Although possessing great transcendental
forgive my fears, please forgive my pride, and please scholarship and charisma he did not speak for the
forgive my utter lack of service. I need you so much. entertainment of the masses. He never compromised
Yours, siddhänta out of fear of displeasing the audience.
Krishna Rati Dasi His bold obdurate adherence to the truth made him
14 Sri Vyasa-puja 2010
a source of fear and the object of criticism of the Offering from Mahashakti Dasi
lightweight, sycophantic, pretenders. Ignoring the
barking of the village dogs he tolerated great injus-
tice and persecution and acted only for the pleasure
of his beloved guru. His selfless devotion can only
be compared to that of the cowherd damsels of Vraja nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale
about whom it is described: çrémate goura-govinda-svämin iti nämine

ätma-sukha-duùkhe gopéra nähika vicära Srila Gurudeva, your infinite compassion and
kåñëa-sukha-hetu ceñöä mano-vyavahära causeless mercy rains on everyone equally, just as
kåñëa lägi’ ära saba kare parityäga the sun’s rays fall equally everywhere on the earth
kåñëa-sukha-hetu kare çuddha anuräga without discrimination. You are the embodiment
The gopés do not care for their own pleasures or pains. of purity and goodness and came to us as our dear
All their physical and mental activities are directed Srila Gurudeva, more beautiful and attractive than
toward offering enjoyment to Lord Krishna. They re- anything mäyä can present; brighter than many
nounced everything for Krishna. They have pure at-
moons and cooler than Nityananda Prabhu’s lotus
tachment to giving Krishna pleasure. - Cc. ädi 4.174-175
feet; Gurudeva your hari-kathä rattled our compla-
Similarly our Divine Master was never concerned cency, causing our spiritually deaf ears to crackle
for his own pleasure, or pain, fame, or infamy, he was to life as we struggled to tune in to its higher fre-
simply interested in bringing pleasure to his beloved quency, and our blind eyes strained to see through
Gurudeva Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. mäyä’s haze. “This is not your home.” “This is not
It will never be possible to understand the char- your place.” “This is a nasty, dangerous place.” “This
acter or activities of our Guru Maharaja by mundane place is temporary and full of misery.” “You are just
intellect, talent or power of thinking. Regardless of staying one night in an inn.” “Don’t get so comfort-
how much lip service they may offer; our Beloved able here.” Sometimes the haze lifted. On occasions
Master as well as all other divine personalities are you’d say, “Some call me a fanatic. Yes, I am a fa-
eternally a transcendental paradox to those who are natic.” But you didn’t care for the mundane words
averse to the divinity. of the devotionally dry doubters. You had not put
On the supremely auspicious occasion of the appear- down roots here. You knew well that mäyä could
ance day of our Divine Master I pray that I may become the never stand before Krishna. You were unbound, a
eternal servant of my Gurudeva. Guru means heavy. May I free spirit dancing softly on the earth to the sound
never serve any weightless thing. Even if the whole world of Krishna’s sweet flute in Goloka Vrindavan. Yet
is against me, may I never budge an inch from the service sometimes you’d reveal your lack of independence,
and instructions given by my Divine Master. May I never fall as a sweetly surrendered soul: “I am waiting for
prey to the hellish mentality that somehow my Gurudeva’s the instruction of Mahaprabhu.” You gave us fair
instructions were insufficient and therefore I need to reject warning when considering whether to stay or go!
or amend them. O pure vaiñëavas, I am a great pretender, You prayed and waited. Gopal and Mahaprabhu
only posing as a disciple and servant of guru. In truth I am heard you of course. To us, who are earthbound
a wretched, fallen creature only deserving hatred. Kindly conditioned souls, ignorant of the 4th dimension
bless me so that I may be able to feel the separation from of spiritual life, hearing this was something behond
the lotus feet of my Divine Master with all of my heart every extraordinary. Sometimes, to reinforce the magni-
minute, every second and every fraction of a second. As the tude of our lowly status you would say, “Where is
sincere servant of the servant of the servant of our Eternal Krishna and where are we?” And so it is with you,
Master may I serve His Divine Grace by realizing, following, my Gurudeva, and lowly followers like me. (I cannot
obeying and never deviating from his order to do näma- bring myself to say disciple.) A disciple has guru-
bhajana and preach. niñöhä, kåñëa-niñöhä, or bhakti-niñöhä. I wonder
A petty servant of Srila Gurudeva. how many more lives it will take before I will be
Madhavananda Das able to look towards Krishna and never again turn
Sri Vyasa-puja 2010 15
towards mäyä again in eagerness? “Freedom is pos- All glories to You, Srila Gurudeva.
sible only by understanding Krishna” - (Çvetäçvatara Please accept my obeisances at Your divine lotus feet
Upaniñad 3.8). Even Lord Shiva says that liberation which are my only shelter.
can be achieved only by the mercy of Vishnu. Lord Gurudev, by Your mercy the impossible can be made
Shiva states, mukti-pradätä sarveñäà viñëur eva possible - you changed such a fallen soul as me; you
na saàçayaù: “There is no doubt that Vishnu is the took me out from the deep dark well of material exis-
deliverer of liberation for everyone.” The key is tence. I was suffering like a street dog and you saved
with Gurudeva. He has everything because he has my life just at the last moment and brought me into the
Krishna, therefore he is totally selfless, he wants association of a vaiñëavas.
nothing from anyone; he has everything to give, Gurudev, from my childhood I had been praying to
overflowing in the fullness of love. He is trustwor- the Lord, asking Him to give me His association and
thy because he is totally secure in his identity and the association of His dear devotees. I was inquiring,
relationship with Krishna; he is egoless because he “Who am I?” “What is the purpose of my life?” By Your
knows the truth; he is broad and therefore can unite mercy, Srila Gurudeva, all my questions have been an-
the whole world in him; he loves us unconditionally swered, all my doubts completely destroyed. You have
because we also belong to Krishna so he will go to given me this divine knowledge and opened my eyes.
any lengths to serve and help us be united in him, Gurudev, You have such strong faith in Çrémad
simply for the love of Krishna. Purity is the inher- Bhägavatam. You opened a crying school in Bhu-
ent quality of the soul. Having inhaled the rarified baneswar. You want all of us to learn how to cry for
air of his purity and heard the potent love of truth Krishna and have strong faith in Çrémad Bhägavatam.
emerging out of that purity, the seed of bhakti was Please Gurudev be merciful upon me. Let me be-
sown in my heart. When or how it will fructify rests come a real devotee in this life. I don’t want to take
in developing a burning desire for it; my part is a birth again and again, just spending my life uselessly.
long way off complete. Please Gurudev, let me always stay in the association
There’s no rhyme or reason to this offering, only of real vaiñëavas as the humble servant of one and all.
a prayer to ask Gurudeva to bring me home, and for Aspiring to become a vaiñëava,
that I need support to walk along the path of bhakti Bhaktine Malati
with resolve, with growing attachment to the holy
name. I therefore pray for your merciful glance to Offering from Manisi Rani Devi Dasi
ignite näma-niñöhä and guru-niñöhä in my desert-
like heart.
Your fallen servant,
Mahashakti Dasi
oà ajïäna-timirändhasya jïänäïjana çaläkayä
Offering from Bhaktine Malati cakñur unmélitaà yena tasmai çré gurave namaù

Dear Gurudev, please accept my most humble

obeisances at your lotus feet.
As small children jump and raise their arms trying
to catch the moon, or like the plover who tried to
oà ajïäna-timirändhasya jïänäïjana çaläkayä empty the vast ocean with her tiny beak, we pretend
cakñur unmélitaà yena tasmai çré gurave namaù
to çuddha-näma, to prema-bhakti. We pretent to
nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale render some service to Sri Sri Radha Krishna and to
çrémate goura-govinda-svämin iti nämine understand Their love, then we want to enjoy that
nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale rasa. But who are we but fallen souls? What can we
çrémate bhaktivedänta-svämin iti nämine ever achieve in any field by our own efforts?
namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine As we aspire to unattainable goals we forget that
nirvisesa-sunyavadi-pascatya-desa-tarine you alone, Gurudev, can grant us the vision and
16 Sri Vyasa-puja 2010
success in spiritual life. The only thing we should to go directly to the spiritual world, with him.
ever desire and cry for is love for your lotus feet. Really, practically he explained all the big and
Guru-bhakti is without doubt the most precious small things in spiritual life. When I listen to
jewel we can ever cherish. his class I get some understanding of my posi-
On this most auspicious day of your appearance tion in this world and what a long way I have
Gurudev I beg you, please bless me that I may one to go until I can understand even a fraction of
day be able to serve you with love, and to please this path. Very nicely he explained the role of
you. Bless me that my heart will become a suitable women in this society. I really love to listen to
place for you to reside and that your merciful glance his hari-katha, and I hope that one day, by his
will fall on me. blessings I can follow this nectarean path. He is
Allow me Gurudev to make proper use of the so merciful in sending me one of his disciples to
great and causeless fortune I received to have you. learn from by direct example how to become a
What is the use of a life without your presence? member of his sweet family. Please help me to
Please help me to fully realize that you are all I have. become a humble servant.
Your insignificant daughter,  gurudeva!
Manisi Rani Devi Dasi kåpä-bindu diyä, koro’ ei däse,
tåëäpekhä ati héna
sakala-sahane, bolo diyä koro
Offering from Nandini Dasi nija mäne spåhä-héna

akale sammän, korite çakati,

deho’ nätha! jathäjatha
tabe to’ gäibo, harinäma-sukhe,
aparädha ha ‘be hata
oà ajïäna-timirändhasya jïänäïjana çaläkayä
kabe heno kåpä, lobhiyä e jana,
cakñur unmélitaà yena tasmai çré gurave namaù
kåtärtha hoibe, nätha!
nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale çakti-buddhi-héna, ämi ati déna,
çrémate goura-govinda-svämin iti nämine koro’ more ätma-sätha
nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale jogyatä-vicäre, kichu nähi päi,
çrémate bhaktivedänta-svämin iti nämine tomära karuëä sära
namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine karuëä nä hoile, käëòiyä käëòiyä,
nirvisesa-sunyavadi-pascatya-desa-tarine präëa nä räkhibo ära
(Srila Bhaktivinoode Thakur)
våndäyai tulasé-devyai priyäyai keçavasya ca
kåñëa-bhakti-prade devi satyavatyai namo namaù Srila Gour Govinda Swamiji ki jay! Srila Prabhu-
väïchä-kalpatarubhyaç ca kåpä-sindhubhya eva ca pada ki jay! Sri
patitänäà pävenebhyo vaiñëavebhyo namo namaù Sri Gour Nitai ki jay!
Your servant of the servant,
bhaktyä vihénä aparädha-lakñaiù
Nandini Devi Dasi
kñiptäç ca kämädi-taraìga-madhye
kåpämayi tväm çaraëaà prapannä
vånde namas te caraëäravindam Offering from Nruhari Das
Please accept my offering of humble obeisances,
thousands and thousands of times, unto Your Divine
Grace Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja, on this very
auspicious day.
oà ajïäna-timirändhasya jïänäïjana çaläkayä
Even though I have never met him personally,
cakñur unmélitaà yena tasmai çré gurave namaù
in bodily form, I feel every time I hear his bhajans
and lectures he is still very much present. I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual mas-
He came to help us to become human beings, ter, who has opened my eyes, which were blinded by the
and to teach us to lead a spiritual life, and then darkness of ignorance, with the torchlight of knowledge.
Sri Vyasa-puja 2010 17
mükaà karoti väcälaà paìguà laìghayate girim drowning in this ocean-like material existence since
yat-kåpä tam ahaà vande çré-guruà déna-täraëam time immemorial, being constantly battered by its
I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual dreadful waves in the forms of lust, greed, anger,
master, the deliverer of all fallen souls, whose mercy envy, pride and illusion; with no hope of rescue
turns the dumb into eloquent speakers and enables from anywhere or anyone.
the lame to cross mountains. Dearest Srila Gurudeva! Your most auspicious
nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale and divine appearance in this dark world is like that
çrémate goura-govinda-svämin iti nämine of an expert navigator with a strong boat coming to
a helpless drowning man in the middle of the ocean;
I offer my humble obeisances unto Sri Srimad
like Lord Krishna came to the helpless Draupadi; like
Gour Govinda Swami, who is very dear to Lord
that of sweet cool water administered to a person
Krishna, having taken shelter at His lotus feet.
dying of thirst in the middle of the desert; like that
väïchä-kalpatarubhyaç ca kåpä-sindhubhya eva ca of the and her breast fed helpless baby; like that of
patitänäà pävenebhyo vaiñëavebhyo namo namaù
an expert doctor administers to a dying patient, and
I offer my respectful obeisances unto all the vai- like that of effulgent light appears to one groping
ñëava devotees of the Lord. They are just like desire in the darkness, and perilously close to falling into
trees that can fulfil the desires of everyone, and they a deep ditch. After conscious deliberation I realize
are full of compassion for the conditioned souls. you are the only hope for delivering me from this
My dearest Guru Maharaja, falling flat in the sa- pathetic condition. Once, dearest Guru Maharaja,
cred dust of your lotus feet, I offer my most humble you gave me hope by assuring me that you had taken
and unlimited obeisances unto your Divine Grace, a resolution to deliver me. But I’m such an ungrate-
on this most auspicious occasion of your appearance ful wretch I have no seriousness or determination
in this mortal world. to follow your instruction strictly, as it is. I instead
My most revered and merciful Guru Maharaja, I rely upon my wicked mind and act according to the
am here, in Sridham Mayapur, in this most exalted prompting of my wicked mind at every opportunity.
assembly of vaiñëava, on this most auspicious day Therefore, Gurudeva, guru-karëadhära, please al-
of your appearance, just to admit my inability to ways catch hold of my ear and slap me. There is no
glorify your Divine Grace. other way for me to give up dusaìga and to shun
I am feeling so despondent that I have no quali- the prompting of my wicked mind.
fication to properly glorify your Divine Grace here Dearest Gurudeva, you have accepted me as
in Sridham Mayapur, where I first met you and last your dog. A dog is still a dog; for a dog has constant
saw you entering samädhi. habits and a tendency to go off the path and sniff
You are a Vaikuntha man, most intimate associate unwanted things. But the master always restrains
of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna, the dog and pulls it back towards him. Similarly
and I am a worm in the stool; how can I conceive Srila Gurudeva, I’m your dog; please don’t give up
of your transcendental glories and describe them? I upon me. Give me more chances. Go on slapping
instead chose to make an offering of humble prayers me, inflicting severe discipline on me and pulling me
at your lotus feet. back towards your lotus feet. Why should I survive?
Dearest Gurudeva, you know it very well how For what purpose should my life be maintained if I
wretched and degraded I am. I am indeed the great- cannot please your Divine Grace? How can my ig-
est rascal, number 1 idiot and fool. My most stupid norance be dispelled? I’m completely forgetful of my
and uncontrolled mind never obeys me, never listens perfect, eternal, loving relationship with Supreme
to me at all. I am a total failure in trying to exercise Lord, nandänandana-kåñëa, kiçora-kåñëa, the son
control over my wicked mind. I’m put to shame and of Nanda Maharaja, who is the only object of love for
defeated every time. In this way I’m exactly like a everyone. Without loving Him life is meaningless.
helpless drowning man in the middle of a vast ocean. Yet, He is inconceivably magnanimous, munificent
In a similar way, I’ve been helplessly drowning, and merciful, especially when He appears as prema-
18 Sri Vyasa-puja 2010
puruñottama, Sachinandana Gaura Hari. He is even Offering from Purandar Acharya Das
more merciful as çré-guru, sädhu-vaiñëava.
yadyapi ämära guru caitanyera däsa
tathäpi jäniye ämi täìhära prakäça

“Although I know that my spiritual master is the

servitor of Sri Caitanya, I know Him also as a plenary nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale
manifestation of the Lord.” (Cc. ädi 1.44) çrémate goura-govinda-svämin iti nämine
Just out of boundless compassion for all the living enti-
nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale
ties, jévas, especially of this Kali-yuga, He has appeared in çrémate bhaktivedänta-svämin iti nämine
this material world along with His abode, associates and
namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine
paraphernalia, to distribute freely and indiscriminately the
rarest treasure of Goloka Vrindavan; golokera prema-dhana,
hari-näma-saìkértana. Thus, through näma-saìkértana väïchä-kalpatarubhyaç ca kåpä-sindhubhya eva ca
patitänäà pävenebhyo vaiñëavebhyo namo namaù
He is offering prema-bhakti even to the lowest of men,
caëòälas, and making everyone surrender truly, fully and I offer thousands and thousands of praëaàs unto
unconditionally unto the Lord of the gopés. my guru-päda-padma. He is my everything. Vaiñëava-
Dearest Gurudeva, placing straw between my äcärya Sanatan Das wrote, guru mätä guru pitä guru
teeth and clasping your lotus feet with my hands, I hana pati, guru vinä e-saàsäre nähi ära gati - “Gu-
earnestly beg for this only, nothing else. rudev is my father, Gurudev is my mother, Gurudev is
käìdiyä käìdiyä bole ämi to’ adhama my master. Without him we have no other way to cross
çikhäye çaraëägati koro he uttama over this Mayik world.
Today is a very, very auspicious day, Gurudev’s
I’m certainly the lowest of men! Oh Lord and Master
81 appearance day so we all offer our prayers unto
please make me the worthiest by teaching me the ways
him. This is our sevä as his sons and daughters. Vai-
of çaraëägati. My sole longing is to glorify your transcen-
ñëavera guëa gäna, korile jévera träëa, if we glorify
dental qualities birth after birth in the association of loving
guru-vaiñëava then we will be delivered from this
devotees. Please Srila Gurudeva, allow me always, life
material world. Today is the day to glorify our guru-
after life to hear and sing the transcendental glories of the
päda-padma. But I don’t know where to start.
Supreme Personality of Godhead and His pure devotees,
I joined Bhubaneswar temple in 1992 and Gurudev
in the association of pure vaiñëava-sädhus.
left this world in 1996. That means only 4 years I stayed
Lastly, dearest Srila Gurudeva, I beg you, with all
with him. During those 4 years I saw Gurudev perfom
humility on this most magnanimous day to forgive
many sweet pastimes, and for me to write about them
all my nonsense and offenses I have repeatedly
will fill many pages. But by Gurudev’s mercy I will try
committed at your lotus feet. Please shower your
to glorify a few of them. In my experience I saw him
causeless mercy upon this ignorant fool and enable
perform the sweetest pastimes on Padayatra. We used
me to chant pure näma. In this way your name as
to do Padayatra during winter. One year we arranged
patita-pävana will be sung in glorification bearing
that Padayatra go for two and a half months. That year
its true meaning, throughout the three worlds.
the winter was very cold, still Gurudev stayed with us
the whole time. Every day we walked more then 20
Jay Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja
kms but we never felt the tiredness because Gurudev
vaiñëava çiromaëi ki jay!
empowered us. We would just wait for the evening
Patita-pävana Srila Gurudeva ki jay!
program when we would see Gurudev’s lotus face and
Çré-vyäsapüjä mahotsava ki jay!
hear hari-kathä from his lotus mouth; that gave us a
samavetä-bhakta-våndä ki jaya!
lot of strength for the long walk the next day.
Gaura premänande! Hari Haribol!
Gurudev is gaura-nija-jana (the personal family mem-
Your most fallen son ber of Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu), so he came to this
Nruhari Das world to preach Gauranga Mahaprabhu’s mission. He
Sri Vyasa-puja 2010 19
always glorified Sachinandan Gaurhari. He showed us in the Golok Vrindavan pastime. That is my whole life’s
how we should preach Sriman Gauranga Mahaprabhu’s meditation in my bhajan. I just pray to my Gurudev on
väëé. I saw often when he was with us how he would this auspicious day, please, please Gurudev, take me
stay in the village guest house, often without electricity, where you are now. I don’t want to go any place if you
and without running water sometimes, still Gurudev are not there. Jay patita-pävana äcärya çiromaëi çré
very happily stayed with us. One time we were staying çréman çréla goura govinda gosvämé gurudeva ki jay!
in a village in the forest where it was very difficult even Your very fallen servant,
for our bullock-cart to move. Anyhow we went there, Purandar Acharya Das
and Adwaita Acharya prabhu called Gurudev to tell
him, “Please don’t come to the evening program tonight Offering From Puskaraksa Das
because the road is very bad, especially from your guest
house to this village, the drive will be very difficult. It is
a small village without electricity so we don’t think any
people will come to hear hari-kathä tonight.” But I saw,
by evening Gurudev had arrived. He chastised Adwaita
Dear Guru Maharaja
prabhu, “I don’t care about the bad road or if no people
will come to hear my hari-kathä, this is my duty. I will Please, accept my humble obeisances at your
give hari-kathä.” Then he spoke sooooo beautifully lotus feet.
kåñëa-kathä; all the village people came carrying lamps. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
This was his mercy to the world. All glories to you, our beloved Guru Maharaja,
One day a very big thing happened on our Padayatra. embodiment of çré-guru.
I’m sorry I don’t remember the name of the village, but All glories to Sri-Sri Nitai-Gaurasundar.
it was when Gurudev moved to another guest house. It is indeed my great good fortune to have been
Ananta prabhu was driving, it was during the daytime, blessed with your loving association in this lifetime,
and for some reason they parked on the side of the which also means the association of a ñaò-guru, a pure
road and sat inside the car. Gurudev said to Ananta sädhu-vaiñëava.
prabhu, “Hey, look, one truck is coming on the wrong When in 1985, in front of the Louvre, while I was
side. I think something is wrong with that driver.” But showing you around Paris as you had wished, the
Ananta prabhu said, “But Gurudev we are parked on places where Srila Prabhupada had personally come, I
the side of the road so it all right, don’t worry.” Imme- inquired about the reason as to why I was so privileged
diately that truck hit the car and kept going. But Ananta to have your holy association, you kindly answered that
prabhu just felt a little movement, nothing else. Then this was due to my past lives. In that way you confirmed
Gurudev said, “Mahaprabhu protected us because we my intuition of an on-going spiritual process which
are preaching his holy name. Go and look outside and was certainly crowned by this great good fortune of
see what happened.” When Ananta prabhu tried to get meeting you, or as it may be, of meeting you again?
out the door wouldn’t open. Somehow he managed to When a few months later in Bhubaneswar, after you
get out but he was surprised, one side of the car just had magnanimously accepted me as a disciple, on
came away and fell 100 feet away and he looked for it Ramnavami 1986, in Orissa, while I was expressing
down the hill but it was not there, it was far away from the sorrow of Yamuna Devi Dasi and I having to go
the car. He was surprised at how this big accident was back to France and leave your divine association, you
possible and he just felt a little movement inside the solemnly told me, “This is an eternal loving relationship
car. It was all Gurudev’s power. Ahhh, when I think It is not dependent on time and space Think about this
of these pastimes I want to write more and more but very deeply, Puskaraksa!”
I have to stay within my limit of writing. Of course, these very words have sustained me
This last pastime I want to write about is not about throughout the years and enabled me to survive the
his appearance day. It is the day he left, when he told us pangs of separation. They have become my very life
to chant, then when we were chanting he called his Lord, and soul and I live only with the aspiration for our
“Radha Gopal, Radha Gopal” two times, then entered eternal association.
20 Sri Vyasa-puja 2010
A few years later, in the Barcelona temple in When she left, with the names of Radha and Krishna
Spain, while I was so privileged again to have your on her lips, you said she had gone straight back to the
intimate association, I again ventured into raising spiritual world, and you rejoiced that your guruship
the topic of our meeting in my next birth (janme had become successful as one of your disciples had
janme prabhu sei), which you confirmed both to gone back to Godhead.
my (half) surprise and to my great joy. So, when I came to India afterwards, for the purpose
Definitely, you are patita-pävana and you are ready of dispersing the ashes of her body in 3 holy places
to come back to deliver your disciples from saàsära (Puri, Mayapur and Vrindavan), as you had instructed
and it is our great good fortune to envision having your me, you told me a couple times in Bhubaneswar at that
darshan again in our next birth. time, “she will take you back!”, which both struck me
As a matter of fact, you have already magnani- and puzzled me at the same time. I knew Yamuna was
mously made arrangements to come back, as you both very merciful and might have felt grateful for my
did in the first place, when you voluntarily came sevä to her as well as for my having been instrumen-
down from the spiritual world to this material tal in introducing her to you, by the arrangement of
world in the service of your eternal master Srila Krishna, but yet, to envision her taking me back was
Prabhupada and most intimate associate in the still beyond my imagination.
spiritual world, where you are both eternally en- So, time went by, and later on as I had been so
gaged in your maìjäri nitya-sevä and lélä. fortunate as to have been engaged in cooking for
In New Mayapur, France, you challenged me when you, while you were touring Europe one summer,
I voiced doubts at the possibility of my becoming a after you had found the cooking of some local Ital-
nitya-siddha in this lifetime. “This is what you think, ian devotee unsuitable for you and had mercifully
according to your own material calculations!” To sanctioned, “I like Puskaraksa’s cooking” after my
Guru and Krishna, everything is possible. mükaà having taken over the sevä without being quite sure
karoti väcälaà paìguà laìghayate girimyat-kåpä I could fill up the position with success, I was on my
tam ahaà vande çré-guruà déna-täraëam - even a knees by you in your room in a temple in Germany.
lame man can climb mountains and a dumb man can Then, you looked at me and told me “You will take
utter poetry, then hopefully a conditioned soul, at- birth in India in your next birth and that will be
tached to sense gratification’ may become free from your last birth! Yamuna will come down from the
saàsära provided one doesn’t leave the shelter of spiritual world to assist you You will have a very
his beloved savior! simple relationship with her. This is why I told you
Guru is great. His mission is to liberate patitas like she will take you back!”
this fallen servant of yours, and his potency is such that While I was stunned I marveled at the revelation,
he can turn bell metal into gold! still I foolishly dared ask where I would take birth in
Yamuna Devi Dasi passed away on papa-mocani India (to find out whether it would be in Orissa or
ekädaçi in 1992, after having had the darçana elsewhere), but you dismissed me, stating that that was
of Krishna and Srila Prabhupada throughout her all I needed to know for the time being!
year and a half long disease, after having had the Of course, this is a very confidential statement which
vision of the spiritual world. “See, she had a vi- I have not revealed to hardly anybody so far, keeping
sion of where she was going,” you commented. it secret, so as not to get some unnecessary fame and
And you described, “After having displayed all therefore feed the vanity and the anarthas of the still
the symptoms of pure devotion, the chanting of conditioned soul that I am, as well as not to venture
the mahä-mantra filled her mind 24 hours a day, to take the risk of prompting some superfluous envy.
even while sleeping. You see, this is samädhi.” So, if this year I feel prompted from within and
A couple days before she passed away she wished not stopped from revealing some of the confidential
to know what was her relationship with Krishna in exchanges between çré-guru and a fallen jéva, an in-
the spiritual world. You answered me, “She is a gopé- significant disciple like this menial servant of yours, it
maìjäri, maid servant of Srimati Radharani.” is for two main reasons:
Sri Vyasa-puja 2010 21
• The first one is to give hope and faith to everyone being engaged in some other kind of movement,
in the capability of our Guru Maharaja of liberating outwardly advertising itself as “pure bhakti-yoga”
every sincere servant of his, be he or she very fallen, and challenging to compete with Srila Prabhu-
as you will not find a more fallen soul than me. pada’s movement, while having diverted some of
• The second reason, underlying the first one, is that Srila Prabhupada’s children and grand children
my heart is crying when I know of so many of our god- from the house of their father and grand father,
brothers and god-sisters who have left the shelter of the meant to host the whole world but them, accord-
lotus feet of our Gurudeva to embrace the promises of ing to their present foolish estimation.
whoever may advertise “pure bhakti”! In this respect, we may just reflect upon our Guru
In that respect, I remember our Gurudeva in 1985 Maharaja’s fidelity to ISKCON, till his last breath in
telling Yamuna and I, as we were having his darçana ISKCON Candrodaya Mandir in Mayapura, despite all
in the temple building still under construction at the odds and troubles and the adverse attitude of some
time, he being a sannyäsé vaiñëava, holding his bead conditioned souls within our movement, partly due
bag in his hands: to the lack of discretion of some externally over-
“I came because I heard Krishna is dina-bandhu, the enthusiastic disciples.
friend of the fallen. So, naturally, I came. But now I hear However, we know our Guru Maharaja had some friend-
that He is bhakta-vatsala, that He enjoys the company ship with some sädhus and advanced vaiñëavas which is
of His devotees, so I am aggrieved. I cry because I am quite natural, but still he maintained strict fidelity and adher-
not a devotee. I have no devotion.” ence to ISKCON Founder Acharya Srila Prabhupada and
This vibrant humility genuinely expressed by our to his movement, which is meant to last and liberate many
Guru Maharaja gave us a glimpse into the mood of generations during thousands of years to come.
the uttama-adhikäré, exemplifying the famous verse, Of course, there would be much more to say, but
tåëäd api sunécena taror api sahiñëunä. not everything is to be said and revealed, neither
To t h e c o n t r a r y , o f f e n s i v e s t a t e m e n t s r e- has everything been said and revealed yet. I as-
peatedly uttered and recorded, attempting to sume here is enough food for thought and reflection
minimize the position of Srila Prabhupada, of upon the greatness and incommensurable power
our beloved Guru Maharaja and of the ISKCON of tri-kälajìa, Srila Gurudeva. Kindly stick to him,
movement founded by Srila Prabhupada, mixed hold on tightly to his lotus feet, invite him to be the
with self promotion, not only are tinged with Lord of your heart, and you will witness miracles
pratiñöhä which can never exist in the presence and how he will guide you in every minute detail
of pure devotion, but also represent a threat to of your everyday life, so as to drag you out of this
the welfare and future salvation of Gurudeva’s saàsära, coaxing you to accept, to reach out beyond
children and Srila Prabhupada’s children and your own conditioned nature, and gradually become
grand children, which I am worried about and eligible some day to perform the sevä he, along with
which prompts me to reveal some of Srila Gu- Srila Prabhupada and their whole hierarchy in the
rudeva’s mercy towards such a fallen soul, which spiritual world have envisioned for you to perform
should give them all the hope that if I got some in the service of the lotus feet of the divine couple,
mercy, then, it is the proof and evidence that be here on Martyaloka and in Goloka Vrindavana.
everyone can get it.
This is also why we should stick to çré-guru’s All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Gour Govinda Swami
instruction, and in this matter to Srila Prabhupada’s All glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta
instruction in regards to not associating with his Srila Prabhupada
god-brothers and thereby with his god-brothers All glories to our sacred paramparä.
disciples, as we could only be diverted from the All glories to your sevä unto their lotus feet
shelter of Srila Prabhupada’s lotus feet.
As a matter of fact, those who have disregarded Your menial servant in the service of çré-guru,
the shelter of our previous äcäryas, end up now Puskaraksa Das
22 Sri Vyasa-puja 2010
Offering from Sachinandan Dasa Sri Jayadev-Bhaktivedanta Vedic University Project,
Your Divine Grace had asked this unworthy so-called
servant to put an end to the university project as per
the conveyed wish of Your beloved Lord Gopal, say-
ing, “Sachinandan, what you are trying to do with
jaya oà nilacala niväsäya nityäya paramätmane noble desire and simplicity of heart, would eventually
balabhadra subhadräbhyäm jagannäthäyäte namaù
become a center for power struggle, and the creeper
oà ajïäna-timirändhasya jïänäïjana çaläkayä of devotion, which is the true and ultimate goal of this
cakñur unmélitaà yena tasmai çré gurave namaù rarely achieved human birth, would be lost. . . “ And,
nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale you predicted, “. . . don’t be disheartened Sachinandan,
çrémate goura-govinda-svämin iti nämine an inconceivable and supremely merciful lélä-bhümi of
O my dearest among the dear, prime worshipable Sriman Chaitanya Mahaprabhu will come your way for
Srila Gour Govind Swami nitya ñaò-gurudeva, kindly you to render service.” Srila Gurudev, this prediction,
receive my heartfelt, most humbly prostrated daëòa- which in fact was manifested by the means of Sadhu
vat-praëäma, accepting me as a speck at the holy dust Srila Haridas Sen Babaji Maharaj, by way of reveal-
of Your Divine Lotus Feet. ing this unparallelled and immeasurable, supremely
hidden lélä-bhümi of prema-puruñottama Sriman
mükaà karoti väcälaà paìguà laìghayate girim Gauranga Mahaprabhu and Lord Nityananda Prabhu,
yat-kåpä tam ahaà vande çré-guruà déna-täraëam
to this otherwise eternal, yet worst-among-the-worst
When Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu asked Sri Ramananda servants of Your Divine Grace.
Raya, “Out of all glorious activities, which is the most Among others, the chief contributors to this great cause,
glorious?” Sri Ramananda Raya replied, “That person a few names of whom are worthy to be mentioned here,
who is reputed to be a devotee of the Supreme Lord is Your dear godbrother, Srila Sivaram Swami, (from
Krishna enjoys the utmost fame and glory.” Thus Your early 1998 to the end of the year 2000) and your other
Divine Grace, being a pure devotee of the Supreme Lord beloved son, and my heartiest and dear godbrother, Sri-
Krishna is eternally famous, and our attempt to glorify pad Jagadish Pandit Prabhu, (who despite his ill health)
Your Divine Grace during this auspicious occasion of is, in true sense, an integral part of this great dham-based
your sacred vyäsa-püjä is merely an offering like that of ashram project, has been struggling tirelessly, shoulder
offering a handful of Ganga water to Mother Ganga, or to shoulder, to the best of his ability. And similar is the
of offering a small ghee-lamp at midday to the sun god. contribution of some very innocent yet committed shel-
Over the stretch of time, from the first meeting with tered souls, who have taken shelter along the line of His
Your Divine Grace in the year 1975, this otherwise Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada and Your Divine Grace
very feeble, useless person, so-called eternal servant in our great paramparä.
of Yours, by the causeless mercy of Your Divine Grace, In the far back days of 1996, it was once conveyed
has been energized and empowered to initiate a few by Sadhu Srila Haridas Sen Babaji Maharaja (who had
services, such as spiritual congregation discourses here perhaps never met Your Divine Grace and neither this
and there, the grand successful execution of Sriman servant) that he was brought to this servant as per the
Mahaprabhu’s 500th appearance anniversary in the great wish of his beloved Deities, Sri Sri Radha Vinodbi-
year 1986, and the famous Hare Krishna Mahotsav, on hari at Mahanga, as well as per the sacred wish of both
the extremely auspicious occasion of the centennial His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada and especially Your
celebration of Srila Prabhupada, in the year 1996, and Divine Grace. This created emotion in us as it coincided
further in that context, the Sri Jagannath forestation exactly as per the above-referred-to earlier prediction
project, the renovation and beautification of Sri Sri of Your Divine Grace, and since then, despite endless
Alarnath Temple etc., as  part of our humble homage obstacles in our way, for the pleasure of the Supreme
to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. Thus when we Lord Krishna, His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada and
were over-enthusiastically and tirelessly engaged in Your Divine Grace, by all of your causeless mercy,
executing the well-conceived and overly-encouraged this degraded, most unworthy servant has struggled
Sri Vyasa-puja 2010 23
throughout, having spent gallons of sweat, tears, and enabling us to practice pure rädhänugäta kåñëa-prema-
blood to spread the glories of Your Divine Grace and bhakti in this rarely achieved human form of life, so as
His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupadji Maharaja for the to attain the supreme goal, kåñëa-prema.
revelation and glorification of this unique, eternal lélä-
bhümi of Their Supreme Lordships, Sriman Gauranga jaya oà viñëupäda paramahaàsa parivräjakäcärya
Mahaprabhu and Lord Sriman Nityananda Prabhu. añöottara-çata Sri Srimad Gour Govind Swami Srila
Once this servant over-emotionally wished to become Gurudev, ki jaya
a so-called medium in singing the song of the glories Srila Gurudev’s 81st auspicious appearance mahot-
of Sri Sri Guru and Krishna based upon this sacred sav, ki jaya
dham-based ashram project, and thus, in this way, quite Srila Gurudev’s 26th vyäsa-püjä mahotsava, ki jaya
a few dedicated souls have taken shelter in the line of Çré guru-päda-padma, ki jaya
paramparä of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada and Eternally sheltered, most unworthy so-called servant,     
Your Divine Grace. Kindly accept them as specks in Sachinandan Dasa
the holy dust of Your Divine Lotus Feet and shower
your causeless mercy upon them so as to enable them Offering from Sanjeev Das
to successfully overcome various material obstacles
caused by the strong force of mäyä. Kindly empower
them to push forward, taking ahead the holy mission
of Sriman Gauranga Mahaprabhu, and preach the
glories of this inconceivably supreme Dandabhanga oà ajñäna-timirändhasya jñänäñjana çaläkayä
lélä-bhümi, so that this center become a truly ideal cakñur unmilitaà yena tasmai çri gurave namaù
place to practice pure devotion, and inspire devotees nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale
from all over the world towards the supreme goal of çrimate goura-govinda-svämin iti nämine
this rarely obtainable human form of life (krñëa-prema-
Srila Gurudeva, you are an ocean of mercy coming
bhakti) for the pleasure of the Supreme Lord Krishna,
from the spiritual sky just to shower your causeless
Srila Prabhupada and Your Divine Grace.
mercy on all the unfortunate jivas of Kali-yuga, to
Most revered Srila Gurudev, after all the struggle in
give them the higher taste of kåñëa-prema. Although
life, this otherwise unqualified so-called servant is at
free from all the actions and reactions of this material
present feeling completely exhausted, and thus, taking
world of karma, you lead a life showing the last limit of
into consideration the varëäçrama-dharma founded
humility and tolerance and ñhowed how the jiva should
by the Vedic principle, under the present situation in
work and make endeavour to get kåñëa-prema. Being
the age of Kali and the serious and ever deteriorating
the äcärya you taught practically how to live that life.
health problem of this self, this servant is now seriously
Hearing of your nara-lilä itself, is sufficient to give
considering withdrawing from family life and active
sincere souls a chance to develop kåñëa-prema, what
management of the Dandabhanga Ashram, as well as
to speak of hearing hari-kathä from you. Foolish are
to devote time solely in concentration and practice of
those who think your business in this material world
personal bhajan, to completely get immersed at Your
finished. You are always present and give guidance to
Divine Lotus Feet and Their Supreme Divine Lordships
anyone who sincerely desires to get out of this mate-
Sri Sri Radha and Krishna. Srila Gurudev, kindly guide
rial world and take shelter at the lotus feet of guru and
this otherwise most unworthy servant in this regard.
Krishna. With the key of hari-kathä you opened all
O Srila Gurudev! being the eternal associate of the
the locks to the treasure house that Prabhupada and
Supreme Lord Krishna, and being eternally engaged
our Acharyas have given to us. As the sun melts butter,
in rendering transcendentally pleasing, loving services
that same sun also hardens clay. Similarly, the hearts of
unto Sri Sri Radha and Krishna, kindly shower upon us
atheists and demonicac persons melt when they come
Your causeless mercy from that supreme spiritual realm,
in contact with you, and the devotees become stronger
which alone can free us from näma-aparädha, dhäma-
in their dedication and service to Krishna.
aparädha, vaiñëava-aparädha and sevä-aparädha,
24 Sri Vyasa-puja 2010
I am such an unfortunate soul, Gurudeva, even after turned and pointed Your finger at me and said in
getting your causeless mercy I am not able to leave ma- a strong powerful voice, “You girl, dance!!!” At that
terial desires. You are always giving and forgiving, and point the whole temple full of devotees turned
I am always getting and forgetting. But I know what and looked at me, and I ran away screaming :)
Vedic literature says in summary, and that is, without To this day I remember it. I only have a few small
memories of You at that age, but I know that the
the causeless mercy of a pure vaiñëava one cannot
soul is eternal, and even though I was just a child,
even start spiritual life, what to speak of progress in
my soul heard and remembered everything You
spiritual life. Hence, on this most auspicious day, I said in those classes. It is only by Your causeless
beg you to give me strength that I will give my heart mercy that after fifteen years I am back home
and soul in serving you and your servants. Gurudeva, where it all started, in Your holy dhäma, Sri
you are in the hearts of thousands of devotees whose Krishna Balaram Mandir.
only desire is to serve you, and you are guiding them. You truly are an ocean of mercy. I can see how
Please give me the association of your servants so that everything in my life is changing for the good as I
I will be encouraged to dedicate my life to serving at become more surrendered. Now I am associating
your lotus feet. with You through Your disciples and dear
devotees. You are very much alive in Your books,
videos and audio classes, and most of all in the
Your aspiring servant,
hearts of your disciples, who are repeating exactly
Sanjeev Das
what they heard from Your lotus lips.
I cannot find the words to express my gratitude
Offering from Vrndavani Dasi to You and there is no way I can properly glorify
such a dear devotee of Lord Krishna. So Srila
Gurudeva, please forgive me for my offences.
Please keep me in the association of pure
Your aspiring servant,
oà ajñäna-timirändhasya jñänäñjana çaläkayä Vrndavani Dasi
cakñur unmilitaà yena tasmai çri gurave namaù
nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale
çrimate goura-govinda-svämin iti nämine
nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale
çrimate bhaktivedänta-svämin iti nämine
namas te särasvate deve gaura-väëi-pracäriëe

Dear Srila Gurudeva, please accept my humble

obeisances on this most auspicious day of Your
appearance on this planet. All glories to Sri Guru
and Gauranga! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Gurudeva, please allow me to pay my respects
to honor You, and to express the undying
gratitude residing in my heart for You.
When I was a small child, just 2-3 years of age,
I came with my parents to live in Bhubaneswar,
under Your instruction. My mother and father
would bring me to Your Çrimad Bhägavatam
classes. One day, at the end of class, I decided to
wander up to the front to sit with my father; just
at that moment, when You were about to give
your garland, You saw me, and I remember You

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