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q qBook 3, Unit 1

1. maturity n.成熟 mature a.成熟的 v.成熟 immaturity 不成熟的
2. adolescence n. 青春期,青春 adolescent n.青少年 a.
3. crisis 危机,危机时刻 pl. crises
4. endeavor 努力,竭力
5. perceive 意识到;将。 。理解为,认为
perception 理解力,洞察力 perceptive 理解力强的 perceptible 可察觉到的
6. genic 遗传学的,基因的 gene 基因 genetics 基因学
7. endowment 天资,天赋 endow v. 捐助
8. inherit v.经遗传获得的,继承 inheritance n. 遗产继承
inherit sth. from sb.
9. Unquestionably ad. Unquestionable a.
10. Heighten v. 提高,加强
11. distinct a.截然不同的,清晰的清楚的
distinction n. 差别,差异
12. functional function v.起作用 n.功能职能
13. excessive a.超额的,额外的 excess n.超过的量
14. inhibition n.拘谨约束,阻止 inhibit v.阻止
15. resentment n.愤恨,怨恨 resent v.愤恨 resentful a.愤恨的
16. project v.计划,展现、表现,预测,预计
17. interaction 交流,相互作用 interact v.交流 interactive a.相互影响的
18. internalize v. 使内在化 internal a.内部的
19. rebel v.反叛 n.叛乱者,造反者 rebel against sb./sth. 反叛 rebellion n.谋反;
叛乱 rebellious a.叛逆的,造反者
20. ethical 道德的 ethic n.伦理道德
21. affirm affirmation n.肯定断言 affirmative a.
22. contribute 捐助,是。 。的原因之一;促成 contribute to sth ,投稿
1. occur /strike to sb I t occurs to sb that 观念或想法被想到,出现在脑海中
2. dawn on sb. 使开始明白 sb realizes sth for the first time
3. go through sth 经历
4. freedom from sth. 不受。。的影响
5. in relation to 关于
6. be prejudiced against = be biased against 对。。有偏见的
7. in a .. light 以。。的眼光
8. for certain 肯定
9. be independent from of 独立于,不依赖于
10. stand back from sth 往后退;置身事外考虑 let yourself not be influenced by
things and you could see it clearly
11. relate to = get alone with
12. feel lower or higher = feel low/down
13. see sb/sth. from
1. P2,para1, have you ever realized that certain developmental changes will happen
in your life as you move from a youngster to a young adult?
2. P2,para2. Who we are is determined by three things: first, something our parents
give us; second, environment; third, luck.
3. P3,para4. College students need to left yourself not be influenced by things and
you could see clearly where their positions are in the independence/dependence
4. Perhaps young college students feel most distressed in finding out their sexual
identity, which includes getting alone with the opposite sex and imaging…
5. During the course I had realized that while my world was enlarged and new options
/chances were opening for me, my father, his world was getting smaller and his
choices fewer than before.
6. Para7 However, adolescents begin to doubt about the beliefs, values, and morals
their parents have taught them and sometimes openly refuse to accept them.
7. In the late sixties, a young woman from a background that strongly biased against
people from other races came to college with the belief that her race was better
than other races.
8. Para8, The challenges in their academic study not only provide them with new
knowledge but also force them to judge how they collect, deal with and use
knowledge they have learnt in their lives.
9. Para9, When I read the newspaper or watch a television newscast, I no longer see
the people from other countries in a different perspectives I used to see them.
10. Para10, They are not only encountering new people and new knowledge, but also
learning new ways of collecting and analyzing information.
How reading changed my life, Unit 2
1. Perplexed 困惑的 perplex v. 使迷惑,使困惑 perplexity n. 困惑,迷惑
2. Discontented a.不满的 discontent n.不满 discontentedly adv. 不满地
3. Seduce v.诱骗 seduction n. 诱惑力
4. Literacy n.读写能力 literate a. 有读写能力的 illiteracy n.文盲
5. Sustenance n.食物,养料 sustain v.维持 sustainable a.可利用的,可持续的
6. Invincible a. 不可战胜的 invincibility n. 无敌,不可战胜
7. abate v.减弱,减退 abatement n.减少
8. suspect v. 怀疑,觉得 suspicion n.怀疑, suspicious a.怀疑的
9. portray v.将。。描写成;给人以某种印象; portrait n.肖像,描绘 portrayal n.
10. solitary a.独自的,单独的 solitariness n.独自,单独
11. dogged a.顽强的 doggedly adv.顽强地
12. interior a.内部的 exterior a. 外部的
13. compulsion n.强烈欲望,冲动 compel v.强烈;迫使 compulsory a.强制的
14. exclusivity n.排他性,专有性 exclusive a.专有的 exclusion n. 排斥 exclude v.不
15. dishearten v.使沮丧 disheartened a.沮丧的 disheartening a. 使人沮丧的
16. lament v.对。。感到悲痛、失望 lamentable a.令人遗憾的 lamentation n.悲伤
17. equivalent n.对等物 equivalence n.相等
1. spread of = an area of 一块。。
2. commit sth. to memory 把。。学好记牢
3. be discontented with sth. 对。。不满
4. sprawl… on 伸开四肢坐或躺
5. coax sb. into doing sth. 哄劝某人做某事 coax sth out of /from sb 哄劝得到
6. bring sb/ sth to life 使生动有趣
7. aspire to 渴望成为
8. be parallel with/to sth. 与。。平行
9. not in the least 一点也不
10. pay lip service to 口头上支持
11. suspect sb. of doing sth.怀疑某人有罪
12. be suspicious of sb/sth 感觉。。可疑
13. interfere with sth 妨碍,干扰
14. at the heart of 关键,核心
15. portray sb./sth as..将。。描写成
16. have had one’s day 风光不再
17. spur sb/sth. on 鞭策..;激励…
18. give away to = be replaced by 被取代
19. lay an exclusive claim to 对某物占用权
20. plummet into 沦为
21. be comprised of 由..组成
22. take the measure of sb.摸清/评判某人底细,
23. see to it that 确保
24. out of print 绝版
25. be equivalent to 相当于
1. para4, I still remembered one poem I learned in primary school.
2. para5, Perhaps only a truly dissatisfied child can become as absorbed in books as I
was. Perhaps if a person was really hard at reading and writing, he or she will be
3. para7,Between the time I woke up and the time I went to sleep, I read. Books were
a kind of parallel universe for me. In that world, I might be a new comer but was
never really a stranger.
4. para9, Reading has given me comfort and joy, food and drink, strength and
5. para10, I realized that while my pleasure in the sheer act of reading had not
weakened at all, the world was often as unfriendly, or as unrealized to that joy as
my girlfriends had been.
6. para11, If someone separates himself or herself from other people, people have a
good reason to suspect him or her, especially if it prevents that person from going
out and starting to get things done, which is the most important part of the
American character.
7. para12,last sentence, Some people didn’t believe that there was such a thing as
reading for pleasure driven by a strong desire from the heart. They regarded it as
a aimless, meaningless way just like driving from place to place aimlessly on the
8. para13, When literary critics discussed the problems of reading, they sometimes
showed the terrible attitude that reading was a right that only belonged to the
elite, not to be shared with other people.
9. para15, We are the fans of Dickens and once looked forward to the newly
published serial of his new novels. We are the people who would make sure that
Pride and prejudice would always be available.
10. para17, It is not the professionals but the ordinary people who understand the true
significance of reading like many other things in our culture.

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