Acceleration Word Problem

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1. Scenario w/ Citations for Criteria #s 1-5  

2. Scenario w/o Citations 

3. Questions for the Readers: 

Note: The list of questions will be provided by the teacher in class. 


4. Image to Accompany Text in Newspaper Article 


5. Screenshot of the Newspaper Article 


-You may use the ​Newspaper Article Template​ to create the newspaper article or another newspaper 
generator tool that allows an image to be uploaded. 

-The Newspaper Article should include the following: 

-The scenario without citations 

-The image to accompany the text 

-The Questions for the Readers 


6. Answer Key for the Questions for the Readers:  

Note: Answers to the questions should be typed in bold under each question. 


Model Down: 
Announcer: Welcome to the 2018 Model showdown of 
Madagascar. My name is Sir Mustache​5​ and I will be your 
loving host in the middle of the night. Today we have a 
returning model from Egypt​5​ and she is beautiful looking 
today. I personally think she is as beautiful as can be so 
shut up all you haters out there and open your eyes. 
Alexandra​2​ walks approximately 1.4 m/s on the runway, 
until she stops​1​ to do a twirl at the end of the carpet. A 
runway is 15 meters​4​. When the model starts to walk back 
she rips her dress 5cm. She starts walking back at 3m/s. 
Another model​2​ walks 1 meter/s slower​3​ than first model 
when she walks back and reaches the end in 11 seconds.  
Announcer: Welcome to the 2018 Model showdown of 
Madagascar. My name is Sir Mustache and I will be your 
loving host in the middle of the night. Today we have a 
returning model from Egypt and she is beautiful looking 
today. I personally think she is as beautiful as can be so 
shut up all you haters out there and open your eyes. 
Alexandra walks approximately 1.4 m/s on the runway, 
until she stops to do a twirl at the end of the carpet. A 
runway is 15 meters. When the model starts to walk back 
she rips her dress 5cm. She starts walking back at 3m/s 
and gets back at a total of 5 seconds. Another model walks 

1 meter/s slower than first model when she walks back and 
reaches the end in 11 seconds.  
#1 What is another term for negative acceleration ​and 
Provide and example of it from the article.   
Deceleration is the opposite of acceleration. The model 
decelerates when she get to the end of the runway. 
#2 Which (object) in the article had a greater rate of 
acceleration as compared to the other (object)? 
The runway is 15 meters long. Alexandra walks 3m/s and 
the other model walked 1m slower than Alexandra. 15m / 
3m/s = 5 seconds. (3m/s-0m/s)/5s = 0.6m/s​2​ is Alexandria's 
The other model’s speed is 2m/s. 15m / 2m/s= 7.5 seconds. 
(2m/s - 0m/s)/7.5s= 4/15 m/s​2​ is the other model’s 
#3 What term and/or phrase did the writer include in the 
article to imply that (an object) is at rest, as in it is not 
moving? ​The model Alexandra “stops” which basically 
means that it is at rest. 
#4 What two pieces does the writer include that are 
irrelevant, as they do not provide information necessary to 
solve for speed or acceleration. 

“She rips her dress 5cm” and “My name is Sir Mustache 
and I will be your loving host in the middle of the night.” 


#1 What is another term for negative acceleration ​and 
Provide and example of it from the article.   
Deceleration is the opposite of acceleration. The model 
decelerates when she get to the end of the runway. 
#2 Which (object) in the article had a greater rate of 
acceleration as compared to the other (object)? 
Alexandra walks 1.4m/s and the other model walked 1m 
slower than Alexandra. 
#3 What term and/or phrase did the writer include in the 
article to imply that (an object) is at rest, as in it is not 
moving? ​The model Alexandra “stops” which basically 
means that it is at rest. 
#4 What two pieces does the writer include that are 
irrelevant, as they do not provide information necessary to 
solve for speed or acceleration. 
“She rips her dress 5cm” and “My name is Sir Mustache 
and I will be your loving host in the middle of the night.” 

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