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CLASA a VII-a, FAZA JUDEȚEANĂ – 18 MARTIE 2017, var. 1


Subject 1 Read the paragraphs and answer the tasks below:
A. On most days of the year, queues of visitors can be seen outside Madame Tussaud's, all
wanting to get in and see some of the most famous people in the world - kings and queens, politicians,
stars… They are all inside, just waiting to be looked at, or talked to. If you like, you can talk to film
stars, politicians in Madame Tussaud's, but they won't say anything to you, because they can't!
Madame Tussaud's is a wax-works, and the ‘famous people’ in the building are really made out of
B. To begin with, many people like to see celebrities; but celebrities don't usually like being
looked at - at least, not all day every day! There is, however, one place in England where you can look
at celebrities - lots of them - every day: this is Madame Tussaud's, the most popular tourist attraction
in London.
C. All in all, you ask, what happens to yesterday's famous people? Well, they are taken out of
the collection, and their wax models are stored for a while. Then, if it is clear that no one will ever
want to see them again, they are melted down and re-used for another person! Many
people achieve passing
fame; few achieve lasting fame!
D. Moreover, judging by the popularity of Madame Tussaud's, that does not seem to be a
problem! Ordinary people like looking at extraordinary people, even if they are only statues. It's better
than nothing! So, what’s the story behind? Marie Tussaud was born in Strasbourg in 1765. As a child
she learned how to make wax models of people, and later went to Paris. Then in 1802 she moved to
England, touring round the country with her exhibition of wax figures. In 1835 (aged 70!), she
finally settled in London. ‘Madame Tussaud's’ has been one of the city's most popular exhibitions
ever since.
E. Naturally, the collection has changed and grown; indeed, it keeps changing all the time.
While there are some historic figures that do not change, others come and go, and others are ‘aged’ as
the years go by.The most popular figures in the exhibition are royalty and stars. Princess Diana has
been the overall favourite for several years, and other popular figures include Tony Blair, David
Beckham, Brad Pitt and Elvis Presley.... to mention just a few of them. You can even see the
Beatles.... as they were in the 1960's !
F. On the other hand, at Madame Tussaud's, it is only the very famous who get a place in the
exhibition. That is not surprising really; it takes about six months to create a really lifelike model.
Sculptors use lots of photos and measurements, in order to obtain a perfect likeness. For example, it
took 450 hours to re-create Spice Girl Mel G's famous curly hair! In all, a wax figure costs over
£40,000 to make - a lot of money!
1. a) Find the correct order of the six paragraphs above: (6 x 2 =
12 p)

1___B_______ 2___A________ 3____D__________ 4________E____


b) Find the equivalents of these definitions in the text from exercise 1, between the words in
bold. There are more bolded words in the text than it is necessary.
1. established a fixed home = settled
2. imitation, copy= lifelike model
3. obtain= achieve
4. celebrity= fame
5. general = overall (5 x 1 = 5p)

Subject 2 Here is some information about Madame Tussaud's: unfortunately the sentences
have been put together wrongly: each sentence contains two parts, (A) and (B). Join the parts in
the most logical way!

(8 x 1 = 8 p)

List A
1.In Madame Tussaud's, you must not g)
2.In Madame Tussaud's, you cannot e)
3.Most days in summer, visitors must h)
4.Inside Madame Tussaud’s, you can b)
5.If you like wax-models, you should not d)
6.If you don't like long queues, you should c)
7.If you want to visit Madame Tussaud's, you have to f)
8.If you have had enough, you do not have to a)

List B
a. see everything in the exhibition.
b.’ see’ a lot of famous people.
c. visit the exhibition in winter.
d. miss the chance to visit Madam Tussaud’s museum
e. have a conversation with the wax figures.
f. buy a ticket.
g. touch the wax figures.
h. stand in a long queue.

• USE OF ENGLISH ( 50 points)

Subject 3 (10 x 1 = 10
Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets.
One of the best outdoor activities is rock-climbing. When you are climbing, you focus on your moves
and you can’t think about everyday problems. You are in a 1 ___different_______ (difference) world
and it’s a great 2 ____feeling______ (feel). And as soon as you reach the top, you get a 3
______wonderful______ (wonder) sense of achievement. If you are 4 ___interested_______ (interest)
in this sport and looking for 5 _____information on rock-climbing, there are several websites in
the internet.
There are many types of rock-climbing like 6 traditional climbing, sport climbing, top rope climbing
or bouldering. Bouldering is the 7 _____newest (new) of them. It involves climbing rocks, glaciers or
decorative stones at shopping centres. The sport was 8 ___introduced troduce) about ten years ago as a
way to practice certain moves again and again. It can be 9 dangerous____ (danger) and you should
have some 10 training__ (train) to do it. Since its introduction, it has evolved into a challenging sub-
sport of climbing and has its own superstars.

Subject 4 (10 x 2 = 20p)

Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Steven Spielberg 1 _______is___ (be) the most famous filmmaker in the history of Hollywood. Since
1975, he 2 ________has directed__ (direct) many of the most successful American films, including
Jaws, Jurassic Park, War of the Worlds, and he 3 ______has earned____ (earn) billions of dollars.
Since he started making films, he 4 _____has won_____ (win) many awards, including three Oscars.
Even as a young child, he had a fascination for the film industry. He 5 __has maken________ (make)
little films which involved crashes with his train set, and his friends paid to see them! He got a prize
for his first real film when he was only 13 years old. But he still couldn’t get into film school, so he
6 ____studied______ (study) English Literature at California State University. While he was a
student, he made another film called Amblin. Because of this film, he 7 _____got_____ (get) his first
job in Universal Studios.
Steven Spielberg says that his success at work is because of his happy family life. He 8 ______has
been____ (be) happily married to his second wife, Kate Capshaw, since 1991, and they have seven
children. They all 9 ___lived_______ (live) in California, where he now has his own film studio –
Dreamworks SKG. Although he is always busy, he only 100 __works________ (work) from 9.30 to
5.30 during the week, and never at weekends.
Subject 5 (8 x 2 = 16 p)
Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Rewrite the whole sentence.

• What have you done at the weekend?

…What did you do at the weekend?…………………………………………………….
• Luke is such a dificult child. He has become so spoiled! He gets everything he wants.
• ……………Luke is such a difficult child. He has become so spoiled! He gets everything he
• I’ve been at this school since three months.
………I’ve been at this school for three months.…………………………………….
• Princess Diana has died in a car crash in Paris in 1997.
• ……………………Princess Diana died in a car crash in Paris in 1997.
• My teacher is very impatience. She always tells us to hurry up.
…………My teacher is very impatient. She always tells us to hurry up.………………..
• My aunt is so helpless. When I’m away she feeds the cat, waters the flowers, and even cuts
the grass.
• My aunt is so helpful. When I’m away she feeds the cat, waters the flowers, and even cuts the
• I live here for five years.
I have lived here for five years.……………………………………………………….
• Teresa’s got a new job as a hotel reception.
………Teresa’s got a new job as a hotel receptionist………………………….

Subject 6 (8 x 0.5 = 4 p)
Underline the correct word in each sentence.
• You should / have to show your passport at the airport.
• I don’t think you should / You mustn’t read that book. It isn’t very good.
• If you want to learn English, you must / should get an English pen friend.
• I think we should / must take some flowers when we go to Sue’s for dinner.
• We mustn’t / don’t have to forget Robert’s birthday tomorrow.
• I must / should pay my taxes soon. I don’t want to go to prison.
• She’s very rich, so she doesn’t have to / mustn’t work.
• You mustn’t / shouldn’t smoke in here. It isn’t allowed.
Timpul de lucru: 90 minute
Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.






Your name is George / Georgiana. Imagine that your aunt, Elizabeth, has given you one of the
presents in the box as a birthday present. Write a thank you letter between 150-180
words.Count your words and write the total number in the box above on the right.

a digital camera a smartphone a bicycle

a ticket to your favourite band's concert

Dear aunt Elizabeth

I wanted to say thanks! Thanks for your gift! I really appreciated the digital camera you sent
I hope you are doing well in Italy! My favourite band is in there and they are coming in
Romania too and I beg you to buy me a ticket for the concert in Cluj.
I bought a smartphone with the money that I had been saving for 3 years and you can send a
digital ticket directly on my phone!
Anyway, I wanted to ask when are you coming back? I can't wait to see you and my dear cousins
again.I always have fun when they come here , and now I’m learning Italian to be able to speak
with them.
If you are wondering how we are, we are actually doing very well. We have just moved from the
old apartament and now I have a garden to play in.
Now I’m planning to save money and buy a bicycle. If i were older I could've got a job and buy
everything I want , or at least that's what I think.
That's all for now.
Love you from Romania!
Looking forward to getting your news.

Timpul de lucru: 90 minute
Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.




Marking Scheme for the Thank you Letter- 7th form

25 points

Analytical Excellent Good Adequate Limited
Criteria 5p 4p 3p 2p
The content is The content
The content is completely
partially is faulty,
relevant to the topic, The content is
completed including The content is
describing fairly
with slight serious incomplete,
places/events/characters/atmos completed
Content logical logical the sequencing
phere with all the
impediments impediment of the parts of
/reaching climax, including elements of a
in sequencing s in the the letter.
the final reactions of the letter.
the parts of sequencing
the letter. of events.
There is There is
There is a partial serious
fairly completion of inconsisten
Paragraphs are
There is complete logical completion of the task. cy in the
connection of paragraphs due paragraph Paragraphs organizatio
both linking
to a judicious use of linking organization are partially n of the
Organizati devices,
devices, mechanics and length due to scarce complete due paragraphs
on/ mechanics and
requirements. misuse of to unfinished due to the
Cohesion length
linking ideas and misuse of
devices, scarce use of the linking
having been
mechanics linking device,
and length devices, mechanics
requirements. mechanics and length
and length requiremen
requirements. ts.
A range of A limited
The range of
vocabulary is range of
vocabulary is
used vocabulary
appropriately is present A very narrow
used in the
and within the range of
A wide range of vocabulary is letter; errors
accurately in letter; less vocabulary is
used appropriately and in word
the letter; common present; errors
accurately throughout the choice/format
occasional items of in word
Vocabulary letter; precise meaning is ion are
errors in word vocabulary choice/formati
/ conveyed; minor errors are present when
choice/format are rare and on
Spelling rare; spelling is very well more
ion are may be predominate;
controlled. sophisticated
possible; often spelling errors
items of
spelling is faulty; can make the
well spelling letter obscure
are attempted;
controlled errors can at times.
spelling can
with make text
be faulty at
occasional understandi
slips. ng difficult.
A range of A limited
grammatical A mix of range of
structures is complex and grammatica
A very narrow
used simple l structures
range of
accurately grammatical is present
A wide range of grammatical grammatical
and with some structures is along the
structures is used accurately structures is
flexibility present letter;
and flexibly throughout the present within
along the throughout complex
Structures/ letter; minor errors are rare; the letter;
letter; the letter; language is
Punctuatio punctuation is very well errors
occasional errors are rare and
n controlled. predominate;
errors are present when may be
possible; complex often
errors make
punctuation is language is faulty;
the text
well attempted; punctuation
obscure at
controlled punctuation errors can
with can be faulty make text
occasional at times. understandi
slips. ng difficult.
The register
of the letter is
partially The register
The register
relevant to the of the letter
of the letter is The register
task, with a is
The register of the letter is relevant to the used in the
narrow inconsistent
Register totally relevant to the task, task with letter is
inconsistency due to the
and Style / being organically integrated slightly inappropriate
of style, mixture of
Effect on all along the discourse. incongruent for this type
leading to styles.
target The interest of the reader is lapses within writing.
halts in the The effect
reader aroused and sustained the discourse. The effect on
logical on the
throughout. The text has a the reader is
development reader is
good effect on non-relevant.
of ideas. non-
the reader.
The effect on relevant.
the reader is


CLASA a VII-a, var. 1

Subject 1.
a) 1.B 2.A 3. D 4. E 5.F. 6. C (6 x 2 = 12 p)
b) 1. settled 2.lifelike model 3. achieve 4.fame 5. overall (5 x 1 = 5 p)
Subject 2.
1) g; 2)e; 3)h; 4)b; 5)d; 6) c; 7)f; 8)a; (8 x 1 = 8 p)


Subject 3 (10 x 1 = 10 p)

• different

• feeling

• wonderful

• interested

• information

• traditional

• newest

• introduced

• dangerous

• training

Subject 4 (10 x 2 = 20 p)

• is

• has directed

• has earned

• has won

• made

• studied

• got
• has been

• live

• works

Subject 5 (8 x 2 = 16 p)

• What did you do at the weekend?

• Luke is such a difficult child. He has become so spoiled! He gets everything he wants.
• I’ve been at this school for three months.
• Princess Diana died in a car crash in Paris in 1997.
• My teacher is very impatient. She always tells us to hurry up.
• My aunt is so helpful. When I’m away she feeds the cat, waters the flowers, and even cuts
the grass.
• I have lived / have been living here for five years.
• Teresa’s got a new job as a hotel receptionist.

Subject 6 (8 x 0.5 = 4 p)

• have to
• I don’t think you should
• should
• should
• mustn’t
• must
• doesn’t have to
• mustn’t

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