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Everest Value School

Student Leadership
February 26th 2018 @ 11:30am

I. Call to order: 11:30am (Vice-President)
II. Selection of SAA (Vice-President) if Ana L. is not available
III. Roll call/Everyone sign-in (SAA)
IV. Approval of minutes from last meeting [there was no meeting] (Speaker of the House)

V. Old Business
A. Government Docs. and Procedures
a. Job Applications(Mr. Gaines)
b. Write Up form Review(Mr. Gaines)
B. Welcoming the New After School President with she new role and responsibilities(Speaker of the
a. All Committee Chairs are under your leadership. After School president will meet with
committee chairs weekly to support and hold committee chairs accountable for role entrusted to
them by the people/students. [Value 2]
b. Collaboration with Kendra(School Day President) to maximize support and resources needed in
reaching your goal.[Value 4]
c. Ensure all EVS Student government department & services are operating under student
leadership & goals of student government of helping students reach their fullest potential and in
making a better world [value 5]
d. Hire a Vice-President to oversee meetings in your absence and to work with the Secretary of the
Treasury to ensure student events, field trips and student job funding.
C. Dance Update[who, what, when, where, why, & how] (Dance Committee Chair)
D. Spirit Week & Wednesday Ceremony Updates[who, what, when, where, why, how] (Spirit Committee
E. Field Trip Committee Update[who, what, when, where, why, how] (Field trip Committee Chair /aka
AS Vice-President)
a. Student Field Trip Survey
F. All Middle School Lunch Meetings today are
a. All Committees Meeting at Lunch
b. All Police Meet at Lunch
c. All Peer Mediators Meet at Lunch
d. Secretary of the Treasury needs to recruit a new responsible store manager by the end of lunch
or face write-up.
e. Allyson A. meets with Bank Manager(Valentin) & Unemployment Manager(Clyde) to go over
state of the evs economy student jobs.
f. Police may meet about line monitor and police motivation and goals.
G. Complete an Exit Ticket after each meeting

VI. New business

VII. Adjournment: 12:30pm
VIII. Lunch Meetings 12:45 to 1:20pm in 8th Grade
Robert’s Rules of Order

Call to Order – The chair of the meeting starts by calling for ORDER amongst Senators

Motions – When a Senator as “I move to…” they are calling for action to happen in the meeting. All motions
must be “seconded” by another Senator. All motions must be voted upon. Different calls to motion include

A) Move to vote – when it is time for a group to vote on a matter

B) Move to table – when a discussion lasts to long and it would be wise to discuss at the next meeting
C) Move to adjourn – when a senator sees the meeting is over, they can call for adjournment.
D) Move to Discuss – Typically in the beginning of the meeting someone will move to add items to the
E) General Motions – Senators may move other items into consideration, such as “I move to form a
committee” or “I move to create a new position or rule”. The group votes on whether to discuss,
discussion occurs, and then a Senator must move to vote to finalize the matter.
Votes – When voting the chairperson will call for a vote. They may say “All in favor” and Senators will reply
“aye” or “nay”. Additionally, The chairperson can ask for a hand vote or paper vote.

Division - simply division is a method for taking a better estimate of a vote than a voice vote.[1] Typically, a
division is taken when the result of a voice vote is challenged or when a two-thirds vote is required. A
division is also called a rising vote, where members stand up from their seats.

Abstention - an instance of declining to vote for or against a proposal or motion.

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