"THE LINK" March 2018

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CELEBRATING OVER 30 YEARS IN BUSINESS MOT Testing Class 4 & 7 SPECIALISING IN * Now offering Hofmann 4-wheel alignment AUDI GROUP * Tyres and batteries from stock VEHICLES * Large motorhomes catered for = * Most makes of vehicles serviced @ = i CHRIS SPRAGG, LEZIATE DROVE GARAGE LTD Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm, Saturday 9am-12pm Tel: 01553 630999 Lezia t x 10D drovegarageltd.co.uk cea) eee eye ca Sr Pea eee kn) Ever * Competitive pricing to suit all tastes Or nC ee ea) tars moving furniture, uplift & disposal of * Overwhelming choice of carpet, Vinyl, previous fiooring and door trimming Karndean, safety flooring, LVT's, Real Wood * Domestic or Commercial inate samples brought directly to you work carried out x looring.co.uk Tener ee nee Soe Seats eee ce SES rE Registored No: 8956560. Vat No: 171416230 2 | Village Link THE VILLAGE LINK GRIMSTON, POTT ROW, ROYDON & CONGHAM reenact Hello Everyone, I hope you all enjoy this month’s issue. We have two more lovely recipes courtesy of Chrissy Brace, plus a poem from Irene Lucraft. All contributions are welcome and will be considered (subject to space of course). Best wishes Your Editor The Deadline for submissions for the April issue is 15th March EDITOR: Chrissy Shale grimstonvillagelink@outlook.com KL-617817 ADVERTISING: Roger Haywood, — haywood301@btinternet.com KL-630301 Contributions by e-mail should be sent as plain textor if on paper should be delivered to 9,Leziate Drove, Pott Row PE32 1B Distribution: George Wood (Congham), Mary Roper (Grimston), Kath Evison (Roydon), Roger Haywood (Pott Row) WEB SITE: Steve Williamson —_ editor@ggmbenefice.uk KL- 630203 OUR PASTORAL TEAM Revd Jane Holmes Team Rector 01553 636227 jmh200@btinternet.com Rev'd Judith Pollard Team Vicar 01485 601251 wotzpoliard@aol.com Rev'd Sue Martin Hospice Chaplain 01553 636303 suemartin2gayton@hotmail.com Joy Smith Reader 01485 600769 joysmith56@tiscall.co.uk Nell Steele Reader 01553 840814 nellsteele@btinternet.com For Pastoral Care please contact either Revd. Jane or Revd. Judith as above. ST. BOTOLPH'S CHURCH, GRIMSTON Wardens: Mrs Jan. Willson, 50 Chapel Road, Pott Row 601666 ST. ANDREWS CHURCH, CONGHAM Wardens: Mrs Helen Lilley, Heath House, Hillington 600153, Mrs Hilary Scase, Little Congham House, Congham 600650 ALL SAINTS CHURCH, ROYDON Wardens: Mr Colin Grimes, 74, Station Road, Roydon 600059 Mr Ivan Hudson, 72, Station Road, Roydon 600471 CHURCH ORGANISATIONS WAHM Club: Mrs Joy Smith, 16, Gayton Road, Grimston 600769 Child Protection Officer: Mrs Shirley Hone, 8, Lynn Road, Grimston 600750 Bell Ringers: Mr Michael Harding, 4, Stebbings Close Pott Row Grimston 600041 POTT ROW METHODIST CHURCH Minister: Rev. Catherine Dixon, 9, Peckover Way, South Wootton ——-01553-676918 Church Mr Stephen Watts, 32 Chapel Road 600593 Village Website: www.grimston.org.uk Village Link | 3 TO ALL PARISHIONERS Let's think for a moment about plastic — a superb modern material, all around us in our daily lives. Everything seems to be made from plastic - which used to be thought a Very Good Thing, a huge improvement on previous materials. Alexander Parkes gave the first public demonstration of plastic, his new invention, in 1862 at the Great International Exhibition in London | feel compelled to get up on my soapbox this month, something | do try to resist. Have you seen recent news reports about the catastrophic damage plastic waste is doing to our planet? The pristine Antarctic wilderness, the last unspoilt corner of our world, is pristine no longer. Our discarded plastic such as bottles, rope and plastic micro beads from cosmetics, often pulverised into minute fragments by the sea, is infiltrating our ecosystems, devastating the landscape and killing wildlife throughout the food chain right up to polar bears and large aquatic mammals. What can we do to improve this dire situation? We may think very little - other countries especially in the developing world, are far more culpable. But we all have a duty of care: We all want to be wise and responsible stewards of our world for future generations. Norway has a well-developed plastic bottle recycling system which works well, incentivising people to collect empty bottles and reuse them responsibly. We could learn from them. Which brings me to tea bags. Try buying loose tea these days. It's difficult. 95% of the tea we buy is in tea bags; in the UK alone we drink 165 million cups per day, 62 billion per year. Tea bags used to be made of paper but nowadays are frequently made of plastic and nylon fragments and polyethylene to make them stronger. These items may take 2000 years to biodegrade - if at all. 165 million cups of tea every day. If we all went back to using loose tea that would make a positive difference. Small changes, big effects. Sorry about the soapbox — but some issues are impossible to ignore. God's Kingdom of justice and peace is always close at hand. This year, on April 1", Christians throughout the world will celebrate God's saving power through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ and we will draw close to God. The theological term for this is ‘reconciliation.’ We need to be reconciled too to our planet and to its delicate ecology... for ourselves and for future generations. The alternative - the gradual destruction of our planet — is unthinkable. Lord of all life, help us to work together for that day when your Kingdom comes and justice and mercy will be seen in all the earth. Wishing you all a blessed Lent, Reverend Judith 4 | Village Link Amanda's Home Help Domestic - Cleaning - Ironing Based in Grimston Established 2004 01485 609147 07799 821896 amanda@amandashomehelp.co.uk www .amandashomehelp.co.uk ANDREW W WRIGHT LTD Landscape and Gardening Services SEASONED FIREWOOD Tel. 01485 570159 Mobile 07791 539280 CHRIS CASELEY DOMESTIC OIL FIRED BOILER ENGINEER COMMISSION, SERVICE, REPAIR Central Heating Systems Power Flushed WORK GUARANTEED COMPETITIVE PRICES TEL: 01553-828148 MOBILE 079313 55595 New Build + Extensions « Renovation Household, Industrial or Commercial “Undertaking building projects throughout West Norfolk” ‘Ailwork guaranteed and carried outto 8 high standard by qualified Trades People FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION ‘QUOTATION Tel: 01553 827374| yo" Family meg Esiablshed Fay Business for over 100 Years Pott Row, PF32 1BY Purveyors of Qualty fresh meats, Pork Sausages, Burgers, Pork Cheese, Home Cooked Pies, Pasties and Cakes (all made to our own family recipes) COLIN THE CARPENTER All types of doors Supplied & fitted All types of roofs All carpentry work Phone Colin on 01553 630678 Mobile Unisex Hairdresser Call Linda on 07876121216 The Cottage, 5 Shoperdsgate Road, Organic and Free Range Poutry or 07931873290 rey Ae ena Telephone Daytime 600222 1 Ashwicken Road Enai ai Evening 600127 Pott Row Linda's | C.P. WILSON) (aes f: PANTER & DECORATOR Se Miracurls ‘Ted THTERIOR-EFTEREGR PHURTIN 4, BSCORATING « PAPERHANSINE ARTEITIA® + ABROLUIB 6. TILING « FREE ESTINATES *No Time *Need Help? Don't Worry be Happy :) Ey, MOB: 07732733562 Village Link | 5 Support for computers running Microsoft GARAGE DOOR SERVICES Windows + Advice Repairs, Automation & installation Troubleshooting of All Types of Garage Doors Disaster Recovery ~ Networks Training Same/Next day service on all : 20 yrs commercial experience calls before 2pm Michael de Whalley BA 01553 621551 + 07827 668376 Tel: 01485 600394 Email: m_de_whalley Email: gbgaragedoorservicest?oulloak.com @hotmail.com wwnw.facebook.com/GBgaragedoorservices CARPET. CLEANING OVEN CLEANING Sofa, Chair & Curtain Cleaning * Window Cleaning Gutter & Facia Cleaning * Conservatory Cleaning SS Patio Clea The area's most regular, quality reliable service Call Mike at Clean Tech 01485 609223 (7am to 10pm daily) 24 hour's notice required for any cancellation Cash, card, bank and cheque payments. j Yoga j Andrew Page -Architect Plans drawn for Local Authority Classes Planning & Building Regulations applications Full architectural services Pott Row & Flitcham House extensions to large commercial projects New builds - Extensions - Alterations Listed buildings & Conversions Deb Barlow Yoga Competitive & fast efficient service Tel: 07944955962 For no commitment initial consultation contact Andrew Page Email: M; 07891 653458 E: andrew@ap-architect.uk debbarlowyoga@gmail.com Qualified architect since 1982 www.debbarlowyoga.com 1:1 on request 6 | Village Link Congham Parish Council The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on March 26th 2018 7pm at Congham Hall This is your opportunity to bring your questions and concerns regarding the village to the Parish Council. Roads — St Andrews Lane/ Broadgate Lane. This is always a bad time of year for our low-lying roads, but could | emphasise that if you see an issue that needs to be dealt with quickly, please contact the Clerk via email or phone as a matter of urgency. Footpaths, please let me know of any paths which are becoming inaccessible. Hedges We would request that all hedges are maintained and cut back in the next month before the birds start nesting again. This will also ensure that as the hedges start growing again they will not obstruct visibility along our narrow roads, and also keep our roads as wide as possible, especially along St Andrews Lane, Broadgate Lane and Station Rd from the junction with St Andrews Lane and the A148. Thank you to all landowners who have already maintained their hedging, especially those along the B1153. Planning applications 18/00147/F Holly Lodge is seeking an extension to their current property. 18/00119/RM /18/00055/RM | Two new builds between Bluebell Lodge and Shangri- la with access between two trees with tree preservation orders If you have any queries relating to any aspect of the village please contact the Clerk either by phone or email. Kate Sayer conghamclerk@btinternet.com. 01485600825. Roydon Parish Council Meetings Thursday 1st March 2018 a Thursday 3rd May 2018 Thursday 5th July 2018 Thursday 6th September 2018 ft Thursday 1st November 2018 All meetings commence at 7.00pm at Pott Row Village Hall Village Link | 7 A View from Lanky Hill In recent years we have fed the birds during the winter months, using feeders hung from a cherry tree in the back garden. Sitting in the kitchen affords a fine view of the numbers and varieties of wild birds that take advantage of this labour of love that we enjoyably supply. Blackbirds are the most common. One hen bird has become so tame that | am sure she would feed out of our extended hand if we tried. Four types of finch, especially goldfinch on the niger seed, visit us along with chaffinch, greenfinch and occasionally the odd bullfinch. Robins and hedge sparrows feed happily together at the moment. However, in a couple of months, when territories have been established, they will naturally fight and scrap with each other. In all, seventeen different breeds of birds visit the feeders. Rare visitors include a green woodpecker (yaffle), pied wagtail (a dishwasher) and early in the year, an occasional mistle thrush (storm cock). Last year some unwanted visitors appeared in the form of a family of jackdaws. These voracious corvids not only ate all the fat balls but also ruined the feeders themselves. Advice was taken from a local gamekeeper on how to deter them. He advised the introduction of a scarecrow (mawkin). This was immediately successful although it involved robbing the ladies' wardrobes to find some suitable attire. |, of course, was soon in trouble over this pilfering. The end result was an expensive trip to the ladies’ clothes store. Lanky Hill has recently been invaded by approximately two thousand hungry seagulls. Thankfully they are not visiting our garden but a large heap of turkey manure waiting to be spread and then ploughed in to add to the richness of the soil for next year's sugar beet crop. One can hardly imagine what they may be eating but their visits are daily without fail. There's no accounting for taste! We have had couple of difficult weeks with The Mart in town, so that meant no parking and generally a bout of bad weather. | hope you didn't forget Valentine's Day! See you next month. Mike Chamberlain GRIMSTON VILLAGE HALL se = Book & Jigsaw Puzzle Sales in The Village Hall on Wednesdays in March will be fortnightly on March 7° & 21" 8 | Village Link YOUR LOCAL OIL HEATING SPECIALISTS FOR ALL YOUR OIL HEATING NEEDS, CALL BYWATER BOILER SERVICES Tel 01485 601461 SERVICING, REPAIRS & INSTALLATIONS RELIABLE, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE GUARANTEED CARLTON’S SOLID FUEL APPROVED COAL MERCHANT GREAT MASSINGHAM SMOKELESS & OPEN FIRE FUELS QUALITY FUELS AT VERY COMPETITIVE PRICES DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE ON 500 KG OR MORE FOR AN ORDER OR QUOTE TEL: 01485-520637 ot 07780-776576 HE | HREE HORSESHOES Local country pub in the heart of the village of Roydon. Serving real ales and traditional pub food. Book now for Mothering Sunday (free desert for all Mum's) Good Friday - Fish Platters Easter Monday - Race night and Mexican food Open Wednesday to Saturday 12.00 — 11pm Sunday opening from 12-8pm for food and until 10.30pm for drinks. Tel: 01485 600666 Village Link | 9 SHEDS ; Cay FENCING West Norfolk Electrical RIAL ND HEDGE TRIMMING ip lla Phone Eric on 01553-630208 Mobile 07867- 860820 Free Estimates Ballroom & Latin DOMESTIC i i G.W.LAKE American Dancing SnD CUEE APPLIANCE Pott Row Village Hall wide ore REPAIRS Every Wednesday oftesse A Washing Machines Children’s Classes 6-6.45pm £3 || groketees Tumble Dryers ‘Adult Improvers 7-8pm £5 Fuels. Cookers Adult Beginners 8-9pm £5 Collections 25kg bags Fridges and Freezers t Yard HILL FARM, DK APPLIANCES For details POT as caoste NY | | Shop 01553 768557 Sorte sotass Mobile 07775 858255 C. P. COOPER Mole Control and PLUMBING & Pest Services Ltd HEATING Alan V. Barlow Tel. 01553 674 508 3 The Grove, Mobile: 07971 772 732 Pott Row : Mobile 07789 758741 for all your plumbing . Home 01485 600178 and heating needs 10 | Village Link Nar Valley Ornithological Society (NarVOS) Tuesday 27" March 2018, 7.30pm at the Barn Theatre, Sacred Heart Convent School, Swaffham. Access and parking from Sporle Road. Please come along to this illustrated talk by David Tipling, entitled: ABird Photographer's Diary —the stories behind the pi: Holt-based David Tipling is one of the world's most widely published wildlife photographers, renowned for his artistic images of birds. His many accolades include the coveted European Nature Photographer of the Year Award. You may have seen David's photography on TV, in books and in the Eastern Daily Press. We are delighted to welcome David to NarVOS for what must be a photographic treat. Visitors most welcome. Admission £2 on the night if you are not a NarVOS member. For more information about this meeting or NarVOS call lan Black on 01760 724092 Calling All Artists Building on the success of last years exhibition, Norfolk Creative Arts in Grimston would like to invite artists to apply to exhibit in an exhibition of local talent. The exhibition will be in the school and is limited to 100 pieces of art. Artists (living within a 50 mile radius) who wish to apply should register to receive an application form by email to hans@norfolkcreativearts.co.uk The closing date for applications is the 10th April CASSEROLED POTATOES WITH GARLIC & HERBS Potatoes - 700g washed & peeled + Butter - 50g | ge” | Milk - 300ml (1/2 pint) | Garlic - 2 cloves crushed or 1 tsp garlic puree Xe Mixed Herbs - 1/2 tsp Cut the potatoes in thin slices. Put into 1.1litre (2 pint) buttered dish. Heat the milk & butter until the butter has melted either in the microwave or on stove. Mix the garlic & herbs in the milk & butter and pour over the potatoes. Bake uncovered for 1 hour until the potatoes are tender at 190c (375f or mark 5. Serves 4 Village Link | 11 An alternative view While respecting John Wallis's right to hold and express his view (see The Last Word, February Village Link), | would like to offer an alternative perspective: one that challenges the undeniably rose-tinted and reactionary view of our collective past and this supposed age of innocence. | do not want to turn back the clock to the one he describes, a time which I struggle to recognise as having any validity in 2018. In 1953 another man of the cloth, far sighted beyond his era, officiated at the burial of a fourteen year old girl (in unconsecrated ground, as she had taken her own life, an action seen then in those enlightened times as a criminal offence!). This was a terrified child who had no idea what was happening to her when she started her periods, thinking only that somehow she had contracted the dreaded VD (for younger readers, an acronym predating STD) and described in stark detail in the public lavatories of the time. The young curate, immeasurably moved by her story, recognised then the need for the sort of help that extended beyond the bounds of his own parish and the comparatively small group of people that he served. He founded an organisation which was to become known as Samaritans, one to which | have belonged since the early 1960’s and for over twenty years in our local branch here in King’s Lynn (all of which identifies me as also being a senior but not | hope on the fringe of society). Night in, night out, day after day, we are privileged to listen to callers, many of whom are in acute distress, having suffered the trauma of abuse, mental, physical and sexual, perpetrated all too often by family members, within their schools and youth organisations and the church. The men perpetrating this abuse (and they are predominantly men, in positions of power and authority) have betrayed the trust of these children and young people. Others have suffered discrimination and oppression as a result of their gender or sexuality, or feel persecuted because of perceived differences, of not belonging. This has been the legacy of a patriarchal and misogynist society; one that is only now being recognised for what it is, and is being challenged. That is why | am proud to align myself with the “Me Too” campaign and why I, for one, am thankful that my grandchildren have attended and are currently attending primary schools and nurseries where these issues are addressed. | have seen this done with care and sensitivity within an environment where the children already feel safe. One little village school deep in the fens practised a welcoming inclusivity which saw every child given a part in the Christmas concert: children from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, those with alternative family structures, traveller children only there for part of the year and the child with Downs syndrome given the starring role. This was an environment where the children were taught to respect and support one another and where all the issues confronting them in the modern world were addressed. | cannot think that by equipping even very young children to recognise and prevent their exploitation and abuse that this in any way taints their innocence. Surely it can only serve to protect that innocence for longer. Measures such as the named person in Scotland and the entire panoply of eventualities covered by safeguarding do not usurp the parents’ rights, but are there to support them in preparing their children for all the challenges of the digital and multicultural world. 12 | Village Link If we learn anything from the past, it has to be that few families are perfect and that all our organisations may be flawed. As human beings, that inherent fallibility is our heritage. Any education that seeks to expand our knowledge and our limited horizons should be embraced. By giving our children the range of knowledge we never had at their age it can only enhance their readiness to face the world they are growing up in, the world of 2018, their world Dr Judith Hills The Cakes | have gone off cooking It really is a chore In fact I'd go so far to say It really is a bore l used to cook a lot you know Cakes and Pies you see But why should | make a lovely cake When there is only me § hy pe! | make a Pie, it lasts all week Cap It really is a shame | give it to the birds to eat 999 They are getting rather tame So with thoughts that’s what I'll do If | want a cake Down to the bakers | will go And there will be no waste Irene Lucraft AChance to meet....... ..-. your local MP, the Police & Crime Commissioner, County & Borough Councillors for coffee and a chat. Sir Henry Bellingham, Lorne Green, Cllr Simon Eyre and Cllr Sue Fraser invite you to join them at The Three Horseshoes, Roydon on Saturday, March 17" between 10.00 am and 12 noon. We do hope that as many villagers as possible will be able to come along Sue Fraser Village Link | 13 For SW GENERAL & AGRICULTURAL ee a WELDING REPAIRS Electrical 8 cu Any Electrical works undertaken by our NIGEL DREW E Friendly Family business. Cross Roads Gayton Thorpe Please contact us for a free no obligation Quote on Stockist of various brackets, fixings, etc. 07895 683150 or 01485 601379 ae - mS te: Email: steve@swelectrical.org.uk Tex: 01583 63660 www.swelectrical.org.uk _ a Westwood Bespoke Joinery Ltd Manufacturers of High Quality Purpose Made Joinery & Cabinetry = All Types of Hardwood & Softwood Joinery Supplied & Installed = Sliding Sash Windows, Flush Casement Windows, Doors & Frames = All Types of Staircases CAD Designed & Manufactured = Specialist for Joinery in Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas = Over 40 Years Local Trade Experience For Friendly Professional Advice and a Free No Obligation Quotation Contact Steve on 07786 392848 Email steve @westwoodbespokejoineryltd.co.uk Happy Hounds . RKB Professional Dog Grooming LOCKSMITHS City and Guilds Qualified Friendly, professional ¢ Carpentry service * Locksmith & Key Cutting * Automotive Locksmith & Key Cutting * UPVC & Garage, Window and Door Repairs * Glazing & Board Ups 24 Hour call out Please ring Julie Telephone Richard Brown 01553 774775 / 01760 338405, 07867773340 or Email info@rkb247.co.uk 01485 601409 www.rkb247.co.uk 14 | Village Link Pott Row Methodist Church Divine worship for March 2018 at 10.30am 4th February - Songs of Praise led by Rev'd Catherine Dixon 11th February - To be arranged by local Methodists 18th February - Mrs Mary Uttin from South Wootton 25th February - Mrs Jean Harrington from North Lynn 30th March - Good Friday Service led by Mr Peter Worrell at 3.15pm followed by tea/coffee and Hot Cross Buns 1st April - Easter Day 8.30am - Holy Communion with Rev'd Catherine Dixon 10.30am - Easter Day service led by Mrs Elizabeth Batstone from Dersingham Coffee Morning on Thursday 8th March at 10.30am at the Church. The Pott Row Lunch is back again on Thursday 22nd March at 12 noon - See you there! EASTER LILIES in Grimston Church If you would like to sponsor a lily in memory of a loved one or loved ones, please let me know by March 22™. A list of all who are remembered in this way will be on display in St Botolph's during the Easter period. Call 01553 630301 or email haywood301@btinternet.com. There is also an order list on the welcome table at the back of the church. Approximate cost is £2.50 per lily. | Jenny Haywood Hudson Fen Leisure Ltd (Incorporating PARC) POTT ROW PLAY AREAAGM - THURSDAY 15TH FEBRUARY 2018 POTT ROW VILLAGE HALL 7.30PM If you want the play area to improve come and support us. All members of the public are invited to attend and contribute to the meeting. Village Link | 15 GRIMSTON MEDICAL CENTRE 01485 600341 HAY FEVER The hay fever season will start soon, so be prepared. Order your repeat prescriptions If you have previously had a prescription for hay fever treatments, you do not need to make an appointment to obtain further supplies. Written repeat prescription requests should be sent to the dispensary. Prescription costs Over-the-counter nasal sprays usually cost about the same as a prescription charge. A month's supply of antihistamine tablets usually costs substantially more when bought over-the-counter than they cost on prescription Start treatment for hay fever early All treatments work better if started before the onset of the hay fever season — late March or early April is a sensible time to start. 16 | Village Link yal) CARPENTRY Qualified carpenter & joiner with over 20 yrs experience All aspects of carpentry Private & commercial work undertaken CSCS registered kitchens, floors & doors supplied / fitted Bespoke pine & oak furniture ree eata aes) OEE ened Electrical Local - Friendly - Reliable Domestic - Agricultural - Commercial Telephone Jack on: 07557 307258 01760 755512 Castle Acre icelectricals3@gmail.com (Goole > Haley es yINGS Marea 9 a se %, a “z= de: om, SF S See. OR In the grounds of Gayton Primary School, Lynn Road, Gayton FULL DAY CARE. 8.00AM — 6.00PM ( from 2 years old) SAFE AND ERENDLY EWIRONMEN CONTACT ALISON JONES ON : 01553 636606 NEVILLE GODFREY LTD NEVILLE'S Mini Digger For all your asphalt and tarmac (for hire i with driver) Driveways, footpaths, forecourts rare and tennis courts etc Welding repairs, . . trailer covers, waterproof Please phone for free estimate and advice covers, curtains, lorry sheets 01553 771406 / 07909 905456 Poet tae Mobile 07946 311650 Village Link | 17 Friday 2"? 2pm a 8.30am 9.30am 10.30am 10.30am 11.00am 6pm 7 9am nm 10.30am 4pm ag" 8.30am 9.30am 10.30am 10.30am 11.00am 11.15am SERVICES FOR MARCH 2018 Pott Row Methodst Chapel 3” Sunday in Lent St Mary East Walton St Lawrence Harpley St Botolph Grimston St Nicholas Gayton St Mary Gt Massingham St Andrew Congham St Lawrence Harpley Women’s World Day of Prayer Holy Communion Family Service Holy Communion Morning Praise Holy Communion Evensong Holy Communion Fourth Sunday in Lent (Mothering Sunday) St Botolph Grimston Pott Row Chapel Fifth Sunday in Lent All Saints Roydon St Andrew Lt Massingham St Nicholas Gayton St Botolph, Grimston St Mary Gt Massingham St Lawrence Harpley Wednesday 21° gam as 8.30am 10.30am 41am 3pm 29M" 5.00pm 7.00pm 30" 10.00am 11.00am att 3pm 18 | Village Link St Botolph Grimston Palm Sunday St Andrew Congham St Nicholas Gayton St Mary Gt Massingham St Mary East Walton Maundy Thursday St Mary Gt Massingham St Nicholas Gayton Good Friday St Botolph Grimston St Mary Gt Massingham St Mary Gayton Thorpe Group Holy Communion The Gap Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Morning Praise Family Service Sung Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Family Service Holy Communion Donkey service Holy Communion Passover Supper Meditation service with the cross Liturgy of the cross Family service & Easter Egg Hunt APRIL a Easter Day 6.00am All Saints Ashwicken Dawn Service 9.30am St Lawrence Harpley Family Holy Communion 10.30am St Botolph Grimston Holy Communion 10.30am St Nicholas Gayton Holy Communion 11.00am St Mary Gt Massingham Holy Communion Easter Lilies for Ashwicken Church t \ Wf you would like to give money towards the purchase of lilies for me Ashwicken Church at Easter, please either send or give it to Mrs Joy ~ ff Smith 16 Gayton Road, Grimston PE32 1BG. Could you please also let me have the name(s) of those you wish to commemorate. Thank you, Joy Smith Palm Sunday oa Do come and join Timmy and Jimmy as we walk to fp church for a service on Palm Sunday 25" March at 3pm at at St Mary East Walton a Maundy Thursday ‘ There will be two services on Maundy Thursday 29" March a Holy Communion at 5pm at St Mary Gt Massingham and at 7.00pm at St Nicholas Gayton Passover supper Student Cross The Student cross is a Christian pilgrimage organised by and for students, young adults, and pilgrims of all ages they will be stopping at Gayton around lunchtime and then continuing their journey for an overnight stay in Great Massingham. Do look out for them you can join them for a short part of the walk or just give them a wave of encouragement as they pass. EASTER DAY =a my For all our Easter Services please see our service list, But please note we will be having a sunrise service at 6am on + Easter Day at All Saints Ashwicken Village Link | 19 Parish Registers — Funerals 7” February at St Botolph, Grimston Leonard Delph 16" February at Mintlyn Crematorium Derek Benn of Pott Row Weddings 3 February at All Saints, Ashwicken Matthew Spragg & Rebecca Nichols Baptisms February at St Nicholas, Gayton Scarlett May Coker 17" February at All Saints, Roydon Archie Stanley Adams Dates for your diary Monthly Benefice Prayer Meetings Join us as we gently pray together over matters across our parishes This is always important and especially so in these changing times. All are welcome 4" Mar 3pm at All wy Saints Ashwicken SS _ Se I As 1* April is Easter Sunday we will not be holding a prayer meeting 20 | Village Link GOD s ry = Sunday Q e411" March Tue Gar 4pm At Pott Row Methodist Chapel Avery relaxed time together with prayer and praise On Tuesday 27" March at 3 30pm in St Botolph Church Grimston we are holding a Messy Easter for the children at WAHM and Messy Church. A special service for children (and adults) will be held in St Mary's Church at Gayton Thorpe, 3pm on Easter Saturday 31° March. Followed by an Easter Egg Hunt! (for the children!) Adults can enjoy refreshments at the back of church during the egg hunt. Rachael Spooner DOMESTIC PLUMBING SERVICES MCFHP MAFHP Repair or replacement of Leaking Taps, root health : roressionai Ball valves, pipes etc. ee OMCe Ok Washing machine, dishwasher and AN APPOINTMENT bathroom installation. Blocked drains. 01485 601128 Caring for your feet Call JOHN on 01553 631792 evenings in the comfort of your own home Coal PLANNING | PENSIONS SAVINGS RING ASSOCIATES INVESTMENTS MORTGAGES PROTECTION 01553 777600 WWW.RINGASSOCIATES.CO.UK 11-12 Tuesday Market Place, King’s Lynn, Norfolk PE30 1JN Ring Renee een Re ig ncial Conduct Authority ROBERT BRAMHAM Poe, Your LOCAL "AY CURTIS |iBSvexens Carpenter/Handyman ‘S6rl Friendly and reliable service ~ free quotations Call for friendly advice or Over 10 years’ experience — Fully insured a no-obligation estimate Approved supplier and installer of UPVC Windows, conservatories, doors, fascia & guttering, cladding, garage doors and car ports. Tel - 01485 601329 Approved installer of Firestone flat rubber roofing & GRP Fibre Glass Mobile - 07771 984360. roofing Call Tim Curtis on 07794 085473 01553 760543 Email: tim@curtishi.co.uk Web: yw.curtishi.co.uk Email r.bramham@gmail.com 37 Church Lane, Roydon eee eke: Village Link | 21 www.norfolkwoodburners.co,uk Your local ; HANDYWOMAN 1ars offer the best local NAOMI LITTLEWOOD ply and installatian of: Mobile 07557790226 * Wood Burners & MultLEUel Stoves youtocaih © Main agents for Aga, Hunter ° Fireplaces Enlarged :01328 700161 m:07966 661175 PLC asacelas bE Gre eed LANDLES ¥ Town & Country Estate Agents See ee ¥ Lettings & Management flees ee] Bele Roe ~ Chattel Auctioneers no obligation v Chartered Surveyors Pa ety T: 01553 772816 E: sales@landles.co.uk www.landles.co.uk 1856 - 2016 Celebrating 160 years... MOBILE FOOT R.J. STAFF Garden Maintenance HEALTH CARE & Landscape Contractors er ton ot yecr can hone Grass Mowing Turfing Border Maintenance Seeding Fencing Paving Tree Cutting Ben Jeffery Pruning Garden Waste Removal MCFHP MAFHP Sand, Shingle, Topsoil, Cement delivered . We will treat your garden as if it's our own! Registered Foot Tel. 01485-600753 Health Professional Mobile 07860-217764 To book an appointment 4 Hazel Close, The Meadows, Grimston please call e-mail: richard.rjstaffgardenservices@gmail.com 07713014436 established 1983 22 | Village Link Holly Meadows School ‘Time Travel’ is the latest whole school theme at Holly Meadows and what a busy term it has been so far! The King's Lynn Astronomy Club recently joined us to put on a fantastic ‘Star Gazing’ evening which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. We look forward to another visit from them after half term, where each class will be involved in an astronomy themed workshop. We also have a whole week of scientific enquiry to look forward to in March; instead of taking the pupils out on a visit, we have decided to bring a Planetarium to the village! Our new robotics equipment has been put to excellent use by pupils in Year 5 and 6. Many thanks to the Grimston Fen & Allotment Society for their kind donation of funds towards this kit. You may have seen our pupils in the local press following their very successful win at the regional VEX IQ Challenge. Good luck to Alec Balmforth, Jenson Fox, Luke Utteridge and Barney Kivlin in the national competition coming up soon in Telford! Staff at Holly Meadows are always looking for ways to bring the curriculum to life. With much excitement, Amy Harvey welcomed a very special guest, LA based film producer Callum Greene, to our school last month too. Callum inspired our pupils in assembly, explaining his journey from his school days, following his dream with determination and resilience to an amazing career, producing movies such as Star Wars Episode IX, Pacific Rim, Crimston Peak, Lost in Translation, The Hobbit, the Desolation of Smaug and many, many more! Callum has set Guillemots class a droid-based design challenge to complete; so far, their work is looking superb! Oystercatcher class enjoyed a visit from Norfolk Wildlife Trust as part of the outreach project ‘Hidden Heritage of Gaywood River’, learning about all of the different creatures that live in local rivers. This classroom-based day should prepare them well for their river visit in April. We are looking forward to getting outside even more as springtime gets closer. Our new outdoor climbing equipment has been installed in the Key Stage 1 area and plans are in place for further improvements to outdoor resources and learning areas. If anyone has any large logs or fallen trees that need a new home, please call the office and let us know, we would love them in our forest area! We are also hoping to employ an additional Midday Supervisory Assistant for 5 lunchtimes per week at Holly Meadows. Please contact us on 01485 600241 if you are interested in this post. Jennie Wildsmith-Garton Headteacher Holly Meadows School Village Link | 23 Holly Meadows PTA The PTA have had a busy start to the year organising forthcoming fundraising events. On Saturday 24th March we will be hosting a Family Race night at Grimston Village Hall starting at 7.30pm. This is a community event so you do not have to have a child at the schoo! to come along and join the fun! Tickets cost £5 and include your race night programme, entry to the race night and either a burger, hot dog or veggie burger, you are very welcome to bring your own drinks. Tickets are available from Emma on 07747111452 or emwhitmore@icloud.com (please let me know what food you would like when ordering your tickets to help with catering). As the February Village Link went to press we would like to thank Ink Free LLP, Leziate Drove Garage and G&B Garage Door Services for sponsoring our race night. The PTA relies heavily on the support of their parents and community to fundraise for equipment for the school which enhances and extends our children's learning, while also providing them with the ‘little extras’ that the school budget just can't cover. Past fundraising events have been successful enough to supply our children with outdoor equipment, special visitors such as Authors and musicians, subsidised school trips and numerous learning materials. If you own a business and would like to sponsor the race night for £20 please email Emma on the above address for more information. Thank You COFFEE & WALNUT SLICES Self-raising flour - 100g (40z) Sugar - 100g (40z) Margarine - 100g (4 oz) Coconut - 50g (20z) Comnflakes - 25g(10z) Icing Icing sugar - 100-175g (4-6 oz) Strong Coffee Walnuts Crush the cornflakes, then mix with the dry ingredients and mix well. Grease a swiss roll tin,, press in the mixture and smooth the top. Bake at 170c (325f) Mark 3 for 20-30 mins until just lightly coloured. When cool cover with coffee icing and decorate with walnuts. Cut into slices. 24 | Village Link Ped En Suite Rooms Full Disabled Facilities Off Road Parking Jayne & Rob 01485 601388 , WAYNE TUFFS Bricklayer and General Builder All building work undertaken, including new builds, extensions, garden walls, patios, tiling, alterations, repairs, and more 9 Village «, A Woh 8 Cig, 0, TUESDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS SATURDAY MORNING TO FIND US PLEASE CALL ON 07740 647 782 A Jacqueline Bright Pet Portraits & Animal Art tnuts Cattery BOARDING weekly or Weekends Pauline Sucklin Zi The WM nuts, Grimston O1485 LOOS4E OTSS7 ISZS57 ite NORFOLK CREATIWE ARTS Art Courses Drawing | Painting | Photography | Print structured courses taught by experienced artists and tutors for all levels Church Hill Schoo! | 71 Gayton Road | Grimston | Norfolk | PE32 1BG LC ay OY Molec latelacel ogc R ane Palace Ciesla la cK MeL 4 Ca Thre) at For All Your Paving, Shingle, Fencing & Landscaping Needs 01485 542910 07916 158612 Village Link | 25 ARMIGER LANDSCAPE SERVICES Garden Maintenance & Clearing Hedge Cutting * Lawn Mowing Fencing + Turling * Patio Laying Ring Andy 07554641405 + 01485 298611 ‘andygosS5@yahoo.com SCRAP METAL WANTED Rubbish Cleared Away Lawns & Hedges Cut Call Chris on 07557 530465 VERY REASONABLE RATES Grimston Village Hall CLIFF EN-HOWE ROAD POTT ROW Telephone Hillington 600440 Competitively priced’generous. hhotdyood end sftwoed frencod Labora 2.8 le meres Free dear win 10 mle PED) ODP Plere Prone arith ging pwlieen and now a ing Rodtech Power Sweeping System & Hepa Filtration Vaccum "WOODLAND FUELS" Shouldham Thorpe Tel: 01366347713 GB Financial Services Oftering + Business & Personal Tax Returns + Annual Accounts + Book Keeping Email: |GB.FinancialServices@outlook.com Tel: 07962 227007 Registered Charity 303963 From Repairs, ae Alteration & Decorating, to Fitted Bedroom, Kitchens, Carpentry Work & Tiling. Professional, reliable & fully insured. Phone Gary for your free quotation: Tel: 07947 640 740 or 01485 600981 www. norfolkproperty maintenance.com MOBILE HAIRDRESSING Helen Tel. 01485 600901 or 0777 5514 572 ReB TURF & GROUNDCARE MACHINERY SPECIALISTS Servicing and Repairs to all makes of Lawnmowers ~ Ride-ons Garden Machinery Tel: 01485 540645 www.randbmowermen-d.co.uk WE MEND ~ YOU MOW C.J BUFFHAM SERVICES Gardener & Handyman All General Gardening and Maintenance work considered Competitive Rates & Reliable Service Tel — 07460 233 014 cjbuffham@hotmail.com 26 | Village Link Greenfingers — February 2018 WEAN) On a cold February evening an opportunity to turn out and hear a talk on slugs does not seem inviting, but the Village Hall was full for the first meeting of our gardening year, to welcome the return of Dr lan Bedford, head entomologist from the John Innes Institute. He told us about recognition of the species, some unfriendly, others semi useful. Control with Zlug was advised as it causes the least harm to wildlife and domestic pets. Nothing as yet controls the Spanish slug, a recent invader with a very thick slime, which cannot be removed with water, but talcum powder is the answer! The talk ended with the advice to always wash imported and home garden produce as slugs carry a health risk. Ideas for our charity of the year are requested. Membership fee is due Menu choices for the supper at the Spring Show on April 10" were handed to members present with a request that they be returned with payment of £11 by March 13". As we are restricted for space at the Spring Show, it is requested that members enter only one entry per class. If any members have not received a menu choice form for the Spring Supper, please contact Jenny Haywood (01553 630301). Classes are: 3 Daffodils, 3 Dwarf Daffodils, 3 Tulips (1 variety), 3 Tulips (mixed varieties), a Vase of Spring Flowers. The club's visit to Easton Walled Gardens will take place on June 20”. This is now booked, as is our evening visit on July 10" to Manor House Farm, Wellingham. Plant of the month winners were : 1" Rosemary de Whalley, 2" Mary Roper, 3” Jenny Haywood. At our next meeting on March 13” Sue Stephenson will give a talk on Puddle Paddock. New members and visitors are always welcome. Our 2018 programme can be seen on the Parish Council website. WW1 soldiers - Please Help Us This year we will remember the end of the Great War. Congham already has a list of all the men who served their country in that conflict, we would very much like to have similar lists for Grimston and Roydon. If you know of a family member who fought in WW1 or who was volunteered but was unfit for service please tell us about him so that he can be remembered and honoured on a list in the church Thanks for your help, please contact us on ian483fern@btinternet.com or 01485 600470. lan and Steph Hall Village Link | 27 One hundred years ago - the third full year of the war ends The last months of 1917 followed the same sad pattern as the earlier part of the year. During September and October five more men were killed and the closing days of the year saw the death of young Rupert Ffolkes of Congham; he had survived only five and a half weeks at the front. George Henry Hardy - Wednesday 26" September 1917 George Hardy was born in 1879. By 1911 George was working as a horseman on a farm in Grimston . He and his wife Hannah had five children We don't know when George enlisted or why, possibly he was conscripted in 1916 and was put into the 1" Cambridgeshire. However, at some time in his military service George was attached to the 255" Company of Royal Engineers, a tunnelling unit. It is possible that he joined the tunnellers as it was extra money that he could send home to Hannah and the children. Back with his first regiment George was involved in the battle for the Menin Road, fighting at “Tower Hamlets” where there were large German pillboxes. George was lost sometime in the latter stage of the battle. His body was never found. Hannah was at first told he was missing and it was not until 1918 that his death was confirmed. He is commemorated at Tyne Cott. Walter Hammond — died Monday 22™ October Walter was born before his mother Sarah, married William Todd, it's likely that he was William's son but he stayed as Hammond. The Todd family lived in Common Lane for all of Walter's life and by 1911 Walter was working as a bricklayer's labourer. Walter joined the 8" Norfolk Battalion in 1914 and he arrived on the Western Front in July 1915. Prior to his death he was twice wounded in action but was back with the battalion for the third Battle of Ypres. The ground was sodden; The guns couldn't move and shells simply sank into the mud. Despite this Walter's officer reported to Mr and Mrs Todd that Walter always had a “cheerful manner”. On 22” October it was raining and misty. The barrage continued too long on one part of the battlefield so men advanced in peril of being hit by British guns. The 8" Norfolk achieved their target but paid a heavy price - over two hundred men dead, missing or wounded. Walter's body, like many others, was lost in the battlefield mud and he is commemorated on Tyne Cott. 28 | Village Link JB Gardening Services <5} Any Gardening Job ‘Undertaken Hanging Baskets, ots &e Containers ‘Vegetable Garden Ponting &e Care Plea Conia ult or &, (153649775 07920843208 The Old Tel QUALITY NEW BUILD, EXTENSIONS & RENOVATIONS DESIGN, PLANNING & BUILDING REGULATIONS PROVIDING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR OVER 20 YEARS Web cravenholmesco.uk JON SAUNDERS Bramble CARPENTRY & JOINERY Flowers Windows - U.P.V.C. & Wood Gorgeous blooms picked Kitchens . Doors . Stairs fresh from the garden Bespoke Joinery, Restoration & Repairs Westin flowers Gif Bongues “NO JOB’S TOO SMALL - Jam-jar posies Handted bunches 1DO THEM ALL’ 01485 609008 07899051794 203 Wootton Road, King's Lynn carol@brambleflowers.co.uk TEL: 01553 673885 MOBILE: 07887 771063 www.brambleflowers.co.uk Sara Bowl y MOFHP MAFHP RN RM Foot tHealth Practitioner caring for your feet in a professional Clinic at Grimston Health Centre and at your home Please contact me for advice or an appointment: Telephone: 01760 F55094 Mobile: OF 979 304383 Midnight ight Motors Vehicle Technicians Services, mots, hingpotiic Breakdown, tyrt1, brakes, Any chr, Any Age James Parker 82 Chapel Road, Pott Row 07788 136155 Village Link | 29 The Dog Walker Dog Walking & Pat Wisits =. 07780 705382 Www thedopwalkerkingsina.com hedogwalke rkingsiynn@gmail.com Tuesday to Saturday 9.30—5 phone for appointment 01553-630086 83 Leziate Drove (by Chris Spragg’s Garage) aay VM aol eee1b 4 people over 65 suffer a fal/ SR ek oom To find out more, call us on 01553 616200 (it Fond () feria or visit www.careline-cs.org.uk ote: $s. CATCHER NO MOLE NO FEE! MOLE CONTROL Tel: 01485 520142 Mobile: 07745 163149 Email: steveoutthere66@ gmail.com Govering an are mile radius J & J TREE SERVICES LTD Commercial & Private Tree Contractors Tree Surgery Stump Grinding/Removal Maintenance & Felling Hedge Management Site Clearance Free Quotations Tel. 01485 — 600647 Mobile 07930 718183 30 | Village Link The Last Word Wonderful things are going on around our country because of attention to the natural habit of species that have been in decline for a good while. There was a news item about the restoration of the Somerset wetlands, reporting that while the number of Little Egrets had noticeably increased, Great Egrets had arrived unannounced, possibly due to climate change. What a reward to all those who worked on restoring the wetlands! Of interest for lovers of the Norfolk Broads is the report of the increase of the Bitterns after restoring their special natural habit. A sailing week there wouldn't be the same without that haunting boom in the evening light. We understand that restoration of habit applies to all creatures both great and small. Many recent programmes are bringing to our attention how easy it is to pollute the habit and the seas around our coasts. Some such pollution might be thought to be unwitting, but as one of Paul White's Jungle Doctor stories warns, don't forget Numbers 32:23 - “be sure your sins will find you out!” These news items are so welcome in the middle of so much bad news. They bring news of restoration, and beauty in place of the ugly and neglected. It is not surprising that a number have confessed to me that they have given up listening to news bulletins. Could it be that nature itself is teaching us to respect the habitat required more, and be rewarded? | once had a doctor friend who discouraged his patients from always wanting him to write them a prescription by telling them to trust in the restorative power of the body! | find these stories about habitat parabolic and of important application in many directions. Habitat speaks of environment, atmosphere, or ambience. If it is there, we flourish and live. If it is not, we wither and die. | heard a lovely story recently at the funeral of a school teacher who welcomed and treated a Down's syndrome child like any other child in the class. He flourished to the height of mimicking before the class his teacher when she had to nip out of the room for a while. How often when love is shown and the “habitat” is in place, renewal comes and all manner of people flock together. John Wallis Village Link | 31 Let your dog have a vacation too! Robert Fox Renovation Share our family home, with a secure Your Complete Service gardeny walks and company P Tel. 01485 601246 Pe © Dog walking from your home Mob. 07745 677674 Daily and weekly boarding with robertfoxrenovation@ space for rabbits & guinea pigs hotmail.co.uk Cail Helen on Fully Insured OLESS LBOTHT or OTTZO SESISE aan A modern and well-equipped practice staffed by friendly qualified people, with SUNNYSIDE your pet's best interest at heart VETERINARY CLINIC Hall Farm, Church Lane Roydon, King’s Lynn PE32 1AR 01485 600022 Consultations by appointment Weekdays 09.00 — 12.00, 15.00 - 18.00 Saturday 09.00 - 12.00 24 hour emergency service www.sunnysidevets.co.uk Richard Lamb BSc, Lic.Ac, M.B.Ac.C. Traditional Chinese PHIL HURR ROOFING | Acupuncture For all your roofing needs — New roofs, Grimston Medical Centre Re-roofs, Tiled & slate, Repairs and Leaks, 600341 . A As . Lead work, Fascias and guttering, == Teepbone Competitive Prices 823724 Phone - 01485 609133 / 07881905067 evenings 32 Station Road, Roydon, KL, PE32 [AW Home visits available 32 | Village Link er ANDY GRAHAM'S Stone Pony Music saa I (7 P I WEST NORFOLK WINDOWS AND CONSERVATORIES LTD * WINDOWS * DOORS * CONSERVATORIES * FASCIAS * *SOFFITS * GUTTERING * GARAGE DOORS * INSTALLATION AND REPAIRS ular uen Sfemwdsceneaes | Yeu Caching FULLY INSURED AND GUARANTEED + ram taton OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE + Musi Workshops HH EEE TEL: 01553 673078 OR 07818 112185 EMAIL: WESTNORFOLKWINDOWS@AOL.CO.UK FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE Sey St Andrews Lane, Congham, Kings Lynn, PE32 IDU 01485 600625 Email,_anvilcongham@gmail.com Home Made Food served daily. Please drop in and collect a menu or give us a call. THE ANVIL INN Ei Home of:-Great Food, Great Real Ales Home made Food & Sunday Carvery Warm Welcome Caravan Site open all Year Live Music on Friday Functions Find us on Facebook...Anvilcongham A warm welcome from Karl, Kath and the team. Living Independently in Later Years LILY |= aw www.asklily.org.uk Village Link | 33 Te 1m Hillington exch (01485) shone numbers are as 1st Gayton Rainbows: Karen Williamson,79 Chapel Road, Pott Row Art Group: Mrs Sue Willis, 3 Fen Lane, Pott Row Ashwicken V.A. School, Head Teacher: Mrs Susan Collison Beavers, Cubs & Scouts: Mr Ian Hall, 4 The Walnuts, Grimston Bowls Club: Mrs Daphne Parsons, 3 Bracken Way, Grimston 1" Brownies: Catherine Leigh, Old Forge, Church Farm Bams, Gayton Council (Borough of King's Lynn & West Norfolk) County Councillors: Congham: Stuart Dark, email: stuart.dark.cllr@norfolk.gov.uk Grimston & Roydon: Simon Eyre, email: simon.eyre.cllr@norfolk.gov.uk 07774 557280 KL-630579 KL-630352 600470 601492 KL-636318 KL-692722 07450 679355 07450 679860 Crafty Villagers Theresa George KL-630538 Cricket Club: Mr Tim Tilbrook, Willow Farm, Station Road, Roydon 601413 Borough Councillors: Congham, Mr Tim Tilbrook, 57 Station Road, Roydon 601413 Grimston, Pott Row, Roydon, Mrs Susan Fraser cllr-susan.fraser@west-norfolk gov.uk 600263 District Nurse: Grimston Medical Centre, Congham Road KL- 668777 Dementia Adventure: Leslie Williams 601220 Doctors’ Surgery: Drs Archer, Scott & Clifton, Medical Centre, Congham Road 600341 Fen & Allotment Trust: Mr John Missing, 11 Back Lane, Pott Row 600875 Flitham V.P.A. School: Head Teacher: Mrs Angela Eden 600383 Football: Mr Allan Dungey, § Hawthorn Avenue, Grimston 601279 Fourville Players: Mrs Margaret Garrod, Ivy Cottage, Cliffe-en-Howe-Road 600127 Friends of St. Botolph’s: Mr Peter Coe, Spring House, Candlestick Lane, Grimston 600337 Good Companions: Mr Nick Smith Tel. 600769 or Mr/Mts Bill Hone 600750 Greenfingers:Cynthia Jackson, 47 Phillip Rudd Court, Pott Row 601210 Guides: Mrs Linda Watkinson, St. Winifred’s, Lynn Road, Gayton KL-636629 Health Visitor: Grimston Medical Centre, Congham Road KL-782641 Holly Meadows School: Vong Lane, Head Teacher: Mrs Jennie Wildsmith-Garton 600241 Hudson Fen/PARC: Secretary Mrs Mary Roper 9 Briar Close, Grimston 600003 Member of Parliament:Sit Henry Bellingham, Congham Manor, St. Andrew's Lane 600559 Parish Council Clerks: Grimston: Mrs Philippa Sewell, 10 Robin Hill, Heacham, PE31 7SS 572037 Congham: Mrs Kate Sayer, Buttermere, Lynn Road, Hillington, PE31 6BJ 600825 Roydon: Ms Pippa Winson, 37 Ullswater Avenue, South Wootton, Pe30 3NJ KL-674382 Police: 999 for emergencies For everything else 101 Pott Row & District Bridleways Association: Theresa George, 31 Leziate Drove, Pott Row KL-630538 Public Rights of Way Wardens: Mr David Grimes, 24 Church Lane, Roydon 600388 Residents Assoc.: Mr Clare de Whalley, 5 Chequers Road, Grimston 600391 Roydon Common: Norfolk Wildlife Trust: Mr Bill Boyd 578745 Springwood Academy, King’s Lynn Head Teacher: Mr Andrew Johnson KL-773393 TiddlyPotts Playgroup : Emma Baker Tel: 07401 142921 ‘Tree Warden (Parish of Grimston) Mr Philip Parker, 7 Leziate Drove KL-630866 Women's Institute: Mary Roper, 9 Briar Close, Grimston, PE32 1XD. 600003 Village Hall: Mr David Giles, Brackendale, Cliffe-en-Howe Road, Pott Row 600440 (Organisations are invited to send corrections to this list where appropriate) 34 | Village Link Luxury Holiday Cottage, Grimston Sleeps 5, Private Parking and Garden In between house sales, having building work done or simply taking a break? Then contact us for availability. Openall year Clean and comfortable home with log bumer, Wi-Fi and stair lift Linen provided (except beach towels) Children welcome but unsuitable for under 5's ‘Small dog by prior arrangement eid, Non smoking property For brochure and further information Contact Sue 0789 502 8141 or 0790 333 5327 Sharpoec Cee I ee eae ee eo City & guilds qualified with over ten Services offered: years experience Preparation & filing of Accounts for Self Employed and Limited Companies Tax Returns for individuals and businesses Payroll Services including Auto Enrolment for pensions 2 Rental & Partnership Accounts VAT Retums \ a CIS Returns Book-keeping Services Tel: 01485 601499 Mob: 07766 40 78 99 Fax: 01485 205499 E-mail: karen@taxreturnonlineservices.co.uk www.taxreturnonlineservices.co.uk nara www taxretumonlineservices.co.uk/fo We be 4 Ay x) ae ee WD https /twitter.com/Taxreturnonline Process ey ent Village Link | 35 eto een Sate THORNALLEY FUNERAL SERVICES 24 Hour Caring Personal Service * Pre-Paid Funeral Plans + Private Chapels of Rest + Memorials Austin Street, King’s Lynn, Norfolk PE30 |QH 01553 771399 oom www.tfsfuneralservices.co.uk Washing Machines * Dishwashers * Tumble Dryers * Electric Hobs Electric Cookers * Storage Heaters * Fridges & Freezers Published by The Grimston Benefice © 2018. Printed by Minuteman Press, King's Lynn

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