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Name: Summer Slay

Grade Level: 7th
Content Area: Life Science
Basic Productivity Tool Used: Sway
Standards Addressed: S7L4. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to examine the
interdependence of organisms with one another and their environments.

Bloom’s Level of Critical Thinking:

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Description of how to implement in the class: Students will be learning how organisms and non-
living factors interact with another in an ecosystem. This will be done through inquiry lesson that will
eventually be taken home for the student to use in teaching their parents/guardians. I will begin with
some questions and a discrepant event by watching “The Lion King” which will then be followed with
questions that will be discussed as a whole group. After that we will begin to develop terms such as
abiotic, biotic, ecosystem, and environment.
Once these terms are developed and the students have a grasp what it is that we are talking about
and learning we will move to the computer lab where each will create a sway. The students will take
elements from their environment (outside the classroom) and describe the flow of energy and cycles
between each factor. As well as define each vocabulary word through examples demonstrated in the
Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): 4) Integration is the LoTi level used in this lesson.
The student is applying real-world application by using the classroom outside of the classroom for
their explanations of knowledge and understanding. I, the teacher, will be demonstrating
management and the students will be teaching themselves at this point. (student-centered)
Description of the sample Sway activity used with your students: The Sway will be used to come
up with their own examples of energy cycles within an ecosystem as well define the vocabulary terms
for this lesson via their examples.
Other comments about using productivity tools in your classroom:

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