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Fashion Design Vocabulary

1. Croqui.-Small, rough sketch lacking in detail done by designers to show the proportions and
silhouettes of the line they are creating.

2. Ameliorate.-To improve, make better, correct a flaw or shortcoming.

3. Conserve.-To preserve; to keep from being damaged, lost, or wasted; to save.

4. Globalization.-The trend toward increased cultural and economic connectedness between

people, businesses, and organizations throughout the world.

5. Ludicrous.-Ridiculous, laughable, absurd.

6. Style.-A particular design, shape, or type of apparel item distinguished by the particular
characteristics that make it unique.

7. Fashion.-Type of clothing that is widely popular at any given time.

8. Apparel.-General term that includes men's, women's, and children's clothing.

9. Garment.-Any major article of clothing.

10. Silhouette.-The shape of a clothing style shown by its outer lines.

11. Fad.-Temporary, passing fashion or item that has great appeal to many people for a short amount
of time, then dies out quickly.

12. Classic.-Item that continues to be popular and acceptable over a long period of time even though
fashions change.

13. Fit.-How tight or lose a garment is on the person who is wearing it.

14. Draped garments.-Garment that is wrapped or hung on the human body and has characteristic
folds of soft fabric.

15. Tailored garments.-Garment that is made by first cutting garment pieces and then sewing them
together to fit the shape of the body.

16. Composite garments.-Garment made by a combination of the tailored and draped methods.

17. Haute couture "High fashion".-Original, individually designed pieces.

18. Ready-to-wear RTW.-Apparel that is mass-produced in factories according to standard sizes as
opposed to being custom made.

19. Fashion cycle.-Periodic popularity, disappearance, and later reappearance of specific styles or
general shapes... a cycle of the rise, popularization, and decline of styles.

20. Cultures.-Customs and beliefs of certain groups of people.

21. Consumer.-Someone who buys and uses goods.

22. Protective clothing.-Apparel that gives physical protection to the body.

23. Adornment.-Decoration or ornamentation.

24. Beauty.-Quality that gives pleasure to the senses and creates a positive emotional reaction in the

25. Dress code.-Written or unwritten rules of what people should or should not be worn by a group of

26. Modesty.-The covering of a person's body according to the code of decency of that person's

27. Status.-One's position or rank in comparison to others.

28. Values.-Ideas and beliefs that are most important to people.

29. Attitudes.-One's feelings about or reactions to people, objects, or ideas as formed from the
person's values.

30. Peer pressure.-Force that makes people want to be like their friends.

31. Individuality.-The quality that distinguishes one person from another; self-expression.

32. Personality.-The total characteristics that distinguishes an individual, especially his or her
behavioral and emotional tendencies of thoughts, feelings, and actions.

33. Shape.-Element of design signifying the silhouette, or overall outline, of a garment or other item.

34. Line.-Element of design that is a distinct, elongated mark as if drawn by a pencil or pen. Also, a
collection of styles and designs that will be produced and sold as a firm's new selections for a
given season.

35. Vertical lines.-Elongated marks that go up and down.

36. Horizontal lines.-Elongated lines that go from side to side like the horizon.

37. Diagonal lines.-Elongated marks that slant rather than being vertical or horizontal.

38. Structural lines.-Constructed lines in clothing (seams, darts, pleats, tucks, and garment edges)
that are formed when a garment is made.

39. Decorative lines.-Applied lines created by adding details to the surface of clothing.

40. Texture.-Element of design concerned with the surface quality of goods, or how they feel and

41. Structural texture.-Surface interest created when fabrics are manufactured.

42. Added visual texture.-Surface design printed onto fabrics.

43. Motif.-One unit of a design that is usually repeated.

44. Profit.-The incoming money that is left over in a business after all the outgoing costs have been

45. Contractor.-Manufacturer who does any or all the cutting, sewing, and finishing work for other
apparel producers under a contractual arrangement.

46. Merchandising.-Point-of-purchase advertising that includes all of the materials used in the
business to encourage sales.

47. Sample.-The model or trial garment made up exactly as it will look when sold.

48. Samplings.-Small quantities of garments placed in retail stores to get indications of consumer
reactions to them.

49. Stylist.-Person who redesigns existing garments rather than creating new fashion designs. Also,
one who advises about styles in apparel or other categories of goods.

50. Ford.-Style or design that is produced at the same time by many different manufacturers at many
different prices.

51. Costing.-Procedure done to figure the expenses of producing something.

52. Computer-aided design (CAD).-The use of computers to draw products or process designs on
the screen.

53. Marker.-Long piece of paper that has a drawing of the layout of the pattern pieces for fabric cutting
in garment manufacturing; an employee who makes such layouts.

54. Laser Cutter.-A device that cuts out garment parts with an intense, powerful beam of light that
quickly vaporizes the fabric.

55. Tailor System.-Manufacturing system in which all sewing tasks for a garment are done by one

56. Piecework System.-Manufacturing procedure in which each specific task is done by a different
person along an assembly line.

57. Unit Production System (UPS).-UPS overhead transporter system moves garment components
from workstation to workstation for assembly (fastest though-put time).

58. Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM).-Utilizes electronics for the production apparel.

59. Quotas.-Limitations on the amount of specific products that may be imported from certain
countries during a given time period.

60. Offshore Production.-Manufacturing that is done overseas.

61. Domestic Production.-Products made in the home country.

62. Joint Venture.-Partnership of two firms or advantages, such as a domestic firms for production
and sales overseas.

63. Computer Imaging.-3D special effects applied to computer graphics.

64. Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM).-Combines CAD, CAM, robotics, and a company

information systems to approach "hands-off" production.

65. Quick Response (QR).-Business strategy that ties together all parts of the U.S textile-apparel-
retail pipeline as one unified industry rather than as individual segments.

66. Business-To-Business (B2B).-The transacting of business between companies on the Internet.

67. Agile Manufacturing.-A data capture system of information, production, and delivery of custom
garments to individual consumers.

68. Design.-Specific arrangements of parts, form, color, fabric, line, and texture to create a fashion
style concept.

69. Balance.-A principle of design referring to the arrangement of visual elements to create stability
in an artwork.

70. Formal balance.-Most often a design in Symmetrical Balance.

71. Informal balance.-Design details are divided unequally from the center.

72. Proportion.-Spatial relationship of the parts in a design to each other and to the whole.

73. Emphasis.-The principle of design that uses a concentration of interest or area of focus in a
particular part or area of a design.

74. Rhythm.-Pleasing arrangement of the design elements so a feeling of continuity or easy

movement of the observer’s eyes is produced.

75. Repetition.-Method of creating rhythm in a design by repeating lines, shapes, colors, or textures.

76. Gradation.-Gradual increase or decrease of similar design elements used to create rhythm in a

77. Transition.-Fluid rhythm created when a curved line leads the eye over an angle.

78. Opposition.-Rhythm created in a design when lines meet to form right angles.

79. Radial arrangement.-Rhythm in a design created by lines emerging from a central point like rays.

80. Harmony.-Pleasing visual unity of a design created by tasteful relationship among all parts within
the whole.

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