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I, Jimoh Abdulrahman A. with Registration Number U13ME1040, hereby declare

that I did my Industrial Training programme at Ajaokuta Steel Company Limited


Jimoh Abdulrahman A. (U13ME1040) ________________ __________

Signature Date

This is to certify that the technical report submitted by Jimoh Abdulrahman A.

with registration number U13ME1040 to the department of Mechanical

Engineering has been read and approved as meeting the requirements for the

acquisition of skills and completion of SIWES by:

Engr. Dr. S. Umaru ________________ ____________

(Supervisor) Signature Date

Engr. Dr. S. Umaru ________________ _____________

(SIWES Coordinator) Signature Date

Dr. F. O. Anafi __________________ _____________

(Head of Department) Signature Date


This SIWES report is dedicated to Almighty Allah who in his infinite mercy always

been there for me throughout the training program. My beloved parents Alhaji

Jimoh O. Hadi and Hajiya Amina Jimoh, and my siblings for their love, care, prayers

and support.

I remain thankful to Almighty Allah, who out of his infinite mercy has made it

possible for me to take part in this SIWES, and carryout this work successfully.

The prayers and support of my family members cannot be over emphasized and I

wish to acknowledge all their tremendous and financial support, advice and

encouragement towards me during my training programme. I am highly indebted to

Mall Saka Ododo, a family friend for accommodating me throughout my staying at

Ajaokuta and also for squeezing out time from his busy schedule to guide and

encourage me during my training program.

My profound gratitude goes to my SIWES supervisors Dr. S. Umaru, for all his

wonderful supervision, Professional guidance, supportive advice and words of

encouragement, and who tirelessly listen to me and whose high availability has

made this technical report a very successful one.

I would like to acknowledge the management of Ajaokuta steel company limited

especially those of JPCC; Job Planning and Coordination Centre, for taking their

time to take me through the whole processes involving engineering works in the

various workshops I have visited.

Also, my profound gratitude goes to my IT colleagues Adegoke Michael, Yahaya

Buhari, Abdulsalam Hamza and the entire workshop staff of M&TS; Machine And

Tools Shop, it was a most thrilling experience working with you all.

This report contains the details of the experience acquired of me during my

industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) at Ajaokuta steel company limited

(ASCL) in kogi state. It contains information about the various work shop I have

visited in Engineering service department, designed to undertake repairs of power

equipments and parts, starting from forge, fabrication ,foundry and pattern making

down to the finishing section which is machining and tool shop.



CHAPTER ONE ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

CHAPTER TWO .................................................................................................. 8

CHAPTER THREE............................................................................................. 25



ORGANIZATION .............................................................................................. 25



3.1.1 FORGE SHOP ........................................................................................ 26

3.1.2 Machineries/equipment in the forge shop: .......................................... 27

3.1.3 Reheating furnace. ............................................................................... 28

3.1.4 Charging of the billet in the furnace .................................................. 29

3.1.5 Heating of the billet:............................................................................ 29

3.1.6 Cutting of the billet to the regular size ................................................ 29

3.1.7 FABRICATION SHOP: ......................................................................... 31

3.1.8 MACHINING AND TOOL SHOP......................................................... 32

3.1.9 About the Lathe machine................................................................... 32

3.2.0 LATHE OPERATIONS.......................................................................... 34

3.2.1 Lathe Tool Materials: ........................................................................ 35

3.2.2 Lathe accessories: .............................................................................. 35

3.2.4 Work experienced acquainted in foundry shop .................................. 36

3.2.5 Work experienced in moulding and sand preparation:....................... 37

3.2.6 Hand Moulding unit: .......................................................................... 37

3.2.7 Tool required for hand moulding includes: ........................................ 37

3.2.8 Steps involved in the moulding of the spacer bar are: ....................... 37

3.2.9 Melting and casting section: ............................................................... 39

3.3.0 About the Cupola Furnace: ..................................................................... 39

3.3.1 Charging of the material in the cupola furnace: .................................. 39

3.3.2 Pouring: ............................................................................................... 41

3.3.3 Cooling: ............................................................................................... 41

3.3.4 Trimming: ............................................................................................ 41

3.3.5 Pattern making shop ............................................................................ 43

3.3.6 Ajaokuta pattern making machine:...................................................... 43

3.3.7 Material used: ...................................................................................... 43

3.3.8 Production process: ............................................................................. 44

3.3.9 Finishing .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................... 46

4.0 Conclusion ............................................................................................... 46

4.1 Problem Encountered ............................................................................... 47

4.2 Recommendation ..................................................................................... 47

4.3 References ................................................................................................ 48

4.4 Appendix .................................................................................................. 48


The Student Industrial Work Scheme (SIWES) was initiated by the industrial

training fund (ITF) in 1973, to serve as a medium through which theoretical and

practical experience could be combined to better the Nigerian educational system.

It is a tripartite program involving the students, the Universities and Industries. It

is funded by the Federal Government of Nigeria and jointly coordinated by the

ITF and the National Universities Commission (NUC). It is a skill training

program designed to expose and prepare students of tertiary Institutions for the

industrial work situation they are likely to meet after graduation. The scheme

also affords the students the opportunity of familiarizing and exposing themselves

to the needed experience in handling equipment and machinery.


SIWES started in 1974 with 748 students from 11 institutions of higher learning.

It increased to about 5,000 students from 32 institutions by 1978. The ITF,

however, withdrew from the management of the scheme in 1979 due to logistic

problems in the organization coupled with increased financial burden associated

with the rapid expansion of SIWES. Consequently, the federal government

funded the scheme through National University Commission (NUC) and National

Board for Technical Education (NBTE) who managed SIWES for five years

(1979-1984). The supervising agencies (NUC & NBTE) operated the scheme in

conjunctions with their respective institution during this period.

The scheme was subsequently reviewed by the federal government resulting in

decree no 16 of August 1985 which required that ‘all students enrolled in the

specialized engineering, technical, business, applied science and applied art

should have supervised industrial attachment as part of their studies’. In the

same vein, the ITF was directed by federal government to take and resume

responsibility for the management of SIWES in collaboration with supervising

agencies i.e. NUC, NBTE and National Commission for College of Education

(NCCE). Following the resumption of management of SIWES by ITF in 1984,

the scheme has witnessed rapid expansion. Between 1985 and 1995, the

number of institution and students participating in SIWES rose to 141 and

57433 respectively. Between 1995 and 2003, a total of 176 institutions and

535,210 students participated in the scheme. In 2008 alone, the number of

institutions which took part in SIWES rose to 204 while the number of students

from these institutions was 210,090.

Presently, participation in the scheme is limited to science, engineering and

technology programs in universities, and polytechnics while in the colleges of

education NCE programs in Technical education, Agriculture, Business,

Creative Arts and Designs, Computer studies and home economics are eligible.



Since the management of the Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme

function is not the sole responsibility of the coordinating body ITF, hence its
operation, management and functionality depends greatly on the effectiveness of

all collaborating body in the discharge of their statutory roles and responsibilities.

Hence, adequate interaction between the various tertiary institution and all

stakeholders will go a long way in achieving the optimum goal of the program.

(ITF 2002)

The stakeholders include;

 The Federal Government

 The Industrial Training Fund (ITF)

 The Supervising Agencies (NUC, NBTE and NCCE)

 The Institutions

 The Employers

 The Students


The federal Government funds the SIWES program. The funds are provided

through the Federal Ministry of Industries. Also by Decree No 47 of 1971, which

was amended in 1990, the Federal Government makes it compulsory for

establishments to provide industrial places for student training which, on

contravention by a corporate body attracts a fine of five thousand naira in the first

instance and subsequently ten thousand naira. Where the involved persons are the

principal officers of the company, a fine of one thousand naira or a two years

imprisonment without an option of fine is imposed for subsequent breach.


The ITF has an arm in all its establishments that handles the SIWES program. Its

responsibilities performed through this arm involve formulating policies and

guidelines on SIWES for dissemination to bodies participating in the SIWES

program through;

 Regularly organization of orientation programs for students prior to their


 Receiving and processing master list and placement list forwarded from

the institution.

 Supervising students on industrial attachment.

 Disbursement of the supervisory and students allowances.

 Organizing biennial SIWES National Conference and annual SIWES

review meeting.

 Providing logistics and materials necessary for effective administration of

the scheme.

 Providing insurance cover for the students on attachment.

 Providing information on companies for attachment and assisting in the

industrial placement of students

 Continuously receiving and carrying out research into the operation of


 Vetting and processing of students logbooks and ITF form eight.

 Ensuring the visitation of ITF officers to the supervising agencies,

institutions, employers and students on attachment.


As earlier stated, the Tertiary Educational institutions regulatory bodies in

Nigeria include the NUC, NBTE and NCCE. These, in the parlance of SIWES

are collectively known as the supervising agencies because they oversee the entire

operations of SIWES and direct to the ITF for execution. Details of their

responsibilities as listed in the ITF SIWES information and guidelines of 2002


 Ensuring the establishment and accreditation of SIWES units in institutions

under their jurisdiction.

 Directing for the appointment of full-time SIWES coordinators.

 Ensuring adequate funding of the SIWES units in all the institutions.

 Vetting and approving master list and placement list of students of

participating institutions and forwarding same to the ITF.

 Developing, monitoring, and reviewing job specification in collaboration

with the institutions toward the maintenance of National Minimum

Academic Standard for all programs approved of SIWES.

 Liaising with ITF and participating in the biennial SIWES national

conference and workshops.

 Continuously monitoring and reviewing the job specification of all the


 Researching into the development of SIWES in line with advances in

technological development.
 Regularly reviewing courses qualified for SIWES in collaboration with

other bodies.

 Liaising with the ITF to ensure the implementation of all Federal

Government policies on the scheme.


The responsibilities of the institution in the entire SIWES program include:

 Establishing the SIWES coordinating unit.

 Appointing SIWES coordinators.

 Preparing and submitting of master list and placement list to ITF.

 Applying job specifications as prepared for all the accredited courses

and award appropriate credit units in accordance with the Federal

Government minimum academic standard guidelines.

 Identifying placement opportunities for students’ attachment with


 Supervising students at their places of attachment and signing their


 Organizing orientation courses in collaboration with ITF for their


 Submitting comprehensive reports on the scheme to ITF through

their supervising agencies on ITF FORM 8 at the end of every year’s

 Ensuring payment of outstanding allowances and rendering all

returns to the ITF during the SIWES years.

 Submitting all completed ITF form eight to the nearest ITF area


 Equipping the SIWES unit office.

 Funding SIWES exercises such as scouting, orientation etc.


By decree of No 47 of 1991, employers of labor are compelled to accept students

for industrial attachment. Apart from accepting the students, the employers have

the following functions to perform towards the effective execution of the SIWES


 Provision of comfort for the student while on attachment, such as welfare

services and medical care.

 Assessment of student’s performance during the period of attachment and

end through the reports in the logbook and ITF form eight.

 To collaborate with the institutions in the preparation of job specification

for the approved courses.

 Providing facilities for the students training and allowing access to the

student to use the facilities available in the establishment.

 Appointing industry based supervisor for the students training.

 To adequately allocate the student to the section that will be of utmost

beneficial values for his training.


The role of the students in SIWES function includes:

 Attend SIWES orientation program organized by the institution in

collaboration with the ITF.

 Be obedient to constituted authorities.

 Be regular and punctual at respective place of attachment.

 Complete, endorse and submit promptly all necessary documents to the

SIWES unit of their respective institution.

 To be good ambassadors of their respective institutions by being honest,

intelligent and protect employers properties.

 To complete SPE-1 form and get it endorsed by their employers who will

then forward it to ITF.

 Comply with employer’s rules and regulations

 Avoid change of place of SIWES attachment outside the allowed frame.


Below are the aims and objectives of SIWES

 To prepare students for the work situation they may likely meet after


 To expose students to work methods and techniques in handling

equipment, tools and machinery that are not available in their University.
 To provide students an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in a

real situation there by bridging between the Universities work and the

actual practice.

 To provide an avenue for student in Nigeria University to acquire

industrial skill experience in their area of study.

 To make the transition from the University to the world of work easier and

thus enhancing students for later job placement after graduation.

 To strengthen the involvement of employers of labor in the educational

process by preparing university students for employment in industry.

 To expose students to the right and proper altitude and the disciplinary

measures to work.

 To minimize the bewilderment experienced by students, particularly those

from a non-technological background, pursuing courses in science,

engineering and technology with regard to different equipment, processes

tools etc. available in industry.

 To enable science, engineering and technical students appreciate work

methods and gain experience in handling equipment and machinery which

may not be available in their institutions.

 To prepare students to contribute to the productivity of their employers

and national development immediately after graduation.

 To provide an enabling environment where students can develop and

enhance personal attribute such as critical thinking, creativity, initiative,

resourcefulness, leadership, time management, presentation skills and

interpersonal skills, amongst others.

 To enhance student contact with potential employers while on training.

 To enable Students Bridge the gap between the knowledge acquired in

institutions and the relevant production skills required in work





It has been said that any nation that overlooks steel development does so at her

industrialization peril. Such a country will be made a consumer nation and a

dumping ground for developed economies of the world. This realization by our

policy maker prompted them to develop indigenous steel industry. Hence, the birth

of Ajaokuta steel company limited. Ajaokuta steel company limited (ASCL) is the

second largest steel industry in the whole of Africa; after that of Liberia. It is indeed

the bedrock of industrialization in Nigeria and necessary machineries need to be put

in place by the government of federal republic of Nigeria to revitalize this steel

sector which if effectively managed to its fullest capacity cannot be compared to

oil sector of the Nigerian economy. It will accrue much higher revenue and provide

the teeming and competent population of undergraduate youths swimming in the

ocean of unemployment good resources of livelihood for there is a lot of varieties

of job opportunities abound in the steel industry.

Ajaokuta steel company limited is an integrated steel complex located at the Eastern

flank of the central senatorial district of Kogi state of Nigeria. It started in the 2nd

republic of Nigeria under the administration of the then civilian president, Alhaji

Shehu Usman Shagari who initiated and fully installed all the heavy equipment and

machineries through foreign expatriates in the year 1979 and the establishment of

national iron ore mining company (NIOMCO), Itakpe following the discovery of

large deposits of iron ore at Itakpe in 1972 by the soviet aero-magnetic survey team.

By the time of its commissioning in 1983, the project had achieved 95 per cent

completion. However, since its inauguration in 1983, the plant has been embroiled
in managerial inaptitude and controversies ranging from allegation of obsolete

machines and outdated blast furnace model. Despite its initial completion, the plant

had suffered years of neglect under the successive administrations.

The execution of Ajaokuta steel plant was signed between the federal republic of

Nigeria and USSR on July 13, 1979. As an integrated steel project, ASCL was

designed to produce cast steel using the blast furnace technology. The raw materials

it requires are iron ore, coking coal, limestone, scraps, bauxite, dolomite, refractory

clay and manganese. There are four rolling mills within the plant designed to

produce saleable billets, beams, channels, angle bars, and broad flanges, round bars,

hexagonal, strips, wire rods and reinforced rods. It is worthy of note that the

production of flat steel was incorporated into the second stage of the project. The

expected by-products of ASCL are dehydrated tar, ammonium sulphate, fertilizer,

benzene, toluene, naphtha etc. In addition to the main products and by-products; the

steel complex has a captive thermal power plant (TPP), which has the capacity of

generating 100MW of electric power. Ajaokuta steel company limited also boasts

of engineering complex comprising of eight (8) shops, namely, foundry and pattern

making, forge and fabrication, machine and tools, power equipment repairs,

rubberizing, lubricant reclamation, electroplating and express laboratory.

Ajaokuta is located on the west bank of the river Niger. It is surrounded to the south

by Ajaokuta village (from where its name was derived) and to the east, by hills. It

covers an area of approximately 24000 hectares out of which the steel plant itself

covers 860 hectares.

The construction work of the plant was carried out by four contractors:

 The Russian company carried out the major construction

 Fougerolle carried out civil work in lot I

 Julius Berger carried out civil work in lot II

 Dumez carried out civil work in lot III

The principal plant units in Ajaokuta steel company limited as contained in the


a. The raw materials handling and sinter plant

b. Coke ovens and by-products plant

c. Iron making plant

d. Steel making and continuous casting plant

e. Rolling mills

The four mills that make up the rolling mills are:

 Wire Rod Mill (WRM)

 Light Section Mill (LSM)

 Medium Section and Structural Mill (MSSM)

 Billet Mill (BM)


Ajaokuta steel company limited is headed by a Sole Administrator (S.A) and it has

nine (9) departments headed by deputy general managers (DGM). The

departments are further divided into several subsections headed by the assistant
general managers (AGM) and all of them are reported to the Sole Administrator

(S.A) who is the overall general manager of the company.


1. Sole Administrator/Chief Executive Officer: the Sole Administrator is the

overall head of the company. The main sections under him are company

secretary, public relation, company insurance, security and cooperate planning.

2. Management services department: they are in charge of the day to day

administrative activities of the company. The sections under this department are

establishment administration, medical services and human resources

development (HRD). This last one is in charge of industrial training scheme


3. Financial department: they are in charge of all the financial aspect of the

company. The sections are budget and finance stores.

4. Commerce department: this department is in charge of procurement of goods

for the company and the sales of goods produced by the company. The sections

are marketing and sales, purchasing and shipping etc.

5. Operational department: this is in charge of iron and steel production. The

sections are iron making, steel making, lime calcinations plant, coke ovens and

by-products plant and raw materials handling and sinter plant.

6. Engineering services department: this department is designed to undertake

repairs of power equipments and parts. The sections are engineering work shops
i.e. forge, fabrication, foundry and pattern making, plant maintenance and


7. Power department: for generating the electric power, the two ways by which

power is generated for the company use are PHCN and GENERATOR

(Thermal power plant and turbo blower station). Sections under it are TPP/TBS

and transmission substation (TSS).

8. Utilities department: this department is in charge of the supply of industrial

water the steel plant mainly for cooling. The sections are water intake

facilities, gas facilities and thermal facilities.

9. Real estate department: they carried out civil works such as construction of

houses, roads and dams and also take care of their maintenance. The sections

under it are township development infrastructure construction and civil works.




Fig. 2.1: organogram of Ajaokuta Steel Company Limited







 Receiving jobs from inside and outside the plant.

 Analyzing and delivering cost estimate.

 Measuring and designing of jobs components using professional design


 Supervision of processes in the other shops

 Delivery of manufactured jobs.

While in the shop, I learned the following;

 The act of recording jobs in two registers - one for internal jobs from within

the company, and the other for external jobs from outside of the company.

 Taking measurements of components prior to design by the use of tapes and


 Drawing of components using AutoCAD.

 Transfer of drawing to the desired shop.

Figure 3.1 Vernier caliper as used in the JPCC


Forging is the application of thermal and mechanical energy to steel billet/ingots to

cause the material to change shape while in the solid state. It means deformation of

materials/heating of raw materials resulting in uniformity of composition and

structure. Various kinds of machine parts, of different shapes and sizes, are made
by forging or stamping operations. Thus the most important parts of machines, such

as shafts, cranks, drums, flanges, etc., are manufactured either by hammer forging

or by hot stamping (die-forging). Depending on the method of production of

forgings, forging processes are classified as hammer and die forging (stamping or


In hammer forging, the shape of the metal is changed by pressing it between the

dies of a hammer or a press. In doing this, the flow of the metal (i.e. the changing

of its dimensions and shape) is controlled with the aid of various blacksmith’s tools.

In drop forging or stamping, the flow of metal is limited by the surfaces of the

recesses in the dies, in which the metal takes its predetermined shape and dimension.

All kinds of forging processes are carried out in the Ajaokuta Steel Company’s forge

shop, however, during my stay in the shop; I was only privileged to witness the hot

open-die drop forging (the hammer forging) process.

The process may either be classified as drawn out (length increases, cross-section

decreases) or upset (length decreases, cross-section increases). It can also be termed

as cogging.


Re-heating furnaces, two-tonne and one-tonne air steam drop hammers, Pneumatic

hammers, Hydraulic presses, Open-hearth furnaces, Cutting machines, a large

power controlled mechanical tong, over- head cranes, etc.

Tools used in the shop: Tongs, chisel, breaker, cutter, sledge, etc.
Production work witnessed while in the shop: The forging of I-bolts, shafts and


Materials used: Steel billets and blooms.

Type of forging process employed: Hammer forging process.


The type of furnace used in forge shop is the reheating furnace. Reheating furnace

are used for reheating of billets to a temperature of around 12500C which is suitable

for plastic deformation of the billet, hence for forging in the forge shop. The

furnance is designed to use natural gas or fuel oil, but natural gas is mostly used in

running the furnace. Heat is transferred to the billet via convection and radiation

from the burner gases and the furnace walls. This combustion of the gas generates

heat which rises the temperature in the furnace.Thermocouples are connected to the

furnace to allow reading of the temperature. Pressure inside is also monitored to

avoid explosion and also to smooth furnace run. The furnace is ignited through the

ignition window with the aid of torch attached to a long rod. The furnace is lined

with refractory bricks.The floor of the furnace is made of monolithic material while

the furnace body (walls and other parts) are made fire clay bricks and high alumina

bricks to prevent the metal frame work and support of the furnace. There are green

pipes around the furnace body and also run through the whole body of the

furnace.This green pipes convey industrial water for cooling the furnace.

The main function of re-heating furnace is to raise the temperature of the billets

typically between 900 -12500C until is plastic enough to be forged to the desire
size or shape.

After job orders and necessary drawings from the Job Planning and Coordination

Centre (JPCC) were received by the Forge Shop, the senior technicians in the shop

carried out series of analysis and calculations in order to avoid material waste.

Such analysis and calculations had to do with the amount in length and mass of

either billet or bloom materials to be charged in the reheating furnace.


The furnace is preheated for about 2-3 hours, before the charging of the billets. This

reduces the heating time of the billet and thereby limits the amount of iron-oxides

layer (scale) formed. Hence, material lost is minimized. The billet is charged in the

furnace with the aid of an over-head crane due to the heavy weight, it is charged

into the furnace through the furnace entrance, the furnace is then closed and the

billet is then heated to the forging temperature.


The heating of the billet continued until there is a change in its temper colour (due

to blackbody radiation) through brown, dull red, bright red, dark yellow, bright

yellow to white. This is called visual detection of forging temperature. Since good

forging temperature is about 60% of the melting point of a metal, for steel, the colour

limit is between bright red and bright yellow, which matched with the temperature

range of about 700-950 0C.


After the billet had been heated to the forge temperature (700-9500C), at these

temperatures, the billet is removed from the furnace and taken to the air steam two-

tonne drop hammer, with the aid of an over-head crane. The billet is cut into several

pieces (based on earlier calculations) by series of blows from the hammer and the

aid of blacksmith’s tools. The pieces are recharged into the furnace to re-attain the

forging temperature.

After attaining the forging temperature, the pieces were removed with the aid of

tongs and formed, to shafts of about 100-150 mm diameters and about 200-300 mm

long, and flanges of about 200 mm diameter and 50 mm thick. These are achieved

with the aid of various blacksmith’s tools as listed above. After the forging is

completed, it is called a blank i.e a name given to a forged product. Blank cannot

realy be used as a finished product, cleaning and finishing still have to be carried

out (machining operation) in order to get the required dimension.



Pneumatic hammer Figure 3.1.3: Reheating Furnace

Figure 3.1.4 forged I-bolts Figure 3.1.5: the cutting of hot billet


Metal fabrication is the building of metal structures by cutting, bending, and

assembling processes. Unlike forging, fabrication is a finished operation in the

metal forming process. Though the Fabrication Shop not fully in session while in

attendance, I learned about the different processes and machines used in fabrication,

and also sighted some of the recently fabricated jobs.

The fabrication process involves the following:

 A designated drawing for the job.

 Materials selection.

 Surface preparations which include; straightening, cutting, bending or folding,

drilling, grinding, etc.

 Assembling using either arc welding or oxyacetylene welding

 And coating or painting.

The shop uses different kinds of machineries and equipment such as; sheet metal

straightening machines, folding machines, arc welding machines, gas welding

equipment, radial drilling machines, gulletin machines for bending and shearing of

plates and rods, electrodes preheating and storage oven, working beds, etc.

Among the jobs recently fabricated by the shops, were palm kernel crusher,

automated sieving machine, flour milling machine, crane over hang for rolling mills,

impact crusher, etc., steel was the principal material used in the fabrication process

due to its desirable mechanical properties


This section undertakes finishing operation; i.e they produce spare parts, routine

maintainance also carried out, machinig any type of component, repair and

replacement of impaired machine part. In machining and tool shop (M&TS), there

are different heavy duty machine that can be seen e.g lathe machine (i.e. face lathe,

to lathe type), Boring machine (horizontal, vertical and universal type), drilling

machine (radial, portable, piller drilling type), Grinding machine, shapping

machine, crusher machine, slotting machine, pressing machine, Turning machine,

Plaining machine, etc but some among those machine are not in operation. The work

experienced acquainted in this section centres around the operation of lathe machine

to perform series of machining operation.


Lathe is the one of the most versatile and widely used machine tools all over the

world. It is commonly as the mother of all other machine tools. The main function

of a lathe is to remove metal from a job to give it the required shape and size. The

job is securely and rigidly held in the chuck or in between centres on the lathe

machine and then turn it against a single point cutting tool which will remove the

metal from the job in form of chips.

Obviously, the lathe machine consists of three major parts namely; the head stock,

carriage and tail stock.

1. The head stock consists of rotating spindle carrying the chuck for the work piece.

The head stock also carries the electric motor that moves the spindle with the aid of

belt drive. This section also harbours the gear arragement for varying spindle speed.

2. The carriage is situated between the head stock and the tail stock on the lathe

bed. The carriage bears the tool post for holding the cutting tools and it can be

moved along the bed left and right.

3. Tail stock is positioned on the left hand side of the machine. It carries the tail

spindle for holding slender work piece to avoid dangling while machining. The tail

stock can slide on the bed and can be used to carry out some minor drilling

operation. Some other parts of lathe machine include;

i. The bed is a heavy rugged casting made to support the working parts of the lathe.

ii. The Quick change gear box: this provides the feed rod and leads screw with

various speeds for turning and thread cutting operation.

Figure 3.1.6: Parts of the lathe machine


i. Facing: Facing is the operation of machining the ends of a piece of work to

produce flat Surface Square with the axis. The operation involves feeding the tool

perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the work.

ii. Turning: Turning in a lathe is to remove the excess material from the work piece

to produce a cylindrical surface of required shape and size.

iii. Straight turning: The work is turned straight when it is made to rotate about the

lathe axis and the tool is fed parrallel to the lathe axis. The straight turning produces

a cylindrical surface by removing excess metal from the work piece.

iv. Step turning: Step turning is the process of turning different surfaces having

different diameters. The work is held between centres and the tool is moved parrallel

to the axis of the lathe.

v. Chamfering: Chamfering is the operation of bevelling the extreme end of the

workpiece. The form tool used for taper turning may be used for this purpose.

Chamfering is an essential operation after thread cutting so that the nut may pass

freely on the threaded work piece.

vi. Taper turning: A taper turning may be define as a uniform increase or decrease

in diameter of a piece of work measure along its length.

vii. Thread cutting: Thread cutting is one of the most important operations

performed in a lathe.

The process of thread cutting is to produce a helical groove on a cylindrical surface

by feeding the tool longitudinally.

viii. Parting off: Is the process of sharing/dividing a metal into two equal half.

ix. Boring: Is the process of enlarging a hole with a single point cutting tool. It is

also used to finish an off size hole for which no drill is available.


High carbon steel (HCS), high speed steel (HSS), stellite, cemented or tungsten

carbides, diamond and ceramics.


Three and four jaw chucks, collets, steady rests, face-plate, etc.


To carry out step cutting operation, the work piece is held on the rotating spindle

with the aid either universal jaw chuck or independent jaw chuck. The cutting tool

which is mounted on the tool post placed on compound rest is fed against a rotating
spindle carrying a work piece. As the work piece moves against the cutting tool,

which is made up of high carbon steel or active with diamond coated end to

withstand abrassion and to effects smooth cutting. The appropriate is determined

using vernier calliper, the required diameter is maintained and the desired length is

achieved by moving the carriage along the lathe bed.

Subsequently, at the point of step down, the tool is fed in the more to the appropriate

diameter, this dimension further contineues by moving the carriage until the end of

the work piece.The addition of cutting fluid or coolant is of paramount important.

Failure to use coolant has an adverse effect on the metallurgical of the cutting tool.

The mechanism behind this is that in the absence of coolant, the cutting edge gets

hot as a result of friction between the two opposing ends.

The heat set up alters the structure of the cutting edge therefore causing damage to

the cutting edge which could be in form of fracture. Hence, coolant must be applied

regularly to prevent this catastrophe.

In fact, the experienced has really broadened the level of reasoning which will

seriously help in the area of design which is of paramount important to engineering



This is the third arm of the engineering works and services and it encompasses of

the following sub-section: Moulding and sand preparation, Melting and casting

section, Fetling and heat treatment section.



The sand is first screened in the hopper and then the conveyor belt takes all the sand

to various bunkers, the bunker store the sand and another conveyor belt that has

magnetic separator to remove metallic material in the screened sand takes the sand

to the primary mixer where they are primary mixed together to form a homogenous

mixture. During the mixing, additives such as bentonite, starch and water are added

in the case of backing sand while sodium silicate and core oil, caustic soda,

bentonite, starch are added in the case of core sand in various proportion for

enchasing the properties of the moulding. After the sand is properly mixed, another

conveyor belt takes it to one of the bunker where it is stored ready to be used for

molding. The prepared sand is known as Green sand i.e sand that is used in its moist



Moulding is carried out using moulding sand called green sand or moulding sand as

prepared in sand preparation unit.


Moulding board, Moulding boxes (drag and cope), Pattern, Riser, Sprue, Rammer,

Shovel, Trowel, Locating pin, Reinforcement wire, Vent rod, Graphite powder and

the Pouring basin.


Firstly, the pattern is placed in the moulding board and a drag box is located around

it. After taking care of the position of the runner, ingate, etc. The space between the

pattern and the mould box is then filled with sand. However, the sand which is

adjacent to the pattern/mould cavity is of a different quality than the sand away from

it and near to the walls of the mould box. The inner sand called facing sand is finer

and the outer sand called backing sand is coarse. Backing is not used for facing

because it cannot develop the required surface finish and details that are of the faces

of the pattern. Graphite powder is applied on the surface of the pattern before

moulding to allow easy withdrawal of the pattern after moulding and to give smooth

and attractive look. Facing sand is also applied on the inside surfaces to obtain an

acceptable mould cavity. The sand is gentle rammed to cover all grooves and fine

patterns/slots. Rest of the volume of the drag box is then filled with backing sand

and rammed. The top surface is made level with the aid of shovel and then

smoothened and patched with trowel.

The drag is inverted and the cope half of the two-piece pattern is assembled to the

drag half. Cope box is made to sit on the drag box using a locating pin. Parting

powder is sprinkled on the exposed sand surface of the drag box. Gating, sprue,

runner, riser etc. are placed at appropriate positions around the pattern. Backing

sand is again filled in the cope box and rammed to set. Vent holes are provided for

gas passage.
The drag and the cope are separated. Pattern is removed with utmost care so as not

to cause any damage to the mould cavity or any intricate profile. The cavity is

inspected for visible scar or recess created.

Drag and cope halves are joined and locked with the help of locating pins. Pouring

basin is placed at the sprue’s open end. Sufficient load is placed on the cope to

prevent its lifting under the action of buoyant force when liquid metal is poured.


The foundry shop has various types of furnace e.g Electric arc furnace,

induction furnac (one tonn and ten tonn), crusible furnace and the cupola

furnace. Only the cupola furnace is on operation, the rest are faulty.


A cupola furnace is a melting device that is used in foundries that can be used to

melt cast iron. The size of the cupola is expressed in diameter and it can ranges from

1.5 to 13 feet. The overall shape is cylindrical and the equipment is arranged

vertically, usually supported by four legs. It is widely used because the operating

methods are simple, economical and eco-friendly. The shell of the cupola, beign

usually made of steel, has refractory bricks lining it. The bottom is lined in a similar

manner but often a clay and sand mixture (‘bod’) may be used, as this lining is

temporary. At the bottom front is a tap hole where the molten metal is tapped and

above the tap hole is the slag hole to let the slag flow out.


Before loading of the charge in the cupola, calculation was carried out with respect

to the number of melting required for the casting in other not to get excesses molten

metal. The charge material includes: coke, pig iron, cast iron, scrap iron,

ferrosilicon, ferromanganese, ferrochromium, limestone in their various proportion

after weighted in the spring balance. The scrap if they have large weight and

dimension are broken down to the required size and mass using hammer. I took part

during the charging of the material in the cupola and it was an intense labor work.

The furnace is now filled with layers of coke and ignites with wood to start the coke

burning. When the coke is ignited, air is introduced to the coke bed through ports in

the sides called tuyeres.

When the coke is very hot, the charged material as mentioned above are then

charged into the furnace in layers through an opening in the top. Limestone is added

to act as a flux. Ferrosilicon, ferromanganese and ferrochromium are added to the

charged material to alter the molten iron to conform to the need of the casting at


Soon after the blast is turned on, molten metal is collected on the hearth bottom

where it is eventually tapped out into waiting ladle receiver through the ‘tap hole’.

Slag will rise to the top of the pool of iron being formed and a ‘slag hole’, located

at the side of the tap hole, is opened to let the slag flow out.

At the end of the charging campaign, charging is stopped but the air blast is

maintained until all of the metal is melted and tapped off. The air is then turned off

and the bottom doors opened allowing the residual charge material to be damped.

After the mold has been clapped, the molten metal which is ladled from its holding

container in the furnace is poured into the mold. Enough molten is poured to fill the

entire cavity and all channels in the mold. The filling time is very short in order to

prevent early solidification of any part of the metal.


The molten metal that is poured into the mold begin to cool and solidify once it

enters the cavity. The entire cavity is filled and the molten metal solidifies, the final

shape of the cavity is formed. The cast is left unopened until the time has elapsed

which depend on the mould. Preventive measure was taken to avoid the possible

defect that may occur as a result of solidification process e.g. shrinkage, cracks,

porosity and voids, inclusion, etc.


This is done at the fetling section where cleaning and finishing is carried out in

order to get the required dimension prior to the desired heat treatment. After the

predetermined solidification, sand mould is simply broken, and the casting removed

with the aid of knock out grid machine (i.e vibrating machine that shakes off the

sand and the casting out of the flask). Short

blasting is used to remove any remaining sand

that is entrapped in the cast product especially

in the internal surface. The excess material is then trimmed off from the casting via


Figure 3.1.9: Cope and drag Figure 3.2.0: Wooden pattern

Figure 3.2.1: Cupola furnace Figure 3.2.2: cupola charging door

Figure 3.2.3: charging material


This section is responsible for designing of pattern for the foundry man. In casting,

a pattern is a replica of the object to be cast, used to prepare the cavity into which

the molten metal will be poured during the casting process.


The work shop encompasses different sets of machining that helps in designing of

the pattern. Those machine are: surface planner machine, sand paper machine,

jointing machine, circular saw, band saw machine, thicknesses machine, cross

cutting machine, drilling machine, pattern milling machine, bobbing machine.

Although some of those machine are faulty. Only the few are in operation.

The tools used in the shop are: Hammer, chisels, saw, gouge, marking knife,

vernier calliper, divider, ratchet brace used to drill hole, tramel, marking table, etc

are used during pattern making and the Production work witnessed while in the

shop is Spacer bar Pattern


Mahogany type is the most commonly used material for patterns, primarily because

of it excellent workability, durability, colour, soft, light, easy to work upon and

relatively free of voids/ wood rot. It is natural reddish in colour, very wear resistance

and may last for decades. Other type of wood which may be required during pattern

making is plywood due its tendency to reduce expansion and shrinkage during

casting and providing improved dimensional stability.


First the job was designed with the aid of auto cad in JPPC office, the information

needed of the pattern maker was gotten from the tittle block, (i.e. material, quantity,

etc) and as well from the drawing. From the drawing, make your own working

drawing because the pattern depends on your own working drawing.

Secondly, choose your material, (i.e. mahogany), then do your cutting list from

your drawing. In pattern making, dimension and pattern allowance to compensate

for any dimensional and structural changes which will happen during the casting

process is very important. A pattern is always made larger than the required size

considering the various allowances.

i. Construction allowances / shrinkage allowance

ii. Draft allowance or tapper allowance

iii. Finishing or machining allowance

i. Construction allowance: Most of the metals have the tendency to shrinks in size

when it cools. Shrinkage allowance gives to the pattern to compensate for the

contraction of the liquid metal on cooling. For this, the dimensions of the pattern

are made slightly oversize. The shrinkage allowance will be depends on the metal

or alloys to be cast, dimension of the casting, moulding condition, pouring

temperature etc.

ii. Draft allowance / tapper allowance: when a pattern is drawn out of the mould

the tendency to tear away the edge of the mould in contact with the pattern is greatly

decreased, if the surfaces of the pattern are given a slight taper in a direction parallel
to which it is being withdrawn, this tapering off the side of the pattern known as

draft, is done to provide a slight clearance of the pattern as it is lifted up, i.e. for

easy withdrawal of the pattern from the mould.

iii. Finishing allowance or machining allowance: This allowance is provided on

the pattern if the casting is to be machined. This allowance is given in addition to

shrinkage allowance. The amount of this allowance varies from 1.6mm to 12.5mm

which depends upon the type of casting metal, size and the shape of the casting.

After preparing the cutting list and the appropriate allowance and dimension taken

into consideration, the next step taken was the construction of the pattern with the

aid of the required machine and the tools in the pattern shop mentioned above.

My contribution during the construction of the spacer bar during the manual sand

papering of the spacer bar after body filler mixed together with hardener was rubbed

on the pattern. I helped him to smoothen the pattern with a 100 fine-grit paper to

remove the defects, problems and fillers, smoothen the surface of the pattern.


This is the final step of the pattern making that gives it a desirable characteristics.

A thinner mixed with polisher thoroughly is applied on the spacer bar pattern to

protect it from damage, dirt, and most importantly to prevent it against insect pest

and so that it can be used for several casting. The pattern is then left in the shop to

get dried, ready to be moulded in foundry shop.




The students industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) has widen my knowledge

about the various shop I visited most especially in foundry shop where I acquired

and experienced Moulding process, the charging of the cupola furnace, cupola

charge calculation, metal charged, pouring of the molten metal in the mould and

during solidification of the cast. It has also widened my knowledge in pattern

making shop, machining shop and also in forge and fabrication shop. It has also

given me a great opportunity to visit some other sections such as blast furnace, light
section mill (LSM), wire rod mill (WRM), billet mill, sintering plant, power

equipment repair shop, lime calcinations plant etc. in Ajaokuta steel company

limited (ASCL). The experience I gained during my industrial attachment at

Ajaokuta steel company limited had really made my theoretical knowledge to

become practically oriented in my field of study.


The major problem I encountered during my industrial attachment in Ajaokuta steel

company limited is that the company is not fully in operation and some plants such

as the blast furnace had not been completed and had never been used since it was

installed in 1979.

Another problem is that the company did not provide accommodation for IT

students, problem of transportation and no allowance that is given to the students to

compensate for all these difficulties and unavailability of tools for I.T students for


Some technical questions relevant to our profession could not be explained vividly

and satisfactorily. We had to cope with these situations since half a loaf is better

than none.


Ajaokuta steel company limited is the best SIWES place for any student of tertiary

institution irrespective of their area of disciplines especially those in engineering.

Since the company is more or less metallurgy, I will recommend for all the students

studying metallurgical and materials engineering to undergo their industrial

attachment in ASCL so that they can acquaint themselves with all the Metallurgical

processes in the steel company.

I urge the federal government to be focus and provide all the necessary materials

for the company to embark on fully operation in order for the country (Nigeria) to

realize her potential in terms of engineering infrastructure and other key areas that

will be of benefit to all the citizens and the country at large. It also helps to solve a

greater percentage of unemployment problems that Nigeria is currently facing.

I would also like to recommend that I.T.F should make provision of tools for

students undergoing their I.T Programme in federal Government Owned industries.



 Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Department of Mechanical Engineering

Student Library, SIWES Reports.

 Musa Abdul Rahaman (2015), industrial training report.


Calculation under forge is based on the property of metal during deformation in

which volume remains constant, i.e. Volume of the billet before and after
deformation of billet must be equal, V1 = V2 , and a scale factor ‘K’ =1.03 to

compensate for little loss during forging.

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